mardi 6 juillet 2010


I have been flirting with S Clay Wilson for forty years, lived with him for ten, visited him in the hospital every day for a year, and brought him home to take care of six months ago. It is a daunting task. But one I have been and will continue to be devoted to every day. He is changed in many ways, but I find it easy to love this New Wilson as much as the Old One. This version is more tender and sensitive, although on occasion he can be just as stubborn and difficult as he always was.

Wilson was not in a bar the night his life changed. He was trying to get home from a friend's house. We have never known if he fell or if he was beaten up. He certainly looked like he'd been attacked, covered with bruises, cuts, a fractured orbital bone with bleeding in three hemispheres of his brain. Some good samaritans discovered him unconscious, face down between two parked cars in the rain. We have never found out who these people were who saved his life by calling an ambulance, waiting for it to arrive so they could find him. I scoured that little street days later, asking people if they knew who did that, in order to thank them. Several people had heard about "the guy who got beat up" on their street, but knew nothing more. We will never be certain of the cause his wounds. He suffered a severe, traumatic brain injury that night, and at first it didn't show.

Wilson was in a coma for three weeks until he was taken off the ventilator. They had removed it once before in the first week, but he failed this breathing test and had to be intubated again. He suffered from a bout of pneumonia after that, so it was frightening when the neurosurgeon told us he may not make it when they removed the machine again. Thankfully, he gradually opened his eyes and continued breathing on his own.

We had no idea how severely impaired he was for many months after that day. Always an uncooperative personality, many times he told people to 'get lost" when they came to visit. Some took it personally, some blamed it on me, and some let it roll off their backs to return another day for a more successful visit. He had bouts of outrage when he was in the rehab facility, trying to escape with all of his belongings crammed into the legs of a pair of sweats, like a duffel bag. He spent days ranting about vivid characters and scenarios not based in reality. It took me awhile to realize that many of these wild delusions were really "verbal drawings"...not hallucinations at all. He couldn't draw them, so he spoke them.

It took several months before he could even write his name. I brought him a small sketch pad which he kept close by but left blank. One day I looked in it to discover his famous signature! It brought me to tears, offering hope for the first time about his ability to draw again some day. Soon after that we discovered a face he'd drawn on an easel in the dining room. A friend thought it looked like me. Two days later, I discovered four Checkered Demon faces on the same easel. I saved these little gems to show him later, thinking we would have a great laugh at their simplicity.

In the ensuing month he surprised us all by completing a fantastic color piece he titled "Lots of Pirates" . After three months he was moved to another facility and stopped drawing. It took awhile to realize this was because he didn't have the right furniture. I arrived one day with a lamp and a high stool to place in front of a raised table, much like his arrangement at home. He was off and running, drawing for hours at a time in the following months. But his feverish output died down after ten drawings.

Since returning home, he spends many days drawing, followed by days or sometimes weeks off. He has completed several remarkable pieces here at home, but said recently that he is weary of his characters. This worries me, of course, but I do not nag him. I try to keep him engaged in any way possible, exercising, walking, and visiting with his friends. We go to museums and galleries together, and once in awhile to a matinee. He loved Avatar and Alice in Wonderland, as well at Crazy Heart.

He remembers many old pals as well as his sister, but the mystery of his impairment has caused him to obsess about old slights and misunderstandings.( I have tried to get him to ease up on this attitude,but so far, regarding some people, to no avail.) He can recall much of his intellectual knowledge about art and movies. He never watches tv, having been a terrible snob about that all his life. But we haunt the libraries, renting up to 20 movies at a time. I do not allow him to lie in bed all day watching them. We begin viewing at around 4pm most days, and by 9 pm we may have completed three films before going to sleep.

Wilson is not a blank slate. In many ways, he makes more sensitive observations than he ever verbalized before his accident. He cannot problem solve, however, and can do very little for himself without help. His short term memory is shot, and he no longer talks very much since he now has aphasia. Sometimes it is hard for him to express himself, but since we are together most of the time I can usually help "put words in his mouth" so he can get it out. (He's always quick to tell me if I'm getting it wrong, however.)

I have put together a Special Needs Trust for him, since he is no longer capable of earning a living. He receives Social Security and Disability benefits which barely cover expenses. This Trust gives him a little security for his future needs, although it is not growing very quickly. This gifted artist who has worked as hard as he partied is now in need of everyone's generous help. He is still capable of worrying about the future even though he does not fully understand what has happened to alter it.

This is a tragic turn of events for a proud man. I hope people will visit the web page I made for him and donate what they can. The Trust is set up so that the money can only be spent on him. It cannot be used for rent, food or utilities, so we pool our meager resources to cover those.

He loves to get letters and postcards although he cannot write back. I try to send thank you notes and postcards to everyone who writes to him or donates to the Trust.

To some people this terrible injury may seem self-inflicted or his own fault and thus, less deserving of our help. But this iconic artist and extraordinary man needs all of the loving care, sympathy, and generosity his fellow man can spare.

The Trust address is

Other mail can be sent to Wilson at PO Box 14854 San Francisco, Ca 94114

Lorraine Chamberlain

More in Punk Globe:
- AN UPDATE ON ARTIST  S. CLAY WILSON By: Lorraine Chamberlain
- A benefit for S. Clay Wilson :
- S. CLAY WILSON You Can't Keep a Dirty Cartoonist Down! by Rebecca G. Wilson

lundi 5 juillet 2010

Alain Jegou et Jean Azarel au Marché de la poésie Rochefort sur Loire 4 juillet 2010

Présentation de "Papy Beat Generation" , Editions Hors Sujet, au marché de la Poésie de Rochefort sur Loire, dimanche 4 juillet 2010.

