samedi 1 novembre 2008

Gysin news

Hi Iz,
Good this url is a test site ews see

his url is a test but lets get some zone feedback?
See that your are linked prominently more links soon
Post the below Brion Gysin's rarely-seen painting, the 16.4-metre-long Calligraffiti of Fire.

Opens at October Gallery, London on 10 October 2008. The show will run until 7 February 2009. Calligraffiti of Fire is Gysin's magnum opus and final work. See for more details and high res free downloads of the painting including a 100MB version. is a new website devoted to the promotion and desimination of all aspects of the Gysin ouvere. Both the Calligraffiti of Fire exhibition and the website form part of the ongoing art revolution produced by and under the guidence of The Academy of Everything is Possible

Frank Rynne

Paul O'Donovan: new illustrations

"D Tox" and " Recession - nah! it can't happen here" : at
and "Alice In Malice" at

Interzone report August September: ooops !

I forgot to include the Interzone reports of August and September when I put them on line :
here they are :
English version : August-September 2008
French version : Août-septembre 2008

vendredi 31 octobre 2008

10111.ORG: Dreamachine : Nouveaux modèles

Nos rechercheset activités autour de la Dreamachine continuent.
Nous venons de finaliser trois nouvelles éditions, dont deux baséessur des patterns différents du plus connu.Voici les premières images:
Récemment, nous les avons présentées lors d'une exposition collectiveà Territet/Montreux: expo sera visible jusqu'au 20 décembre 2008)ainsi qu'au festival "Spectropia / Art+Communication 2008" à Rigaen Lettonie:

J'ai été à Paris pour l'expo Traces du Sacré à Pompidou, où j'ai puvoir une calligraphie de Gysin - la première que j'ai pu admirer "en vrai".à bientôt!


ALL HALLOW'S EVE with The Whirling Dervish...

halloween night, friday, silverlake, what more can we say? ass-shakin' good time in the bosom of the witching hour (boo!)

10/31/2008 09:00 PM - El CidALL HALLOW'S EVE...
w/ The Ghost Lullaby, Modern Time Machines, & Joe Ward4212 W Sunset Blvd Silverlake, California 90029
the whirling dervish
The Ghost Lullaby Time Machines Joe Ward EL CID
DIRECTIONS TO EL CID:,+silverlake,+California+90029&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=32.335236,56.25&ie=UTF8&ll=34.094872,-118.282392&spn=0.008245,0.013733&z=16&g=4212+W+Sunset+Blvd,+silverlake,+California+90029&iwloc=addr

Optical Sound : October Newsletter


AWAN~SIGUAWINI~~SPEMKI~~~ (Extended Version)
Galerie des remparts (Toulon)
Exposition du 06 Novembre 2008 au 03 Janvier 2009

Awan~Siguawini~~Spemki~~~ (Extended Version 2008)
© Images (1295) et montage Pierre Beloüin
© Texte P. Nicolas Ledoux
© Translation and Voice By Black Sifichi
© Montage sonore Wisho
© Mastering Norscq

(Une édition intitulée : "P. Nicolas Ledoux. A chaque jour suffit sa peineTM extented P. B. (1) : Dans la peau de Twin peaks UltralabTM" sera disponible, vernissage le 06 Novembre à 18H30)

Galerie des remparts Place Armand Vallé - 83000 Toulon - Tél. 04 94 91 45 60 du mardi au samedi de 12h à 18h
Pierre Beloüin ~ Documents D'artistes

Le Dojo (Nice)
Exposition du 17 Octobre 2008 au 10 Janvier 2009

Pierre Beloüin ~ Exposition personnelle - Solo Show

Exposition : 17 Octobre 2008-10 Janvier 2009
Le Dojo
22 bis boulevard Stalingrad 06300 NICE-T 04 97 08 28 14/

Avec : Olivier Huz, Norscq, Cocoon, Thibaut de Ruyter, Julie Berlizon, Sophie Bocquet, P.Nicolas Ledoux
Et la participation de : Pascal Béjean, Édouard Ropars, Ben Vautier, Éric Mangion, Mathieu Copeland, Émilie Maltaverne, Loïg Retureau, Jérôme Poret, Noël Dolla, Valentin Souquet, Arnaud Maguet, Pascal Pinaud, Christian Vialard, Aïcha Hamu, Hannelore Paulet, Dorota Kleszcz, François Ronsiaux, Alexandre Minard, Émeline Girault, Isa-Belle, Lucie Lux, Marianne Maric, Jeanne Saint-Julien, Sand Blue, Marie Godest, Noïzykaa, Axelle H, Caroline H, Chantal Raguet, Olivia Louvel, The Stranglers...

