lundi 31 décembre 2012

Charles, Pam and Liz Plymell at Jesse James' cabin, 1970

Charles, Pam and Liz Plymell at Jesse James' house,
Missouri, 1970

AD. Winans: Happy New Year !

"Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account."
~Oscar Wilde


Anthony Rousseau: Meilleurs voeux 2013

Bonjour à toutes et à tous.
Je vous envoie mes meilleurs voeux pour cette année 2013 qui débute…

Bien à vous

Galerie Ecritures: meilleurs voeux

Les Artistes et les membres de la Galerie ECRITURES vous présentent leurs meilleurs vœux pour cette nouvelle année 2013, vœux de bonheur et de santé.
La galerie ECRITURES expose jusqu’au 14-02-2013 Jean ESTAQUE : « Il voit des Saints partout »
En Mars, la Galerie Ecritures donne carte blanche à fondencre Créée en 2005 par Philippe Biget avec la complicité de quelques proches et amis, l’Association fondencre est à vocation littéraire et artistique.
Elle développe principalement une activité éditoriale exigeante et ouverte sur le monde déclinée en quatre collections (Récits et fictions, Beaux Livres, Écrits sur l’Art, Jalons du XXe siècle).
La galerie présente des oeuvres de toutes époques des artistes qui sont en permanence à la galerie : Pierre LAFOUCRIERE, Yo MARCHAND, Jacques CINQUIN, Rémy PASTOR, Claire MOREAU, Jean ESTAQUE, GUERRERO, Bruno DANJOUX, Philippe FISSORE, José DUBOIS, Guy MADEVERY ...
Bonne année et au plaisir de vous revoir.

Galerie ECRITURES 1 rue Pierre Petit 03 100 MONTLUCON,ecritures-15609.html

Le petit Niortais l'été 68 et les rock stars

Jérôme Pintoux. Niort-Londres en 68 : le choc des mondes. « Niort, pour moi, c'était la Sèvre. Je faisais de la barque avec des copains en amont du Jardin des Plantes. »

Jérôme Pintoux publie un roman qui a pour cadre Niort et Londres à la fin des sixties. Un récit qui doit beaucoup à son propre journal de bord d’adolescent.
De Gaulle et Cohn-Bendit déjeunent ensemble un jour de 68. De quoi parlent-ils ? Des 33 tours de Jimi Hendrix. Une scène que Jérôme Pintoux s'est offert le plaisir d'imaginer dans son dernier roman, « Vinyles Vintage ». L'histoire d'un petit Niortais qui du haut de ses 17 ans explore la folle atmosphère du « Swinging London » de la fin des sixties.
Ça pourrait commencer comme « A nous les petites Anglaises », mais la suite n'a rien à voir. « Quand j'avais 17 ans, mes parents m'ont envoyé en Grande-Bretagne. J'entrais en terminale et ils voulaient que j'acquière un certain niveau en anglais », raconte Jérôme Pintoux, dont le père dirigeait la droguerie du même nom, institution du commerce niortais aujourd'hui tenue par son frère.
Nous avons tous un été qui a été l'été de notre vie. Celui de Jérôme Pintoux a été l'été 68. Durant tout son voyage, il prend des notes. Un journal de bord ressorti intact des décennies plus tard. « Rien de sexuel là-dedans, mais c'était pire : c'était mon cœur mis à nu. »
Ce témoignage sur le vif, il l'épaissit avec le récit de faux rêves et des interviews de rock stars. Son personnage croise Jim Morisson, Frank Zappa ou Paul McCartney. Jérôme Pintoux s'est fait une spécialité de ces interviews imaginaires : la sortie l'an dernier d'une série consacrée aux classiques de la littérature, lui avait valu une invitation sur France-Culture. Lui qui écrit pour des revues rock comme Jukebox Magazine, sortira l'an prochain un dictionnaire sur Dylan.
" Rien de sexuel dans tout ça. Mais c'était pire : c'était mon cœur mis à nu. "
Niort-Londres en 68 : le choc des mondes. « Niort, pour moi, c'était la Sèvre. Je faisais de la barque avec des copains en amont du Jardin des Plantes. » Il remontait la Sèvre jusqu'à Sainte-Pezenne, jusqu'au château des Loups qu'avait failli racheter le comédien Jean Richard.
Un drapeau rouge sur le Donjon
Et 68 dans tout ça ? Un écho amorti et lointain. On boycotte au lycée la prof d'espagnol parce que sa tête ne nous revient pas. Seul acte subversif notable, un drapeau rouge planté au sommet du Donjon. « Des gens à Niort prétendaient être allés sur les barricades à Paris et on ne savait pas si c'était vrai ou s'ils étaient mythomanes. »
Alors quand il franchit le Channel, c'est l'explosion : « N'oublions pas qu'avoir 17 ans en 1968, c'est comme avoir 13 ans en 2012 : on restait enfant bien plus longtemps qu'aujourd'hui. »
Pas de passéisme, Jérôme Pintoux ne joue pas les anciens combattants du rock : « J'ai voulu faire un livre beaucoup plus drôle que nostalgique. Ce dont je me souviens, c'est d'une joie de vivre et d'un esprit qui deux ans après, avaient disparu. Le rock était devenu une routine. Mais il faut se méfier des âges d'or. »
« Vinyles Vintage », édité aux Presses du Midi, 16 €. En vente à La Librairie des Halles.
Yves Revert

