Interzone was a network of William Burroughs' readers founded (1997-2013). Its sites are still accessible at , but most of them are sites of archives. The site presently active are: - Interzone Éditions - La sémantique générale pour les nuls - La sémantique générale pour tous - Pour une économie non-aristotélicienne
vendredi 27 juin 2008
Ricardo Mbarkho : LEBANON NOW. Press Revue
- Al Anbaa, June 17, 2008
- Al Balad. June 23, 2008
- L'Orient-Le Jour. June 26, 2008
- Al-Mustaqbal. June 27, 2008
- Daily Star (soon)
- Al Nahar (soon)
- La Revue du Liban (current release)
- (soon)
- Al Safir (soon)
And on TV channels: TL, LBCI, OTV, Future TV and KSA 2.The exhibition is running from 21 to 30 June 2008. Between 11 am and 7 pm (except Sundays)
LAA GALLERYAl Wagf Addurzi Bldg. 2nd floor. Verdun Street.
BeirutINFORMATION: Suzanne Khairallah. Mobile: +961 3 756 404. Email:
The whirling Dervish: coming next weekend...Sunset beach and San Diego
JULY 5 - Scolari's Office Presents - Chaser's3615 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego, CA 92104, 619-255-7224w/ TBA21+ - FREE (TBD) - 8PM
Visit Joujouka: Master Musicians of Joujouka Brian Jones Festival 29th July Booking Now
Press Release: Master Musicians of Joujouka
Moroccan Village of Joujouka honours Rolling Stone Founder Brian Jones in 40th Anniversary Festival.
Event: Brian Jones 40th Anniversary Festival
Date: 29 JULY 2008
Place: Joujouka, Morocco
Tickets and Booking
To celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Rolling Stones founder Brian Jones's visit to their village, Morocco's most renowned Sufi trance Masters, The Master Musicians of Joujouka, are staging a music festival in his honour on 29 July, in Joujouka, Morocco.
Joujouka is a tiny village in the southern Rif Mountains of Morocco founded by the 8th century Sufi mystic Sidi Ahmed Scheich. It is famous for its Sufi trance music, its connections with the Beat Generation and the Rolling Stones, and its annual celebration of the God Pan.
On 29th July 1968, following in the footsteps of William Burroughs, Robert Palmer and Paul Bowles; Rolling Stones founder Brian Jones and recording engineer George Chkiantz visited Joujouka with Brion Gysin and Mohamed Hamri to record an album with the Master Musicians. Jones spent much of his last year mixing and producing the Joujouka tapes and preparing the cover art. He died on 7 July 1969. The resulting LP "Brian Jones presents the Pipes of Pan at Joujouka" was the first release on Rolling Stones Records in 1971. In 2006 Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins took time out from recording Zeitgeist to visit the village and experience the music.
The Rites of Pan/ Boujeloud
In Joujouka the villagers still perform the ancient Rites of Pan. A boy sewn in goat skins dances wildly to the music of the Masters. This music and festival is called Boujeloud, or the Father of Skins in Joujouka. It is a fertility rite directly related to the ancient worship of the God Pan. Pan was evoked in the springtime to ensure the fertility of both the crops and the people. The people of Joujouka have kept this ancient tradition alive. The evening and night will be devoted to the healing trance music of Joujouka. There will be a full performance of the Boujeloud Rite in honour of Brian Jones. The Master Musicians of Joujouka 2006 CD Boujeloud features various variations on the ritual music associated with Pan.
Brain Jones Joujouka very Stoned
In his short stay in Joujouka Brian Jones made a big impression on the musicians. To this day the song "Brian Jones Joujouka very Stoned" sung in English and Arabic, is a standard at all ceremonies and celebrations in the village.
40th Anniversary Festival.
To commemorate the 40th Anniversary of Brian Jones's visit to their village the Master Musicians of Joujouka are staging a festival to honour Brian Jones memory and his efforts to raise them and their fathers out of poverty.
Guests will be transported to the village from the nearest town Ksar El Kebir. They will stay in the village in traditional Joujouka houses with musicians and their families. In the afternoon there will be a visit to the 8th century sanctuary of Joujouka's patron saint Sidi Ahmed Schiech and to the cave of Pan/Boujeloud.