"La résidence de Pierre Beloüin à la Villa Arson a été permise grâce au soutien du Conseil général des Alpes-Maritimes"

Images de l'exposition


Robin Guthrie "3:19" (OS.039)

Buy here ~ Acheter ici - 13 euros

DIGIPACK-CD (ltd to 500ex)

"Je ne vais pas insister sur le talent de Robin Guthrie. La musique de Cocteau Twins et de Violet Indiana, ses albums instrumentaux, ses collaborations avec Harold Budd et de nombreux autres artistes le prouvent assez bien. C'est sa sensibilité, sa gentillesse, son humanité que je voudrais mettre en valeur. 3:19 traite de l'amitié, de l'amour et des coïncidences de la vie. Trois éléments que Robin sait si bien sentir et mettre en musique. Je n'aurais pas pu faire de meilleur choix en lui demandant de réaliser la bande originale. Merci mon ami for the wonderful music you created for my first movie."
Dany Saadia 2008
All tracks composed by
Robin Guthrie

Soundtracks for the Blind "V/a" (OS.040)

Buy here ~ Acheter ici - 15 euros

"Soundtracks for the Blind" (Titre d'un album des Swans de 1995) exprime selon moi parfaitement les images mentales,
associations d'idées ou textes, qui peuvent être générés par le son.
Dans ce sens j'ai décidé, sur l'invitation de la revue Livraison, de proposer à des artistes proches de mon univers visuel
et sonore et de mon réseau, de fournir leur interprétation de ce titre en leur laissant un champ de manoeuvre le plus ample
possible dans le spectre des paysages intérieurs infinis.

Interventions de : Cécile Babiole , Chantal Raguet , Christian Vialard, Claude Lévêque et Léo Carbonnier, Cocoon, David Sanson, Digital Baobab, Eddie Ladoire, Emeline Girault, François Martig, Frédéric Post, Goran Vejvoda, Joel Hubaut, Emmanuel Hubaut, Anabelle Hulaut, Jérôme Poret, Marianne Maric, P.Nicolas Ledoux, Pascal Broccolichi, Philippe Lepeut, Pierre Beloüin,
Pierre Laurent Cassière, Rainier Lericolais, Serge Comte, Black Sifichi, Simon Fisher Turner, Arnaud Maguet, Philippe Franck,
Rebecca Bournigault, Loïg Retureau, Erich Weiss.

LIVRAISON 10/////////ISBN 978-2-913803-27-x /////////15 euros///////// Disponible
292 pages couleurs, tirage 1000 exemplaires, rédacteur en chef du numéro Pierre Beloüin,
Editeur Rhinoceros ~et Optical Sound


Thanks for reading - Pierre Beloüin - Optical Sound
SECTION SOUTH--->105 rue des Volubilis 83190 Ollioules
SECTION CENTER--->41 Rue des Trois Frères 75018 Paris
SECTION EAST--->18 Rue de Stosswihr 67100 Strasbourg

Mino dc : dev'nir prêtre... lerex-lundi10-21h30

le rex - lundi 10 21h30
dev'nir prêtre...
mino d.c
sammy le nounours belge raconte des bribes d’une histoire, où il est question de vacances torrides et humides, de son papa qui n’est pas son père, de sa vocation ratée à devenir prêtre, de son intérêt pour la graphologie, et d’autres choses encore…

vendredi 17 octobre 2008

Rafa Skam : New YELLOW MELODIES videoclip --> 'Mr. Sand and Mrs. Sea'

from the forthcoming 10" MINI-LP --> 'The championship cup' (Clifford Records, 2008)
Director: Fausto
Filmed at 12&Medio Club (Murcia - SPAIN)

Watch it at our website:

We hope you like it!

Paul O'Donovan : my own recent and past input images

If any contact wants large or original sized copies for whatever purpose - I will be flattered to freely supply them via email by return . Anybody can do this by mailing me
See Paul's illustrations in Interzone Galleries

Tonight, The Whirling Dervish in Santa Monica

Big, gigantic, and excessively sloppy THANKS to the kids for comin' out to Long beach last night! It was a great night, thank you for making it so.