Alain Gegou et Jean Azarel

Jean Azarel et Pierre Rannou, éditeur de "Papy Beat Generation" chez Hors Sujet

samedi 3 juillet 2010

Phil Scalia : Photographs

BP CEO helps out in the gulf

Washington crossing the Gulf of Mexico

RealityStudio: Bulletin from Nothing, Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting

Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker

Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting

A.D. Winans : FOURTH OF JULY POEM and more

On line at

On line at

Jack Micheline and A.D. Winans in SF. Sometime in the nineties. Photo by Linda Lerner

Mike Watt Interview and Bass Lesson.

Grant Hart at Cakeshop VIDEO by Laki Vazakas; Photo gallery by Phil Scalia

Grant Hart at Cakeshop VIDEO by Laki Vazakas :

Photo gallery by Phil Scalia: Grant Hart


Charles Plymell at St. Mark's on the Bowerie

photo: © Phil Scalia — May 3, 2006


Aus München kommt der eigenständige Folk-Blues von Andrea Schroeder. Ihre erdige, beschwörende Stimme gleitet über hypnotisierenden Rhythmen. Ihre Musik, voller Kraft und Poesie, entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit Hubsi Widmann, dem Ex Mastermind von Schandmaul. Einige ihrer Songs sind internationale Kooperationen, u.a. mit Richard Horowitz
(Golden-Globe für die Filmmusik “Der Himmel über der Wüste” von Bernardo Bertulucci) und dem legendären New Yorker Beatpoeten Charles Plymell. Die beschwörende und einfühlsame Musik von Andrea
Schroeder mit ihrer charismatischen Stimme fand innerhalb kürzester Zeit eine große Zuhörerschaft und internationale Anerkennung.
Sie erinnert an die Klänge von Velvet Underground oder Patti Smith.

Andrea Schroeder - Gesang
Hubsi Widmann - Bass, Drehleier, Gitarre
Georg Weis - Gitarre, Mandoline, Klavier
Karsten Helmbold - Percussion

Charles Bukowski

vendredi 2 juillet 2010

Mike Watt: dates of the Stooges' concerts, tour July 2010


I'm on tour now w/the stooges, thousands of miles away from my pedro town...

july 2 festival beauregard - herouville saint-clair, france

july 5 place du palais, monaco

july 7 l'olympia - paris, france

july 9 rock zottegem festival - zottegem, belgium

july 10 les deferlantes festival - argeles sur mer, france

july 12 les nuits d'istres festival - istres, france

july 14 les nuits de fourviere festival - lyon, france

july 16 fiera della musica festival - azzano decimo, italy

july 18 colours of ostrava festival - ostrava, czech republic

july 20 paleo festival - nyon, switzerland

july 21 big festival - biarritz, france

it is great honor to work bass for stooges, I try my hardest.
back home for a little bit in three weeks.
on bass, watt

the june 27, 2010 edition of the watt from
pedro show w/on-air guests peter distefano
+ twan plus #005 of the pinhead from asia
segment up now at:

mercredi 30 juin 2010

Poezijos ir muzikos vakaras: Vaidas Šadeika : W. Blake, Rilke, Rimbaud

Some videos from poetry evening in our home town last autumn (also, don't remember, maybe i already sent those links). There I made music for texts of some my favorite poets - W. Blake, R.M. Rilke, A. Rimbaud.


- Poezijos ir muzikos vakaras: Vaidas Šadeika : "The Smile" by William Blake:

Poezijos ir muzikos vakaras: Vaidas Šadeika : Rilke

- Poezijos ir muzikos vakaras: Vaidas Šadeika : Rimbaud 

Vasha & Egle: videos on the roads of Europe

Those videos are made by Egle, dureing their trip from Lithuania to Portugal in 2009:

- keliones pradzia 

- keliones II dalis

- keliones III dalis

Benoit Delaune: articles autour de William Burroughs

Benoit Delaune a rédigé une thèse de littératures comparées sur Burroughs, qui portait principalement sur le cut-up et la "trilogie nova". Il a participé en juillet dernier au colloque parisien pour les 50 ans du Festin nu, en tant que "parleur" et aussi en tant que musicien, avec le groupe dont il fait partie, Nouvelles Impressions d'Afrique.

Quelques uns des articles qu'il a écrits autour de Burroughs sont consultables en ligne :

- "Texte itératif et stéréotypes chez William Burroughs : de l’intertextualité à l’autostéréotypie": dans les Cahiers de Narratologie

- Collage, montage, cut-up, musique concrète : figures de l’intégration du chaos dans l’œuvre chez William Burroughs et Pierre Schaeffer : : TRANS - Revue de littérature générale et comparée, N° 9: Pop-culture.


Benoit Delaune has written a thesis of comparative literatures on Burroughs, particularly down the cut-up and "nova trilogy". In July 2009 he took part in the colloquium in Paris for the 50 yeats of Naked Lunch, as a lecturer as well as a musician, with the group he is a member of, " Nouvelles Impressions d'Afrique".

