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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est general semantics. Afficher tous les articles

lundi 30 novembre 2020

English material


A page of links on documents of general semantics in English, an English grammar, translating tools, and publications by Interzone Editions is on line at

Illustration: Little Nemo in Slumberland – collage © Jean-Louis Baudron

mardi 29 août 2017


THE DIFFERENT STEPS OF EVOLUTION OF THE WEST Aristotle Descartes Korzybski is on line at

Alfred Korzybski, photo Institute of General Semantics

Korzybski called general semantics a “non-Aristotelian” logic. This requires clarifications on the meaning of this term and its origin.

Some important elements played a large part in the way Korzybski elaborated general semantics related to his experience of World war 1 : he found out that the mechanisms of thinking which had led to this war were based upon the premices of Aristotelian logic, elaborated 450 BC., which induced relations of opposition and conflict. This logic  rested upon the antique vision of mankind and of the world: the earth was conceived as flat, and at the center of the universe. Such a conception was of course obsolete and not valid anymore in the beginning of the twentieth century, as well as Aristotle’s logic. So Korzybski realized the gap between our evolution at the scientific level (XXth century), and in human domains (-450 BC and XVIIth century). He infered that, starting from the physics and mathematics of his time, he might elaborate a new logic fitting to the level of evolution of sciences, which would mentally free mankind from this logic of conflict. He built up general semantics, a a non-Aristotelian logic, upon the researches in modern physics : in the chapter XXXVII of Science and Sanity, “On the notion of “Simultaneity”  , he starts from Einstein’s work to integrate in his logic the role of the observer on the result of the observation, which was neglected in the previous logics (Aristotle and Descartes) and the physics they rested upon. This chapter seems to me very important because the reader can state the mathematical demonstrations and understand the scientific basis of general semantics.

Now, to understand what non-Euclidian geometry (XXth century) rests upon, you have to have a minimum of knowledge about Euclidian geometry (antiquity). Hence, before starting the GS teaching, what a non-Aristotelian discipline is about, a minimum of knowledge on Aristotle’s logic seems to me necessary, especially to to become aware of the ways it conditions our mechanisms of thinking and our behaviours, as well as its use in the domain of communication, so to become able to escape from its tricks. 
One point to avoid misunderstandings: “non-Aristotelian” does not mean “anti-Aristotelian”:  
The meaning of the terms “non-Euclidian”, “non-Newtonian” and “non-Aristotelian” does not mean that those domains would be “opposed” to the previous systems, but that the applications of the first ones, which appeared in the context of the sciences of the previous times, could not apprehend nor solve the new problems inherent in the level of scientific evolution at the Xxth century: for instance, Newton’s physic was helpless to solve problems created by modern technology: impossible to build or repair a computer or a radio with Newton, whose work was previous to the discovery of electricity.
Non-Newtonian physics are not opposed to the one of Newton, they are used to solve problems which did not exist when he was alive.
Those different systems are different element of the same set: without the Euclidian  and Aristotalian system,  the Newtonian and non-Newtonian ones could not have arisen. See 1. Que signifie « non-aristotélicien » ?  (What does « non-Aristotelian » mean ?)
We can compare those steps of evolution of the West to the different ages of a human being: as adults, we do not think nor act anymore as we did when we were born, nor during our childhood. Though our life is different when we are a baby, then a child and then an adult, those different ages are parts of a human life and cannot be opposed.
Isabelle Aubert-Baudron, Jan 17th 2014
More about Korzybski and general semantics:
- Alfred Korzybski: "Science and Sanity" in pdf
- Catherine MINTEER: Words and What They Do To You (pdf on line in the site of the INSTITUTE OF GENERAL SEMANTICS)

jeudi 23 janvier 2014

Courses of general semantics: MOOC General semantics: an approach to effective language behavior.

A MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)  organized by Steve Stockdale, Mary Lahman and Greg Thompson on general semantics:  General semantics: an approach to effective language behavior, is presently going on. 

In case you would be interested in being part of it, it still is possible to subscribe. The courses are free, and the access to the site is public:  

Having subscribed since the start, I can say the courses are very well done and that the quality and the size of the documentation are impressive.

