jeudi 19 novembre 2009

Vago C. Damitio : Liminal Travel - All my travel secrets revealed

Hi Everyone,

I've pre-released my latest book as a free e-book at . It's called "Liminal Travel" for those who don't know, liminal is an anthropological term which indicates the spaces in between. I think that it and travel go together well.

In a nutshell, this book is a philosophical companion to "Rough Living", my first book. While there are still some things to fix about it, I like to think that this book gets to the heart of the matter more than Rough Living, which was more about how to survive without money in America than about finding fulfillment through travel.

I've shopped this out to a few agents and a few publishers and I guess they didn't see the potential in it to make the million dollars they are looking for. Of course if they read the book, they might realize that they don't need to be looking for a million dollars anyway.

I'm quite happily living in Morocco on about $200 a month and seeing more than most people dream of seeing in a lifetime. I think that I've leaked 'the secrets' out in this book and those agents and publishers may have missed the boat because I think this book has the potential to reach a lot more people than the roughly 16000 who have bought or downloaded Rough Living.

We'll see though.

Anyway, to get the book, just go to and fill in your email to get the download page and the password.

If you come across any errors, have suggestions, or just like it, please let me know.

I wish you all the best,

Vago C. Damitio
Sefrou, Morocco, Africa

Vago C. Damitio

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