Some of the articles he wrote around Burroughs are available on line :

- "Texte itératif et stéréotypes chez William Burroughs : de l’intertextualité à l’autostéréotypie":  in the Cahiers de Narratologie.

- Collage, montage, cut-up, musique concrète : figures de l’intégration du chaos dans l’œuvre chez William Burroughs et Pierre Schaeffer :  : TRANS - Revue de littérature générale et comparée, N° 9: Pop-culture.

dimanche 27 juin 2010

Ricardo Mbarkho: Soon the National Tabbouleh Day

Since 2001, a yearly national day, celebrated the first Saturday of the month of July (this year the 3rd of July, 2010), is dedicated to TABBOULEH.
During this day, Lebanese and their friends everywhere in the world meet in private or in public around this king of the mezzé. This artistic, cultural, gastronomic and touristy feast presents them an opportunity to show and to reinforce their attachment to their country. In 2007, the Lebanese Ministry of Tourism granted its approval and its patronage officially for the NATIONAL TABBOULEH DAY.
Many events will take place all over the world! wherever there are Lebanese and friends. In downtown Beirut, for example, a big public gathering is organized at Souk el Tayeb in Saifi Village, where savoring and competitions of the best TABBOULEH will take place (
Let's celebrate all together the next NATIONAL TABBOULEH DAY that will take place on Saturday July 3, 2010. How? Here are some suggested ways:
In July 3, 2010
- Think about Tabbouleh
- Or do Tabbouleh alone or with friends
- Or do a public Tabbouleh event on your way
While doing so, know that you’re sharing these moments with all the others.
I all cases please take photos and share them on facebook for example. You can also send them to so we can publish them on the Website and/or facebook…
Happy Tabbouleh Day!!!!!!/group.php?gid=121197891505
forward the good news!

Interzone report of April-May-June

This report is too big to be inserted  here with the photos: you can read it on line at :
part 1 :  and
part 2 :
In French:  and

Hi all,

Those two latest months have been very active: see the posts in the blog
Interzone news since the latest report

As a result, this report, a special "beat generation", is so big I have to
make it in two pages.

New connections :
In April, thanks to Paul Hawkins    , I have got in touch with Charles
Plymell and friends of him (see Georges Laughead's incredible page on them,
"Beats in Kansas: the Beat generation in the Heartland":  at for more info) . They have been bringing a ton of
energy , and forwarded info about their arts and creations, as well as the
doc they have been sending on the Beat and arts and literature more
generally: see in the blog Interzone News . In the French present context,
their input is a puff of oxygen.

So welcome to the Interzone,  Charles and Pam Plymell, Mike Watt, Gerard
Malanga, A.D. Winans, Ginger Eades, Richard Krech, Phil Scalia and all !
Your friendship and interest for Interzone is the best recognition we could
get !

 Bye Dennis Hopper and Peter Orlovsky
Dennis Hopper and Peter Orlovsky both died on May 30th .

Dennis Hopper
On Dennis Hopper, see the article in Libération at , and the
very interesting videos of the program broadcasted by the channel Arte, on
line on Dailymotion :
part 1
part 2:
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6

See also the artwork by Dennis Hopper given to Charles Plymell for NOW NOW
magazine, 1963

Peter Orlovsky:


Interzone Editions:
- The Time of the Naguals : first tomes on line in pdf:
I have converted in pdf and put on line the following books :
- "Le Temps des Naguals : Autour de Burroughs et Gysin": 134 pages : see the contents at

              In the English anthology of Interzone, two tomes seem to be
ready now:  Ordering and classing the huge amount of the texts in different
tomes is a hell of a work !

- "Around Burroughs and Gysin" Tome 1, 86 pages,  contains the
original texts in English which were translated in the "Le Temps des
Naguals: Autour de Burroughs et Gysin", plus texts about them: see the
contents on line at :

- "Research": 162 pages,
This tome gathers the researches conducted in different domains related to
those  explored by Burroughs and Gysin, by Interzone members spread all over
the world, which they have continued them, with the tools of thinking we had
in 1997, when Interzone started, and when we started this anthology. See the
contents at :

This anthology is an experiment of non-Aristotelian functions of writing
described by Alfred Korzybski and applied and developed by Burroughs and

1. Symbolic function of language * (Korzybski): a word is a symbol, a sign
which stands for something. Language is a map of reality.

2 Function of time-binding *: writing binds the author and his readers
through space-time:
"Whenever you use this bow I will be there," the Zen archery master tells
his students. And he means there-quite literally. He lives in his students
and thus achieves a measure of immortality. And the immortality of a writer
is to be taken literally. whenever anyone reads his words the writer is
there. He lives in his readers."  William S. Burroughs, "The Place of Dead
" Just before he signs off for good , many a man has picked up the distant
voice of his doctor saying: " He is dead". Remember, these words are
meaningless. When you read this I am alive. I am here on this page. I am
here. I am HERE!" .

3. Magic function : "Writing is about making it happen" (Brion Gysin) : a
writer writes a scenario of reality which his readers can make happen, and
this way, create a reality which fits them: "In fact, writers are
potentially very powerful. The write the scenario of the film of reality.
Jack Kerouac opened a million coffee bars and sold a million Levis to both
sexes." (Burroughs, "The Adding Machine: Selected Essays" ).

