Hi all,
August 2nd was the 13th anniversary of Bill Burroughs' death and August 10th , the 13th anniversary of Interzone start. So here we are and here we go again ! About the activities of all those years, see the front page of the site Interzone Report https://sites.google.com/site/aubertisa/ which contains the links to the reports since August 1997. I dedicate this report specially to James Grauerholz.
As you can state reading it, this summer has been busy on the Zone's side. i cnnot include all the info gathered during those two months in the blog Interzone news : see at http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/ for the details and extra info.

William Burroughs, Charles Plymell and James Grauerholz.
A benefit for S. Clay Wilson :
medical expenses are beyond his ability to pay and have made him and his family paupers. I’d like your help to raise money for S. Clay Wilson’s medical expenses. S. Clay Wilson is a major figure in American comics, a founder of the underground comix movement." David ChelseaMore on Punkglobe at http://www.punkglobe.com/sclaywilsonbenefit409.html
Lorraine Chamberlain and S. Clay wilson
"In November 2008, cartoonist S. Clay Wilson suffered a severe brain injury in a fall. He spent a week in intensive care and faces a long recovery. Even with insurance, Wilson’s
See also
- AN UPDATE ON ARTIST S. CLAY WILSON By: Lorraine Chamberlain
- S. CLAY WILSON You Can't Keep a Dirty Cartoonist Down! by Rebecca G. Wilson
http://www.punkglobe.com/S.%20Clay%20Wilson%20Interview.html in Punk Globe:
- AN UPDATE ON ARTIST S. CLAY WILSON By: Lorraine Chamberlain
- S. CLAY WILSON You Can't Keep a Dirty Cartoonist Down! by Rebecca G. Wilson
http://www.punkglobe.com/S.%20Clay%20Wilson%20Interview.html in Punk Globe:
- AN UPDATE ON ARTIST S. CLAY WILSON By: Lorraine Chamberlain
Just married
Lorraine Belcher Chamberlain and S. Clay Wilson got married on August 10th 2010 !
Best wishes of happiness to them !
Best wishes of happiness to them !
Farewell to Harvey Pekar and Herman Leonard:
Herman Leonard, icon photographer of Jazz scenes, has died at the age of 87 on August 14th in Los Angeles. He was famous for his "smoky," backlighted B and W photos of Jazz greats like Billie Holiday, Duke Ellington, and Charlie Parker. Over 60,000 of his negatives are stored at the Ogdon Museun. He returned to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and was featured in the 2005 BBC Sundance Documentary “Saving Jazz," and was featured in the 2006 BBC documetnary "Saving Jazz."
"Pekar-Crumb, une épopée des petites vies"
Harvey Pekar, scénarist of «American Splendor», passed away on July 12th 2010.
See in Mediapart the article "Pekar-Crumb, une épopée des petites vies" by Vincent Truffy at http://www.mediapart.fr/journal/culture-idees/270810/pekar-crumb-une-epopee-des-petites-vies
The book "Harv & Bob", scenario by Harvey Pekar, drawings by Robert Crumb, has just been published at the editions Cornelius.
LiteratureSee in Mediapart the article "Pekar-Crumb, une épopée des petites vies" by Vincent Truffy at http://www.mediapart.fr/journal/culture-idees/270810/pekar-crumb-une-epopee-des-petites-vies
The book "Harv & Bob", scenario by Harvey Pekar, drawings by Robert Crumb, has just been published at the editions Cornelius.
The Time of the Naguals on line:
I have received from the Bibliothèque nationale de France the number of dépôt légal for "Le Temps ds Naguals - Autour de Burroughs et Gysin", so all the formalities of publishing are done for this book. I have put the pdf on line last month at http://www.inter-zone.org/thetimeofthenaguals/TNFR.pdf
The tome "Around Burroughs and Gysin" on line at www.inter-zone.org/thetimeofthenaguals/TNAroundB&G.pdf has been updated: Paul O'Donovan's illustrations have been added.
