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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est poetry. Afficher tous les articles

dimanche 29 décembre 2013

A.D. Winans: Li Po


he sat beneath the trees
talking to the leaves
wine flowed into miniature glasses
of silent sound

intoxicated on its flavor
he tasted it like a brewmaster
gazed at the sky
spoke a poets dialogue
to the passing clouds
the red wine flowing
through his veins

his poems floated
calm as the aftermath
of a storm

poems swirling
swimming inside him
like a dolphin rises
from the heart of the sea

mardi 19 novembre 2013

Charley Plymell and Gerard Malanga, photos by Paul Hennessy: release of "Benzedrine Highway".

More photos by Paul Hennessy at
Photos taken by Paul Hennessy of Orlando, Florida, on Nov 8, 2013 at the Jefferson Market Library in NYC. The event was a poetry reading by Charley in connection with the release of his book, "Benzedrine Highway". Gerard Malanga introduced Charley and read several of his poems as well.
The photo of the event announcement was taken in the lobby of the Library. 

Charley Plymell
Charley and Miriam Linna, Charley's book publisher at Kicks Books
Gerard Malanga
The photo of the book shelf was taken the same day at The Strand bookstore in NYC

lundi 18 novembre 2013

Jean Azarel: Que la note soit ZALée ! Zone d'Autonomie Littéraire 2013 - SQUEEZE - interview Jean Azarel


En espérant avoir le plaisir de vous voir samedi 23 salle Pétrarque à Montpellier, passage à 2O H :

Ou un de ces jours prochains pour la sortie de "Waiting for Tina"

Bien à vous toutes et tous 


Retrouvez lors de la ZAL 2013 à 20h, Jean Azarel + KERITY : Textes aspirés + Musique inspirée

--Zone d'Autonomie Littéraire--

ZAL du 23 NOV 2013 salle Pétrarque à MONTPELLIER - Entrée libre.
Organisée par
Evènement Facebook ici :

9 heures de scène continue autour du texte, de 14H à 23H, d'ouvrages venus d'ailleurs, de rencontres improbables, de performances hétéroclites, de lectures audacieuses et de cocktails à la louche : la Zone d'Autonomie Littéraire convoque les écrivains en place et les auteurs en devenir, les grands et les petits lecteurs, les passionnés de tout poil et encore plus de curieux, pour taper sur les clous de la création littéraire et repousser le bord des horizons.

-- Jean Azarel --

samedi 16 novembre 2013

Tonite! Norton Records Hurricane Sandy First Annual Weekend Ball Nov 15-16

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Two big Brooklyn venues set the scene to rattle the rafters one long, wet year after the wrath of Hurricane Sandy-- with seven big acts and three boss jocks on two wild nights! Plus two big download sets blast off today to set your cranium into Norton mode, thanks to our super friends at The Orchard!

Friday Nov 15 BASH NIGHT #1

Friday Nov 15 BASH NIGHT #1 Scenic Presents at the Warsaw!
Flamin' Groovies, Sonics, Daddy Long Legs, plus DJ's Todd-O-Phonic Todd and Josh Styles! Click for Friday Tickets Warsaw!

Saturday Nov 16 BASH NIGHT #2

Saturday Nov 16 BASH NIGHT #2 Brooklyn Bowl!
Reigning Sound with special guest La La Brooks of the Crystals, A-Bones with Mick Collins, Bloodshot Bill, plus New York Night Train Soul Clap with DJ Jonathan Toubin! Click for Saturday Tickets Brooklyn Bowl!
Release date October 15
Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 10.14.46 PM
Dig all the great Sonics sounds!
Dig all the Flamin Groovies sounds!
Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 10.16.40 PM
Daddy Long Legs!
Reigning Sound!
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The A-Bones stax-o-wax!
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Bloodshot Bill waxes em down!

mardi 12 novembre 2013


a friend of mine tells me
I need to stop dwelling on the past
that nostalgia is an anchor
that will weigh me down
he's like the lyric
to that Hank Williams song
"I saw the light, "I saw the light."
a song he sang to Minnie Pearl
his feet sticking out the side
of an open convertible
on its way to Memphis
I'm still groping for that light
a hundred shadows from my past
hitch-hiking along for the ride

angels have traded in their wings
for a ticket to my dreams
the phantom of the opera
has a front row seat in my nightmares
mutilated poems wrap them self in my arms
pit tomorrow against yesterday
nomadic thoughts camp inside
my brain cells
master to none  servant to many

old flame's light burned out torches
in my loins
there is no place to flee
no resting stop at the end
of a long journey
from here to nowhere

I spend the afternoon
at Martha's coffee shop
with hot coffee and a newspaper
for company
tomorrow those same newspaper lines
will be past history
should I pretend they never existed?