Link to subscribe:  


Isabelle Aubert-Baudron

La sémantique générale pour tous

Interzone Editions

Pour une économie non-aristotélicienne

mardi 10 décembre 2013

Steve Stockdale: "General Semantics: An Approach to Effective Language Behavior" at the MOOC

I’m pleased to announce I will be team-teaching my first Massive Open Online Course (or MOOC). This type of free online course provides an alternative means to deliver and experience educational offerings to anyone in the world with access to the Internet.

The course is titled General Semantics: An Approach to Effective Language Behavior, based on a Communication Studies course that Mary Lahman, Ph.D., has taught at Manchester University in Indiana for fifteen years. Greg Thompson, Ph.D. and visiting anthropology professor at BYU, rounds out our teaching team. So participants will benefit from three different perspectives about General Semantics.

Registration is now open for the six-week class that begins 13 January 2014. There is no fee for registration or materials – it’s completely free, offered through the Canvas Network  . Here’s the description:
This course provides an introduction to general semantics—the study of how we transform our life experiences into language and thought. Students will learn how their language habits and behaviors, as well as how they think about and share experiences, are what make them uniquely human. In other words, students will discover the critical, but sometimes subtle distinctions between what happens in their lives and how they talk about what happens.

The course will include readings from a wide array of disciplines, such as communication studies, neuroscience, and cultural anthropology. It will also include visual and auditory demonstrations through music and social media, and collaborative interactions with fellow learners. These types of learning experiences allow students to not only learn about more effective language behaviors, but also practice those new behaviors in order to communicate more effectively and appropriately in interpersonal and organizational contexts.
To enroll, simply click the blue ENROLL button on this page.

The course content is organized into weekly modules. Participants can work at their own pace and sequence, with activities and exercises arranged to facilitate learning.

This is a great opportunity to try something new, both in terms of the subject matter and educational format. After five days of open registration it looks like we have participants signed up from four continents. Feel free to enroll and participate as much, or as little, as you wish. We’ll all learn something together, although those "somethings" may be quite different.

Attached is an information sheet about the course. Please consider sharing with your social media networks or with anyone who might be interested in learning something like General Semantics in an international virtual classroom.
Best regards,

samedi 16 novembre 2013

Interzone Editions: Publishing

  An experiment of a non-Aristotelian economy  
In French:
Des systèmes de contrôle: to be published. 
Le Carrefour des Impasses : to be published, old version on line. 
Translations of extracts  from  Science and Sanity by Alfred Korzybski. Translated with the permission of Alfred Korzybski Literary Estate.
Interzone anthology:
In English: 
Interzone anthology: The Time of the Naguals : on line in pdf format.
- Tome 1 : Around Burroughs and Gysin: 106 pages (several texts are not published in the French tome and reciprocally).
- Tome 2: Research: 163 pages
- Tome 3: Cut-ups: 92 pages
- Tome 4: Poems: 150 pages (anglais, espagnol, français)  
- Tome 5: Short stories : 117 pages
- Tome 6 : Theatre , 64 pages
- Tome 7 : Interzone , 127 pages
Printed versions
Social sciences:
Literature and research:
Le Temps des Naguals - Autour de Burroughs et Gysin , une anthologie du réseau Interzone, textes inédits de William Burroughs et Brion Gysin, traductions Isabelle Aubert-Baudron. ISBN : 978-2-9531513-6-7
Children’s story:
Stella Matutina, textes and  illustrations by Marylis : Christmas tale
in French ISBN 978-2-9531513-3-6
Stella Matutina, English translation: Isabelle AUBERT-BAUDRON & Paul O'DONOVAN - ISBN 978-2-9531513-4-3
Comic books:
Le Taxidermiste - ISBN 978-2-9531513-1-2
The Taxidermist : English translation : Isabelle AUBERT-BAUDRON and Ken GAGE - ISBN 978-2-9531513-2-9
To be published: DE TAXIDERMIST – Dutch translation: Peter VAN DE LEUR.
Interzone: Interzone CD1

vendredi 8 novembre 2013

Isabelle Aubert-Baudron: Aristotelian and non-Aristotelian economies

On line in the blog Pour une économie non-aristotélicienne    :

A comparison between market economy, based upon the antique postulates (450 BC), and a restructuration based upon Alfred Korzybski's general semantics (XX° century).

For more information about the evolution of this research, undertaken in 1999 in the framework of the network Interzone :

- A non-Aristotelian economy

- Restructuration: Une économie non-aristotélicienne