jeudi 15 mai 2014

A.D. Winans: new poem: GHOST SHADOWS

ghosts appear
in my bedroom at night
they are faceless
and their moans are inaudible
one is as large as sidney greenstreet
he sits on the side of the bed
leans over like a sinking ship
his eyes anchors that weigh me down
mock my 78 years
move like bulls in a bull ring
leave wreckage everywhere

they mark the months on my calendar
with large X's,  Sidney gets up from
my bed, plays the saxophone
in a wailing blues melody
one female ghost mocks Billie Holiday
sings the lyrics, "hanging fruit."

a mortician appears
wearing a black beret
He looks a little like Ferlinghetti
walks in heavy boots to the sound
of John Sosa's marching band

I'm assigned a seat in Dante's hell
where Satan turns up the heat
my mind boils over
zombie women flirt with me
a tribal council is convened
finds me unfit for membership
a cannibal sizes me up
invites me to dinner
God weighs in admits
he did not create man
in his own image
that Adam's rib was a joke
the night engulfs me
the four walls collapse in the lap
of a defrocked priest who sings
me a lullaby

The dead sea comes to life
high tide battles low tide
a smattering of stars
fall from the sky
land at my pillow
like fairy dust
The Pope washes my feet
Jesus is not impressed
God lets out a yawn
The universe holds  back
its laughter

A.D. Winans

galerie didier devillez – focus mai 2014

Quelques nouvelles de l’éclat

Aujourd’hui dans Libération,
la Une et le dossier « événement» de 6 pages (concocté par Frédérique Roussel) sont consacrés au livre de la
Mauvaise troupe,
Constellations. Trajectoires révolutionnaires du jeune 21e siècle,
qui sera dès lundi 5 mai dans les librairies.
Le 6 mai à partir de 19h, une rencontre avec le collectif est organisée à la librairie de L'Atelier (75019 Paris) (rencontre croisée avec Jérôme Baschet).
Le 13 mai à partir de 18h, une fête aura lieu à La Parole errante à Montreuil, pour la sortie de ce livre-événement. Discussions, buffet, expo, "boum" avec la playlist du jeune 21e siècle... Venez nombreux...
D'autres rencontres auront lieu plus tard à Rennes, Lyon, Toulouse, Marseille, Montpellier, Dijon.... (et les libraires qui voudraient inviter la Mauvaise Troupe peuvent nous contacter par mail).
Quelques liens en attendant :
Paraît aussi quelques textes du jeune 20e siècle, Mieux vaut moins, mais mieux du vieux Lénine, avec une préface de Dominique Colas...
Après ce sera l'été! et sous la plage... les pavés!
Merci de votre fidélité et de votre soutien. Faites circuler l'information.

Archéologie du copier-coller: Plagiat universitaire: Paris 8 et les belles entourloupes

Chers collègues,


Je viens de mettre en ligne sur le blog Archéologie du copier-coller le texte :
La situation présentée n'est que le prolongement des affaires de plagiat universitaire à l'origine du texte Refusons de fermer les yeux sur le plagiat dans la recherche que vous aviez signé.Rien n'a changé... où plutôt, le pire est à venir comme le prouve la tenue le 20 mai prochain du colloque "Approche éthique (sic) du plagiat" à Paris 8.
Vos commentaires seront les bienvenus.


Jean-Noël Darde


Three Rooms Press presents Part 2 of the 7th Annual

NYC Dada Poetry and Performance Salon

featuring the NYC launch of

Maintenant 8: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing & Art
Silent Auction of Original Drawing
by French/American Artist MARY BEACH

Wednesday, May 7, 7 pm in The Gallery at Le Poisson Rouge

Admission free
Modern day Dada poets, collagists, performers and artists are creating disruptive, controversial and thrilling works that continue the spirit of the avant garde art movement sprung from the horror of World War I. Their work will be featured the 2nd of two NYC Dada Poetry and Performance Salons on May 7 in The Gallery at Le Poisson Rouge. Additional information and reservations: Costumes encouraged! The event will feature readings and performances by Los Angeles-based performance artist Doug Knott, British-American sound-visual poet Jane Ormerod, world-renowned beat-jazz poet Steve Dalachinsky, DADA-NYC founders Robert Hieger and Joanie Hieger Fritz Zosike, the Dude of Dada Peter Carlaftes, art by avant-garde photographer Philip Scalia plus a silent auction of original artwork by famed French/American artist Mary Beach.
Original drawing by Mary Beach to be auctioned 5/7

