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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est music. Afficher tous les articles

samedi 28 février 2015

A.D. Winans: we would have thought

 The Beat Museum has partnered with San Francisco's famed Top Of The Mark to begin a new poetry and jazz series running from 3/3 through 4/28. The March 17 theme is ""Poetry Through The Generations." I'll be reading with Neeli Cherkovski, William Taylor Jr and Cassandra Dallett. There will be two sets, the first beginning at 6:30 PM. Further details will be forthcoming

lundi 22 décembre 2014

Cédric Cavenaïle: Eleventh Moon: King Crimson, The Court of the Crimson King

Voici le dernier morceau enregistré avec mon groupe Eleventh Moon. Régalez-vous !!!
Recorded at SigmaProd - Saint-Juery (81) JC Manchot : Keyboard Audrey Le Bail : Vocal Phil Berteau : Bass Pascal Pelletan : Drums & Percussion Cédric Cavenaïle : Guitar Silvain Goillot : Sound Engin

lundi 15 décembre 2014

Cédric Cavenaïle: Eleventh Moon : « Never Let Go – Camel »


On line on SoundCloud at
Recorded at SigmaProd - Saint-Juery (81) JC Manchot : Keyboard Audrey Le Bail : Vocal Phil Berteau : Bass Pascal Pelletan : Drums & Percussion Cédric Cavenaïle : Guitar Silvain Goillot : Sound Engin

jeudi 13 novembre 2014

Rock Progressif Seventies - Eleventh Moon


Eleventh Moon est un groupe cover de rock progressif seventies. L'objectif de notre formation est de vous faire réécouter, en live, des groupes comme Pink Floyd, Genesis, King Crimson, Supertramp, Yes, ou encore d'autres moins connus comme Gentle Giant, Camel, Caravan, etc.

lundi 29 septembre 2014

Lizières: Concert Jazz – Le 05 octobre 2014

Les Amis de Lizières ont le plaisir de vous convier au château d’Épaux-Bézu pour un concert-goûter de jazz avec le groupe Wood.

Le dimanche 05 octobre à 16h30
WOOD (Matthieu Donarier & Sébastien Boisseau) invite Tom Arthurs


© Annabelle Tiaffay

Groupe de scène avant tout, ce duo de l’instinct et de l’instant démonte et remonte sans cesse ses compositions, improvise des hymnes à l’amour, des rythmiques improbables qui progressent sur le fil de l’inconnu, des chants d’oiseaux jamais entendus jusqu’alors. WOOD rend hommage à Duke Ellington et revisite Joachim Kühn avec la même force de propos. Les racines sont ancrées dans la terre du jazz, pour autant les branches sont multiples, pleines de fruits.
Leur musique coule de source : bien malin qui peut dire où commence l’improvisé, où finit l’écriture… c’est une des forces de ce duo, qui confirme définitivement la complicité de ces orfèvres que sont Sébastien Boisseau et Matthieu Donarier.

Pour ce concert à Lizières, ils invitent le trompettiste anglais Tom Arthurs à rejoindre leur intimité. Originaire d’Edimbourg, vivant à Berlin, Tom Arthurs possède un son unique, d’une douceur sans égale, libéré des contraintes techniques. Cette rencontre sera l’occasion d’un travail sur des nouvelles compositions ouvrant les portes sur de nouveaux univers improvisés comme WOOD l’a fait récemment avec Sylvie Courvoisier, Mark Feldman, Pierre Favre ou Jozef Dumoulin.


© DR

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mardi 27 mai 2014

Nadia - New Arabic/Lebanese song:

Press Communiqué
May 2014

New Arabic/Lebanese song

Nadia - "Khamsou Daka2ek Fi Bayrout"
English title: "5 minutes in Beirut"... and we went crazy!