vendredi 21 décembre 2012

Le nouveau livre de Jérôme Pintoux

Jérôme Pintoux.
Jérôme Pintoux.

Jérôme Pintoux publie aux Presses du Midi un roman qui a pour cadre Niort et Londres en 1968, « Vinyles Vintage ». Le personnage principal, du haut de ses 17 ans, part dans la capitale du Royaume-Uni à la rencontre des rock stars de l'époque, de Lennon à Jagger en passant par Dylan. Le livre fait revivre le « swinging London » de ces années trépidantes.
En 2011, Jérôme Pintoux dont le grand-père et le père ont tenu la droguerie du même nom (une institution du commerce local aujourd'hui dirigée par son frère) avait publié une série d'interviews imaginaires et post-mortem de 77 grands classiques de la littérature, de Corneille à Zola. Ce qui lui avait valu d'être invité sur France-Culture.

jeudi 20 décembre 2012

Anthony Rousseau: Vidéo "In progress / 01" - Carine Abraham.

Bonjour à toutes et à tous !
Je tenais à vous faire découvrir la vidéo "IN PROGRESS / 01" de l'artiste Carine Abraham…
Elle est la première d'une série de 4 vidéos. Retranscription graphique et animée d'un flux mental et émotionnel où pensées et souvenirs oscillent entre cohérence, construction, récurrence et chaos.

Bonnes Fêtes de fin d'année !

Bien à vous


mercredi 19 décembre 2012

First long feature documentary about William S. Burroughs will be re-released after two decades out of print

The first long feature documentary about iconic writer William S. Burroughs, one of the most radically subversive literary figures of the 20th century and Godfather to the Beat poets such as Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg, is set to be restored and re-released after decades of being out of print.

The campaign to restore Burroughs: The Movie will officially be launched on Kickstarter on World Aids Day December 1st 2012 and it will run for 30 days. A rare screening of the film will be held December 11th 2012 at 7pm at the October Gallery in London, UK (24 Old Gloucester Street Bloomsbury, London WC1N 3AL).

The late Howard Brookner began his Burroughs film while in NYU film school in 1978 with his fellow students Jim Jarmusch, who did the sound, and Tom DiCillo on camera.  Five years later Brookner had finished Burroughs: The Movie with the help of BBC.

Burroughs: The Movie was Howard Brookner’s first of three feature length films followed by Robert Wilson and the Civil Wars (1986) and Bloodhounds of Broadway (1989) - starring Madonna, Matt Dillon and Jennifer Grey among other well known actors. He died of AIDS in 1989, at thirty-four years old. "If I live on it is in your memories and the films I made", he wrote in a letter he left to his parents. “That letter was my engine to bring Howard back to life through his work. After a long search I found the only print of Burroughs: The Movie in good condition and embarked on a project to remaster it and make it available to the public”, says Aaron Brookner, nephew of the filmmaker. “The remastering is part of the work I want to do to preserve my uncle’s legacy”.  Howard Brookner’s archive includes more than 300 assets that need urgent preservation. “The re-release of Burroughs is a first step towards recovering what he made while he was alive.”