Tonight we do it again...

10/16/2008 09:00 PM - Trip
w/ Oddfellows and Gurtrudestein
Yet another free show...we're on a roll!
2101 Lincoln Blvd
Santa Monica, California 90405

First show on the westside in quite a long time with two bands from San Diego we've never played with before. Totally free man.

10/31/2008 09:00 PM - El Cid
w/ The Ghost Lullaby, Modern Time Machines, & Joe Ward
4212 W Sunset Blvd
silverlake, California 90029
friday the neighborhood...booyah. :)
William Brandon

mardi 7 octobre 2008

The Whirling Dervish, coming to Long Beach and Santa Monica...

Whirling Dervish, coming to Long Beach and Santa Monica...

10/15/2008 09:30 PM - Alex's Bar w/the Sugarlight Girls & The Pacific FREE SHOW 2913 E. Anaheim St. Long Beach, California 90804

10/16/2008 09:00 PM - Trip w/ Oddfellows and GurtrudesteinYet another free show...we're on a roll!2101 Lincoln Blvd Santa Monica, California 90405

jeudi 2 octobre 2008

shocker_tv : DEBUNK PUNK Episode 10 - Realicide

my LA core friend vim crony posted his latest video broadcast on realicide.they are coming to vegas in december
Tik///Tik http://www. myspace. com/tikyoutik

Optical Sound: October Newsletter La Legge del Silencio

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPierre Beloüin ~ Exposition personnelle Vernissage le Jeudi 16 Octobre 2008Exposition : 17 Octobre 2008-10 Janvier 2009
Le Dojo 22 bis boulevard Stalingrad 06300 NICE-T 04 97 08 28 14/ Avec : Olivier Huz, Norscq, Cocoon, Thibaut de Ruyter, Julie Berlizon, Sophie Bocquet, P.Nicolas LedouxEt la participation de : Pascal Béjean, Édouard Ropars, Ben Vautier, Éric Mangion, Mathieu Copeland,Émilie Maltaverne, Loïg Retureau, Jérôme Poret, Noël Dolla, Valentin Souquet, Arnaud Maguet, Pascal Pinaud, Christian Vialard, Aïcha Hamu, Hannelore Paulet, Dorota Kleszcz, Alexandre Minard, Émeline Girault, Isa-Belle, Lucie Lux, Marianne Maric, Jeanne Saint-Julien, Sand Blue, Marie Godest, Noïzykaa, Axelle H, Caroline H, Chantal Raguet, Olivia Louvel, The Stranglers...

COVER RECORDSImmanence (Paris)Exposition du 4 au 1er novembre 2008
Vernissage le 4 octobre 2008 à l’occasion de la Nuit Blanche 2008Informations Nous tenons à remercier Marc Behrens, Pierre Belouin. (Optical Sound ), Serge Comte, Christof Kurzmann (charhizma), Alejandra and Aeron (Luckykitchen), Joachim Montessuis (Erratum), Jérôme Poret (Labelle69), Bernhard Schreiner and Heike Schleper (feld-records), Daniel Rozenhall (Fylkingen Records), Jason Kahn (Cut), Valérie Vivancos & Rodolphe Alexis (Vibrofiles) qui ont apporté une généreuse contribution à l’exposition.

LIVE / CONCERTS (Paris)La Maison des Métallos11 Octobre 2008
"Soundtracks for the Blind" (Titre d'un album des Swans de 1995) exprime selon moi parfaitement les images mentales, associations d'idées ou textes, qui peuvent être générés par le son.Dans ce sens j'ai décidé, sur l'invitation de la revue Livraison, de proposer à des artistes proches de mon univers visuel et sonore et de mon réseau, de fournir leur interprétation de ce titre en leur laissant un champ de manoeuvre le plus ample possible dans le spectre des paysages intérieurs infinis.Interventions de : Cécile Babiole , Chantal Raguet , Christian Vialard, Claude Lévêque et Léo Carbonnier, Cocoon, David Sanson, Digital Baobab, Eddie Ladoire, Emeline Girault, François Martig, Frédéric Post, Goran Vejvoda, Joel Hubaut, Emmanuel Hubaut, Anabelle Hulaut, Jérôme Poret, Marianne Maric, P.Nicolas Ledoux, Pascal Broccolichi, Philippe Lepeut, Pierre Beloüin, Pierre Laurent Cassière, Rainier Lericolais, Serge Comte, Black Sifichi, Simon Fisher Turner, Arnaud Maguet, Philippe Franck, Rebecca Bournigault, Loïg Retureau, Erich Weiss.LIVRAISON 10/////////ISBN 978-2-913803-27-x /////////15 euros///////// Disponible le 16 Octobre292 pages couleurs, tirage 1000 exemplaires, rédacteur en chef du numéro Pierre Beloüin, Editeur Rhinoceros ~et Optical SoundPremière présentation lors de l'Exposition Casino'23 - - Vernissage le Jeudi 16 Octobre 2008, 22 bis boulevard Stalingrad 06300 NICE.

