09/24/2008 - Safari Sam's 5214 W. Sunset Blvd.Hollywood, California 90027FREE - 18+ - 9PMHis Orchestra http://www.myspace.com/hisorchestramusic The Higher Saints The Whirling Dervishhttp://www.myspace.com/thewhirlingdervishThe Angel Devilhttp://www.myspace.com/theangeldevilThe Spieshttp://www.myspace.com/leofrancis http://safari-sams.com/
Interzone was a network of William Burroughs' readers founded (1997-2013). Its sites are still accessible at http://www.inter-zone.org/ , but most of them are sites of archives. The site presently active are: - Interzone Éditions http://www.interzoneeditions.net/ - La sémantique générale pour les nuls https://www.semantiquegenerale.net - La sémantique générale pour tous semantiquegenerale.free.fr - Pour une économie non-aristotélicienne https://generalsemantics4all.wordpress.com/
mercredi 17 septembre 2008
The Whirling Dervish at Safari Sam's
09/24/2008 - Safari Sam's 5214 W. Sunset Blvd.Hollywood, California 90027FREE - 18+ - 9PMHis Orchestra http://www.myspace.com/hisorchestramusic The Higher Saints The Whirling Dervishhttp://www.myspace.com/thewhirlingdervishThe Angel Devilhttp://www.myspace.com/theangeldevilThe Spieshttp://www.myspace.com/leofrancis http://safari-sams.com/
Master Musicians of Joujouka
Mojo Magazine October Issue Feature Report on Brian Jones Festival in Joujouka by Mark Paytress
Mojo Magazine October Issue Feature Report on Brian Jones Festival in Joujouka by Mark Paytress OUT NOW!
The October issue of Mojo magazine carries Mark Paytress' 2 page feature article on the Brian Jones 40th Anniversary Festival in Joujouka You Should be Trancin'.
Mark reports on the his experiences at the festival and talks to Anita Pallenberg, John Dunbar, Mallim Ali Abdelsam El Attar and Frank Rynne. The article also features photography by Jill Furmanovsky.
Mark and Jill spent 4 days in Joujouka. They really got to know the Master Musicians and the village staying off the village square with Mohamed Hatmi aka Boujeloud and family.
"For Four days and nights MOJO gets a taste of life as part of that collective"
"No one can compete with goat man Boujeloud.... whose manic, shiver'n'shake moves makes Cocker, Curtis and Fay Fife seem absolutely sluggish" Mark Paytress , Mojo.
Coming Soon ZAC ASSEMAKIS' film on the Brain Jones Festival More details soon.
Icelandic Radio show featuring The Tindersticks and one hour report on the Brian Jones 40th Anniversary Festival. Michael Pollock talks to Oli Palli on RUV 2. Go to RUV 2
Click on Rokkland in progamme list at 16.08. The Joujouka piece is the last half of the show. Hear The Rolling Stones, Marianne Faithfull, Master Musicians of Joujouka and Michael's hour long interview about attending the festival and his long term interest in Brian Jones and the Rolling Stones.
William Brandon : TONIGHT: (mostly) Naked Women, The Whirling Dervish, and comedy...
Optical Sound : Black September Newsletter
BOOK is a Book Drawing by Numbers / LENDROIT GalerieDu 12 septembre au 25 octobre 2008 / Vernissage le 12 septembre à 18h30Liste des artistes sur LENDROIT Galerie - 23 rue Quineleu - 35000 Rennes BOOK is a Book Drawing by NumbersPrésentation du livre à ArtistBook International24, 25 et 26 octobre 2008 LENDROIT et Artist Book International
CLAIR OBSCUR & COCOON participent à / participate to P. NICOLAS LEDOUX - Solo Show - 06 sept / 01 oct 2008 Galerie Magda Danysz - 78 rue Amelot - Paris 11 - France vernissage / opening samedi 6 sept 2008, 18h à 21h / saturday sept 6th 2008, 6 to 9pm en présence de l'artiste / with the artist P.Nicolas Ledoux__________
Thanks for reading - Pierre Beloüin - Optical Sound
SECTION SOUTH--->105 rue des Volubilis 83190 Ollioules
SECTION CENTER--->41 Rue des Trois Frères 75018 Paris
SECTION EAST--->18 Rue de Stosswihr 67100 Strasbourg
Season of Mist is the official French distro of Optical Sound in France / Distribution France Season of MistVente format numérique OTOTOÏ The Optical Sound CD's are always available in regular store, on-line it's better for us / les éditions Optical Sound sont disponibles chez tous les disquaires, et sur la boutique en ligne Buy on-line with Paypal, quick and secure sending.