‘Burroughs: The Movie’ features the writer’s close circle of friends including Patti Smith, Allen Ginsberg, Brion Gysin, Francis Bacon, John Giorno, James Grauerholz and Terry Southern. The film premiered at the 1983 New York Film Festival to rave reviews. Janet Maslin from The New York Times wrote: “Rarely is a documentary as well attuned to its subject as Howard Brookner's "Burroughs", which captures as much about the life, work and sensibility of its subject as its 86 minute format allows. (T)he quality of discovery about "Burroughs" is very much the director's doing, and Mr. Brookner demonstrates an unusual degree of liveliness and curiosity in exploring his subject".

February 5, 2014 will mark William S. Burroughs 100th Birthday and the film should be released by then. Also 2013 will mark the 30th Anniversary since the release of Burroughs: The Movie and that’s when the restoration will take place.

Howard Brookner’s archive collection contains never before seen material from Burroughs: The Movie including interviews with Andy Warhol, Patti Smith, Frank Zappa, Brion Gysin, the legendary Nova Convention, Brian Jones, Anthony Balch and more. “He documented what was probably the last comprehensive counter culture movement which came out of downtown New York City in the late 1970s/early 80s, influencing so many of the leading styles and ideas of today,” says Aaron Brookner.

Beyond the restoration of the Burroughs film, any proceedings beyond the target funding will be used to restore and preserve Howard Brookner’s archive described by Francis Poole, head of Film and Video Collection at the University of Delaware, as “one of the most amazing collections I have ever seen”.  Aaron Brookner, who is also a filmmaker, plans to create a film about his uncle’s life called Smash The Control Machine: Howard Brookner & the Western Lands using much of the found footage. “Howard is a strong inspiration and he lived a short but beautiful life full of sardonic wit.  He was a great filmmaker and this discovery will allow the world to enjoy his work. I want to honour who he was through the memories of those he influenced, and the films he made.”

To finance the restoration project, a crowdfunding campaign will be launched on Kickstarter to raise USD 20.000 (approx 13.000 British Pounds or 16.000 Euros).

For more information about the campaign to restore Burroughs: The Movie, Smash the Control Machine film and Howard Brookner’s archive please visit


For further information and press requests please contact:
Paula Vaccaro at Pinball London on +4420 7226 6490 / +447941 474 721  

Restoration of Burroughs: The Movie by Howard Brookner

lundi 17 décembre 2012

Vinyles Vintage de Jérôme Pintoux

Un des nouveaux livrex de Jérôme Pintoux, "Vinyles Vintage ", vient de sortir aux éditions "Les Presses du Midi"


ISBN : 978-28127-0389-8
CODE BARRE : 978-28127-0389-8
PAGES : 143
PRIX PUBLIC : 16 Euros
TVA : 7
DATE PARUTION : 10/12/2012
FORMAT : 14 x 21
Dewey : Musique

It is well known: "Travel broadens the mind." Some more than others, like the narrator in "Vinyl Vintage". In fact, Jérôme Pintoux, 17 years old, went to England in July 1968. Away from his parents, he tries to get out of his shell, browsing the old London, going to see trendy groups. In this context, a blessed time with the gradual advent of future legends that will leave an indelible mark in the history of music. When the chance comes in, the meetings become magic and forge a personality. And the hero of this novel, according to his wanderings, will bump into all the stars of the moment. He will interview Syd Barrett, Marc Bolan, Bob Dylan, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Frank Zappa, among others. In "Vintage Vinyl" the reader finds the scent of old England, the smells, the sounds. The whole "Swinging London" by going back to the origins of this musical current that has influenced so many bands and singers. An epic rhythm like a tube of the Stones "as touching as the voice of John Lennon, which one will not forget for a long time ...    

Paul O'Donovan: "Don't wait for your ship to come in; swim out to it"...

