samedi 14 juin 2008

Joujouka: Track Featuring Marianne Faithfull added to our Myspace songs

We have added "My Only Friend" by Marianne Faithfull and The Master Musicians of Joujouka to our songs.
The track first appeared on the 10%:file under Burroughs (Sub Rosa Records) in 1996. This Marianne's tribute to her friend and Joujouka mentor Brion Gysin and feature his favorate music the flutes of the Mallims of Joujouka.
Other artists on the 2 CD 10%:File under Burroughs include Bill Laswell, Master Musicians of Joujouka, John Cale, Stanley Booth, Material, Chuck Prophet, William S. Burroughs, Brion Gysin, Terry Wilson, Ira Cohen, and Herbert Hunke.
The CD was an aural continuation of the Here To Go Show which took place at the Projects Art Centre and other venues in Dublin, Ireland, in 1992. The show was featured paintings by William Burroughs, Brion Gysin, and Mohamed Hamri. Live perforlmences and readings by Master Musicians of Joujouka, Hakim Bey, Terry Wilson, Felicity Mason, Joe Ambrose, Ira Cohen and more..........
It is documented in the DVD Destroy All Rational Thought (Screen edge) which is available at
Master Musicians of Joujouka Web Shop

vendredi 6 juin 2008

Shocker TV: june 27th show will be the most hardcore to date

june 27th show will be the most hardcore to date
we will be featuring out-of-town noisemakers from portland, oregon.
be prepared, las vegas (do you need ear plugs?)
if you like to help us promote the show, let me know - i will give you posters and fliers when they are ready...
Shocker TV: The noise diary

jeudi 5 juin 2008

Optical Sound: Sweet Electric June


Once again, we are putting together at the invitation of Lionel Bovier the "artist records" shop that will be installed during the Basel Artfair, John Armleder.More infos JUNE 2nd >JUNE 8TH 2008CURATED BY LIONEL BOVIER / SHOP BY ECART & VILLA MAGICA RECORDS John Armleder.

Vernissage le jeudi 5 juin à partir de 20hParcours vidéo et sonore extérieurs les 5/6/7 juin de 20h à 3h Exposition du 5 juin au 20 juillet 2008Exposition et parcours sonore extérieur le 21 juin de 20h à 3h à l’occasion de la fête de la musiqueLabel Optical Sound + L'entre prise Wild ShoresOlivia LouvelEddie LadoireBlack SifichiCocoonNicolas MaigretMaison d'art Bernard Anthonioz16 rue Charles VII94130 Nogent-sur Marne


Jeudi 5 juin à 17h30Rencontre avec Pierre Beloüin, artiste et membre fondateur de la Galerie Glassbox à Paris et du label Optical Sound, en résidence à la Villa Arson "A l'ère de la postmodernité, le champ de l'art est régulièrement traversé par des objets qui interrogent son espace et l'élasticité de ses limites. L'oeuvre de Pierre Beloüin pourrait être un de ces objets aux contours flous et à l'appréhension fuyante. Revendiquant la pratique de l'art comme moyen de collaborations, l'artiste devient le coeur d'un réseau ouvert multipliant les ramifications et le développement de projets en tout genre (du partenariat au commissariat en passant par l'édition de disques, l'organisation de concert...). Ce qui signe d'emblée le travail de Pierre Belouin, c'est le désir affirmé de multiplier les champs plutôt que de les soustraire et d'inscrire ainsi sa pratique au sein du label Optical Sound (dont il est le créateur) dans sa production plastique. Qu'elle soit jouée ou citée (les références se rencontrent avec une certaine érudition), la musique, son actualité et son histoire, ses codes et ses croisements, y constitue donc le socle à partir duquel tout s'élabore. Se mêle alors, sur une même vibration, l'expérience sonore et la sensation visuelle." (Guillaume Mansart)
Pierre Beloüin__________

Thanks for reading - Pierre Beloüin -
Optical Sound
SECTION SOUTH--->105 rue des Volubilis 83190 OllioulesSECTION CENTER--->41 Rue des Trois Frères 75018 ParisSECTION EAST--->18 Rue de Stosswihr 67100 StrasbourgSeason of Mist is the official French distro of Optical Sound in France / Distribution France Season of Mist

Vente format numérique OTOTOÏ

The Optical Sound CD's are always available in regular store, on-line it's better for us / les éditions Optical Sound sont disponibles chez tous les disquaires, et sur la boutique en ligne Buy on-line with Paypal, quick and secure sending.

