Interzone was a network of William Burroughs' readers founded (1997-2013). Its sites are still accessible at , but most of them are sites of archives. The site presently active are: - Interzone Éditions - La sémantique générale pour les nuls - La sémantique générale pour tous - Pour une économie non-aristotélicienne
jeudi 30 avril 2009
Daniel Gualda: dibujo en google maps
A ver las mapas y la video sobre esta pagina.
estamos haciendo un micro radial para la web que se llama "El estresante mundo del arte", estan disponible estas entregas
lundi 27 avril 2009
Rapport sur les droits de l'homme dans l'armée française 2005-2008
This 78 pages report is available for 10 € at the address of ADEFDROMIL: 28, rue d’Edimbourg, 75008 - Paris - Tel : 01 42 93 30 52
CHELSEA HOTEL MANHATTAN : Joe Ambrose's footage of Chelsea Hotel veteran Herbert Huncke
Joe Ambrose’s footage of Beat saint Herbert Huncke in conversation with Spencer Kansa – I Mostly Travelled on the Road – will be shown for the first time in Sydney later in April.
Says Ambrose: “I met Huncke via Spencer when he was on the road promoting an edition of The Evening Sun Turned Crimson. I filmed him that same night and met up with him subsequently at his 80th birthday party in ..Bruges.., ..Belgium.. and, then again, back in ....London..... He was one of the most exceptional men I’ve met. It’s hardly surprising that he featured as a character in books by his pals like Burroughs’ Naked Lunch and Kerouac’s On the Road. The title I’ve given to the film derives from a comment Huncke made during the conversation. It also provided the tag line for a track featuring Huncke and Chuck Prophet which I produced with Frank Rynne.”
The Sydneyscreening is part of a Huncke night being curated by Jack Sergeant to celebrate the publication of his history of Beat cinema, Naked Lens. The headline film will be Herbert and Louis by Laki Vazakas, which offers the most compelling portrait of this primal talent and is itself a work of cinematic literature. By turns heartbreaking, visionary, and shocking this compelling film is not to be missed.
The movies will be shown at the Mu-Meson Archives at Crn Parramatta Rd & Trafalgar St Annandale, West Sydney on April 23rd. The $10 admission includes supper. Jack’s book will be available to purchase. Ph 9550-1078 for details
mardi 21 avril 2009
cut up vid
Interesting animation to burroughs speech on cutup
Hi Isabelle.
I thought this might interest you. Mick Farren, the former British musician and writer has been living in Los Angeles for some time now. Lately he has been serializing recaptioned pictures of WSB. I thought this was especially interesting.
lundi 20 avril 2009
Paul O'Donovan's new illustrations

"Spring Incense & Fire Dance Ritual"
Paul has sent a number of images this month :
"Fascia Stratiforma" & "Spring Incense & Fire Dance Ritual" at
"The Homecoming", "She's Leaving Home....Bye Bye", & "Pagan Tree Spectre" (Myth of the Green Man) at
and "Forest Reflections"at
mercredi 15 avril 2009
TONIGHT! The Whirling Dervish and PEEPSHOW MENAGERIE April 15th at BORDELLO
jeudi 9 avril 2009
The Whirling Dervish and PEEPSHOW MENAGERIE April 15th at BORDELLO
We are excited to be invited once again to Bordello for a night of Burlesque!
PEEPSHOW MENAGERIE: A NIGHTIE OF FAIRY TALES - live at Bordello, Wednesday, APRIL 15th, 2009, 9pm - 21 & Up, Full Bar, $10901 E. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phone: (213) 687-3766.
Do NOT miss this...
mercredi 8 avril 2009
invitation exposition michel carrade galerie didier devillez
a le plaisir de vous convier
au vernissage de l’exposition
michel carrade
peintures, gouaches, fusains
le jeudi 7 mai 2009
de 18 à 21h
du 8 mai au 20 juin 2009
ouvert les jeudi, vendredi et samedi
de 14h00 à 18h30
et sur rendez-vous
53, rue Emmanuel Van Driessche
1050 Bruxelles (Belgique)
Tél/fax +32(0)2 215 82 05
Mobile +32(0)475 931 935
Art Mature réalisations graphiques
Reproductions : Michel Carrade, Catherine Ruelle
Merzlota Production
En permanence
Richard Ballard • Jean-Louis Bentajou
Jacques Calonne • Michel Carrade
Gisèle Freund • Brion Gysin
Thierry Goffart • Jean-Luc Herman
Gilbert Herreyns • Jack Keguenne
André Kneib • Noëlle Koning • Pierre Lahaut
André Lambotte • Brigitte Le Caisne
Jacques Lennep • Arié Mandelbaum
Stéphane Mandelbaum • Marc Mendelson
Georges Meurant • Henri Michaux
François Muir • Claudine Péters-Ropsy
Jean-Pierre Ransonnet • Reinhoud
Eugène Savitzkaya • Lionel Vinche
André Willequet • Marek Wyrzykowski
michel carraDe
mardi 7 avril 2009
minodc: LëZïX font leur Off !
samedi 11 avril 2009 > 14h00
8 rue de sainte radégonde > 37000 > tours
la tentation de leve et de ladam / nexus / 12’ 57
histoire sans paroles, l’élévation des âmes et la chute
des corps ou bien alors l’inverse !
sex epitaf / mino d.c / 10’ 29
ode aux plaisirs. jouir ensemble ... et rester seul.