4. Through the link between the author and the reader, writing creates a
collaboration between them, which produces, according to mathematic
non-additivity *, a phenomenon called by Burroughs and Gysin "the
Third-Mind" : with regard to human collaboration, 1 + 1 = 3 :
" Gysin: when you associate two minds...
Burroughs: There is always a third mind...
Gysin: A third higher mind...
Burroughs: Like an invisible collaborator. "
("The Third Mind".)

This application of general semantics to writing is not an attempt to create
a new literary trend. It is an experiment to use writing according to our
present level of evolution in sciences. In the domains of sciences and
techniques, we got to a high level of evolution, but in human domains, we
are still stuck to the previous steps of evolution of our civilisation :
Aristotle and Descartes, and think and act with obsolete patterns.

- Le Taxidermiste / The Taxidermist on line:
Both comics by José ALTIMIRAS & François DARNAUDET were on line and
disappeared in October 2009 with all the free sites of  Geocities. They now
are on line again, in French and English, in at :
Le Taxidermiste :
The Taxidermist:

Both books are available in printed version , published by Interzone
- Le Taxidermiste : ISBN : 978-2-9531513-1-2, Format: 21x 29,7 cm, 46 pages,
22 ?
- The Taxidermist:  ISBN : 978-2-9531513-2-9, Format: 21x 29,7 cm, 46 pages,
22 ?

Comix:  New adventures of Z Craignos in Paris 70 !
New episodes of  Z Craignos' adventures are on line, extracted from  Jean
Rouzaud's albums: 'La Zone' and 'La Fin des Branchés', a good image of the
trend in the late seventies. Good read
! Bernard Bacos

Charles Plymell : Eat Not Thy Mind
Charles Plymell has published "Eat not thy mind", a book of poetry and
texts, foreword by Mike Watt, at Glass Eye Books/Ecstatic Peace Library .
You can buy it here : 374 trade copies
and 26 lettered and signed by Charles Plymell.
The making of the book is an artwork by itself, beautiful !

Paul Hawkins     interview: "Charles Plymell : The Benzedrine Highway"
In Ginger Eades's blog Even for the Hipsters, Hustlers Highjivers

On line with photographs at

In French , translated by Jean-Marie Flémal at

Sharon Anderson: Charles Plymell talks about his new volume of poetry, 'Eat
Not Thy Mind'
This interview by Sharon Anderson, Northside San Francisco is on line at

Interview of Gérard Malanga in the site
"An associate of Andy Warhol, Gerard Malanga reflects  on his subjects and
his carrer as a photographer." By Jeff Campagna,
Photos à

Richard Krech
IBM cut-up:
A blog with a review of Richard Krech's work:

Two poems at
illustrated by Briana Miller.

Phil Baker : William S. Burroughs
 Phil Baker

192 pages, 30 halftones  5 x 7 7/8
Series: Reaktion Books - Critical Lives

Mike Stevens: The Road to Interzone: interview by Paul Hawkins
The Road to Interzone: Reading William S. Burroughs Reading
Second (Revised and Expanded) Edition by Michael Stevens available now
direct from the publisher:
Suicide Press , P. O. Box 663 , Archer City, Texas 76351

Michael Stevens - The Road to Interzone Interview by Paul Hawkins

A.D. Winans
A. D. Winans is a native San Francisco poet, writer and photographer. His
site is at

Robert Hass: On Whitman's 'Song Of Myself'
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Listen to the
Fresh Air from WHYY

"Papy Beat Generation" by Jean Azarel, Alain Jégou & Lucien Suel

Price: 12 ? Order at : Hors Sujet, 35 rue Jules Simon, 56100 - Lorient

Jack Kerouac: Sur la Route
In France, the publication by Gallimard of Josée KAMOUN's new translation of
"On the road", from the rolls on which Kerouac wrote the book, is a literary
event and a success : see the doc in Interzone news :
Nouvel Obs: Jack Kerouac "Sur la Route" :
and France culture: "Sur la Route" de Jack Kerouac :

Claude Pelieu "Je suis un cut-up vivant"
Subscription bulletin at

Jim Morisson: "Wilderness" & "La nuit américaine"
Those two books by Jim Morisson are published by Christian Bourgois :Α=M

Mike Watt:
Mike Watt is a musician, bassist. He started with the Minutemen and is
presently playing with the Stooges:
Sites:  The Watt from Pedro show : , MySpace :,
May 16, 2010 From 1 to 4 P.M. Live Remote Broadcast Of The Watt From Pedro

Paul Kennedy: Sunrise Studio
Sunrise Recording Studio offers a state of the art SSL recording and mixing
facility. Based in the vibrant center of Islington, in the heart of central
London, Sunrise is set in a relaxed and professional environment & is
staffed and equipped to the highest standard for recording artists and
record producers alike. With acoustics by award winning Andy Munro we are
proud to present this state of the art facility for your consideration.
(More at )

For bookings & information please contact. Sunrise Studio Bookings Manager
Paul Kennedy, E-mail , Tel:+44 (0) 207-685-8595, web:

Laki Vazakas: Music Video for Grant Hart's song "Nobody Rides For Free"
Shot in the exotic locales of Cherry Valley, Sharon Springs, Norwich,
Manhattan, Litchfield NH, Cambridge MA, and points in between and off the
Charles Plymell, Bebop Plymell Lab Dog. Claude Pelieu, Charles Henri Ford;
Ray Bremser,
Laki Vazakas

BARDO POND playing with Lou Reed down in Australia
Bardo Pond interview:
Gig Bardo Pond
Dan Cohoon
Amplitude Equals One Over Frequency Squared

Moral Crayfish

Dead Fingers Talk: The Tape Experiments of William S. Burroughs
Dead Fingers Talk (May 28 - July 12) is an exhibition presenting two
unreleased tape experiments by William Burroughs from the mid 60s alongside
responses by 23 artists, musicians, writers, composers and curators.