CONTACT de Stéphan Barron au congrès ECAP et au FRUC - CONTACT in ECAP

Stéphan Barron 2008
Deux plaques de cuivre, situées dans deux lieux différents, reliées entre elles.
En posant sa main sur la plaque de cuivre du lieu,
le spectateur perçoit le contact éventuel d'une autre personne qui dans le lieu distant touche la plaque.

Une plaque est installée au congrès ECAP (European Conference on Computing and Philosophy) 2008
et l'autre dans le centre d'art le FRUC.
Production Rien de Spécial.
english and german
Vernissage le 16 juin 2008 au FRUC à 18 heures.
Exposition les 16 & 17 juin.
3 bis rue Labbé - 34 000 Montpellier

Présentation au congrès ECAP le 17 juin à 19 heures

de l'oeuvre n'est visible que la plaque de cuivre entourée d'un tapis de feutre rouge épais.
Le spectacteur (spectateur-interacteur) s'accroupit ou s'allonge
pour entrer en contact avec un éventuel autre interacteur à distance.

Communiqué de presse

Merci à
programmation Stéphane Cousot
électronique Claude Frayssinet et Jérôme Gilbert
Jean Sallantin et ECAP
François Labastie, Valérie Béguin, Mayuko, Pascal Levasseur, et le FRUC...

Interzone report of April-May 2008

The report is on line at

jeudi 29 mai 2008

Forum Interzone

En raison de problèmes d'envoi et de réception du courrier électronique, j'ai créé un forum permettant de communiquer sans celui-ci et d'héberger de nombreuses pages. Il contient un chat-room, des galeries, et permet de communiquer avec des messages privés.

Un outil tout à fait adapté à Interzone.

Il contient un certain nombre de rubriques qui peuvent être modifiées.

N'hésitez pas à vous y inscrire et à y envoyer vos infos.

Pour l'inscription, cliquer sur "register" dans le menu, introduisez un pseudo et un mot de passe. Validez ensuite votre inscription par mail.


Due to problems of sending and reception of mails, I created a forum allowing to comunicate without mails, and to host many pages.

It contains a chat-room, galleries, ald allows to communicate through private messages.

A tool which fits very well to Interzone needs.

It contains a number of rubrics which can be modified.

Do not hesitate to register and send your infos there.

To register, click on "Register" in the menu, introduce a pseudo and password. Then validate your inscription by mail.

Anthony Rousseau: Calypso

Bonjour à toutes et à tous,je suis heureux de vous inviter à l'exposition "Panorama 9_10", qui se déroulera du 07 Juin au 13 Juillet au Fresnoy, à Tourcoing.

Le vernissage aura lieu le 06 Juin à partir de 18H30. A cette occasion, vous pourrez découvrir l'installation "Calypso" ma dernière création.Au plaisir de vous y rencontrer.

Bien à Vous.

Anthony Rousseau


Hello,I 'm glad to invite you to "Panorama 9_10" exhibition, which takes place from 7th June to 13th July at Fresnoy, in Tourcoing (France). The preview will be on 06 th June at 18.30. At that occasion, you will discover "Calypso" installation, my last creation.

Looking forward to meeting you.

Best regards.

Anthony Rousseau

The Whirling Dervish : July 4th and 5th mini-tour...

JULY 4 - KING NEPTUNE'S17115 Pacific Coast Highway, Sunset Beach, California 90742w/ The Radio Sweetheart and SUGARLIGHT Entertainment

JULY 5 - Scolari's Office Presents - Chaser's3615 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego, CA 92104, 619-255-7224w/ TBA21+ - FREE (TBD) - 8PM

Frank Rynne: Burroughs' video

Burroughs' video

vendredi 16 mai 2008

Art et Internet, le nouveau livre de Fred Forest

Cercle d'art, 2008 128 p. ISBN 978-2-7022-0864-9

Les artistes dans le livre sont :The artists in the book are:

