Last year I
had to stop writing Interzone reports which had become huge and were taking
too much time. But I keep on publishing the news from the network in the blogs
Interzone news http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/ and Bienvenue à Interzone http://isabellebaudron.blog.lemonde.fr/ .
new things in Interzone Editions:
in 2008, Interzone Editions is six years old. The enterprise is an experiment of
the non-Aristotelian economy formulated in the framework of the research in
economy conducted by Interzone network (see Interzone Academy 2011 and the blog Pour une économie non-aristotélicienne articles
in French and English) and
until now the results have confirmed the hypothesis of the start.
The site:
- a new
look : http://www.interzoneeditions.net/
- an
English version: As Interzone Editions publishes several English titles, new pages are on line for English speaking readers :
Who we are: http://www.interzoneeditions.net/who.htm
2. Latest publications 2014:
a) Printed books:
- A Dutch version of The Taxidermist, the comic book by José ALTIMIRAS & François DARNAUDET : De Taxidermist: translation: Peter VAN DE LEUR - ISBN : 978-2-9531513-9-8 . Prix: 22 € http://www.interzoneeditions.net/letaxidermiste.htm
- Isabelle AUBERT-BAUDRON : Des Systèmes de Contrôle: Techniques de Contrôle et Stratégies de Non-Contrôle - Tome 1 - ISBN :978-2-9531513-7-4 – Prix: 10 €. A short manual containing a presentation of the main mechanisms of control systems (destructuring) and practical strategies to free oneself mentally from them.(restructuring) http://www.interzoneeditions.net/TC-SNC.htm
b) Electronic editions in Kindle format on Amazon:
- in French at http://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B00QQS6CF2 (price: 3,08
€) ,
- Stella
Matutina: in English at http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00QSKV0F0: (price:
£ 2,42).
Taxidermiste: in French at http://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B00R0HZ2NQ (price: 2,89
€) ,
Taxidermist : in
English at http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00R3EQO1A (price:
Taxidermist: in Dutch at
: http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B00R6P8DF6 (price: 2,89
In the
future: a Spanish version, and a Catalan one, but this is still a few years down
the road.
different versions are available in kindle on all Amazon sites, so you can buy
them with the currency which suits you..
prices on amazon.com (US) do not
appear on the pages of the eBooks (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00R3EQO1A ) , but
Matutina is at
$ 3,78 ( http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=Stella%20Matutina%20Marylis)
and The
Taxidermist, at
$ 3,60
in the results of research. ( http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_gnr_fkmr0?rh=i%3Adigital-text%2Ck%3AThe+Altimiras-Darnaudet&keywords=The+Altimiras-Darnaudet&ie=UTF8&qid=1418834756
benefits from the sales are shared between all participants of each book
(author, illustrator, translator, and publisher).
prices will increase starting from January 1st 2015, due to the European VAT :
Amazon changes KDP terms in response to upcoming changes in EU tax laws . Just discovering Amazon publishing, I am
not presently aware of the implications of this law, nor of the actual changes
on prices in the future.
Other publications, in printed books:
Alfred Korzybski:
DE SEMANTIQUE GENERALE 1937 - Transcription des Notes des Conférences de
Sémantique Générale Données à Olivet College,
first book by Korzybski in uncut
edition published in France. (see
the site
sémantique générale pour tous http://semantiquegenerale.free.fr/ )
– Translation Isabelle Aubert-Baudron http://www.interzoneeditions.net/korzybski.htm - Stella Matutina : original French version by Marylis and English translation by Paul O’Donovan and Isabelle Aubert-Baudron. http://www.interzoneeditions.net/stellamatutina.htm
original French version http://www.interzoneeditions.net/letaxidermiste.htm
- The
English translation by Isabelle Aubert-Baudron & Ken
Gage http://www.interzoneeditions.net/letaxidermiste.htm
Other publications, in pdf in free access:
- The
Interzone anthology The Time
of the Naguals, on
line in pdf :
in French: Le Temps des Naguals - Autour de Burroughs et
Gysin, http://www.interzoneeditions.net/naguals.htm, in
printed edition and pdf http://www.inter-zone.org/thetimeofthenaguals/TNFR.pdf
- in
English :
The Time
of the Naguals
: on
line in pdf format : http://www.interzoneeditions.net/tnenglish.htm
* Tome
1 : Around
Burroughs and Gysin:
106 pages (several texts are not published in the French tome and vice
versa) http://www.inter-zone.org/thetimeofthenaguals/TNAroundB&G.pdf
* Tome
2: Research: 163
pages http://www.inter-zone.org/thetimeofthenaguals/TN2research.pdf
* Tome
3: Cut-ups: 92
pages http://www.inter-zone.org/thetimeofthenaguals/TN3cutups.pdf
* Tome
4: Poems:
150 pages (English, Spanish, French) http://www.inter-zone.org/thetimeofthenaguals/TN4poems.pdf
* Tome
5: Short
Stories : 117
pages http://www.inter-zone.org/thetimeofthenaguals/TN5shortstories.pdf
* Tome
6: Theatre
, 64 pages http://www.inter-zone.org/thetimeofthenaguals/TN6theatre.pdf
* Tome
7: Interzone
, 127 pages http://www.inter-zone.org/thetimeofthenaguals/TN7Interzone.pdf
conclude, I wish everyone excellent Christmas celebrations !
The Western Lands- Interzone Creations - La sémantique générale pour tous - Interzone Galleries - Interzone News - THE INTERZONE COFFEE HOUSE - Interzone Editions- Interzone reports - Interzone CD1 - Pour une économie non-aristotélicienne - Bienvenue à Interzone - Interzone academy 2011