jeudi 21 août 2008
Neil Young Ticket Pre-sales
dimanche 10 août 2008
Rock legend Jill Furmanovsky photographs Brian Jones Festival and Master Musicians of Joujouka
and Rock Archive
More news soon
Frank Rynne
Max : new band called YEM
And you can listen my work as producer in www.myspace.com/chamanrecs
Chamanrecs is our indie label where we produce and record but we de don´t edit the music yet...
vendredi 8 août 2008
The Whirling Dervish BACK in Los Angeles after seven months...
Safari Sam's5214 W. Sunset Blvd.Hollywood, CA 90027323.666.7267 (Phone)
this is an 18+ show, so if the bar/ID thing is a problem, consider it removed :-)
7e minifestival du g.m.
5, 6 et 7 septembre 2008
install à sons de mino d.c
installations vidéo et peintures de jérôme marichy
cadavres exquis en surprises
vendredi 5 septembre
soirée LëZïX
projection de films de hervé joseph lebrun, jérôme marichy, laurence chanfro, mino d.c, nexus
samedi 6 septembre
performance de michel b.
concert d'étincelles pour 3 meuleuses sur une musique de philippe laurent
projection d’animations constats de l’atelier jardin de mino d.c
26 juillet 2008
cadavres exquis en surprises
Le Grand Moiré de Soulièvres se trouve sur la commune d'Airvault, dans les Deux Sèvres 79.
veuillez confirmer votre présence mino d.c / 05 49 69 74 84 / 06 64 28 00 49
mardi 5 août 2008
voici comme prévu les plans pour les accés aux rencontres, avec, en prime, un pré-programme des festivités,
PLAN : je crois que le plus simple pour tout le monde sera de passer par TOULOUSE, ou c'est en tout cas un bon repère, pour ce faire, depuis la rocade de la ville rose, suivre AUCH (A624,
puis N124) ; il s'agira d'abord d'une voie rapide, puis alternée de nationale à travers villages,
à AUCH, prendre la direction TARBES, MIRANDE (N21)
ATTENTION, à la sortie de Mirande, toujours direction Tarbes (N21), à quelques km (5/6 km) de la sortie de Mirande, ne pas louper sur la droite la direction MARCIAC, TILLAC (D16, puis D3 jusqu'à Marciac) :
PHOTO SATELLITE : le site est sur la zone d'activité à l'extérieur du village, Rua de TILLAC (D3), le grand carré clair en bas à droite sur la photo, presque aussi grand que le village ;
sur cette zone d'activité, l'entrée du site est située entre ABEILLHE Autos, un revendeur de voitures et camions, et Meubles LASSERRE, la scierie, en plus, maintenant, entre le site et l'entrée du village, il y a un rond point, le seul dans ce sens, et un petit supermarché SUPER U ; si vous y arrivez, donc, reprenez le rond point en direction de Tillac, c'est à 300 mètres :
Pensez à prendre vos matelas et couchages, et tente pour celles et ceux qui ont envie,
Pour celles et ceux qui veulent faire du co-voiturage, n'hésitez pas à me contacter dès maintenant,
ATTENTION, à partir du mercredi 13 août, je ne serai plus joignable par mail, pensez donc à prendre mon numéro de mobile, ainsi que celui de Stéphane Griselin,
- Jean-Michel Gosselin : 06 89 36 07 73
- Stéphane Griselin : 06 99 29 81 67
- LES20TROIS SOIRS, à 20h/21h, dans le CENTRE de Marciac : Sessions devant l'Office du Tourisme, sur la scène organisée par les gérants d'un stand d'instruments de musique, baptisée par eux-mêmes Offoffoff (sans concertation;)
- SAMEDI 16 à 19H : Session Danse-Musique à la Maison d'Exposition L'ANE BLEU, présentant des oeuvres de Bruno Loire, et en présence de l'artiste, déambulatoires possibles partant de différents points de Marciac, pour amener le public vers le lieu,
- DIMANCHE 17 à 10H : devant la Péniche-restaurant du Lac de Marciac, avec, pourquoi pas, une ballade-déambulatoire tout autour du lac jusqu'à l'apéro devant la péniche,
le responsable des passages en ville sera Stéphane "TARENTULE" ROULET,
devant les deux entrées de l'église de Marciac, suivant les envies, possibilités, à concerter sur place dès le jeudi soir, avec une éventuelle pré-ballade de reconnaissance des lieux,
le centre, à pied, est à 10mn du Site,
à bientôt,
Benway Control and the Mind Parasite Invaders. Rhizomatic implosion.