Few writers have exerted as great an influence over such a diverse range of
art forms as William Burroughs. One typically overlooked manifestation of
his radical ideas about manipulation, technology and society is found in his
extensive experiments with tape recorders in the 1960s and '70s. Dead
Fingers Talk: The Tape Experiments of William S. Burroughs is the first
exhibition to demonstrate the diversity of resonance in the arts of
Burroughs' theories of sound.
More at

The exhibition includes work by Alma/Joe Ambrose, Steve Aylett, Alex Baker &
Kit Poulson, Lawrence English, The Human Separation, Riccardo Iacono,
Anthony Joseph, Cathy Lane, Eduardo Navas, Negativland, o.blaat, Aki Onda,
Jörg Piringer, Plastique Fantastique, Simon Reuben White, Giorgio Sadotti,
Scanner, Terre Thaemlitz, Thomson & Craighead, Laureana Toledo and
Ultra-red, with performances by Ascsoms and Solina Hi-Fi.

MINO DC: avec pas mal de vent...
With a lot of wind, the installasson 4b et "scream" l'installavent. Photos
More in MINO DC's blog, l'atelier-jardin de mino d.c. at

Interzone galleries:
Paul O'Donnovan:
"The Soft Parade", "A Perfume of Oblivion" & "Tightrope City Blues" :

Galerie Ecritures:
- FIN de PARTIE : Close to the last two weeks of his exhibition,  Bruno
DANJOUX proposes with KADANSE a dancing Happening at the gallery ECRITURES
which will be an occation to present the elements of choregraphy which will
be presented at Athanor on saturday July 3rd within the framework of the
Rencontres Chorégraphiques Nationales.
Galerie ECRITURES 1 rue Pierre Petit 03 100 MONTLUCON.

- Exposition Rémy Pastor

Ginger K. Eades :
Photos of William Burroughs :
Ginger Eades: PLYMELL & FRIENDS SLIDE SHOW : The Charles Plymell Reel Slide

Isabelle Aubert-Baudron & Baud :
Photos of William Burroughs :

Laurence Canciani:
Photos at
Laurence is opening a tee-room rue St Médard :
 It is situated in the shop  where she had settled her painting workshop and
shop: see at

Galerie Didier Devillez :
stéphane mandelbaum - galerie didier devillez
interview Georges Meurant (exposition Galerie Didier Devillez)

Interview of Georges Meurant, for the RTBF (Pascal Goffaux) on may 29th 2010
More at

Philip Scalia photographs
Philip Scalia photographs

Gerard Malanga: photo gallery
Photo gallery at

Yony's Picasa Web Album - New Album 9/15/07
View Album
Play slideshow
Claude Pelieu/Mary Beach exhibit at John McWinnie Gallery, NYC.
Some attendees include: Grant Hart, Pam Beach-Plymell, June Barwick, Mary
Joan Waid; Jonathan Galassi; George Kimball, Indra, Gerard Malanga, Phil
Scalia, Laki,Ted Morgan, Thurston Moore, Byron Coley, Charles Plymell.

FESTIVAL ECSTATIQUE Nothampton Nov. 16th and 17th
Nov 18, 2007 All photos by Yony Leyser Nov. 2007

Mike Stevens' gallery: Charles Plymell books
On line at :

Ricardo Mbarkho: Artists talk: video art by Björn Melhus at Beirut Art
Artists talk: video art by Björn Melhus
Beirut Art Lounge , Karantina River bridge, 09th April 2010, 19:30 clock
Homepage of Björn Melhus

 New moving images, 11-14 MAY 2010, OPENING CEREMONY: MAY 10, 2010. AT 7 PM

Anthony Rousseau: Combined Media:
Anthony has presented from May 29th to June 12th the interactive work
"Combined media" at the Espace Pignon and Euratechnolgies in Lille.  It has
been realized in his residence at the espace Pignon, with the collaboration
of the people of the area. .
Combined media is part of the project TRAME by Anthony Rousseau :
Laki Vazakas: Herbert Huncke at Cafe Nico, March 12, 1994

La sémantique générale pour tous:
The site has been updated.
See, in the Institute of General Semantics : Henri Laborit: Alfred Korzybski
d'Etudes Experimentales et Cliniques de Physio-Biologie, de Pharmacologie et
d'Eutonologie de la Marine Nationale, Paris, France (Institute of General

Interzone news
New look for the blog.

This report is on line at & and the French
version, at &

Between two reports, the news are updated in the blog Interzone news:

All the best for your holidays for those who have some.