À chaque jour suffit sa peine™ - extented P.B (2) : Nice is Nice" de P.Nicolas Ledoux.
À chaque jour suffit sa peine™ - extented P.B (2) : Nice is Nice" de P.Nicolas Ledoux.
Edité à l'occasion de "Casino'23" exposition personnelle de Pierre Beloüin au Dojo (Nice) faisant suite à sa résidence à la Villa Arson. Exposition à laquelle ont participé Digital Baobab, Norscq, Cocoon, Thibaut de Ruyter, Julie Berlizon, Sophie Bocquet, P.Nicolas Ledoux,du 17 Octobre 2008-10 Janvier 2009 Ce texte sera diffusé sous la forme d'un diaporama : montage photos de P. Beloüin, lu par S. Bocquet, enregistré et mis en son par Cocoon.Éditeur Optical Sound /, Diffusion librairies : www.r-diffusion.orgISBN : 978-2-913803-30-5, Dépôt légal: Septembre 2008 / Tirage 1000 ex / 24 pages quadri, format 148X210 / 7 EurosR-Diffusion
Disponible le 16 Octobre__________
Thanks for reading - Pierre Beloüin - Optical Sound
SECTION SOUTH--->105 rue des Volubilis 83190 OllioulesSECTION CENTER--->41 Rue des Trois Frères 75018 ParisSECTION EAST--->18 Rue de Stosswihr 67100 StrasbourgSeason of Mist is the official French distro of Optical Sound in France / Distribution France Season of Mist
Vente format numérique OTOTOÏ apéromix ototoïmusic à l'Ile Enchantée !! mercredi 8 octobre 2008 à partir de 19h30Mix de Black Sifich à l'Ile Enchantée 65, Boulevard de la Villette, 75010 Paris Entrée libre Apéro offert aux premiers arrivés
The Optical Sound CD's are always available in regular store, on-line it's better for us / les éditions Optical Sound sont disponibles chez tous les disquaires, et sur la boutique en ligne Buy on-line

Yannig: Nouvelles photos dans ma galerie

Vous êtes invité à visualiser un album dans la Galerie MobileMe.

Breizh Gwengolo 2008 N°1

Je viens de publier un album dans la Galerie MobileMe que je voudrais partager avec vous. Pour le visualiser, cliquez sur Afficher cet album.

Si vous avec des difficultés à accéder à cette page, veuillez copier et coller l'URL ci-dessous dans votre navigateur Web.

Chris Damitio : My list of Yahoo Groups :)

Hi everyone,
You can see a list of my groups on Grouply atthe link below. Maybe you'll find some you want to join. chris Here's the link:

samedi 27 septembre 2008

Joujouka Black Eyes CD available again from this weekend

Joujouka Black Eyes the 1995 classic release by The Master Musicians of Joujouka is now available at our store.The CD was the first production by Frank Rynne of The Master Musicians of Joujouka and was the first release by the Masters on the Sub Rosa label. Recorded over a nine week period in 1994; it features both large ensembles and small groups of the Sufi masters playing in informal settings.. The CD contains 16 tracks including Brian Jones Joujouka Very Stoned. This tribute to Rolling Stones founder Brian Jones is a standard in the musicians repertoire.
Joujouka Black Eyes has been hard to come by in recent years but following the success of the Brian Jones 40th Anniversary Festival in July 2008 the CD is now available again.