"Don't wait for your ship to come in; swim out to it"...

samedi 15 décembre 2012

Brad Brace: Interzone contribution

(remote Fiji WAYA/YASAWAS islands:)
Island 8.0 is now available online!
Global Islands Project -- ongoing series of multi-media pdf-ebooks/field-recordings -- a
pastoral, pictorial and phonic elicitation of island parameters. An intensive
examination of small islands and their paradigmatic solutions to globalism...
Ethnographically a shared world of historical experience -- not the romanticized and
divided universe of them and us.
Your feudal-world is based on mutual relief at your common corruption. Maybe some
cultures are based on even worse. But that wouldn't change the bad faith of it and as
years go by, you wake at night in terror of your whole life being an act of bad faith,
where everything is self-interest and nothing more, where every human interaction is
driven by a silent, even subconscious calculation of some ulterior motive, to the point
that a sea of bad faith has taken over your whole life, there's no small island left
from which you can even try to build a bridge of good faith, because even that effort
becomes suspect, even good faith is nothing but self-interested, even altruism is
nothing but solipsistic, even your professed agonizing right here right now is nothing
but a gesture, made to the conscience in order to assure it that it exists.
Island 1.0 is Ambergris Caye, Belize
Island 2.0 is Koh Si Chang, Thailand
Island 3.0 is Lamu, Kenya
Island 4.0 is Narikel Jingira, Bangladesh
Island 5.0 is Isla Mais, Nicaragua
Island 6.0 are The Grenadines, West Indies
Island 7.0 is Hateruma (Yaeyama), Japan
Island 8.0 is Waya (Yasawa), Fiji
Global Islands Project:
-- over 1500 images and hour-long audiotrack -- 750mb -- (acrobat 6)
Global Islands Project -- ongoing series of multi-media pdf-books -- a
pastoral, pictorial and phonic elicitation of island parameters...
Vientos del pueblo me llevan
Vientos del pueblo me arrastran
Me eparcen mi corazon
Ye me aventan la garganta
bbs: brad brace sound
Waters Colours:
Eroticized Japanese/Malaysian Snack Foods:
Additional GIP texts/blog:
12 mailing list:
You cannot politically defy the institutions when all you really wanted
was to be clasped to their bosoms and hope in time to be cherished under
the very framework of oppressive values you are thinking of overcoming.
That would be co-optation, revolution only in the sense of a circulation
of elites rather than the extirpation of the very impulses of elitism.
To subscribe to 12-list, simply send a message with the word "subscribe"
in the Subject: field to

mercredi 12 décembre 2012

William S. Burroughs, Andy Warhol. Conversations


In 1980, Victor Bockris organized and recorded four meetings between William Burroughs and Andy Warhol. Informal meetings that took place at the Factory and restaurants in New York. The Pope of Pop Art and the figure of the Beat Generation necessarily had much to say. Warhol and Burroughs, during these four appointments will make a tour of the Factory, discuss about the work Warhol had just finished, talk about everything and nothing, culture, sex, love, drugs and vodka-tonic. Sometimes other personalities invite themselves at their table. So Mick Jagger appears as a luxury guest star. Embellished with fifty photographs, “Warhol, Burroughs: Conversations sweeps broadly the cultural landscape, captures the atmosphere, the excitement of the beginning of the 1980s and shows a budding friendship, a complicity between these two great figures of American culture. Victor Bockris is a journalist, he accompanied Andy Warhol in adventure of the Factory and has written many books and articles on this period and its main protagonists (Lou Reed, Andy Warhol, among others). He claims that it is Andy Warhol, who taught him how to conduct an interview. His advice: "Never prepare your questions. Do as if it were a cocktail. '

«William s. Burroughs, Andy Warhol. Conversations», de Victor Bockris, traduit de l'anglais par Jérôme Schmidt et Nicolas Richard, Éditions Inculte, 179 p., 16 €.

French Academics Circulate Petition

French academics have started a petition against plagiarism in research. The petition is available online at . This is a translation by Google Translate prettied up by me:

Refuse to condone plagiarism in research
A few days before the conclusion of the Audience on Higher Education and Research, the undersigned scholars and researchers consider it their duty to remind that the university must ensure the legitimacy of the degrees it issues.
In particular, it must ensure that plagiarism in dissertations, theses, and scientific publications can not discredit the quality of training offered and the French research.As such, the scientific and academic communities must work together against all forms of plagiarism. They must not only work to prevent plagiarism but also in each case see to it that appropriate penalties are meted out. The responsibility of universities or research organizations must be engaged when plagiarism, fraud and attempted fraud are not certified subject such sanctions. The obligation to sanction weighs on all higher education institutions and research organizations.A number of cases analyzed by our colleague Jean-Noel Darts (Lecturer in Information Science and Communication at the University Paris 8 Saint-Denis) are documented in the Archaeology Blog Copy and Paste and point to the failure of ethics in serious academic research and in issuing diplomas has been committed by the university, as well as doctoral students and by faculty members, without the measures required having been taken to date. A commission of inquiry with all guarantees of impartiality should verify the authenticity of the documents presented on this blog. The articles which are posted online appear to establish a particularly overwhelming picture.The University of Paris 8 is not the only one concerned by the phenomenon of plagiarism, far from it. Such situations require special attention, at the risk of letting it corrupt part of the academic and scientific research. If confirmed, this university or elsewhere, that plagiarism has occurred, and knowingly in violation of academic ethics, only the imposition of appropriate sanctions would end these intolerable practices that hinder the smooth functioning research, both from the point of view of its actors evaluation of the scientific quality of university productions.Safeguarding the freedom of research and academic freedom depends on the quality of degrees, publications and productions. Leave these records state could aggravate a situation that tends to suggest that the French University in persistent ignorance of the extent of the plagiarism, waived defend a level of excellence necessary to take its place in the European and international levels.

If you subscribe to this text and want to make your signature, specify your email address and your qualities bottom of that page, under the heading comment.

mardi 11 décembre 2012

finissage exposition Who's Who à la Galerie Didier Devillez

Retrouvez l'exposition Who's Who sur

53, rue Emmanuel Van Driessche • 1050 Bruxelles (Belgique) ? +32(0)475 931 935

Spain Rodriguez, Artist of Underground Comics, Dies at 72

Mr. Rodriguez in 2010. By

The Lazarus Corporation: Interstitial Art & Unpopular Culture - Dec 2012

The Lazarus Corporation
Interstitial Art, Music, Writing, Unpopular Culture

Hi Isabelle,
Just a quick end-of-year update to let you know of a few new pieces of artwork and plans for the future.
We've got 2 new limited edition prints by me up on the website, and plans for a lot of new artwork in the first 3 months of next year, including more prints, photography, and drawings.
Paul Watson
Medea Print
Medea, Lino Print by Paul Watson, 2012
view larger on the website.
The Lazarus Corporation Online Shop
Regular visitors to the website will probably have noticed that we have added a new section - an online shop where you can buy limited edition artwork.
Our aim is to keep prices affordable (less than an evening's drinking!). We currently have 5 of Paul Watson's limited edition lino prints and a set of Medea postcards available.
We've also set up an Etsy store, if you prefer to buy via Etsy.
Untitled (Figure in Landscape)

Untitled (Figure in Landscape)

By Paul Watson:
A 2-block Lino Print by Paul Watson, printed in November 2012.
Continuing his exploration of personal mythic archetypes, this is a Limited Edition of 20, signed and hand-numbered by the artist.
More about this print (view large image on website)
Postcards from the Isle of the Dead (Part One)

Postcards from the Isle of the Dead (Part One)

By Germseed
Limited Edition 4-track CD-R from Germseed, aka Alice Kemp. Ordering is via PayPal on the Germseed Blog.
Each disc and cover is hanko stamped, each cover has two affixed planchette postage stamps and a hand-pencilled track list.
More about Postcards from the Isle of the Dead (Part One) plus sample track

December Order Dates

Now that we've got the shop set up, we need to do the old "ordering in time for Christmas" thing:
If anyone wants to order any limited edition prints to arrive before Christmas here are the dates you'll need to make your orders by:
Ordering from the UK: Wednesday 19th December
Ordering from Western Europe: Tuesday 11th December
Ordering from US/Canada/Eastern Europe: Sunday 9th December
Copyright © 2012 The Lazarus Corporation, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted into the Lazarus Corporation email list sometime between 1996 and now.
Our mailing address is:
The Lazarus Corporation
c/o Ink Spot Press, Module B1 Enterprise Point
Melbourne Street
Brighton, East Sussex BN2 3LH
United Kingdom

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Stage "Gèle-Trac" du 23 au 27 janvier 2013

