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dimanche 19 janvier 2014

Jean Azarel: Meilleurs voeux et actualité

Bonjour à toutes et tous,
Très bonne année pour vous, et celles et ceux qui vous sont chers
Que la santé, le bonheur d'aimer et de créer vous accompagnent tout au long de 2014
Après 5 ans de travail, j'ai terminé "Waiting for Tina", 300 pages de documents, interviews, photos inédites, la trajectoire d'une femme unique sous forme de bio romancée qui doit maintenant trouver un éditeur (c'est en cours) pour perpétuer la mémoire de Tina Aumont, fille de Jean-Pierre Aumont et Maria Montez.
Une autre publication est certaine, grâce aux fidèles éditions Gros Textes, "Love is everywhere", recueil hommage à mon ami poète marin pêcheur Alain Jégou disparu en 2013. Elle me permettra de démarrer un cycle de lectures qui lui sera dédié, choix de ses textes compris, concomittamment je l'espère à la sortie de son ouvrage posthume "Direct live"
Et puis, afin de ne pas m'ennuyer, j'ai entrepris, elle a dit oui !, de raconter la vie qui est un roman de Lu Pélieu, première femme de Claude Pélieu, mais surtout femme libre encore et toujours (bises), un périple qui nous mènera du Paname de Saint Germain des Prés au Paris d'aujourd'hui, via une ferme en Côte d'or, le swinging London, la route, la Californie, un hameau hippie dans le Var, le jazz et le rocck, toutes les causes des peuples, plein d'histoires d'amour et parfois de haine, n'en jetez plus la coupe sera pleine....
Et puis, chut, d'autres surprises littéraires, sont dans les tuyaux, faisons un voeu !
Bien à vous

vendredi 20 décembre 2013

Kicks Books: Charles Plymell's Benzedrine Highway ebook, perfume & ltd editions launch (Dec 18th)

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Of course we know you own the new portable Plymell in luxe paperback, but if you happen to be caught without the Kicks edition in your hip pocket, tune in to Benzedrine Highway via Kicks Kindle editions-- gettable anywhere the wind blows. Latch onto it here: Benzedrine Highway e-book
This last full moon of 2013 brings in the motherlode of Benzedrine Highway items of interest from the hardest working small press in the business, Kicks Books. With today's launch of the e-book version of our portable paperback Plymell, comes a super limited box edition, two Plymell perfumes (Apocalypse Rose for the ladies and Loser for the germs), and other framable, untamable items for the love of Plymell.
BENZEDRINE HIGHWAY includes the first ever republication of Plymell’s long out of print first book of poetry, APOCALYPSE ROSE, his first prose book, LAST OF THE MOCASSINS, and a new autobiographical introduction which speeds you into the wild world of Charles Plymell where his words warp one’s horizontal, and stand one’s vertical on its pointed little head.
Benzedrine Highway is published by Kicks Books, Box 646 Cooper Station, NYC 10276
For further information, kindly contact Paige Turner at Kicks Books headquarters.
Poet/author/artist/small press publisher (legend!) Charles Plymell roared out of Kansas with tires blazing while the Beat scene was still in training wheels. Weaned on jump blues, true grit and Dr. Gimmy Gommy’s Goodies, Plymell redefined the fast track with blunt force, map zap and brute strength forged of desperation and attitude.
Born on the high plains in Finney County, Kansas in 1935 in a converted chicken coop during one of the blackest dust storms of the day, he would spend his sprouting years kicking up even more sand. His father was a cowboy born in the Indian Territory; his mother was of Plains Indian descent. Life on the loose held more appeal than classrooms for young Charles, who dropped out after ninth grade. He worked at various laboring jobs throughout the western states, then racing the highway between Los Angeles and Kansas City during his hipster years, stoked on hillbilly howls and race music-- R&B, blues, and jazz.
Charles Plymell lived in San Francisco in the early 1960’s, sharing a house with Allen Ginsberg and Neal Cassady. His writings from this period were published in his first book APOCALYPSE ROSE, which appears complete in BENZEDRINE HIGHWAY, along with his killer roadmaster autobio THE LAST OF THE MOCASSINS.
Plymell raised a lifelong ruckus with a wild bunch that included friends Ginsberg, Cassady, William S. Burroughs, and Jack Kerouac-- and a cast of thousands.
Charles Plymell eventually settled in upstate New York. He has published, printed, and designed umpteen underground magazines and books with his wife Pamela Beach. He put Ray Bremser and Herbert Huncke, whom he identified with from the hipster 1950s, into print, and was influential in the underground comix scene, establishing artists such as Robert Crumb and S. Clay Wilson, whom he first published in Lawrence, Kansas. Plymell was the first printer of Robert Crumb's Zap Comix.
Charles Plymell opposes the National Endowment for the Arts and has criticized it in print, claiming it has become a politicized, unjust system feeding on its own mediocrity and self-contradiction. His views were mentioned in the New York Times in "Notes on People" and again in "Washington Talk". He was subsequently blacklisted and has never received any funding from any federal, state, or academic agency to pursue his creativity. • (917) 671-7884 •
Also by Charles Plymell:
Apocalypse Rose, Dave Haselwood Books, San Francisco, CA, 1966. Neon Poems, Atom Mind Publications, Syracuse, NY, 1970; The Last of the Moccasins, City Lights Books, San Francisco, CA, 1971; Mother Road Publications, 1996; Moccasins Ein Beat-Kaleidoskop, Europa Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 1980; Over the Stage of Kansas, Telephone Books, NYC, 1973; The Trashing of America, Kulchur Foundation, NYC, 1975; Blue Orchid Numero Uno, Telephone Books, 1977; Panik in Dodge City, Expanded Media Editions, Bonn, W. Germany, 1981; Forever Wider, 1954-1984, Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, NJ, 1985; Was Poe Afraid?, Bogg Publications, Arlington, VA, 1990; Journals From Lysidia, synaethesia press, 1999; Hand on the Doorknob, Water Row Books, Sudbury, MA, 2000; Some Mother’s Sons, Cherry Valley Editions, Cherry Valley, NY, 2005; Choix de Poemes, Wigwam, Rennes, France, 2007; Mindeater, Verlag Peter Engstler, Germany, 2009; Eat Not Thy Mind, Glass Eye Books/Peace Eye Library, Northampton, MA 2010; Animal Light, Peter Engstler Verlag, Germany, 2011; Tent Shaker Vortex Voice , Bottle of Smoke Press, Dover, Delaware, 2012; Benzedrine Highway, Kicks Books, 2013.