"The contrast between the earthy drum rhythms and the delicate filigree of the flute work, sounding like some avian fantasy, is luscious. Listeners who only know this genre through recordings like Apocalypse Across the Sky owe it to themselves to hear Joujouka's flip side, the one without one ear tilted toward the world music market."
Brian Olewnick, All Music GuideVisit our store this weekend to order Joujouka Shop

Pre-sale tickets to Neil Young's Fall Tour

Neil Young is pleased to announce additional pre-sale ticketing for his Fall Tour. You can buy tickets to select Neil Young shows before they go on sale to the public through and these webpages: UNITED STATES =
Neil Young Direct Ticketing allows you to buy tickets online for upcoming shows directly from the artist in an effort to reduce the high surcharges from other online ticket vendors, and to offer a more convenient ticketing option.
Please check the website for updated information on fan pre-sales and general public onsales.12-13-08 Worcester, MA DCU Center 12-16-08 New York, NY Madison Square Garden

The Lazarus Corporation : September Art Updates

the lazarus corporation news & updates
alternative visual art, music & writing

Here are September's art updates from the Lazarus Corporation. It's been a little quite because I've been on holiday for the past two weeks, but many projects have been continuing in the background.
So first of all, we'd like to mention an exhibition from some friends of ours:
Danse Macabre 2008
Danse Macabre 2008 at View From The Top, Nottingham, UK, from 29th October to 4th November 2008.Private View on Friday 31st October from 7pm to 9pm.Post Mortem in the Pit & Pendulum hostelry from 9pm until late.
Roll up, roll up, and step right this way... Let the Danse Macabre take hold of you as we lead you by the hand through the dark forest of the subconscious. But do keep up! Don't stray too far from the path, as you never know what strange fate may befall you. We have many wondrous and macabre sights for you to behold, so do draw up close as we weave our spell upon you.
Danse Macabre brings to you for the second year running an exhibition of 19 artists whose artwork draws upon the ethos of Gothic Romanticism.
The private view will incorporate a performance by Annette Foster (aka ‘Netty Page’, ‘Transgressa’) and compèred by prestidigitator Dee Christopher. Guests will be fortified by complimentary sinful cocktails served courtesy of the Pit & Pendulum and generously sponsored by Basilica Music. Choose your company carefully as you will be recorded on film for posterity by Trent House Studios and LuridTV for later amusement (wear what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law!).
Guest list applies at the private view so RSVP to with your name as well as those of your companions to guarantee your places. However all are welcome to attend the Pit & Pendulum afterwards to network and socialise.
For more information on Danse Macabre and the artists involved:
For directions and gallery opening times:
...and now back to what's happening on the Lazarus Corporation:

The Book of the Erinyes
We've recently launched a brand-new microsite for The Book of the Erinyes. This project - a limited edition handbound artist's book of manipulated photographs accompanied by text written in the style of a late 19th century apocalyptic tome transcribed by an opium addict - is something I've been planning since January.
The Book of the Erinyes website has a journal (read: blog) with RSS feed so you can keep up with the progress of the project.
Recent journal entries include:
Book Bindings and Vine Leaves
A Preview of the Text
A Movie Trailer for an Artist's Book?
Putting plans together
A Busy Few Months Ahead

The Lazarus Corporation on Facebook
If you're a Facebook regular then you really should become a fan of the Lazarus Corporation on Facebook. Signing up as a fan means you can get irregular updates about the various art projects we do sent directly to your Facebook account, which we thought you might find convenient.

The Lazarus Corporation Blog
We're getting deeper into ideas for online arts/music marketing & promotion on the Lazarus Corporation blog. Here's some quick links to a choice selection of some of the latest articles:
More on Publishing Art Books on Lulu
Using Facebook to promote your artwork (2)
Microsites for arts projects
Less Theory, More Practice
Self-publishing your art books on Lulu
Using Facebook to promote your artwork
Open planning my new artwork and freeconomics
Freeconomics and McFly
A basic strategy for music in 5 steps
take my images - they are not my art
Social Networks - Pure and Applied
Five things not to do on your artists website
a summary of freeconomic models
The future for Publishers
Underpricing your work is good
Five MySpace Mistakes for Visual Artists
resources: selling art online
How to get 1000 true fans and succeed as an artist in a long tail economy
Strategies: creating a website for your art, music or writing (part 1)
Discussion Forum
And finally, for what we'll euphemistically call "less structured discussion", there's the Lazarus Corporation Discussion Forum where interesting debate and news of good art, music, books and cinema lives side-by-side with chat, gossip and gobbledygook.
Coming Soon
There's more artwork due soon, progress reports on the Book of the Erinyes, and a whole new spin-off site in the form of a directory of alternative culture links. We hope to see you there.
The Lazarus Corporation
the lazarus corporation