On YouTube:


- Voice: Nadia (The second single by Nadia)

- Lyrics and music: Ricardo Mbarkho

- Recording and Mastering: Studio L-Maestro -- Maroun Abou Diwan, Lebanon (2013-2014)

- Coral: Catherine Abi Haydar, Rita Abi Haydar, Jouly Abou Diwan, Thérèse Abou Diwan, Rima Daoud, Karen Majdalani, Elise Nakouzi and Rima Saab 

This song was written by Ricardo Mbarkho in 2012 while he was playing with children at home. The music and lyrics were almost done in the same time, inspired by the popular perception of the city, when people go out in Beirut and had to handle the good and bad things they might encounter. The song talk about a couple who went out for a date in Beirut and went crazy. The song express love and foulness, cool madness that makes people escape from daily burdens to find in Beirut a way to forget troubles and keep on for love... even for 5 minutes. 

This song was first released on YouTube in a homemade version, in 2012, sung by Nadia with a low budget microphone and normal computer requirements. Then Maestro Maroun Abou Diwan, once he listened to the song, invited both Ricardo Mbarkho and Nadia to work on a studio version where the music is arranged and distributed in his studio. Since, starting from January 2013, the song continued its way to a new studio version that you are listening to in this YouTube page. It was finally released in 2014. 

Contact: Ricardo Mbarkho 03717703

Lyrics: Nadia__Khamsou_Daka2ek_fi_Bayrout__2014

mardi 7 janvier 2014

Limited Edition Neil Young Carnegie Hall Lithograph

In celebration of Neil playing Carnegie Hall for four nights, the online store will be selling this Limited Edition Lithograph for one week only! This lithograph will only be available exclusively through Neil's store.
This sale will END at MIDNIGHT EST on January 10, 2014.

vendredi 20 décembre 2013


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We're celebrating Keith's big 7-0 here at Norton Records by blasting our ever growing Norton Rolling Stones 45 RPM Series, now featuring over 50 early Stones compositions as performed by today's top hitmakers worldwide.
On 45 RPM vinyl singles, of course.
On the Norton label.
Of course!

watt plays live three times the week he turns fiftysix!

 "Sunset in Bologna" © Mike Watt

Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 1:59 PM
Subject: watt plays live three times the week he turns fiftysix!
 good people,
 tonight is one of those kinds
 of times I get to do hellride
 w/porno for pyros' perk + peter,
 melding real-o mind w/trane using
 much respect and total freakouts
 wednesday, december 18 at 10 pm
 at the mint, 6010 w. pico bl.
 l.a., ca (323) 954-9400
 _ _ _ _ _
 this friday is my 56th bday
 + both my secondmen + my
 missingmen will play w/me
 together at the same time!
 december 20 at 10 pm
 at di piazza's, 5205 e. pch
 long beach, ca (562) 498-2461
 _ _ _ _ _
 saturday is the big fling for dean
 dean the prancing machine (I did
 not put dean's name twice by mis-
 take, by the way) at dave's new
 pad so me + my secondmen
 will be breaking it in buck wild
 december 21 at 7:45 pm
 cafe nela, 1906 cypress av.
 cypress park, ca (323) 332-2027
 free gig!
 | | | | |
 "comfort & joy" is a special limited-edition
 christmas compilation album, from which
 all proceeds will go toward providing
 resources for homeless youth. I gave
 these fine folks a version of "the
 first noel" I did on solo bass.
 | | | | |
 brand new from brother oli! he's got
 my voice and bass here:
 plus he let me mix it.
 - - - - -
 and now there's more!
 he's got my bass here:
 | | | | |
 me and raymond's new band called
 sock-tight just released our debut
 recording, double seven inch vinyl
 in a gatefold sleeve
 | | | | |
 finally, I'm glad to let you know me + my
 fratelli cooked up second il sogno del marinaio
 album last week in bologna, e fatta!