About the SILENT AUCTION of Mary Beach original artwork

ORIGINAL DRAWING by MARY BEACH (1989) will be available at Silent Auction on Wednesday May 7th at The Gallery @LPR (7-9:30pm). Three Rooms Press is excited and honored to present this rare opportunity to own an original work of art from one of the most accomplished women artists of the latter-part of the 20th Century. The bidding will start at $500.
Claude Pélieu and Mary Beach met in 1962 and, until Claude's unfortunate passing in December of 2002, shared an exemplary rich and creative life. Traveling extensively while living primarily in Paris, New York and San Francisco, their existence was a bohemian adventure during which they ceaselessly explored and continuously created: With a keen and graceful eye they deconstruct, critique and reinterpret the classical and contemporary worlds of art and media, while creating striking new works of wit and beauty -- drawing subconscious associations that are both mysterious and poetic. Long hailed in Claude's native France as the natural inheritors of the Surrealist legacy (a direct line has been drawn by French critics from Picasso and Braque to Schwitters and Duchamp to Warhol and Pélieu), their works are highly prized and respected. However, in Mary's native America, the pair remains relatively unknown, their work still awaits discovery by both mainstream critics and collectors. Additional information about Claude Pélieu and Mary Beach here.
Maintenant 8: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art

About MAINTENANT 8: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art

A stunning annual collection of contemporary Dada writing and art by an international array of sensational artists. Provocative, disruptive and essential for collectors of contemporary radical art. Maintenant 8: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing & Art (ISBN: 978-0-9895125-1-0, Three Rooms Press, $15.95) is the seventh edition of an annual collection of contemporary Dada work inspired by Dada instigator and Three Rooms Press spiritual advisor Arthur Cravan. Since 2008, the Three Rooms Press series has collected outsider art, poetry, mail art, collages and more from around the world. Maintenant 8 features art and visual poetry by a wide range of internationally recognized creators and provocateurs including William S. Burroughs, Jerome Rothenberg, Charles Plymell, Grant Hart, Mike Watt, Exene Cervenka, Pontus Carle, Irene Caesar, Volodymyr Bilyk, John M. Bennett, Giovanni Fontana, S.A. Griffin, Fausto Grossi, Patrice Lerochereuil, Gerard Malanga, Kazunori Murakami, Paolo Pelosini, Johan Reisser, Poul Weile and many more. The series has been recognized worldwide as a leading source of contemporary Dada art and writing, with editors invited to present material from the journal with contributors at events in New York, Los Angeles, London, Paris and Berlin.

What the heck is Dada?

The original Dada movement peaked from 1916-1922, primarily involved visual arts, literature—poetry, art manifestoes, art theory—theatre, and graphic design, and concentrated its anti-war politics through a rejection of the prevailing standards in art through anti-art cultural works. Its purpose was to ridicule what its participants considered to be the meaninglessness of the modern world. In addition to being anti-war, dada was also anti-bourgeois and anarchist in nature.

Ramuntcho Matta: disque en préparation

Mathias Durand est en train de mixer le disque que j'ai enregistré il y a une semaine avec Simon Spang-Hanssen, Sébastien Boisseau et Christophe Lavergne.... Cru et instinctif... 100 minutes de chansons crues et instinctives... Le Disque sort dans dix jours..... (5photos)

A.D. Winans: 3 POEMS in Children’s Anthology

I’m pleased to announce I have three poems in a new poetry anthology for Children:A unique and culturally diverse anthology of poetry for children and youth by over 50 San Francisco poets. It Includes an appendix of 26 poetry lessons for teachers and parents based on poems in the book. Copies of the book have been distributed free of charge to all the public elementary and middle schools in San Francisco as well as all the branch libraries of the city system through a public fundraising campaign.
A portion of the proceeds from sales goes to support poetry workshops in schools and community centers.
Feather Floating on the Water is fully illustrated with black and white drawings by Jack Micheline, Adrian Arias, Claire Bain, Virginia Barrett, and Ravenna Osgood. The cover image is by San Francisco artist Marius Starkey.
Feather Floating on the Water-poems for our children
published by Jambu Press-Studio Saraswati
San Francisco, California, 2014
ISBN: 978-0-9824673-8-1
Library of Congress Catalogue Number: 2014932647
Paperback. 212pp.
$15 (normal retail price is $18), plus $3 shipping and handling.
Payment may be made through Pay Pal.
If shipping address is different than pay pal account information, or you wish to order internationally, please email publisher at:

mardi 6 mai 2014

Site de Boris Darnaudet

Vincent Laik

En 2013, j'ai sorti Projet Obis, un roman de science-fiction inspiré par mes lectures de Philip K. Dick, certains films de Carpenter ainsi que de mon experience vidéo-ludique.
Lors de la rédaction de ce texte, j'ai bénéficié des nombreux conseils de Philippe Ward, le directeur de collection de Rivière Blanche, la collection SF de Black Coat Press créée par Jean-Marc Lofficier.