Boris Darnaudet: " La Colère des dieux aztèques"

Parution chez CUINOLI Fantasy de La Colère des dieux aztèques, par Boris Darnaudet, version papier, donc ! Quant à la nouvelle version numérique plus longue, elle est toujours en Kindle/Amazon. Si ces parutions bénéficient d'une nouvelle couverture, normalement, une troisième nouvelle couverture dessinée par Elric Dufau est attendue pendant les fêtes ! Roman de 140 pages de fantasy historique aztèque, 12 euros en papier et 3,40 en numérique ! Selon la rumeur CUINOLI polar et Cuinoli Fantasy devraient accueillir des inédits de Darnaudet le Vieux, également ! Parmi les inédits du Vieux, pourraient enfin sortir : Codes bancaires, Le Minotaure de Venise, Le Möbius Paris Venise etc. Cela dépendra d'Ayala Warschawski, la directrice des Cuinoli ! Cuinoli publie également Gildas Girodeau

mardi 19 novembre 2013

Charley Plymell and Gerard Malanga, photos by Paul Hennessy: release of "Benzedrine Highway".

More photos by Paul Hennessy at
Photos taken by Paul Hennessy of Orlando, Florida, on Nov 8, 2013 at the Jefferson Market Library in NYC. The event was a poetry reading by Charley in connection with the release of his book, "Benzedrine Highway". Gerard Malanga introduced Charley and read several of his poems as well.
The photo of the event announcement was taken in the lobby of the Library. 

Charley Plymell
Charley and Miriam Linna, Charley's book publisher at Kicks Books
Gerard Malanga
The photo of the book shelf was taken the same day at The Strand bookstore in NYC

lundi 18 novembre 2013

Jean Azarel: Que la note soit ZALée ! Zone d'Autonomie Littéraire 2013 - SQUEEZE - interview Jean Azarel


En espérant avoir le plaisir de vous voir samedi 23 salle Pétrarque à Montpellier, passage à 2O H :

Ou un de ces jours prochains pour la sortie de "Waiting for Tina"

Bien à vous toutes et tous 


Retrouvez lors de la ZAL 2013 à 20h, Jean Azarel + KERITY : Textes aspirés + Musique inspirée

--Zone d'Autonomie Littéraire--

ZAL du 23 NOV 2013 salle Pétrarque à MONTPELLIER - Entrée libre.
Organisée par
Evènement Facebook ici :

9 heures de scène continue autour du texte, de 14H à 23H, d'ouvrages venus d'ailleurs, de rencontres improbables, de performances hétéroclites, de lectures audacieuses et de cocktails à la louche : la Zone d'Autonomie Littéraire convoque les écrivains en place et les auteurs en devenir, les grands et les petits lecteurs, les passionnés de tout poil et encore plus de curieux, pour taper sur les clous de la création littéraire et repousser le bord des horizons.

-- Jean Azarel --

samedi 16 novembre 2013

Interzone Editions: Publishing

  An experiment of a non-Aristotelian economy  
In French:
Des systèmes de contrôle: to be published. 
Le Carrefour des Impasses : to be published, old version on line. 
Translations of extracts  from  Science and Sanity by Alfred Korzybski. Translated with the permission of Alfred Korzybski Literary Estate.
Interzone anthology:
In English: 
Interzone anthology: The Time of the Naguals : on line in pdf format.
- Tome 1 : Around Burroughs and Gysin: 106 pages (several texts are not published in the French tome and reciprocally).
- Tome 2: Research: 163 pages
- Tome 3: Cut-ups: 92 pages
- Tome 4: Poems: 150 pages (anglais, espagnol, français)  
- Tome 5: Short stories : 117 pages
- Tome 6 : Theatre , 64 pages
- Tome 7 : Interzone , 127 pages
Printed versions
Social sciences:
Literature and research:
Le Temps des Naguals - Autour de Burroughs et Gysin , une anthologie du réseau Interzone, textes inédits de William Burroughs et Brion Gysin, traductions Isabelle Aubert-Baudron. ISBN : 978-2-9531513-6-7
Children’s story:
Stella Matutina, textes and  illustrations by Marylis : Christmas tale
in French ISBN 978-2-9531513-3-6
Stella Matutina, English translation: Isabelle AUBERT-BAUDRON & Paul O'DONOVAN - ISBN 978-2-9531513-4-3
Comic books:
Le Taxidermiste - ISBN 978-2-9531513-1-2
The Taxidermist : English translation : Isabelle AUBERT-BAUDRON and Ken GAGE - ISBN 978-2-9531513-2-9
To be published: DE TAXIDERMIST – Dutch translation: Peter VAN DE LEUR.
Interzone: Interzone CD1