Seasonal Greetings by Paul O'Donovan
First I transmit you the best wishes for 2010 from Paul O'Donovan ("Seasonal Greetings"), Vasha Dadaja, Anthony Rousseau, Didier Devillez and Ramuntcho Matta. . You can find there the French version plus the chapters in English: Préface : Les Derniers Mots de Hassan Sabbah : W. Burroughs , Introduction , Monsieur Agnelet, Gervais , Modeste, Monsieur B, Louis , Evaluation, Lettre au Comité Consultatif National d'Ethique, Lettres de William Burroughs Communications et de Brion Gysin , Déclaration des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen de 1789 , Objectifs 1: "Le point sur le groupe B23" (1984-1987) : groupe petite école - Début Janvier 1984 , Objectifs #1 : Quelques éclaircissements sur la sémantique générale , Objectifs #2 : cours de sémantique générale: Janvier 85 , Objectifs #5 : Interview de Simone & Interview de Michel Foucault : Histoire de la Folie et explication du texte , Objectifs # 6 : Structuration du temps - Bilan d'activités , Roger Gentis: Symposium de psychiatrie Février 1998 , Hommage au Docteur Bernard L. ,
Vasha Dadaja | Didier Devillez |
Ramuntcho Matta: video of Brion Gysin "Kick that Habbit, Man" Download
Yony Leyser: William S. Burroughs: A Man WIthin -- WORLD PREMIERE
WIlliam S. Burroughs A Man Within
To Premiere January 22nd, opening night at
Slamdance Film Festival
Park City, UT
"Park City, Utah - January 22, 2010- William S. Burroughs: A Man Within is finally here! I would like to invite you to come. It will premiere opening night of the festival. There will also be a follow up screening at Slamdance on January 27th. Visit the Film festival site at It is premiering a day after Gus Van Sant / Rob Epsteins' HOWL down the street at Sundance
- If you can make it out, let me know and I will make sure you get in. Otherwise it should screen in your area soon
To Premiere January 22nd, opening night at
Slamdance Film Festival
Park City, UT
"Park City, Utah - January 22, 2010- William S. Burroughs: A Man Within is finally here! I would like to invite you to come. It will premiere opening night of the festival. There will also be a follow up screening at Slamdance on January 27th. Visit the Film festival site at It is premiering a day after Gus Van Sant / Rob Epsteins' HOWL down the street at Sundance
- If you can make it out, let me know and I will make sure you get in. Otherwise it should screen in your area soon
Not to be tacky, and I hate doing this, but...
We need your help!
We are so close to making this happen, (we will hopefully sell the film soon) but until then, we don't have enough money to make it through the festival. Can you help us out? Check out our Kickstarter profile. There are some great benefits for giving and great info:
Please please just check it out-- If for nothing else, check out who is in the film.
Donations are safe and through Amazon payments.
If you can't help out financially, I completely understand (we would love you to pass the link on, tweet or blog about it). We have a goal of $3,000... If we don't make that then we don't get any of the pledged money. Check it out.. get a free DVD.. or Assistant Producer credit.
If you make a pledge (or have a question)
Email me at
I am not going to send out another email about this because I don't want to bug you, so please take this opportunity.
This film has been a success thanks to the hard work of my film team and all of William Burroughs' great friends who have donated their time, photographs, footage, music, art work, connections, and general support.
We are so close. We just need a final push.
I also want to thank the Burroughs Estate and Ginsberg Trust for their support.
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the opportunity to help preserve the legacy of this culturally important figure and all the interesting and wonderful people he continues to influence.
Yours," Yony
Yony Leyser
William S. Burroughs: A Man Within
Happy Holidays!
We need your help!
We are so close to making this happen, (we will hopefully sell the film soon) but until then, we don't have enough money to make it through the festival. Can you help us out? Check out our Kickstarter profile. There are some great benefits for giving and great info:
Please please just check it out-- If for nothing else, check out who is in the film.
Donations are safe and through Amazon payments.
If you can't help out financially, I completely understand (we would love you to pass the link on, tweet or blog about it). We have a goal of $3,000... If we don't make that then we don't get any of the pledged money. Check it out.. get a free DVD.. or Assistant Producer credit.
If you make a pledge (or have a question)
Email me at
I am not going to send out another email about this because I don't want to bug you, so please take this opportunity.
This film has been a success thanks to the hard work of my film team and all of William Burroughs' great friends who have donated their time, photographs, footage, music, art work, connections, and general support.
We are so close. We just need a final push.
I also want to thank the Burroughs Estate and Ginsberg Trust for their support.
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the opportunity to help preserve the legacy of this culturally important figure and all the interesting and wonderful people he continues to influence.
Yours," Yony
Yony Leyser
William S. Burroughs: A Man Within
Happy Holidays!
Interzone Editions:
Article in "Le Courrier de l'Ouest":A local newspaper "Le Courrier de l'Ouest"d on December 30th an article on Interzone Editions. A big thanks to Patrick JACQ for this great presentation !
Le Carrefour des Impasses / The Crossroads of Dead Ends:
The book was on line previously in Interzone Library in Geocities, but as all the free sites of Geocities have been supressed in October, it was not on line anymore. I have uploaded it in at
- French version:
- Chapters in English: Introduction, Mr Lambkin (rewriting: Jill Fryer) , Mr B, Louis, Declaration of the Human Rights of Citizen - 1789
The book was on line previously in Interzone Library in Geocities, but as all the free sites of Geocities have been supressed in October, it was not on line anymore. I have uploaded it in at
- French version:
- Chapters in English: Introduction, Mr Lambkin (rewriting: Jill Fryer) , Mr B, Louis, Declaration of the Human Rights of Citizen - 1789
the lazarus corporation news & updates
alternative visual art, music & writing
the lazarus corporation
Just a few updates for January 2010:
The Book of the Erinyes
the lazarus corporation
Just a few updates for January 2010:
The Book of the Erinyes
There will also be a print-on-demand paperback version available to buy online, and a free ebook version to download.
New woodcuts and linoprints are being added to the artwork section of the Book of the Erinyes website on a regular basis.
We encourage you to leave comments on any of the artwork.
There will also be a limited edition series of letterpress-printed broadsides available to buy before the actual book is finished - keep your eye on the Book of the Erinyes site for updates.
Art Updates via Facebook
First of all, a reminder that you can keep up to date with new things at the Lazarus Corporation on Facebook - if you become a fan then you'll see our news in your news feed.
We only post news items twice a week at the most, to avoid swamping your Facebook news feed.
Alice Kemp has recently laucnhed her own site at which is a home for her doll photos, photography, ghost photography & small poetry.
Interview with Paul Watson
You can find a short interview with me on Paul Grimsley's In To Views blog, about my artwork and the Book of the Erinyes.
The Interstitial Arts Foundation
An organisation called the Interstitial Arts Foundation picked up on a blog post I wrote on the Book of the Erinyes journal about promoting interstitial art.
The lecture will take place at the Galerie Didier Devillez
53, rue Emmanuel Van Driessche • 1050 Bruxelles (Belgique) • +32(0)475 931 935
53, rue Emmanuel Van Driessche • 1050 Bruxelles (Belgique) • +32(0)475 931 935