Hey all! Soooo this Saturday, I have an event coming up in which both my paintings and my writing will be featured. would love to see youthere unless i am trying to avoid seeing you at all, in which case youare certainly not receiving this email because i totally checked thelist like 4 times. that said, you should come. it will be a lot offun. I am attaching the flyer because it has more info than i amincluding here. mhmm. look at me being not so informative. whatever,here's the day and time and a couple other informational vittles.music. did i mention music? [you should all take a second to look atthe flyer because jay is pretty much awesome for helping me make itall neat 'n' stuff. yay jay.]
This Saturday, May 17th @730pm
Exhibit A Gallery and Works of Art present:
A Saturday night of Art &Poetry AtWorks of Art Salon
hosted By Brendan Constantine.
at 7 pmWorks of Art4655 Hollywood Blvd [upstairs].
Los Angeles, CA(213) 590-6990
Featuring Art Work By:JSON
Bob Nyebe Corrie Greathouse
Sita Kaylinand Words By:Corrie Greathouse
Karen Harryman
Saria Idana
Jennifer Lively
"but what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and thelife he leads"?a. camus-- everything or nothing at all.
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