Robert Adrian X, Mark Amerika, Jean-Claude Anglade, Roy Ascott, Olivier Auber, Doug Back, Jean-Pierre Balpe, Stephan Baron, Maurice Benayoun, Joseph Beuys, Simon Biggs, Stéphanie Boisset, Maurizio Bolognini, Nathalie Bookchin, Christophe Bruno, Heath Buntig, Grégory Chatonsky, Ferdinand Corte, Douglas Davis, Bernard Demiaux et Anna Rosa Richardson, Marc Denjean, Daniel Dewaele, Reynald Drouhin, Marc Em, Etoy.corporation, Fred Forest, Nicolas Frespech, Kit Galloway et Sherie Rabinowitz, Ken Goldberg, David Guez, Éléonore Hellio, GH Hovagymian, Jodi, Eduardo Kac, Natan Karczmar, Olga Kisseleva, Tom Klinkowstein, Sophie Lavaud, Christian Lavigne, Olia Lialina, Jean-Paul Longavesne, John Maeda, Judy Malloy, Ricardo Mbarkho, Laurent Mignonneau et Christa Sommerer, Bonnie Mitchell, Mouchette, Muntadas, Mark Napier, Joseph Nechvatal, Nam June Paik, Gilbertto Prado, Karen O'Rourke, Antoine Schmitt, Alexeï Shulgin, Norman White.

William Brandon: Our dear friend Corrie Greathouse! - SPRUNG! this saturday.

Hey all! Soooo this Saturday, I have an event coming up in which both my paintings and my writing will be featured. would love to see youthere unless i am trying to avoid seeing you at all, in which case youare certainly not receiving this email because i totally checked thelist like 4 times. that said, you should come. it will be a lot offun. I am attaching the flyer because it has more info than i amincluding here. mhmm. look at me being not so informative. whatever,here's the day and time and a couple other informational did i mention music? [you should all take a second to look atthe flyer because jay is pretty much awesome for helping me make itall neat 'n' stuff. yay jay.]

This Saturday, May 17th @730pm
Exhibit A Gallery and Works of Art present:
A Saturday night of Art &Poetry AtWorks of Art Salon
hosted By Brendan Constantine.
at 7 pmWorks of Art4655 Hollywood Blvd [upstairs].
Los Angeles, CA(213) 590-6990
Featuring Art Work By:JSON
Bob Nyebe Corrie Greathouse
Sita Kaylinand Words By:Corrie Greathouse
Karen Harryman
Saria Idana
Jennifer Lively
"but what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and thelife he leads"?a. camus-- everything or nothing at all.

mardi 13 mai 2008

Christian Bourgois Editeur : Marianne Faithfull et Roberto Bolano: rencontres autour de deux événements littéraires

Les semaines à venir seront riches en rencontres autour des auteurs des éditions Christian Bourgois:A l'occasion de la publication de ses "Mémoires, rêves et réflexions", deux rencontres sont organisées en présence de Marianne Faithfull: - le 13 mai à la librairie L'arbre à lettres Bastille (62, rue du Fbg Saint-Antoine - 75012 Paris) à partir de 18h30.- le 15 mai à la librairie du Virgin des Champs Elysées (52, Avenue Des Champs-Élysées - 75008 Paris) à 18h.Pour saluer la publication de "2666", le roman posthume de Roberto Bolano, l'écrivain argentin Alan Pauls présentera l'auteur et son oeuvre le mardi 20 mai à 18h à la librairie Les cahiers de Colette (23, rue Rambuteau - 75004 Paris)Nous espérons vous y voir nombreux.

Optical Sound: May Be

LIVE / CONCERTS (Metz)03 mai 2008, 22:00 ~ Clair Obscur + The Garçon 
10 rue des Trinitaires , Metz, Lorraine 57000 Coût : FreeFrom 10.00 pm until 02.00 am - Soirée montonsonbis - art et son - concerts gratuits Label Optical Sound with : The Garçon, Clair Obscur, Thomas Braichet, François Martig, Udo, Benjamin Laurent Aman, Dominique Blais, les éditions Cactus, Jean Poinsignon...
Exposition de "Organismes marins, Spécimens de rivages" de Florence Ormezzano.Concert de Thierry Weyd, dans le cadre de la soirée "montonson#bis" (samedi 3 mai à partir de 22h.).©foto sifichi (Previously on Optical Sound~ Part 1-Cité Radieuse~M.A.C. Marseille 23-11-2007)