L’École du Clown Invisible
du MERCREDI 23 soir au DIMANCHE 27 janvier midi 2013
J’ai l’trouillomètre à 100
Les pétoches, le tracsin
La venette, la secousse, la cliche,
La suée et les chaleurs,
La foirade et le taffetas,
La grelotte et la tremblote,
La colique et la pétouille,
Le sang qui glace et la foire aux fesses
Je claque des dominos,
Je transpire du zéro,
Je coque le taffe, j’ai la traquette
Je mouette, je dringue, je flippe, je fouette
J’ai la tamise et le taf au fignoton,
Les fumerons qui manquent sous le ballon…

Le Trac s’apprivoise par paliers
Ni magie, ni miracle,
Ni hasard, ni baltazar,
Ni fatalité, ni malédiction,
Apprenez à surfer sans stress
Sur les ailes du trac.
Apprenez à ressentir d’abord
Vivre ensuite, transmuter enfin
En conscience et en humour
La Pâte-à-Trac en Pâte-à-Clown.
Plutôt que faire avec,
Apprenez à faire sans !
Un programme d’entraînement novateur,
En douceur et d’une incroyable efficacité !
Transformer vos chocottes en NEZCLATS de RIRE !
3 jours 1/2 d’entraînement en Clown-Méditation
Combien ? 600 tout compris (hébergement 4 épis, enseignements, gastronomie)
Renseignements - 06 69 31 27 28
Où ? Le Tertre, Montgaudry, Normandie
Programme en ligne ici
Inscription en ligne ici  

lundi 10 décembre 2012

exposition who's who, galerie didier devillez, revue de presse

Claude Lorent, La Libre Belgique, Supplément Arts n° 165, semaine du 30/11 au 06/12 2012
53 rue Emmanuel Van Driessche
1050 Bruxelles (Belgique)
Tél./Fax +32 (0)475 931 935

samedi 8 décembre 2012

Interzone report of October-November 2012

Paul O'Donovan: “Dylan pastel"
Hi all,
A thick report once again for those two latest months, which have been very active and busy :

Updates of Interzone sites :

Interzone Creations:

This site had not been updated since ages.

The pages of the rubric Dreamachines:

The rubric “Dreamachine” gathers the respective infos and experiments conducted by Interzone members. For the record, Interzone started in August 1997 with the sending to Burroughs' readers of my own plan of a dreamachine, which made it accessible for nearly free to anybody making the effort of spending an afternoon to build it. This led to a common research about the effects stated by the experimenters, the making , the existing reliable documents, etc... The documents on the dreamachine are published in French: « Le Temps des Naguals: Autour de Burroughs et Gysin » and in English in « The Time of the Naguals - Research » , Interzone Editions
- More updates in at Welcome: and Menu:


Interzone Editions:

I created Interzone Editions in 2008 to publish officially the literary works realized in Interzone since 1997, and to put at readers' disposal original or important books which are not commercial enough to interest classical publishers. This has been possible through an alternative formula conceived thanks to the research on a non-Aristotelian economy undertaken in 1998 in Interzone, and artisanal publishing . Hence Interzone Editions is a practical experiment of the hypothesis based upon Korzybski's general semantics this research in economy led to draw, in the framework of a scientific step which rests upon testing hypothesis to confront them with the facts and see what comes out of it.
Since 4 years, the results have confirmed those hypothesis : the books exist, some people buy them. Financially it does not cost me anything: I print the books in function of the requests, and the price includes the money invested in ink and paper, plus a benefit, higher than any classical publisher would give the authors. The artisanal making permits to handle all the steps of the realization of the books, from the writing or translation to the printing, binding and sale, without any intermediary.
This artisanal printing was first realized through the experiments of self-production run in common in Interzone :
  • Are we able to produce our artistical and literary works at the scale of Interzone, out of the commercial circuit , in putting in common our abilities and means without interference of money ?
  • We don't know. Lets try and see.
The results were positive : the artistic and literary creations of the network are gathered in the site Interzone Creations.
In the next report, I'll tell you more about the structure of Interzone.