I am ten months into
my seventy-seventh year
winter will soon be here
with her cold claws and heavy rain
forcing her way into the walls of my mind

were she of human flesh
she would crack open
my memory vault
find miles of past memories
that flow like Li Po poems
down a river old as time
should I ignore her
tell her to come back next winter
that now isn't the time?

I have written one too many memorial poems
for friends who have passed-away
should I shut them out of my mind
focus on tomorrow
build a graveled  path that leads
to the promised land?

my emotions are trapped in quicksand
no place to run
no place to hide
endless chatter comes from
the 4-walls where
death hides between the cracks

the past is my lover
she clings to my body
like a child to a mother's bosom
she sleeps in my memory cells
like a phantom bank that accepts
only deposits  refuses withdrawals

I think of her
like I think of San Francisco
the city of my birth
the salt air smell at ocean beach
the Marina Greens
north beach and the fillmore
all filled with memories
my past is my present
the future a gypsy fortune teller

my existence
a slow chugging locomotive
on an anonymous journey
known only to the conductor
punching invisible tickets in the hands
of faceless passengers

On Rusty Truck: Veterans Day (2013) by Bradley Mason Hamlin

This day go on me before I knew it.  But I just received this Poem honoring Veterans
and couldn't let it take a look.
I am reminded today of the Nam vets I knew and know--friends that died either  there or when they got back--some still alive barely but died and didn't know it.  The guys that cry late at night from nightmares.  I think about these Vets because I went to school with them, worked with them, grew up with them.  All combat veterans are heroes, I thank all who served in whatever capacity. 

Taught my kiddos in school today about real heroes today when we had about 30 vets in for brunch and to honor them.  When the program was over--every student in the school went by their tables and shook their hand.  Some of the WWII guys had tears.  No need for background checks--I know where these guys came from and where they've been.

dimanche 10 novembre 2013

Bob Branaman and Brigtte Moos: OPENING RECEPTION: A Diamond Light at the Memory Palace

Saturday November 16th  15:00 (PST)

Join us for a free reception to celebrate the art of Robert Branaman and Brigtte Moos!!

Beat Generation poet, painter, and film producer Bob Branaman continues to make avantgarde art today. Branaman joined the Beatniks in San Francisco in the 1950s, part of the Kansas Vortex, which included Charles Plymell and Michael McClure, and soon made his name as a hep cat. He outlived many of his bohemian contemporaries, despite his bad habits. Over the years he has collected a great deal of stories and ephemera from that time period and because he has outlived most of his beat contemporaries he is in many ways an archivist and one of the last voices of the Beat Generation.

Birgitte Moos is an Artist from Copenhagen, Denmark, working in Los Angeles and Copenhagen.

Birgitte works in an unconventional, interdisciplinary manner to combine art, theory and function. Utilizing the vibrant space and surroundings of the City Birgitte exhibits visual art works often focusing on the totality of an environment reflecting all aspects of her art and vice versa.
Holding an MFA in set design from Denmark’s Royal College of Fine Arts in Copenhagen, Birgitte also studied painting and set design at The Berlin University of Arts under Achim Freyer who recently staged The Ring Cycle at the LA Opera.

As a Visual Artist and Set Designer, Birgitte has been involved in numerous projects in theater, short films, videos, performances and gallery exhibitions internationally, also lecturing in set design, amongst projects such as Zentropa Productions by Danish Filmdirector Lars von Trier.

In 2011 Birgittes set design for the staging of ‘The Arsonists’ at The Odyssey Theater in Los Angeles was nominated as set design of the year by LA Weekly. In 2012 Birgitte was selected from thousands as a finalist in the Saatchi Gallery’s Open Call for Abstract Art. In April this year she was the Featured Artist at the Downtown Artwalk curated out of Artists from all LA.