The tome of Reseach at www.inter-zone.org/thetimeofthenaguals/TN2research.pdf will be updated as well as more on the dreamachine will be added.
For the rest of the anthology, I suggest that we use another technic: rather working on one tome at a time, due to the number of the tomes to end, I suggest that I put them on line as they are at the moment, (they are already in pdf) so people who wrote in them can send the modifications to make, otherwise it will take some decades for the whole anthology to be ready, and we have been at it since 12 or 13 years now.
Any suggestion welcome.
Alain and Jean presented their new book, "Papy Beat Generation" , Editions Hors Sujet, in Rochefort sur Loire.
A beatiful day, and a very nice meeting.
Alain Gegou & Jean Azarel - Jean Azarel et Pierre Rannou, éditeur de "Papy Beat Generation" chez Hors Sujet
"The Poetry Bomb is a former U.S. military practice bomb. The artifact will be completely converted into a beautiful object filled with poetry from around the world. When finished, it will have a primo paint job just as if it were a classic car, complete with pin-striping. It will also have a window or portal that will open and close making it possible to not only see inside of the piece, but to take poems out at performances to read out loud, and to add future submissions. Once converted, I will take The Poetry Bomb on tour across the United States, and then, who knows? Plan on beginning the tour in late April of 2010." S.A. Griffin
More at
Video : How to build a poetry bomb :
MILK A Poetry Magazine
Dan Fante • Nathan Graziano • Andrew Hilbert
Stephen Hines • Jordan Hurder • Justin Hyde
Richard Krech • Linda Lerner • Lyn Lifshin
Ellaraine Lockie • Gerald Locklin
Hosho McCreesh • Brian McGettrick
Brown Miller • Jack Moxie • Michael Phillips
Charles Plymell • M.P. Powers
William Taylor Jr • A.D. Winans
Price: $ 5
* GRIST : Rare issue of GRIST magazine edited, designed, printed by Charles Plymell in S.F. in 60's on same multilith that ZAP was printed on. The format was maximum size for Multilith which determined format of comix for many years. The front cover was done by Plymell and back cover Wilson drawing. The center fold (not pictured) was also Wilson drawing. http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010/07/rare-issue-of-grist-magazine-edited.html
Interview by Jason Gross ,
Part 1 : www.furious.com/perfect/byroncoley.html
Part 2: http://www.furious.com/perfect/byroncoley2.html
Part 1 : www.furious.com/perfect/byroncoley.html
Part 2: http://www.furious.com/perfect/byroncoley2.html
Richard Krech:
A complete bibliography that details every known printed appearance including books, magazines, anthologies and ephemera. An exhaustive work. 100 pages. Edition of 74 copies, 1/4 bound cloth over boards. We have very few of these left. $35 plus shipping. Visit www.bospress.net/order.html to order.
A complete bibliography that details every known printed appearance including books, magazines, anthologies and ephemera. An exhaustive work. 100 pages. Edition of 74 copies, 1/4 bound cloth over boards. We have very few of these left. $35 plus shipping. Visit www.bospress.net/order.html to order.
Benoit Delaune: articles autour de William Burroughs
Benoit Delaune has written a thesis of comparative literatures on Burroughs, particularly down the cut-up and "nova trilogy". In July 2009 he took part in the colloquium in Paris for the 50 yeats of Naked Lunch, as a lecturer as well as a musician, with the group he is a member of, " Nouvelles Impressions d'Afrique".
Some of the articles he wrote around Burroughs are available on line :
- "Texte itératif et stéréotypes chez William Burroughs : de l’intertextualité à l’autostéréotypie": http://revel.unice.fr/cnarra/index.html?id=1268 in the Cahiers de Narratologie.
- Collage, montage, cut-up, musique concrète : figures de l’intégration du chaos dans l’œuvre chez William Burroughs et Pierre Schaeffer : http://trans.univ-paris3.fr/spip.php?article276 : TRANS - Revue de littérature générale et comparée, N° 9: Pop-culture.