Izzy: email: i.aubert[at]

* Alfred Korzybski: "Science and Sanity"

Petra Haden Sings 'The Who Sell Out'/sound. at the Ford

On line at

Two slide shows from Collage Art by Claude Pelieu & Mary Beach by Ginger Eades

Slide Show from Collage Art by Claude Pelieu & Mary Beach


Video on Herbert Hunke 1983 by Lazi Vazakas

On line at

Interview of Brion Coley

Interview by Jason Gross ,

Part 1 :

Part 2:

jeudi 24 juin 2010

A. D. Winans' website

A. D. Winans is a native San Francisco poet, writer and photographer.


You played the game out like a Mafia Don

Late for an appointment with the Godfather

Living life with the tenacity of a gunslinger

Looking for another notch on his gun

Your cinematic midnight cowboy dreams

Cut-up poster boy hero images
Walking the mind’s third eye

Traveling a time zone of drug induced mythologies

Grinding away the days the months the years

Like a frenzied lap-dancer

Seeking thrills in forbidden pleasure zones

lundi 21 juin 2010

“Te bouffe pas la tête” de Charles Plymell- Compte rendu de Paul Hawkins, traduction Jean-Marie Flémal

Eat not thy mind

Traduction: Jean-Marie Flémal.

Te bouffe pas la tête est une œuvre d’art. Avec un collage de Claude Pélieu sur la première de couverture et un avant-propos de l’ami et bassiste Mike Watt. Ce recueil propose vingt-neuf poèmes contemporains du poète hors la loi qu’est Charles Plymell. C’est avec beaucoup d’amour et de soin que Byron Coley et Thurston Moore, les responsables de la collection Glasse Eye Books / Ecstatic Peace Library, ont produit ce bel objet. Et il ne s’agit que de l’emballage ! Charley Plymell est considéré à juste titre comme l’un des meilleurs poètes de l’underground littéraire américain. Il a vu beaucoup de choses depuis sa naissance en 1935 dans les hautes plaines du Kansas et depuis ses premiers souvenirs du bruit du vent dans la cabine d’un camion Reo Speedwagon. Son père était cow-boy, sa mère fut entre autres cascadeuse au volant. Charley s’empressa de quitter le Kansas en compagnie de gars comme Bob Branaman, S. Clay Wilson, Michael McClure, Bruce Connor et les punks de Wichita filant à tout berzingue à travers le Vortex, le fameux tourbillon, hurlant et rugissant tous azimuts, nord, sud, est et ouest.

Chemin faisant, Plymell et les punks de Wichita tâteront du speed, laisseront tomber le LSD, organiseront des rituels à la mescaline et feront des tas d’expériences dans le domaine de l’art et des autres formes de création des années cinquante. Tous étaient des dévoreurs de tarmac. Charley avait déjà derrière lui deux volumes de poèmes, Neon Poems et Apocalypse Rose quand, en 1971, City Lights publia son truculent roman, Le dernier des Mocassins. Ce roman agrippe, miroite et scintille, avec son style de prose hobohémien ; il débobine les faits marquants de sa vie à Wichita et environs, ses allers et retours entre la côte ouest et le Kansas, le long de la route 66, l’autoroute de la benzédrine, et bien au-delà encore, ses folles années hip et la vie de bâton de chaise de sa sœur aînée Betty. Ses mots se sont mués en étincelles d’énergie, en sparring-partners du cerveau. Le lexème de Te bouffe pas la tête resplendit de façon incandescente dans la sombre conscience du 21e siècle, devenant ainsi le lubrifiant avec lequel les délirants nuages spirituels se mettent en mouvement pour révéler un engagement dans la vie dénué de la moindre hésitation, mais toujours vibrant et astucieux.

D’emblée, les mots de Charley sont capiteux, charmeurs et descriptifs jusqu’à l’intoxication. Ses années hip se sont confondues avec sa période psychédélique avant qu’il enfonce le frein à main à San Francisco. Charley a vécu avec Ginsberg et Neal Cassady, il a imprimé le tout premier Zap Comix de Robert Crumb, puis il a écrit, écrit et écrit tant et plus. Après avoir brûlé le tarmac et vu clair dans le jeu de la Beats Inc., Charley panse ses plaies et monte sur Cherry Valley. Il y va d’une sévère diatribe contre le Fonds national des Arts et son analyse pénétrante et mûrement réfléchie est reprise dans le New York Times et d’autres journaux et publications. Avec sa femme Pam, il lance Cherry Valley Editions, publiant ainsi Herbert Huncke, William Burroughs, Roxie Powell, Claude Pélieu, Mary Beach, pour n’en citer que quelques-uns. Quoi qu’il en soit, Charley est et restera à jamais un poète. Et quel poète ! Sachant à tout moment où recouper les traces en provenance d’un âge lointain, dans Te bouffe pas la tête, Charley envoie des pulsions d’énergie qui prennent leur plein envol autour du cerveau du lecteur, à qui il fait partager la naissance d’une nouvelle conception de la folie actuelle, un autre champ d’interrogation, le souffle d’un vent de fraîcheur pour l’esprit et le cœur dont il faut s’emplir à fond avant de prendre son envol. Te bouffe pas la tête, de Charley Plymell, est une œuvre suprême.