EXHIBITIONS / EXPOSITIONSTHE STORE (Vilnius) @ Tulips & Roses (Vilnius) curated by: Adam CarrArtists:Saâdane Afif, Tomas Chaffe, Gintaras Did¸iapetris, Jason Dodge, Claire Fontaine, Liam Gillick, Loris Gréaud, Arūnas Gudaitis, Henrik Plenge Jakobsen, Gabriel Kuri, Matthieu Laurette, Juozas Laivys, Flávia Müller Medeiros, Darius Mik¨ys, Jonathan Monk, Paola Pivi, Dan Rees, Hannah Rickards, Yann Sérandour, Dexter Sinister, Andreas Slominski, Superflex, Ron Terada, Mungo Thomson, Tris Vonna-Michell.Other projects:Rai&Lester, Old News, Pin-Up Badges, Dot Dot DotOpening the 23 rd of May and until 21 st of June!

AWAN~SIGUAWINI~~SPEMKI~~~Maison de L'image - Galerie de la Médiathèque (Biarritz)Exposition du 25 Avril au 17 MaiAwan~Siguawini~~Spemki~~~, 2006, (détail) - photos : J-C. Lett (Frac Paca)Pierre Beloüin ~ Documents D'artistes

NEW RELEASES / NOUVELLE EDITIONSLionel Marchetti "Adèle et Hadrien" (OS.033)Buy here ~ Acheter ici

DELUXE DIGIPACK-DOUBLE CD + BOOKLET 8P + Texte de Michel Chion (ltd to 300ex), 17 titres, 20 eurosUne musique concrète de Lionel Marchetti en deux livres et dix cahiers 1999/2006 Musique instrumentale additive : Olivier Capparos Labomatic for the graphic designTsé "La ralentie" (OS.028)Buy here ~ Acheter ci

DIGIPACK-CD (ltd to 300ex), 8 titres 15 eurosDigital Baobab for the graphic designAll tracks composed by Guillaume Ollendorff Listen hereMixed Produce and mastered by : Norscq Mathias Delplanque "La Plinthe" (OS.034)Buy here ~ Ecouter ici

DIGIPACK-CD (ltd to 300ex), 9 titres, 15 eurosComposed, programmed and performed by Mathias Delplanque Black Sifichi for the graphic design

OUVERTURE / OPENINGOuverture de l'excellent site de vente en ligne.Retrouvez la quasi intégralité du catalogue Optical Sound et d'autres labels, au format numérique et physique OTOTOÏ Design interface et programmation Marie Destandau et Servovalve.

Thanks for reading - Pierre Beloüin - Optical SoundSECTION SOUTH--->105 rue des Volubilis 83190 OllioulesSECTION CENTER--->41 Rue des Trois Frères 75018 ParisSECTION EAST--->18 Rue de Stosswihr 67100 StrasbourgSeason of Mist is the official French distro of Optical Sound in France / Distribution France Season of MistThe Optical Sound CD's are always available in regular store, on-line it's better for us / les éditions Optical Sound sont disponibles chez tous les disquaires, et sur la boutique en ligne Buy on-line with Paypal, quick and secure sending.

samedi 3 mai 2008

Frank Rynne: Brian Jones 40th Anniversary in Joujouka

Brian Jones 40th Anniversary Festival in Joujouka 29th July Tickets on sale Here

Brian Jones 40th Anniversary in Joujouka
A once-in-a-lifetime chance to experience a day and night in Joujouka as guests of the Master Musicians of Jououka and their families on 29th July 2008.

The story
On 29th July 1968 Brian Jones came to Joujouka with Brion Gysin, Mohamed Hamri and engineer George Chkiantz to record an album with the Master Musicians of Joujouka.
The resulting LP was the first release on Rolling Stones Records in 1971 "Brian Jones presents the Pipes of Pan at Joujouka".
To mark the 40th anniversary of this historic recording, the Master Musicians of Joujouka are staging a celebratory festival on 29th July 2008. The musicians will perform the Sufi healing music of Joujouka and, after dinner, the night will be filled with a full performance of the musicians' Boujeloud Rite, which is likened to the ancient Rites of Pan.
Joujouka is a farming community with strong Sufi traditions, located in the Ahl Srif Mountains some 80 km south of Chefchaouen and 20km from Ksar El Kebir.It is a halal village; therefore, both presence and consumption of alcohol is strictly forbidden.