Galerie Didier Devillez, stand 17 - OFF Contemporary Art Fair 2014 Brussels


Gerard Malanga: The Poetry Club, Glasgow – live review by BMX Bandit Duglas T. Stewart

Posted on April 8, 2014 by Duglas T. Stewart

Gerard Malanga
The Poetry Club, Glasgow
April 4th 2014

Gerard Joseph Malanga is an American poet, photographer, filmmaker, curator and archivist most famous, perhaps, for his work with Andy Warhol during the artist’s most creative period in the mid-Sixties. He was recently in Glasgow as the “official poet” of that city’s International Festival and while there he visited The Poetry Club to exhibit some of his photographic work, show a short documentary and to recite some poetry. For Louder Than War, BMX Bandit and long time fan of Gerard Malanga’s work, Duglas T. Stewart, describes how the evening unfolded.
- See more at:

lundi 5 mai 2014

The Center for the Humanities: William S. Burroughs Centennial Conference

John M. Bennett
Ann Douglas
Oliver Harris
Barry Miles
Jed Birmingham
Charles Plymell
Geoffrey D. Smith
Anne Waldman
Regina Weinreich
Jan Herman

Held in honor of the centennial of William S. Burroughs's birth, and the WSB@100 Festival in New York City scheduled for the entirety of the month of April, 2014, this conference will explore the life and works of one of the most innovative and influential twentieth-century American writers and artists. Join us for a series of talks and roundtables by editors, artists, and scholars on a range of issues from the problem of gender in Burroughs's writings to his role in postwar America little magazines, his still unpublished archival materials, cut-up experiments and novels, and his photography.
"Listen to my last words any world. Listen all you boards syndicates and governments of the earth. And you power powers behind what filth deals consummated in what lavatory to take what is not yours. To sell the ground from unborn feet. Listen. What I have to say is for all men everywhere. I repeat for all. No one is excluded. Free to all who pay. Free to all who pain pay." - William S. Burroughs
This conference is free and open to the public.
This event will be livestreamed. For viewing during the event, please see here:  
Join this event on Facebook.

9:30AM  Coffee
Editing Burroughs with John Bennett and Geoffrey Smith

Burroughs and Literary Magazines with Jed Birmingham, Charles Plymell, and Jan Herman

12:30PM Lunch
Biography and Photography: Barry Miles in conversation with Oliver Harris

Gender Trouble with Anne Waldman, Regina Weinreich, and Ann Douglas

5:15PM Coffee Break
Keynote:  Oliver Harris Cutting up the Trilogy

John M. Bennett has published over 400 books and chapbooks of poetry and other materials.
Charles Plymell is a poet, novelist, and small press publisher.
Anne Waldman has been an active member of the “Outrider” experimental poetry
While working at City Lights Books as the poet-publisher Lawrence Ferlinghetti's assistant, Jan Herman...
Cosponsored by the English Students Association, Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative, the PhD Program in English, the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, the Doctoral Students' Council, and the WSB@100 Festival.

jeudi 10 avril 2014

France culture: Ramuntcho Matta + Philippe Baudouin pour les écrits radiophoniques de Walter Benjamin

Ramuntcho Matta prépare une exposition à la galerie Anne Barrault, Paris 3e, qui commence la semaine prochaine. Il fait paraître un livre, L'usage du temps, qui porte le même titre que l'exposition, chez Manuella Editions. Et il a sorti un disque, Météorismes, il y a quelques jours. Pourtant, nous avions lancé l'invitation sans savoir cette actualité pléthorique. Ramuntcho Matta, artiste plurisdisciplinaire, vient du son. Il le dit lui-même. Il dit voir le son quand il ferme les yeux, des formes, des sculptures. Le son, mieux qu'une drogue ! Le fils du peintre Roberto Matta, qui compte une quarantaine de disques à sa production, a un parcours fait de rencontres, d'ouverture à l'autre, d'écoute dans tous les sens du terme. Il y a des noms qui croisent sa route - John Cage, Laurie Anderson, Don Cherry, Brion Gysin, quatre parmi tant d'autres. On en parlera sans doute. Il y a aussi cette attention au "parfois", quand on fait "parfois" ceci ou "parfois" cela, qui donne le nom de sa galerie "SometimeStudio". Enfin, il y a Lizières, lieu pour artistes qu'il a fondé il y a quelques années, connu pour ses résidences d'artistes autant que pour ses pique-niques d'artistes ! Le chemin libre de Ramuntcho Matta passe par l'Atelier du son, ce soir.  04.04.2014 - 23:00