dimanche 3 août 2008
the lazarus corporation news & updates |
alternative visual art, music & writing
Hi Isabelle Baudron,
Germseed Galleries Relaunched
After much work we're delighted to announce the relaunch of Germseed's galleries, with truckloads of new artwork:
New Artwork from Zenon Gradkowski
We've got three new paintings by Zenon Gradkowski up in the galleries, representing a new direction with his text-based work...
The Lazarus Corporation Blog
We're getting deeper into ideas for online arts/music marketing & promotion on the Lazarus Corporation blog. Here's some quick links to a choice selection of some of the latest articles:
- Less Theory, More Practice
- Self-publishing your art books on Lulu
- Using Facebook to promote your artwork
- Open planning my new artwork and freeconomics
- Freeconomics and McFly
- A basic strategy for music in 5 steps
- take my images - they are not my art
- Social Networks - Pure and Applied
- Five things not to do on your artists website
- a summary of freeconomic models
- The future for Publishers
- Underpricing your work is good
- Five MySpace Mistakes for Visual Artists
- resources: selling art online
- How to get 1000 true fans and succeed as an artist in a long tail economy
- Strategies: creating a website for your art, music or writing (part 1)
Discussion Forum
And finally, for what we'll euphemistically call "less structured discussion", there's the Lazarus Corporation Discussion Forum where interesting debate and news of good art, music, books and cinema lives side-by-side with chat, gossip and gobbledygook.
Coming Soon
There's more artwork due soon, progress reports on the Book of the Erinyes, and a whole new spin-off site in the form of a directory of alternative culture links. We hope to see you there.
Regards,The Lazarus Corporation
the lazarus corporation
Hi all,
In spite of the context of the holidays, this month has been very active and full of events in the whole Zone. I could not go to the festival in Joujouka, because I am broke, but I wish I can visit them when circumstances allow it.
I have been meeting Jean-Marc Vincent http://www.myspace.com/ecritures , long time friend since we met in Bourges with Burroughs and Gysin in 1984 : Jean-Marc has a number of unpublished photos of them both. he made the ones below.
I also met for the first time Théophile Aries http://www.myspace.com/teopeaks , a young musician of the group Underwires http://www.myspace.com/underwiresmusic and underwires.net who lives in Berlin. See his site on Burroughs (in French) at http://theo.underwires.net/ , which contains a lot of interesting documents.
Interzone : 11 years :
Today August 2nd will be the eleventh anniversary of Burroughs' death, and August 2008, the eleventh anniversary if the creation of Interzone.
For those who would like to have a chat, we can meet in the chat of Interzone forum : you first have to register and then validate your registration by mail. If it does not work (it happens sometimes), send me a personal message or register with another pseudo and pass word.