Charles Plymell : Te bouffe pas la tête
Glass Eye Books / Ecstatic Peace Library

374 exemplaires destinés à la vente et 26 numérotés et signés par Charles Plymell

Voir également l’interview de Charles Plymell par Paul Hawkins     : “Charles Plymell : The Benzedrine Highway Interview” dans le blog de Ginger Eades     à  Even for the Hipsters, Hustlers & Highjivers

dimanche 20 juin 2010

Interzone galleries: photos of William Burroughs

Two new galleries with pictures of William Burroughs:
- William S. Burroughs by Ginger EADES : page 1 , page 2

Willliam S. Burroughs by Isabelle Aubert-Baudron & Baud

NIGHT magazine #56 : Indra Tamang

Following post On Indra Tamang : Rags to riche$ , here is an article from NIGHT magazine:

Charles and Pam Plymell 1966

Galerie Ecriture: Vernissage expo Rémy Pastor

Mike Watt, Tony Maimone: pictures

Optical sound: june newsletter

JG THIRLWELL & FRED BIGOT : "Hydroze Plus" (OS.045)~10" LP

Hydroze Plus (OS.045)
JG Thirlwell (Foetus) and Fred Bigot (Electronicat)
10" LP Clear Vinyl + 4 colors Silkscreen on transparent + Offset R/V Print
All in Clear Hard PVC Plasticbag
Definitively a rare and unique release !
Buy here 10 euros + Postage

Face A
1. Overcoat (4'18)
2. Belladonna (5'36)
(CalmCalm remix by Fred Bigot)
Face B
3. Epi-Dose (4'45)
(Overcoat remix by JG Thirlwell)
4. CalmCalm (4'18)

Hydroze Plus is Fred Bigot : instruments & music / JG Thirlwell : vocals & lyrics
Composed by Fred Bigot (GEMA) and JG Thirlwell (Ectopic Music)
Recorded at Nolite Studio, Berlin, 2005-2009 with
additional recording at Self Immolation Studios, Brooklyn.

Sleeve designed by JG Thirlwell
Mastered by Norscq

Merci à Jeff Fisher, Catriona Shaw, Can Oral, Laura Lindgren, Ken Swezey, Heung-Heung Chin.
Produced by Hydroze Plus
OS-045, 2010


NOW ! PIERRE BELOÜIN : "Playing You (Nothing Inside is Real)"

Dernier jour ce Samedi 19 JUIN 2010 ! ~ de 18H00 à 21H00

SOON ! COLLECTIVE SHOW : "Previously on Optical Sound..."

Vernissage le 3 JUILLET 2010~ de 18H00 à 21H00
La vitrine par EDDIE LADOIRE

Commissariat Pierre Beloüin, Olivier Huz et P.Nicolas Ledoux, + GUESTS, Ototoï, Black Sifichi, and :
J.G. Thirlwell, Barbara Breitenfellner, Rebecca Bournigault, Pascal Broccolichi, Pierre-Laurent Cassière, Jérôme Poret, Sophie Sommerlatt, Marjolaine Bourdua, Cathryn Boch, Emeline Girault , Cendrillon Bélanger, Philippe Perreaudin, Claire Moreux, Lydie Jean Dit Pannel, Serge Comte, Loïg R, Goran Vejvoda, Ian Simms, Emmanuel Lagarrigue, Nicolas Simonin,Jill Gasparina, Frederic Nogray, Frédéric Post, Alain Declercq, Stéphane Sautour, Claude Lévêque, Rainier Lericolais, Christian Vialard, Guillaume Ollendorf, Simon Fisher Turner, Isabella Turner, Sébastien Roux, Eddie Ladoire, Lionel Marchetti, Black Sifichi, Norscq, Cocoon aka Christophe Demarthe, Stéphane Thidet, David Michael Clarke, Anabelle Hulaut, Philippe Lepeut, Christophe Bailleau, Olivia Louvel, Thierry Weyd, Samuel Ruchot, Julien Sirjacq, Cécile Babiole, Gilles Berquet, Mirka Lugosi, Mathias Delplanque, Alia Daval, Dorota Kleszcz , François Ronsiaux,Wild Shores, Hervé TTrioreau, Laurent Faulon, Davide Bertocchi, Alex andre Bianchini, Dominique Blais, Vincent Epplay, Gérôme Nox, Scanner…


Thanks for reading - Pierre Beloüin ~ Optical Sound
105 rue des Volubilis 83190 Ollioules
18 Rue de Stosswihr 67100 Strasbourg
25 rue des Cascades 75020 Paris

Season of Mist is the official French distro of Optical Sound in France / Distribution France Season of Mist

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dimanche 13 juin 2010

stéphane mandelbaum - galerie didier devillez

la Galerie Didier Devillez a le plaisir de vous proposer une nouvelle oeuvre de 
Stéphane Mandelbaum
Autoportrait, stylo à bille sur papier, 50 x 70 cm, 1980

pour plus d'informations:
GALERIE DIDIER DEVILLEZ53, rue Emmanuel Van Driessche • 1050 Bruxelles (Belgique) • +32(0)475 931 935devillez@skynet.be

Review of POEMS OF MADNESS & ANGEL By Ray Bremser


(Ray Bremser, Charles Plymell and Grant Hart in front of Allen Ginsberg's farmhouse at the Committee on Poetry, Cherry Valley, NY, August 1998.
Photo by Betsy Kirschbaum. © 1998 Water Row Books.)

Review of POEMS OF MADNESS & ANGEL By Ray Bremser. Published by Water Row Press Sudbury, Mass.