samedi 16 novembre 2013

Interzone Editions: Publishing

  An experiment of a non-Aristotelian economy  
In French:
Des systèmes de contrôle: to be published. 
Le Carrefour des Impasses : to be published, old version on line. 
Translations of extracts  from  Science and Sanity by Alfred Korzybski. Translated with the permission of Alfred Korzybski Literary Estate.
Interzone anthology:
In English: 
Interzone anthology: The Time of the Naguals : on line in pdf format.
- Tome 1 : Around Burroughs and Gysin: 106 pages (several texts are not published in the French tome and reciprocally).
- Tome 2: Research: 163 pages
- Tome 3: Cut-ups: 92 pages
- Tome 4: Poems: 150 pages (anglais, espagnol, français)  
- Tome 5: Short stories : 117 pages
- Tome 6 : Theatre , 64 pages
- Tome 7 : Interzone , 127 pages
Printed versions
Social sciences:
Literature and research:
Le Temps des Naguals - Autour de Burroughs et Gysin , une anthologie du réseau Interzone, textes inédits de William Burroughs et Brion Gysin, traductions Isabelle Aubert-Baudron. ISBN : 978-2-9531513-6-7
Children’s story:
Stella Matutina, textes and  illustrations by Marylis : Christmas tale
in French ISBN 978-2-9531513-3-6
Stella Matutina, English translation: Isabelle AUBERT-BAUDRON & Paul O'DONOVAN - ISBN 978-2-9531513-4-3
Comic books:
Le Taxidermiste - ISBN 978-2-9531513-1-2
The Taxidermist : English translation : Isabelle AUBERT-BAUDRON and Ken GAGE - ISBN 978-2-9531513-2-9
To be published: DE TAXIDERMIST – Dutch translation: Peter VAN DE LEUR.
Interzone: Interzone CD1

Tonite! Norton Records Hurricane Sandy First Annual Weekend Ball Nov 15-16

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Two big Brooklyn venues set the scene to rattle the rafters one long, wet year after the wrath of Hurricane Sandy-- with seven big acts and three boss jocks on two wild nights! Plus two big download sets blast off today to set your cranium into Norton mode, thanks to our super friends at The Orchard!

Friday Nov 15 BASH NIGHT #1

Friday Nov 15 BASH NIGHT #1 Scenic Presents at the Warsaw!
Flamin' Groovies, Sonics, Daddy Long Legs, plus DJ's Todd-O-Phonic Todd and Josh Styles! Click for Friday Tickets Warsaw!

Saturday Nov 16 BASH NIGHT #2

Saturday Nov 16 BASH NIGHT #2 Brooklyn Bowl!
Reigning Sound with special guest La La Brooks of the Crystals, A-Bones with Mick Collins, Bloodshot Bill, plus New York Night Train Soul Clap with DJ Jonathan Toubin! Click for Saturday Tickets Brooklyn Bowl!
Release date October 15
Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 10.14.46 PM
Dig all the great Sonics sounds!
Dig all the Flamin Groovies sounds!
Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 10.16.40 PM
Daddy Long Legs!
Reigning Sound!
Screen Shot 2013-10-01 at 12.38.23 AM
The A-Bones stax-o-wax!
Screen Shot 2013-10-01 at 12.41.25 AM
Bloodshot Bill waxes em down!

dimanche 10 novembre 2013


 Dear Friends,

I have been thinking about Lou Reed for the last week and wondering how his death has effected you, and how it’s effecting his wife Laurie and all the other people who love him. I was blessed by Lou’s friendship in the mid to late seventies, he taught me a lot about how to live on the wild side. I didn’t really see much of him after 1980, but I kept listening to the music. In 1983 Omnibus Press in London published Uptight: The Velvet Underground Story by myself and Gerard Malanga, who played a crucial role in bringing Andy Warhol to the Velvet Underground. After Andy died I went to St Anne’s in Brooklyn to see Lou and John’s first performance of Songs for Drella in 1988. I was back stage with Billy Name when he introduced Lou to La Monte Young! Things heated up in 1992 when I started work on Transformer: The Lou Reed Story. When the book came out in 1995, journalists from several countries told me when they asked Lou for an interview he asked them if they’d read my book. If they hadn’t, he told them to read it and then come back for an interview. I always dug Lou. When I published a suite of poems from his book All The Pretty People in The Coldspring Journal in 1976, he won a prize given to him at the Gotham Book Mart by Senator Eugene McCarthy, poet and hero of the anti-war movement in 1968. I could go on, but not here. I have been awakened from the dream of life by Lou Reed’s death. Tomorrow I am going to start rewriting and updating my biography of Lou. This time I think I’ll be able to ride that satellite of love up to the stars.

The last thing Lou says in Transformer is, “If you line the songs and play them, you should be ale to relate and not feel alone. I think it’s important that people don’t feel alone.”

Victor Bockris