This is an once-in-a-lifetime chance to experience a day and night in Joujouka as guests of the Master Musicians of Joujouka and their families in their mountain village.
Master Musician of Joujouka Ahmed Attar recalls Jones' visit in 1968 "I was a twelve years old learning drumming with my father and the Mallims (Masters) when Brian Jones came. Brian Jones was very good. My father played rhiata with and for him and I danced and played my drum. He came with Hamri and Brion Gysin. He had long hair and he rubbed my head. He brought a lot to Joujouka. Besef Baraka. We will mark the 40th Anniversary of his visit here in Joujouka to honour Brian Jones and to let people come to Joujouka and see what it is like here for themselves. It is good to feel the Baraka (Blessings) of Sidi Ahmed Scheich. Joujouka is his country. He is the Cultivator with Lions and Healer of Crazy Minds."
Food and Board
Full board will be provided: lunch on arrival on the 29th, a celebratory feast in the evening including charcoal roasted whole sheep and a wide variety of mountain dishes including many vegetarian specialities. Traditional breakfast will be provided on the morning of the 30th. All the dishes will be prepared by the villagers and will be traditional Moroccan fare for a celebratory feast.
Frank Rynne, co-organiser of the Festival, has produced three CDs of Master Musicians of Joujouka and also their 1996 collaboration with Marianne Faithfull "My Only Friend"(10%:file under Burroughs, Sub Rosa Records). He has visited and recorded for extended periods in the village since 1994. He enthuses "I first met the musicians in 1992 when I curated a William S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin art show. It is great that the musicians have decided to celebrate Brian Jones life and work. As well as giving people an opportunity to hear their music as it should be heard, in the open air on their mountain."
mercredi 25 juin 2008
Yannig Souvenirs, souvenirs
émission de petites vidéos (H264), diaporama de photographies de manifestations diverses
Clique sur “S’abonner” dans la page du Podcast (lien ci-dessous) de manière que tu puisses recevoir automatiquement et au fur et à mesure les épisodes mis en ligne,
ils arriveront dans le répertoire “Podcast” du gratuiciel “iTunes” .
lundi 23 juin 2008
Depart du boavista pour la lointaine Afrique
- vigo 70 miles
- porto 80 miles
- lisbonne 140miles
- porto santo 480miles
- madere 120 miles
- lanzarote 286 miles
- fuertoventura 900 miles
nous arriverons alors au Senegal !!!
retour vers le debut septembre...
les nouvelles du nouveau team du Boa seront données sur le site :
Bien à vous with Love !!!
Baud, Corinnajee, Christian, Patrick
dimanche 22 juin 2008
Bernard Bacos: Un petit reportage vidéo sur les Minets des Champs Elysées dans les années 60
samedi 14 juin 2008
Joujouka: Track Featuring Marianne Faithfull added to our Myspace songs
The track first appeared on the 10%:file under Burroughs (Sub Rosa Records) in 1996. This Marianne's tribute to her friend and Joujouka mentor Brion Gysin and feature his favorate music the flutes of the Mallims of Joujouka.
Other artists on the 2 CD 10%:File under Burroughs include Bill Laswell, Master Musicians of Joujouka, John Cale, Stanley Booth, Material, Chuck Prophet, William S. Burroughs, Brion Gysin, Terry Wilson, Ira Cohen, and Herbert Hunke.
The CD was an aural continuation of the Here To Go Show which took place at the Projects Art Centre and other venues in Dublin, Ireland, in 1992. The show was featured paintings by William Burroughs, Brion Gysin, and Mohamed Hamri. Live perforlmences and readings by Master Musicians of Joujouka, Hakim Bey, Terry Wilson, Felicity Mason, Joe Ambrose, Ira Cohen and more..........