The Back Beat of Bremser. — Charles Plymell  ( From postcript of the book)

Post War America grooved on the big band era. (Krupa was no slouch). The golden age of sound was hitting every major city. Charley Parker practiced his sax in a shack across the tracks in Kansas City. The great sub-culture was growing from hep to hip to bebop tossing seeds to hip hop. The great Lord Buckley laid down the word riff when scat was pre-natal rap. Jazz heads and Benzedrine made the scene while ageless rounders, pimps, whores, ex-cons, street-wise youth and creative kids ventured toward the iconic “angry fix” and things illegal. Ray Bremser was already a member of that bohemian sub-culture. His Hoboken nose broken profile and Jersey flat land rasp was the perfect voice and look for Hollywood casting. He was proud of his presence.

Naturally, he uses the vernacular of the time to begin a philosophical soliloquy, “So let me lay it to you gently, Mr. Gone!” And, continues sarcastically, in his poetic brilliance, to explore his humanity, his history; and ends with, “It is a little / let us say, too much, man too much!” The language here needs to be appreciated in it own flavor, its own freshness, to savor its import and save it from cliché. In that setting, the familiar jive is literary ... yes, Shakespearean. It would probably take an actor now to restore the familiar charm and sound of a Bremser or a Huncke in their day. To etymologize further… the words and jazz in the culture of that time. When Huncke hitchhiked into town and repeated a common refrain: ”Man I’m beat,” it was quickly picked up by alert middle-class students of the avant-guard to define a generation of poets and writers. When people talk of the veracity and authenticity of figures like Ray Bremser and Herbert Huncke in the Beat Generation, I think of them as having been entrenched in a rudimentary sub-culture from which whole generations could derive and be named.

In this respect, I think Bremser adopted the beat influence and lifestyle as a later and much welcomed shelter from the street to which he could contribute his provenance. It is obvious in his Poems of Madness that he spent a great deal of scholarly time alone with the poetry of Hart Crane, Pound, and Shakespeare. He doesn’t try to disguise them as his own, but writes as an equal with a healthy influence one can detect; for instance, from the surreal inspiration of Hart Crane:

For I have strung up streamers
and inhaled a wild unpatriotic rebel attitude
of position out of the air where life begins/
confetti and cascades of violent pure-bred hair!

If Shakespeare were to appear, he would thoroughly enjoy the figure here, as would Chaucer. The image/idiom is timeless as well as the philosophical inquiry:

Shit up a rope, for all I care,
But watch how
sometimes, when the horizontal dreams
of a little life gone hither come to bear
dualities of weight over the head.

Bremser can uncannily tweak the prosody and myth a bit to go from Pound to perfect pitch:

saw Anubis & terror
saw motion of witchery there,
saw bone of filthy embalmer
saw seven league boots on the feet of those birds
more soarey than Bela Lugosi

And if the academic mainstream non-poets of numb nuts and nothingness don’t like it, he leaves them with something less absurd:

take your museums, marijuana!!!
stick them in high & go haywire....

--Charles Plymell

*Ray Bremser (February 22, 1934 – 1998) was an American poet.
Bremser was born in Jersey City, New Jersey. When he was 17 he went AWOL from the United States Air Force and was briefly imprisoned. The next year he was sent to Bordenstown Reformatory for 6 years for armed robbery. He began writing poetry there and sent copies to Allen Ginsberg, Gregory Corso and LeRoi Jones who published his poems in "Yugen" and threw a big party for him when he got out of jail in 1958.

He had five books of his poetry published and featured in a film, The Beat Generation: An American Dream (1987) IMDb.

He died in 1998 of lung cancer.

As part of the Beat Generation, Bremser was strongly influenced and mentored by Allen Ginsberg and Gregory Corso, as he illustrates with his catchy language and rhythmic motion in Poems of Madness."

He was the best reader of his own work I ever heard and taught me much more than the Iowa Writers Workshop. I let him sleep on our couch when he was temporarily homeless, but this upset my wife as he didn't bathe. He had no teeth and said he could eat everything but a peanut. He didn't drive. When I put on Soft Machine 6, he hated it. He preferred Be-Bop and claimed McCoy Tyner would "play" his poems on the piano. Will Schmitz

Christian bourgois: Jim Morrison sur les écrans et dans le texte

Chers amis,

Tandis que sort demain sur les écrans le documentaire "When you're strange", que Tom DiCillo a consacré au groupe The Doors, n'oubliez pas d'approfondir votre découverte ou redécouverte de l'univers de Jim Morrison par la lecture de ses écrits, de nouveau disponibles au format de poche dans la collection Titres: "Wilderness" et "La nuit américaine", traduits par Patricia Devaux. Car Jim Morrison n'était pas uniquement le leader de ce groupe mythique. Grand lecteur de romans et de poésie, il a lui-même beaucoup écrit.

Tous les détails concernant ses publications sont disponibles sur le site des éditions Bourgois auquel vous pouvez accéder en cliquant sur le lien suivant:Α=M

Bonne lecture à tous

Northside article for "Eat Not Thy Mind"

In his own time: Charles Plymell talks about his new volume of poetry,

‘Eat Not Thy Mind’

By Sharon Anderson

Richard Krech's poetry

samedi 12 juin 2010

Autour de Claude Pelieu "Je suis un cut-up vivant"

Le livre "La Crevaille" n'est plus offert aux acheteurs du collectif, car le tirage limité était réservé aux personnes qui avaient souscrit avant la parution.