Burroughs' resources
William Burroughs' interview by Frédéric Mitterrand
"Du côté de chez Fred" (1990) at
BoaVista : site on line
The navigators are going on their trip through Portugal where they stopped some days, then Morocco, Essaouira. Then they went to Canaries and are on the way of Senegal.
Here is the contents of their latest mail :
At last a harbor where the Wi-fi works and where I have enough time to drop a line : we are in the Canaries in Lanzarote, in a small port, a cool and clean one, ...Puerto Calero
I could not send more information about the progression because of connection problems, and also because of the surprises of navigation.
We stayed two days in Porto, from July 2 to 5 , Lisbon from july 6 to 9 , Essaouira in Morocco from Saturday 12 to Saturday July 19, with a car drive to Safi, another Moroccan city, famous for its potteries.
Then we took the sea for the Canaries and arrived at Graciosa, but the weather, cloudy and nearly cold, drove us ahead with a strange episode for the team in Graciosa : we ran aground, high and dry, because of the marling we had under-evaluated... we had to wait for the tide to become high for the boat to right up and end to scrape the ground, without damage though.
Esaouira is a loving city in spite of the dirt and pollution , we were the only yatch in the harbor, surrounded by and army of sea gypsies, sailors who handle heavy boats with a remarkable skill. I bought a very old choukara : it's a Berber bag ... Except this, our expenses are very limited at the moment. We are waiting for Senegal to spend more.
After this step, we go to Fuerto Ventura, and the next destination is Capo Verde... But everything is decided at the last moment, according to the winds and the decisions of the team.
It's starting to be hot, I had a beginning of insolation as well as Christian, coming back from Marrakesch where he spent the day with Fabienne. We are ok now....
We hope to stay some days in Capo Verde to rest , navigation is not so easy , specially in the front cabin , sleeping sometimes is a wager because the boat moves a lot.... and those islands are really ideal to wander on the desert beaches.
I have no time to type all the details of our adventures : finally it is very difficult due to the problems of energy, connections, and necessary time....
Today is washing day : we drink pineapple juice while writing the mails. The heat is at least 30° !!! The team is ok, no insurmountable problem until now....
The new site on this trip is at http://boavistaboavista.free.fr/ The first photos of La Rochelle and Lisbonne are one line.
Even for the Hipsters, Hustlers and Highjivers
Great stuff ! http://www.myspace.com/hesterglock
Brian Jones 40th Anniversary Festival Joujouka, Morocco, 29th July 2008
See in the previous report of June 2008 for the details.
Interview on the 40th Anniversary Brian Jones Festival in Joujouka
Frank Rynne interviewed on Irish National Radio RTE Radio 1 on Brian Jones, Mohamed Hamri, Master Musicians of Joujouka, Morocco in the 1960s, and more.
3 hour Joujouka Jajouka special from Portland Oregon Kboo FM 4 July 2008
best wishes frank
Stéphane GRISELIN, Gilles VIGNES et Jean-Michel GOSSELIN organize improvised free meetings on August 15, 16 and 17 in Marciac in the department Gers, at the same time as the international jazz festival.
The shows at the café Le Nain Bleu will happen in front of the exposition of the artist Bruno Loire :
The first aim of J.I.M.PROVISE is to create meetings inviting artists of comtemporary rock, jazz and free improvisation, to spread the different tendencies, establish exchanges, bring reflection at the scale of the region.
This festival is opened to all who improvise in music, dance, performance, installation, amateurs and the public.
A free participation is asked the public to bring money for the artists' expenses.
The concerts will take place in open air, or in a concert room in case of rain.
The artists are hosted in a closed building, but the are asked to foresee a pack sack and mattress. It's possible to put a tent under a very big covered and closed shelter (but foresee a mattress).
People who accompany them can be hosted in the limit of available room, but a participation of 2 € per person is required (breakfast offered) , and in any case, you have to book in advance.
Rooms in the shade are available for trucks and camping cars, with a permanent access to drinkable water.
A map of the place in Marciac will be given to you.