Food and board
Accommodation will be provided in traditional Joujouka houses with the musicians' families. This is a unique opportunity to experience a festival in the village and Joujouka life.
Full board will be provided: lunch on arrival on the 29th, a celebratory meal in the evening, and breakfast on the morning of the 30th. All the dishes will be prepared by the villagers and will be traditional Moroccan fare for a celebratory feast.
The people of Joujouka are renowned for their music and their cooking.
Places are limitedThis once-in-a-lifetime experience is available to a strictly limited 50 places. This is due to accommodation limitations in the village, which is 20km from the nearest urban centre.

Travel arrangements
Ticket holders must make their own way to Ksar El Kebir.Ticket holders will be transported from Ksar El Kebir's main train station ("Mouley Mehdi") at a designated time on the morning of 29th. Return transport to Ksar El Kebir will be provided on 30th to meet connecting trains.Grand taxis, and buses also serve Ksar El Kebir.
The price for this unique experience is €250 per person.Information available from joujouka@gmail.comBooking at

Brion Gysin on Joujouka and Boujeloud

From "Brian Jones presents the Pipes of Pan at Joujouka", Rolling Stones Records, October 1971.

MAGIC calls itself The Other Method for controlling matter and knowing space. In Morocco, magic is practised more assiduously than hygiene though, indeed, ecstatic dancing to music of the brotherhoods may be called a form of psychic hygiene. You know your own music when you hear it one day.You fall into line and dance until you pay the piper.
My own music turned out to be the wild flutes of the hill tribe, Ahl Serif whom I met through the Moroccan painter, Hamri. He turned me on to the Moorish fleshpots, the Magic and the misery of the Moors. The secret of his mother's tribe, guarded even from themselves, was that they were still performing the Rites of Pan under their ragged cloak of Islam.

Westermark, in his book on pagan survivals in Morocco forty years ago, recognized their patron: Bou Jeloud, the Father of Skins, to be Pan the little goat god with his pipes. An account of their dances led him to conclude they must be celebrating the Roman Lupercalia which once occurred in the first two weeks of February, but attached itself to the principal
Moslem feast when the Arab invaders turned the calendar back to the lunar year. Westermark
never saw the dances and believed they no longer took place. Pan may soon stop dancing in the Moroccan hills but I first saw him there in 1950. Later I ran several times in the panic of the Lupercalia. It is the "holy chase" of which Julius Caesar speaks in Act 1, Scene
2 of Shakespeare's play: "Forget not, in your haste, Antonius, to touch Calpurnia; for our elders say the barren, touched in this holy chase, shake off their sterile curse." Marc Antony should be wearing a fresh, foul-smelling goatskin. "I saw Marc Antony offer him a crown; yet 'twas not a crown neither, 'twas one of those coronets. .."

Bou Jeloud wears a yokel's big, floppy straw hat, bound round his face with a fillet of ivy. ". . . it was mere foolery; I did not mark it." Elizabethan "Morris" dances were Moorish .
Pan, Bou Jeloud, the Father of Skins, dances through eight moonlit nights in his hill village, Joujouka, to the wailing of his hundred Master Musicians. Down in the towns, far away by the seaside, you can hear the wild whimper of his oboe-like raïtas; a faint breath of panic borne on the wind. Below the rough palisade of giant blue cactus surrounding the village on its hilltop, the music flows in streams to nourish and fructify the terraced fields below.
Inside the village the thatched houses crouch low in their gardens to hide the deep cactus-lined lanes. You come through their maze to the broad village green where the pipers are piping; fifty raïtas banked against a crumbling wall below sheet lightning to shatter the air. Fifty wild flutes blow up a storm in front of them, while a platoon of small boys in long belted white robes and brown wool turbans drums like young thunder. All the villagers, dressed
in best white, swirl in great circles and coils around one wildman in skins.
Bou Jeloud leaps high in the air on the music, races after the women again and again, lashing at them fiercely with his flails. "Forget not in your speed, Antonius, to touch Calpurnia . . ." He is wild. He is mad. Sowing panic. Lashing at anyone; striking real terror into the crowd. Women scatter like white marabout birds all aflutter and settle on a little hillock for safety, all huddled in one quivering lump. They throw back their heads to the moon and scream with throats open to the gullet, lolling their tongues around their empty heads like the clapper in a bell.
Every mouth is wide open, frozen into an O. Head back and hot narrow eyes brimming with dangerous baby. Bou Jeloud is after you. Running. Over-run, Laughter and someone is crying. Wild dogs at your heels. Swirling around in one ring-a-rosy, around and around and around. Go! Forever! Stop! Never! More and No More and No! More! Pipes crack in your head. Ears popped away at barrier sound and you deaf. Or dead! Swirling around in cold moonlight, surrounded by wild men or ghosts. Bou Jeloud is on you, butting you, beating you, taking you, leaving you. Gone! The great wind drops out of your head and you hear the heavenly music again. You feel sorry and loving and tender to that poor animal whimpering, grizzling, laughing and sobbing there beside you like somebody out of ether .Who is that? That is you.