A.D. Winans: Love-Zero and more poems :
- On AD Winans' book, "Love -Zero", see http://hipstershustlersandhighjivers.blogspot.com/2010/07/ad-winans-love-zero.html in Ginger Eades' blog.
- "A Call to Poets" : http://www.inter-zone.org/adwinans3.html
- FOURTH OF JULY POEM http://www.inter-zone.org/adwinans1.html
- SIGN OF THE TIMES http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010/08/sign-of-times-by-ad-winans.html
General semantics:
The translation of chapter III of Science and Sanity, by Alfred Korzybski, has been updated at http://semantiquegenerale.free.fr/Articles/S&SIntro.htm
The page on the courses on line at http://semantiquegenerale.free.fr/coursenligne.htm has been updated: I am stopping the seminars to concentrate on the courses on line with skype, which I have been experimenting since two years now: this is more practical, cheaper, and one course a week is more adapted to the teaching of general semantics than a 2 week-end seminar, too concentrated to be integrated by the nervous system.
The page on the courses on line at http://semantiquegenerale.free.fr/coursenligne.htm has been updated: I am stopping the seminars to concentrate on the courses on line with skype, which I have been experimenting since two years now: this is more practical, cheaper, and one course a week is more adapted to the teaching of general semantics than a 2 week-end seminar, too concentrated to be integrated by the nervous system.
See also the article:
- Des implications en sciences humaines du travail de recherche de Michel Onfray sur Freud in pdf at http://semantiquegenerale.free.fr/Articles/michelonfray.pdf ,
- Also on Freud également, two chapters of "N'Etre" by Roger Gentis at http://semantiquegenerale.free.fr/Articles/RogerGentisN'ÊtreII.pdf
Mino D.C.: Tableau d'herbes
Nicolas CUSSAC: exhibition from 1st to 19th September
- Poezijos ir muzikos vakaras: Vaidas Šadeika : "The Smile" by William Blake: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esSKPyZtmUo
Following in the footsteps of Brian Jones and Timothy Leary, Richie Troughton heads to Morocco to experience the magical sounds of the Master Musicians of Joujouka
Read the whole article by Richie Troughton in The Quietus at :
The Master Musicians of Joujouka are now on facebook
He Also Took That Boat by Alma/Joe Ambrose will be featured in a forthcoming British festival of music created by pioneering plastic artists - Be Glad For The Song Has No End. The track, favourably reviewed in Art Monthly, had its first outing earlier this year in the London gallery show, Dead Fingers Talk – The Tape Experiments of William S. Burroughs.
Be Glad For The Song Has No End - A Festival of Artists' Music is a day of live musical performances, film screenings and events, set across three uniquely constructed stages in the grounds of Wysing Arts Centre in rural Cambridgeshire, organised and arranged by artist/musician Andy Holden.
Throughout the day artists will perform their music on the two outdoor stages whilst a program of films and performance that explore music from a more documentary or anthropological perspective take place in the cinema stage.
Artists involved in the festival include Archie Bronson Outfit, Luke Fowler, Turner Prize winner Martin Creed, Bob and Roberta Smith, Grubby Mitts, Sam Belinfante, Kim Gordon (Sonic Youth), and Jutta Koether. The festival is supported by Resonance 104.4FM, Lost Toys Records and The Wire magazine, and is made possible by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Arts Council England East. For further information on the festival, details of places to stay, transport, and to book tickets visit: www.wysingartscentre.org/news/ 201 + 44 1954 718 881
Be Glad For The Song Has No End - A Festival of Artists' Music is a day of live musical performances, film screenings and events, set across three uniquely constructed stages in the grounds of Wysing Arts Centre in rural Cambridgeshire, organised and arranged by artist/musician Andy Holden.
Throughout the day artists will perform their music on the two outdoor stages whilst a program of films and performance that explore music from a more documentary or anthropological perspective take place in the cinema stage.