*Contacts :* Jean-Michel Gosselin : gosselinjm@aol.com &
Invitation: HELVEDESMASKINEN kører igen (22.+23. august)/ The Infernal Machine a collective sound installation up and running
August 22. 23. at Under Vand (http://www.undervand.org/) /A collective lo-fi multispeaker sound-installation /
/run and edited by Tobias Kirstein and Sune T. B. Nielsen/
THE INFERNAL MACHINE is placed in a yet unseen field between different performance strategies: DJ-live mix, sound installation and multispeaker concert.
THE INFERNAL MACHINE is a collective installation in two senses of the word: Firstly we collect old loudspeakers and amplifiers that people were going to dump anyway. Secondly a wide range of different sound artists/musicians/composers, both Danish and international, are invited to contribute with sounds and the contributors are invited to do a live mix on the installation, while machine is running.
Most machines are built out of various mechanical parts, where most parts are made in different places and by different people. Sonically THE INFERNAL MACHINE is built from sounds (each of them replaceable at
any time) that are made by different people. Each time THE INFERNAL MACHINE is run, a number of CD’s/or computer players are played at the same time and played on repeat. This way there is no definite ending and especially no definite sound.
The setup consists of a large (and growing) number of thrown-away consumer loudspeakers and amplifiers - all of them found in the garbage or given to us.
Each old amplifier is connected to as many speakers as possible. Each amplifier/speaker-setup functions as one self-powered loudspeaker – most of them sounding quite characteristic.
This time we hope to build a multispeaker setup with 20-30 channels (all mono).
Please send us sounds on CDR (audio or data) or upload, and you will be part of the big collective soundinstallation – The Infernal Machine.
Please note that there will be a warm-up friday 25/7 at the opening of the exhibition at Under Vand, where it's all happening. If you want to participate there, please tell us quickly.
Best regards
The enginemen
Kirstein & Nielsen
Participants this far counts:
Rasmus Brandt (DK) Jakob Brandt-Pedersen (DK) Thomas Bred (DK) Henrik Busk (DK) Rex Casswell (UK) Jens Christiansen (DK) Søren Gorm (DK) Jakob Draminsky Højmark (DK) Tobias Kirstein (DK) MoniBobTor & Buardiya del
Klaxon (DK) Kouhei (JAP) Åsmund Kverneland (DK) Ture Larsen (DK) Rasmus B. Lunding (DK) Sune T. B. Nielsen (DK) Jonas Olesen (DK) Karsten Pflum (DK) Jakob Riis (DK) Søren Helvildt Raagaard (DK) Christian Stadsgaard
(DK) Bjørn Svin (DK) Jørgen Teller (DK)*//
Théophile Aries sent me the info about this festival organized by Oliver Harris, which will take place in Paris from 1st to 3rd July 2009, and might interest a number of Zoners. I have got in touch with Olivier Harris to introduce the Zone to him and our works and researches on Burroughs and Gysin.
If You're Interested in Participating:
We welcome proposals that range from short papers (15 minutes) to longer talks (30 minutes), from multi-media presentations to panel discussions and open mic debates. In English and in French, we are looking for original and innovative contributions from scholars and Burroughsians under the headings: The Untold Naked Lunch / A Post-Colonial Lunch / Naked Paris / Naked Lunch Now.All Symposium sessions, which will run in parallel with one another and with other events including film-screenings, exhibitions, and readings, will take place at the University of London Institute in Paris, 1st to 3rd July 2009.
You are welcome to get in touch with any ideas or questions, but all proposals need to be received by 30th October 2008, sent to: Oliver Harris. Decisions will be made by the Symposium organisers as soon as possible after that.
Further information about the Symposium, about all other anniversary homage events in Paris, 1st to 4th July 2009, and about the book launch of Naked Lunch@50: Anniversary Essays, will be posted on the nakedlunch.org website when this goes fully online during the summer.