Who is Bou Jeloud? Who is he? The shivering boy who was chosen to be stripped naked in a cave and sewn into the bloody warm skins and masked with an old straw hat tied over his face, HE is Bou Jeloud when he dances and runs. Not Ali, not Mohamed, then he is Bou Jeloud. He will be somewhat taboo in his village the rest of his life. When he dances alone, his musicians blow a sound like the earth sloughing its skin. He is the Father of Fear. He is, too, the Father of Flocks. The good shepherd works for him. When the goats, gently grazing,
brusquely frisk and skitter away, he is counting his flock. When you shiver like someone just walked on your grave—that's him: that's Pan, the Father of Skins. Have you jumped out of your skin lately? I've got you under my skin.
Up there, in Joujouka. you sleep all day—if the flies let you. Breakfast is goat-cheese and honey on gold bread from the outdoor oven. Musicians loll about sipping mint tea, their kif pipes and flutes. They never work in their lives so they lie about easy. The last priests of Pan cop a tithe on the crops in the lush valley below. Blue kif smoke drops in veils from Joujouka at nightfall. The music picks up like a current turned on. The children are singing, "Ha, Bou Jeloud! Bou Jeloud the butcher met Aisha Homolka, Ha, Bou Jeloud!"

On the third night he meets Aisha Homolka who drifts around after dark, cool and casual, near springs and running water. She unveils her beautiful blue-glittering face and breasts and coos. And he who stammers out an answer is lost. He is lost unless he touches
the blade of his knife or, better still, plucks it out and plunges it into the grcund between her goatish legs and forked hooves. Then Aisha Homolka, Aisha Kandisha, alias Asherat, Astarte, Diana in the Leaves Greene, Blest Virgin Miriam bar Levy, the White Goddess, in short, will be his. She must be a heavy Stone
Age matriarch whose power he cuts off with his Iron Age knife-magic.
The music grooves into hysteria, fear and fornication. A ball of laughter and tears in the throat gristle. Tickle of panic between the legs. Gripe of slap-stick cuts loose in the bowels. The Three Hadji. Man with Monkey. More characters coming on stage. The Hadji joggle around under their crowns like Three Wise Kings. Monkey Man comes on hugely pregnant with a live boy in his baggy pants. Monkey Man goes into
birth pangs and the Hadji deliver him of a naked boy with an umbilical halter around his neck. Man leads
Monkey around, beating him and screwing him for hours to the music. Monkey jumps on Man's back and screws him to the music for hours. Pipers pipe higher into the air and panic screams off like the wind intothe woods of silverolive and black oak, on into the Rif mountains swimming up under the moonlight.

BRION GYSIN. Copyright 1964 Brion Gysin.

mercredi 30 avril 2008

Stéphan Barron : Steo-o-o & re-transmission : Photos + audio

(Version concert par Stéphan et Balthazar Barron)
o-o-o, transforme en temps réel en voix chantées- les mesures de l'ozone du satellite GOME qui tourne autour de la terre. - les mesures de la pollution par l'ozone dans le lieu d'exposition.

version concert du 11 avril 2008 :Photos Charlie Bonallack
(remix live par James Taylor - Swayzak - de la bande sonore du film Transmission)
Photos Charlie Bonallack (g) François Labastie (2d)

Versions exposition :
o-o-o installation sonore de Stéphan et Balthazar Barron
Projection de deux films inédits de Stéphan Barron
A perte d'entendre - 2008 - 12 mn
Transmission - 2008 - 2 h 07

Le FRUC - Montpellier
Du 15 mars au 12 avril 2008.
Communiqué de presse
articles de presse
Photos Charlie Bonallack
Les partenaires de l'oeuvre o-o-o
programmation Stéphane Cousot

Remerciements à Françoise Pages et Christophe Héral pour o-o-o
James Taylor, Heure Exquise ! Pharos Productions et France Bleu Hérault pour re-Transmission.
et aux photographes Charlie Bonallack et François Labastie.