.ouis ... etc / laurence chanfro / 9’00
quand les autres rentrent dans l’intimité ... sans le savoir ! "c’est
bien, tu partages la honte" : mino d.c
safe qui peut / jérôme marichy / 4’ 34
le latex déborde, mais le cap est maintenu, courage ! safe qui peut le
plus peut le moins !
le nicoeur /hervé joseph lebrun /17’00
à l’aube du printemps, au pieds de l’Atlas, un jeune voyageur assoiffé...
de sexe, vole le coeur d’un jeune exilé reclus dans son douar... ce courtmétrage
post-porn de Hervé Joseph Lebrun est une métaphore poétique
des passions furtives et tragiques des hommes sous les lumières ocres
d’Afrique du Nord.
tch’t’adore / laurence chanfro / 17’20
duplex téléphonique lors de la projection de la version courte du
.lm "le bruit des chaussons" au festival désirs désirs de tours
en janvier 2007 monté sur des images de "représentations
féminines subjectives" issues d’internet.
les jeux d’l’ennui et du hasard / mino d.c / 5’34
kafrane s’ennuie dans sa vie et sur le net, à en mourir...
dream a cream / nexus / 6’ 47
peinture de jardin. porn et résolument graphique, dream a cream est une
parodie méditative de scream movie ; des images sensuo-sexuées décalées ;
un rêve de queeritude au quotidien.
le condamné à mort de téhéran /hervé joseph lebrun / 5’00
sur les images de la pendaison d’Omid Daavati à Khoramabad (Iran)
en 2004, condamné pour adultère, et d’après le texte de Jean Genet,
"Le condamné à mort de Téhéran" est un impitoyable plaidoyer contre la
peine de mort.
niqâb, ni croix, ni kippa, ni bouddha ... / laurence chanfro & hervé
joseph lebrun / 4’10
un voyage parallèle entre la république & lourdes en passant par la .erté
et l’athéime... "chanfro fait l’expérience du voile, une féministe dans le
pandémonium de la soumission" HJL
Optical Sound: Paris au Printemps
~ OPTICAL SOUND RELEASE PARTY ~ Mercredi 08 Avril 2009 ouverture des portes : 20h
Pré-ventes LE POINT EPHEMERE 200 quai de Valmy 75010 PARIS
"Si les récentes initiatives du groupe orientaient déjà Cercueil vers l'éclectisme, les nouvelles compositions embarquent l'auditeur vers de nouveaux horizons : opéra fantomatique à haut plafond, poésie des natures mortes et rage des black divas qui brisent le cristal, lames de fond glacées qui parcourent l'échine, bande-son d'une intrigue dont le groupe suggère les images, plus qu'il ne les montre. Sans dénaturer le propos, Cercueil pratique le Goth'n'roll. Un genre à part qui n'existe pas, allant du disco à Lovecraft en passant par Boards of Canada. Mais les esprits seraient-ils si étriqués, que Cercueil ne rentrerait dans aucune boite? Tout au plus pourrait-on citer Sister Iodine, ou Poni Hoax pour marquer l'envie d'expérimentation appliquée à des chansons à refrains consistants. L'ajout d'un batteur (Olivier Durteste de Gomm) fait ici toute la différence, donnant la pulsation nécessaire à Cercueil pour prendre son envol. Rattacher deux mondes (l'électrique, le digital) en un pôle..." Bester Langs Puisque toutes les occasions sont bonnes pour célébrer la sortie du nouvel album de Cercueil, "Shoo Straight Shout" (Optical Sound / Season of Mist), dispo depuis le 6 mars 2009, ils débarquent sur la scène parisienne du Point Ephémère le 8 avril, avant d’enflammer celle des Découvertes du prochain Printemps de Bourges et tant d'autres ! A leurs côtés, pour partager l’affiche d’une soirée bien rock’n’electro, The Garçon réveillera les vrais démons des Eighties : nervosité, noirceur, accouplement maudit des machines, du rock'n'roll et du tranchant Post-punk, nous offrant une dance frénétique et glacée, (héritée des racines New Wave et Garage que le groupe manipule depuis ses origines. ). Une rencontre ambigüe entre Kas Product et les Cramps, et un son d'une modernité indiscutable. Quant au Dj Gel Intime aka Eddie Ladoire, musicien et plasticien, fondateur de Ma-Asso à Bordeaux, moitié de la formation Heller avec Sébastien Roux, il nous proposera quelques interludes sonores dont lui seul à le secret pour nous faire vibrer. Il vient de publier son nouvel album chez Optical Sound "Always the behinning" (OS.049)
à la Maison des Métallos
Avec aMute, The Aktivist + Natalia de mello, Jérôme Deuson (Bruits de Fond et Transcultures)CHRISTOPHE BAILLEAU : "Lights Out In The Ghosting Hour" (OS.032)Ecopack Deluxe 15 euros + postageInfos & Shop
Sound By Artists - Curated by Pascal Broccolichi
Galerie Frédéric Giroux du 4 Avril au 23 Mai 2009
Vernissage le 4 Avril entre 15h00 et 21h008 rue Charlot 75003 Paris tél. : 01 42 71 01 02 Avec Pierre Beloüin, Dominique Blais, Pascal Broccolichi, Pierre-Laurent Cassière, Emmanuel Lagarrigue, Arnaud Maguet, Michel Paysant, Jérôme Poret.