Artists involved in the festival include Archie Bronson Outfit, Luke Fowler, Turner Prize winner Martin Creed, Bob and Roberta Smith, Grubby Mitts, Sam Belinfante, Kim Gordon (Sonic Youth), and Jutta Koether. The festival is supported by Resonance 104.4FM, Lost Toys Records and The Wire magazine, and is made possible by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Arts Council England East. For further information on the festival, details of places to stay, transport, and to book tickets visit: www.wysingartscentre.org/news/ 201 + 44 1954 718 881
The group Novacriminal played on July 8th at the the 5 star bar, 267 S Main, Los Angeles, CA
"Some videos from poetry evening in our home town last autumn (also, don't remember, maybe i already sent those links). There I made music for texts of some my favorite poets - W. Blake, R.M. Rilke, A. Rimbaud."
- Poezijos ir muzikos vakaras: Vaidas Šadeika : "The Smile" by William Blake: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esSKPyZtmUo
- Poezijos ir muzikos vakaras: Vaidas Šadeika : "The Smile" by William Blake: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esSKPyZtmUo
- Poezijos ir muzikos vakaras: Vaidas Šadeika : Rilke
- In July the Sooges have been touring through France, Belgium and Monaco.
Diary of April-May http://hootpage.com/hoot_stooges-wattdiary2010a.html .
July 11, 2010 featuring: remote broadcast from marseille, france in the Watt from Pedro show http://twfps.com/
Diary of April-May http://hootpage.com/hoot_stooges-wattdiary2010a.html .
July 11, 2010 featuring: remote broadcast from marseille, france in the Watt from Pedro show http://twfps.com/
The dates of the concerts of August in UK , Sweden, Russia, Netherland and US are on line in Mike Watt Hoot Page at http://mikewatt.com/
Mike Watt Interview and Bass Lesson. PlayThisRiff.com :
Photo gallery by Phil Scalia: Grant Hart http://www.philipscalia.com/gh/index.htm
Since 2001, a yearly national day, celebrated the first Saturday of the month of July (this year the 3rd of July, 2010), is dedicated to TABBOULEH.
During this day, Lebanese and their friends everywhere in the world meet in private or in public around this king of the mezzé. This artistic, cultural, gastronomic and touristy feast presents them an opportunity to show and to reinforce their attachment to their country. In 2007, the Lebanese Ministry of Tourism granted its approval and its patronage officially for the NATIONAL TABBOULEH DAY.
Many events will take place all over the world! wherever there are Lebanese and friends. In downtown Beirut, for example, a big public gathering is organized at Souk el Tayeb in Saifi Village, where savoring and competitions of the best TABBOULEH will take place (www.soukeltayeb.com).
Let's celebrate all together the next NATIONAL TABBOULEH DAY that will take place on Saturday July 3, 2010. How? Here are some suggested ways:
In July 3, 2010
- Think about Tabbouleh
- Or do Tabbouleh alone or with friends
- Or do a public Tabbouleh event on your way
While doing so, know that you’re sharing these moments with all the others.
I all cases please take photos and share them on facebook for example. You can also send them to contact@nationaltabboulehday.com so we can publish them on the Website www.nationaltabboulehday.com and/or facebook…
Happy Tabbouleh Day!!!!!
forward the good news!
Exhibitions During this day, Lebanese and their friends everywhere in the world meet in private or in public around this king of the mezzé. This artistic, cultural, gastronomic and touristy feast presents them an opportunity to show and to reinforce their attachment to their country. In 2007, the Lebanese Ministry of Tourism granted its approval and its patronage officially for the NATIONAL TABBOULEH DAY.
Many events will take place all over the world! wherever there are Lebanese and friends. In downtown Beirut, for example, a big public gathering is organized at Souk el Tayeb in Saifi Village, where savoring and competitions of the best TABBOULEH will take place (www.soukeltayeb.com).
Let's celebrate all together the next NATIONAL TABBOULEH DAY that will take place on Saturday July 3, 2010. How? Here are some suggested ways:
In July 3, 2010
- Think about Tabbouleh
- Or do Tabbouleh alone or with friends
- Or do a public Tabbouleh event on your way
While doing so, know that you’re sharing these moments with all the others.