Ricardo Mbarkho "Arameans" at LOOP Festival, Barcelona

"Arameans" by Ricardo MbarkhoLebanon (2007), video, color, 3 min 36 secwill be screened at LOOP Festival Barcelona. The sixth edition, LOOP'08 will open its doors from May 6th to 18th, 2008. video questions the mobility of the Arameans in the Lebanese social context; this is through the example of an Assyrian woman who has undergone one of the explosions in Beirut. Since they moved from Iraq, until their departure from Syria, are the Arameans who hold their language and their religion pursued again by terrorism in Lebanon?« Arameans » is already screened at:- International Festival Sarajevo Winter "Barricades without borders", Video-Salon 3 at the galerie10m2, Sarajevo. From 7 to 21 of March 2008- transmediale.08, House of World Culture, Berlin, Germany. January 30, 2008- Goethe-Institut, Beirut, Lebanon. October 29, 2007 to November 1, 2007

"Arameans" de Ricardo Mbarkho Liban (2007), vidéo, 3 min 36 secpassera au festival LOOP à Barcelone. La 6ème édition de LOOP sera du 6 au 18 mai 2008. vidéo questionne la mobilité du peuple Araméen dans le contexte social libanais, et cela à travers l'exemple d'une femme Assyrienne qui a subit une des explosions à Beyrouth. Depuis qu'ils ont quitté l'Iraq, jusqu'à leur départ de la Syrie, les Araméens qui tiennent leur langue et leur religion, sont ils encore poursuivis par le terrorisme au Liban ?Déjà parue à :- Festival International Sarajevo Winter "Barricades without borders", Video-Salon 3 à la galerie10m2, Sarajevo. Du 7 au 21 mars 2008- transmediale.08, House of World Culture, Berlin, Allemagne. 30 janvier 2008- Goethe-Institut, Beyrouth, Liban. Du 29 octobre 2007 au 1 novembre 2007

Brian Jones festival in Joujouka on sale from later tonight

Brian Jones 40th Anniversary in Joujouka

A once-in-a-lifetime chance to experience a day and night in Joujouka as guests of the Master Musicians of Jououka and their families 28th July 2008.
The storyOn 28th July 1968 Brian Jones came to Joujouka with Brion Gysin, Mohamed Hamri and engineer George Chkiantz to record an album with the Master Musicians of Joujouka.
The resulting LP was the first release on Rolling Stones Records in 1971 "Brian Jones presents the Pipes of Pan at Joujouka".
To mark the 40th anniversary of this historic recording, the Master Musicians of Joujouka are staging a celebratory festival on 28th July 2008. The musicians will perform the Sufi healing music of Joujouka and, after dinner, the night will be filled with a full performance of the musicians' Boujeloud Rite, which is likened to the ancient Rites of Pan.
Joujouka is a farming community with strong Sufi traditions, located in the Ahl Srif Mountains some 80 km south of Chefchaouen and 20km from Ksar El Kebir.It is a halal village; therefore, both presence and consumption of alcohol is strictly forbidden.
Food and boardAccommodation will be provided in traditional Joujouka houses with the musicians' families. This is a unique opportunity to experience a festival in the village and Joujouka life.
Full board will be provided: lunch on arrival on the 28th, a celebratory meal in the evening, and breakfast on the morning of the 29th. All the dishes will be prepared by the villagers and will be traditional Moroccan fare for a celebratory feast.
The people of Joujouka are renowned for their music and their cooking.
Places are limitedThis once-in-a-lifetime experience is available to a strictly limited 50 places. This is due to accommodation limitations in the village, which is 20km from the nearest urban centre.
Travel arrangementsTicket holders must make their own way to Ksar El Kebir.Ticket holders will be transported from Ksar El Kebir's main train station ("Mouley Mehdi") at a designated time on the morning of 28th. Return transport to Ksar El Kebir will be provided on 29th to meet connecting trains.Grand taxis, and buses also serve Ksar El Kebir.
The price for this unique experience is €250 per person.Information available from
Frank Rynne