New books :

The Time of the Naguals: Theatre - tome 6

The tome of theatre of Interzone anthology, "The Time of the Naguals", Interzone Editions , 64 pages, is on line in pdf at

Jake D. Steele : " The Groundskeeper " ….............................................................. 3
Morgan Landuré:
Tabula Rasa : Acte I chapitres 1..............…............................................................ 15
chapitre 2 ….............................................................................................................. 19
chapitre 3 ….............................................................................................................. 22
chapitre 4 ….............................................................................................................. 25
chapitre 5 ….............................................................................................................. 28
chapitre 6 ….............................................................................................................. 33
chapitre 7 ….............................................................................................................. 37
Joseph: Acte II de Tabula Rasa ….......................................................................... 43
Niels Innes : A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S REALITY …............................................. 55
Previous tomes already published:
In French:
In English: - Tome 1: Around Burroughs and Gysin : 106 pages (a number of texts are not published in the French tome, and reciprocally).
- Tome 4: Poems : 150 pages (English, Spanish, French)
Still two tomes to be published.
Though those pdf are accessible for free, the books are not in the public domain : as Interzone Editions is registered at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, the French laws prevails (Code de la Propriété intellectuelle). Hence the copyrights of the anthology “The Time of the Naguals” belong to Interzone Editions, and to the authors of the texts published in the tomes.

Stella Matutina:

I am preparing an audio-book of the French version which will be recorded on a CD and added to the book.
This Christmas tale is published in printed version in French and English, translation: Isabelle Aubert-Baudron & Paul O'Donovan. Feel free to order copies as Christmas presents.

Philip Beitchman: "The Spanish Fly" (2)

Six more pages (pages 7 to 12) have been added to Philip Beitchman's novel, "The Spanish Fly": on line at

Electrophone: Les Beatles jouèrent plus fort que Moulinex

A new book by Electrophone ! ISBN 978-2-918156-08-6 Collection « Les inédits » 12 x 18,5 cm, 164 p. Download the PDF. Cover by Michel Pagnoux
The author :
From Catalonia, his adopted region (Pyrénées-Orientales), Électrophone, alias Titou, alias Antoine Sauvêtre, first played in several rock bands at the end of the seventies. He now expresses his music through writing, through poems, songs and short stories, while continuing composing during his spare time. He has already published at the éditions le flibustier Le Monde est plein de frites et de télévisions aquatiques.

Jérome Pintoux: suite des interviews d'outre-tombe :

Chez, Télécharger Tous supports Verrous : aucun1,99 EUR
Livre numérique 50 interviews de Jules Verne
a trip in the Human Comedy in real time with the author himself !
ISBN: 978-2-81450-701-2
The inventor of the Voyages Extraordinaires as if he had never confided in anybody.
ISBN: 978-2-81450-702-9

A.D. Winans : “In the Dead Hours of Dawn”

A new poetry book by A.D. Winans, “In the Dead Hours of Dawn”, is slated for release in December by Bottle of Smoke Press

You can read the poetry of A.D. Winans in The Fox Chase Review at these links: 2009 WS; 2010 SU; 2012 SU
Interview with A.D. Winans

A.D. Winans: Grand Old Diva (for Ruth Weiss)

A.D. Wwinans ' poem « Grand Old Diva » is on line at

Charles Plymell - Tent Shaker Vortex Voice:

Poetry. 32pp, 5.5 inches x 8.5 inches. The cover is letterpress printed on Miliani Paper in 4 colors. The text is printed letterpress on Hahnemuhle Bugra paper. Limited to an edition of 126 signed copies; 100 sewn in wraps.The hardcover and deluxe editions sold out prior to publication. Paperbacks still available. Release date is November 2012

Galerie Ecritures: signature

Juliette Tourret signed her poetry book, "Coeur Sauvage", on saturday October 27th at the gallerie ECRITURES. More at

Some news from the éclat

New books : les 12 méditations by Jan Erik Vold, translated by Jacques Outin, and De la perfection de la Loi de (translated by René Gutman, with a postface by Moshe Idel) Nahmanide,... Michel Surya, Franz Kafka, Marthe Robert, Léon Chestov or Hayyim de Volozhyn : details on the page nouveautés,


New episodes of the serie of the Université Paris 8 :

Dear colleagues,
Some days before the conclusion of the Assises de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, the blog
Archéologie du copier-coller hosts the text-petition Refusons de fermer les yeux sur le plagiat dans la recherche.