I all cases please take photos and share them on facebook for example. You can also send them to contact@nationaltabboulehday.com so we can publish them on the Website www.nationaltabboulehday.com and/or facebook…
Happy Tabbouleh Day!!!!!
forward the good news!
Mino D.C.: Tableau d'herbes
Nicolas CUSSAC: exhibition from 1st to 19th September

Preview of the exhibition: Saturday September 4th, 11 AMAt CAPELLETA de CERETrue Pierre RameilExhibition from September 1st to 19th 2010
Optical Sound : Updates at http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010/07/vernissage-previously-on-optical-sound.html and http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010/07/previously-on-optical-sound-derniers.html ORIENT EXPRESS à OSTRALE, DRESDE, 2010
New version, will show in Dresden, Ostrale international exhibition from 27.8 to 19.9 2010
video edition dvdremix, and paper edition.
More at http://www.technoromanticism.com/en/projects/OSTRALE/orexp_ostrale_en.html GalleriesTwo slide shows from Collage Art by Claude Pelieu & Mary Beach by Ginger Eades Slide Show from Collage Art by Claude Pelieu & Mary Beach
& http://picasaweb.google.com/Highjiver/BeachPelieu?authkey=Gv1sRgCIDJ57rC8eTHCw#slideshow/5234270719383855442 Phil Scalia : Photographs and Wikigraphs:Photographs at http://www.philipscalia.com/ and in Picasaweb : View Album http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/sredir?uname=phisca&target=ALBUM&id=5497141549901079617&authkey=Gv1sRgCOG7rp3y5ODrjQE&feat=email Play slideshow http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/sredir?uname=phisca&target=ALBUM&id=5497141549901079617&authkey=Gv1sRgCOG7rp3y5ODrjQE&feat=email&mode=SLIDESHOW
Preview of the exhibition: Saturday September 4th, 11 AMAt CAPELLETA de CERET
rue Pierre Rameil
Exhibition from September 1st to 19th 2010
Optical Sound :
Updates at http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010/07/vernissage-previously-on-optical-sound.html and http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010/07/previously-on-optical-sound-derniers.html
New version, will show in Dresden, Ostrale international exhibition from 27.8 to 19.9 2010
video edition dvdremix, and paper edition.
More at http://www.technoromanticism.com/en/projects/OSTRALE/orexp_ostrale_en.html
New version, will show in Dresden, Ostrale international exhibition from 27.8 to 19.9 2010
video edition dvdremix, and paper edition.
More at http://www.technoromanticism.com/en/projects/OSTRALE/orexp_ostrale_en.html
& http://picasaweb.google.com/Highjiver/BeachPelieu?authkey=Gv1sRgCIDJ57rC8eTHCw#slideshow/5234270719383855442
Those videos are made by Egle, dureing their trip from Lithuania to Portugal in 2009:
- keliones pradzia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdxekonmAw4
- keliones II dalis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHf0p1R4qbk&feature=related
- keliones pradzia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdxekonmAw4
- keliones II dalis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHf0p1R4qbk&feature=related
- keliones III dalis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MJos87RWZc&feature=related
Some videos from poetry evening in our home town last autumn (also, don't remember, maybe i already sent those links). There I made music for texts of some my favorite poets - W. Blake, R.M. Rilke, A. Rimbaud.
- Poezijos ir muzikos vakaras: Vaidas Šadeika : "The Smile" by William Blake: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esSKPyZtmUo
- Poezijos ir muzikos vakaras: Vaidas Šadeika : Rilke
On line at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAf16_hn5cQ
Videos on line at
This report is on line at https://sites.google.com/site/aubertisa/reportjuly10-html and in French at https://sites.google.com/site/aubertisa/reportjuly10fr-html . Between two reports, the info is gathered in Interzone news which is regularly updated.
Wishing you all the best for keeping on your activities after the holidays.
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