It is documented in the DVD Destroy All Rational Thought (Screen edge) which is available at
Master Musicians of Joujouka Web Shop
vendredi 6 juin 2008
Shocker TV: june 27th show will be the most hardcore to date

we will be featuring out-of-town noisemakers from portland, oregon.
jeudi 5 juin 2008
Optical Sound: Sweet Electric June
Once again, we are putting together at the invitation of Lionel Bovier the "artist records" shop that will be installed during the Basel Artfair, John Armleder.More infos JUNE 2nd >JUNE 8TH 2008CURATED BY LIONEL BOVIER / SHOP BY ECART & VILLA MAGICA RECORDS John Armleder.
Vernissage le jeudi 5 juin à partir de 20hParcours vidéo et sonore extérieurs les 5/6/7 juin de 20h à 3h Exposition du 5 juin au 20 juillet 2008Exposition et parcours sonore extérieur le 21 juin de 20h à 3h à l’occasion de la fête de la musiqueLabel Optical Sound + L'entre prise Wild ShoresOlivia LouvelEddie LadoireBlack SifichiCocoonNicolas MaigretMaison d'art Bernard Anthonioz16 rue Charles VII94130 Nogent-sur Marne
Jeudi 5 juin à 17h30Rencontre avec Pierre Beloüin, artiste et membre fondateur de la Galerie Glassbox à Paris et du label Optical Sound, en résidence à la Villa Arson "A l'ère de la postmodernité, le champ de l'art est régulièrement traversé par des objets qui interrogent son espace et l'élasticité de ses limites. L'oeuvre de Pierre Beloüin pourrait être un de ces objets aux contours flous et à l'appréhension fuyante. Revendiquant la pratique de l'art comme moyen de collaborations, l'artiste devient le coeur d'un réseau ouvert multipliant les ramifications et le développement de projets en tout genre (du partenariat au commissariat en passant par l'édition de disques, l'organisation de concert...). Ce qui signe d'emblée le travail de Pierre Belouin, c'est le désir affirmé de multiplier les champs plutôt que de les soustraire et d'inscrire ainsi sa pratique au sein du label Optical Sound (dont il est le créateur) dans sa production plastique. Qu'elle soit jouée ou citée (les références se rencontrent avec une certaine érudition), la musique, son actualité et son histoire, ses codes et ses croisements, y constitue donc le socle à partir duquel tout s'élabore. Se mêle alors, sur une même vibration, l'expérience sonore et la sensation visuelle." (Guillaume Mansart)
Pierre Beloüin__________
Thanks for reading - Pierre Beloüin -
Optical Sound
SECTION SOUTH--->105 rue des Volubilis 83190 OllioulesSECTION CENTER--->41 Rue des Trois Frères 75018 ParisSECTION EAST--->18 Rue de Stosswihr 67100 StrasbourgSeason of Mist is the official French distro of Optical Sound in France / Distribution France Season of Mist
Vente format numérique OTOTOÏ
The Optical Sound CD's are always available in regular store, on-line it's better for us / les éditions Optical Sound sont disponibles chez tous les disquaires, et sur la boutique en ligne Buy on-line with Paypal, quick and secure sending.
CONTACT de Stéphan Barron au congrès ECAP et au FRUC - CONTACT in ECAP

Stéphan Barron 2008
Deux plaques de cuivre, situées dans deux lieux différents, reliées entre elles.
En posant sa main sur la plaque de cuivre du lieu,
le spectateur perçoit le contact éventuel d'une autre personne qui dans le lieu distant touche la plaque.
Une plaque est installée au congrès ECAP (European Conference on Computing and Philosophy) 2008
et l'autre dans le centre d'art le FRUC.
Production Rien de Spécial.
english and german
Vernissage le 16 juin 2008 au FRUC à 18 heures.
Exposition les 16 & 17 juin.
3 bis rue Labbé - 34 000 Montpellier
de l'oeuvre n'est visible que la plaque de cuivre entourée d'un tapis de feutre rouge épais.
Le spectacteur (spectateur-interacteur) s'accroupit ou s'allonge
pour entrer en contact avec un éventuel autre interacteur à distance.
Communiqué de presse
Merci à
programmation Stéphane Cousot
électronique Claude Frayssinet et Jérôme Gilbert
Jean Sallantin et ECAP
François Labastie, Valérie Béguin, Mayuko, Pascal Levasseur, et le FRUC...