RAMUNTCHO MATTA I Galerie Anne Barrault

RAMUNTCHO MATTA I Galerie Anne Barrault

Exposition RAMUNTCHO MATTA 10 avril - 17 mai 2014   51 rue des Archives, Paris 3ème N° DE TELEPHONE : 33(0)9 51 70 02 43
10/04/2014 - 17/05/2014

dimanche 6 avril 2014

Lou Reed 1942-2013: In memoriam


The Power of The Heart
A Celebration of Lou Reed

Ramuntcho Matta: vernissage, exposition, Galerie Anne Barrault, 10 avril

Le 10 avril a partir de 16 h

Quelques nouvelles de l'éclat

Plusieurs rendez-vous en avril autour du livre de Raphaël Imbert, Jazz supreme. Mystiques, initiés et prophètes,  à commencer par une rencontre-concert le vendredi 4 avril à partir de 18h au Reid Hall, 4 rue de Chevreuse (Paris 6e), à l'initiative de la Librairie Tschann, de la Dive Note et de la librairie musicale Falado (18h rencontre et discussion avec l'auteur animée par Philippe Nassif. 20h Concert avec le quartet Imbert, Benhammou, Carniel, Ravaillon). Plus de détails sur la page Facebook.
Puis le 9 avril 2014 à Librairie au Poivre d'Ane – Manosque, le 10 avril 2014 à la Librairie La Carline – Forcalquier, le 11 avril 2014 à la Friche Belle de Mai – Marseille.
Le jeudi 10 avril à partir de 19h à la librairie Michele Ignazi, 17 rue de Jouy, Paris 4e, Rencontre avec Emmanuel Fournier qui présentera sa Philosophie infinitive, coffret de 4 volumes  comprenant : Vol. 1 : Penser à être. Vol. 2 : Penser à croire. Vol. 3. Penser à penser. vol. 4 : Penser à vivre. 


Puis viendront les parutions d'avril avec Mieux vaut moins, mais mieux de Vladimir Oulianov (dit Lénine), et Choisir la vie. Le Judaïsme à l’épreuve du monde de Benjamin Gross.

En attendant mai et la parution des Constellations et trajectoires révolutionnaires du jeune 21e siècle par le collectif Mauvaise troupe, dont nous aurons le temps de reparler...


Plus de détails sur la page des Nouveautés du site de L'éclat qui devrait faire peau neuve très prochainement....


Merci de votre fidélité. Partagez l'information, rejoignez-nous sur facebook, où vous serez informé.e.s des différents événements et parutions.

Bon printemps


Gerard Malanga Poster (Glasgow International)


Gerard Malanga Poster (Glasgow International)

lundi 31 mars 2014

Quincunx / Gerard Malanga / Heathcote Williams / Billy Childish / Tangerine Press

Quincunx is available to ship next week.
A limited edition, handsewn chapbook of new poetry from:
Gerard Malanga, Heathcote Williams, Charles Plymell,
Edward Lucie-Smith, Fred Voss, Joan Jobe Smith,
Billy Childish, John Dorsey, K.V. Skene, Paul Hawkins,
Marc Olmsted, Clint Margrave, Ben Myers, Steve Ely
Strictly limited to 50 numbered copies only
Handsewn at the Sick Tangerine workshop. 325gsm Cairn Almond stiff card covers, hot foil stamped with 'Quincunx' signature blue ink; 100gsm Heritage Book White acid-free text paper; 130gsm Hahnemuhle Bugra Butten Light Brown endpapers.
Prior to the official publication date of May 1st, A Lean Third,
a new story collection from James Kelman, is now available for pre-order.
For more information and to secure your copy, go to:
In the pipe:Jack London -- The People of the Abyss (June)
Tangerine Press / L-13 Press special edition
Mary Millington -- Come Play With Me & other tales (July)
10" blue vinyl in handmade gatefold sleeve, screenprint artwork

galerie didier devillez, focus avril 2014



53 rue Emmanuel Van Driessche - 1050 Bruxelles (Belgique)

Tél./Fax +32 (0)475 931 935

Revue – LIZIERES #4 – Michel Bulteau

Parution du numéro 4 de la revue LIZIERES qui porte sur l'alchimie et dont le rédacteur en chef est Michel Bulteau.
Media(s) : IMAGES 
Projet(s) : Lizières
Artiste(s) : ,

Une initiative de l’Association des Amis de LIZIERES.
Chaque numéro est conçu par une personnalité invitée; pour le #4 : Michel Bulteau.
26 rue Saint-Claude _ 75003 PARIS

jeudi 27 mars 2014

Paul O'Donovan: " Girl From the North Country' ~ Bob Dylan '63 "

'Girl From the North Country' ~ Bob Dylan '63 »
Photograph unknown.
« "Well if you go where the snowflakes storm,
Where the rivers freeze and summer ends.
Please see for me she has a coat so warm,
To keep her from the howling winds."
Paul Gentry O'Donovan