The first signers, more than
120 university teachers, some of which have been plagiarized, invite teachers and researchers to support this text. Besides the signatures, all comments, favorable or critical, will be welcome.

The group of university workers, authors of this text-petition

December 3rd:
The text of the petition "Refusons de fermer les yeux sur le plagiat dans la recherche" had been accepted on November 23rd as a contribution to the Assises de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la recherche. It now is on line in the site of the conference (4th contribution in the first collumn).
2. A young professor teaching and research of the Conseil scientifique of Paris 8 sends us those documents : PLAGIAT : ÉTHIQUE EN TOC À L’UNIVERSITÉ DE LORRAINE
On line in Archéologie du copier-coller a text by Jacques Lonchamp, teacher of computer sciences at the university of Lorraine


Christian Boulnois: Pieces of music:

Christian Boulnois is and independent musician. He was part of the group Cimagil in the nineties (see Cimagil: Soleil Bleu ) .
Some of his pieces of music are online at
Contact: Christian Boulnois :

Optical sound: October outsider :

mike watt + the missingmen: "2nd heapin' helpin' of 3rd opera tour 2012"

Mike train running on time / Buffalo, Cincinnati, Nashville hoot loop too/
Econoline running fine/ Piece of crumbled brick from Coltrane's house joins
the dashboard shrine. Cherry Valley visit at bottom of hoot, Oct 18.
Hyphenated-happening music great vibrant sound across America/ Whitman
Charley Plymell

Neil Young's new album: "Psychedilic Pill"

Psychedelic Pill, the first new album of original music from Neil Young with Crazy Horse in almost ten years, is out . Get your copy at Amazon or iTunes.
Order The Limited Edition Directly At


New site of Daniel Gualda, special fool moon on facebook:
21:00 (UTC-03)

Galleries :

Paul O'Donovan: " Water this time" & "Dylan pastel"

Michel Pagnoux: new illustrations on line:

His most recent illustrations are on line at
Cover of the literary review: SCRIBULATIONS
Site de Michel Pagnoux:

Galerie Ecritures: Vernissage Jean ESTAQUE

Preview: friday november 30th 6 pm
Exhibition from november 28th 2012 to february 14th Jean ESTAQUE - Galerie ECRITURES 1 rue Pierre Petit 03 100 MONTLUCON,ecritures-15609.html

vernissage exposition who's who? (jacques calonne - eugène savitzkaya), galerie didier devillez

focus - décembre 2012 - galerie didier devillez

53 rue Emmanuel Van Driessche
1050 Bruxelles (Belgique)
Tél./Fax +32 (0)475 931

Aux Trésors de Shamss:

Shamss Nathoo Sicot's new site :
Shamss goes to India twice a year to buy artisanal products which she sells in France. More soon on her blog.


Anthony Rousseau: Installation audiovisuelle "Random" – 2012

Hi all,
In our residence the Imaginarium in Tourcoing, Carine Abraham and I have realized the project "Random".

Anthony Rousseau: 1er Décembre 2012 - Discussion autour de l'exposition "Arrêt sur Images - Galerie Valérie Lefebvre - 68 rue Léonard Danel, 59000 Lille

The Galerie Valérie Lefebvre organizes on saturday December 1st from 3 to 6 pm a talk about the exhibition "Arrêt sur Images ..." with Richard Bardon and I. I'll be happy to meet you there.

Anthony Rousseau: Vernissage

The Galerie Valérie Lefebvre invites you to the preview of the collective exhibition « Arrêt sur Images » . Exhibition from November 9th to December 8th 2012.

LIZIERES : PIQUE-NIQUE #07 Autour du thème de « l’Habiter » le 25 novembre 2012

Picnic around the theme of « Housing » sunday november 2012.
© Luc Chery

Jean Puijalon: Le Moine au Nez-Rouge

Jean Puijalon: Invitation à la Scène Ouverte À L’ATELIER Z

New pages on line:

In Interzone sites:

- Christian Boulnois’ pieces of music :

In other sites:

- Les amis de Lizières:
Between two reports, the news are on line in Interzone News and Bienvenue à Interzone.
Isabelle Aubert-Baudron