Thanks for reading -
Pierre Beloüin ~ Optical Sound
105 rue des Volubilis
83190 Ollioules
18 Rue de Stosswihr
67100 Strasbourg
dimanche 5 avril 2009
Whirling Dervish news
- We've already written enough songs for another EP. We're not sure how we're going to proceed with these yet since the second EP isn't even out, but you will be hearing these new songs at shows too. The new stuff is very bi-polar for lack of a better term. These are some the darkest, creepiest, most forboding songs we've written as well as some of the most happy and upbeat (in a manic, forgot to take my Lithium kinda way).
- There will be many new changes in the coming months. Justin, William and I have been discussing new ideas. Not at liberty to discuss in detail yet, but these changes will be big.
- We have a show at Bordello April 15th. It's us and a burlesque show courtesy of Peepshow Menagerie. I was not the biggest burlesque fan before we played our first burlesque show but Chris Beyond and Peepshow Menagerie really do an amazing job and have kinda made me a fan. Really fun, funny, classy, and sexy:Bordello901 E. 1st St.Los Angeles, CA 90012$10
- Doors open at 9 p.m.- We will be playing lots of shows everywhere in the coming months. We can't wait to see all of you. We miss you fools. Let us know how your doing.
samedi 4 avril 2009
Neil Young: 'Cough Up The Bucks' Video Premiere

Neil Young has made another video off his album "Fork In The Road"! This time, it's for the song "Cough Up The Bucks," and it's premiering on Myspace right now.
This is the fourth hand-made video from the "Fork In The Road" album. Neil has been quietly making these videos completely on his own, with nothing more than a simple camera and an idea, and more are coming as Neil continues to shoot each day. These revolutionary videos do more with a zero-dollar budget than a $300,000 dollar budget could ever dream of - they're pure, renegade Neil Young at their best.Click here to check it out. And head over to to pre-order the new album - in stores April 7th!
The Whirling Dervish and PEEPSHOW MENAGERIE April 15th at BORDELLO

PEEPSHOW MENAGERIE: A NIGHTIE OF FAIRY TALES - live at Bordello, Wednesday, APRIL 18th, 2009, 9pm - 21 & Up, Full Bar, $10901 E. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phone: (213) 687-3766.
On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 8:45 AM, william brandon <> wrote:
We are excited to be invited once again to Bordello for a night of Burlesque!
PEEPSHOW MENAGERIE: A NIGHTIE OF FAIRY TALES - live at Bordello, Wednesday, March 18th, 2009, 9pm - 21 & Up, Full Bar, $10901 E. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phone: (213) 687-3766.Do NOT miss this...
Master Musicians of Joujouka: U2 's Bono cites Master Musicians of Joujouka as an inspiration for their new CD
Bono speaking to Sean O Hagan in Morocco 2007 from the Observer Music Monthly 15 Feb 2009.
"What's happening down here is beyond reason," Bono had enthused,when the idea of me shadowing them had first been broached. "Spiritsare hovering. We're chasing the Joujouka drummers and differentstructures for pop."
The legendary Joujouka drummers drew both Brian Jones and William Burroughs to Fez in the late 60s, but this time around, other guiding spirits were also at work. Every night, as darkness fell, the haunting voices of devotional Sufi singers wouldrise up and drift across the rooftops, their song-prayers lasting forhours at a time. "There was definitely something in the air downthere," Bono will tell me later. "And we picked up on it.""
The Master Musicians of Joujouka are managed and produced by another Irishman Frank Rynne who has worked with them since he helped bring them to Ireland in 1992 to perform and participate in the Here to Go Show at The Project Art's Centre which was the first exhibition to feature the paintings of William S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin. During the art show the master actually played in Harry's bar which was then part of the Clarence Hotel which is owned by U2 and Harry Crosbie who also owns the newly revamped music venue the 02 Point Depot in Dublin.
U2 also had an early association with the Project Art's Centre performing at the influential Dark Space in 1979 along with Virgin Prunes and a host of other small artistic Dublin bands. Their Clarence Hotel is opposite the Project in Dublin's Temple bar district.
A Rolling Stone's Moroccan odyssey - The Irish Times - Tue, Jul 22 2008 by Frank Rynne
The Master Musicians of Joujouka Festival 2009 is taking place in Joujouka /Jajouka, Morocco, 5-7 June, 2009.Booking Now On Master Musicians of Joujouka Official Website