If You're Interested in Attending:
To reserve a place at the Symposium, please submit basic information (name, mail and email contact details) to Oliver Harris.Your name will then be put on the door at the University of London Institute in Paris, where the Symposium will take place from 1st to 3rd July 2009. You will have entry to all Symposium sessions, which will mostly be in English with some in French, and also have access to all other NL@50 anniversary events taking place at the Institute during those three days, including film-screenings, exhibitions, and readings. For your entrance ticket which guarantees access to all events but not to any specific session a charge of 10 Euros (cash) will be made on the door. As places are limited, please let us know if you have to cancel your plans.
Further information about the Symposium, about all other anniversary homage events in Paris, 1st to 4th July 2009, and about the book launch of Naked Lunch@50: Anniversary Essays, will be posted on the nakedlunch.org website when this goes fully online during the summer.
Flyer :
You are free to download and distribute the flyer for the Symposium. (PDF, 324 kb)
NakedLunch.org Coming Soon
A complete site for the Naked Lunch@50 commemoration will launch during summer 2008.
Optical Sound: Precisions sur les vagues
Details of the bulletin at http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2008/07/optical-sound-precisions-sur-les-vagues.html and in the site http://www.optical-sound.com/
Literature: alternative publishing :
Funnily enough, Paul Watson and I have been working in the same direction for alternative publishing : see the links to his articles in the newsletter below . We presently are in touch to go forward together with Paul Hawkins.
The Lazarus corporation: alternative visual art, music & writing
New "Notebook" Section & New Art Project - "The Book of the Erinyes"
We've recently launched the new Notebook section of the Lazarus Corporation website, and it's being baptised with a new project - The Book of the Erinyes, so go to the Notebook for full details.
The Book of the Erinyes is a limited edition series of handmade artists books, based around the Erinyes (or Furies) of Ancient Greek legend.
The whole artistic process will be openly documented on the Notebook (and the forum), and I'm adopting a freemium sales model which I've described in my blog.
And of the subject of blogging
We're getting deeper into ideas for online art marketing & promotion on the Lazarus Corporation blog. Here's some quick links to a choice selection of some of the latest articles:
- Open planning my new artwork and freeconomics
- Freeconomics and McFly
- A basic strategy for music in 5 steps
- take my images - they are not my art
- Social Networks - Pure and Applied
- Five things not to do on your artists website
- a summary of freeconomic models
- The future for Publishers
- Underpricing your work is good
- Five MySpace Mistakes for Visual Artists
- resources: selling art online
- How to get 1000 true fans and succeed as an artist in a long tail economy
- Strategies: creating a website for your art, music or writing (part 1)
Discussion Forum
And finally, for what we'll euphemistically call "less structured discussion", there's the Lazarus Corporation Discussion Forum where interesting debate and news of good art, music, books and cinema lives side-by-side with chat, gossip and gobbledygook.
There's more artwork due soon, and a completely redeveloped section of the site due in a little over 2 weeks. We hope to see you there.
The Lazarus Corporation http://www.lazaruscorporation.co.uk
Interzone Editions
I am waiting for September to advertise about the site because of the present holiday time.
The "SEMINAIRE DE SEMANTIQUE GENERALE 1937 : Transcription des Notes des Conférences de Sémantique Générale Données à Olivet College" http://www.inter-zone.org/seminairesg.htm is now available at Interzone Editions : , ISBN : 978-2-9531513-0-5. This is the first integral book by Korzybski published in France. Extracts of his writings have been published in "Une carte n'est pas le territoire" at the Editions de l'Eclat.
The next books to be published is : "le Temps des Naguals - Around Burroughs and Gysin" http://www.geocities.com/interzonelibrary/0tncontents.html : I had made a French version, which I am going to complete, but it might integrate as well a number of English articles from Zoners on Burroughs and Gysin.
I am going to make an English version of the site Interzone Editions.
General semantics
The translation of the first part of a new chapter of "Science and sanity", "Generalities on structure" is on line in "La sémantique générale pour tous" at http://semantiquegenerale.free.fr/Articles/onstructure.htm
New publications jacques aron - didier devillez éditeur
- Mon identité élective;
- Constantin Brunner.
devillez@skynet.be http://www.devillez.be/
corrie greathouse performs @ the hotel cafe on sunday 7-27
Neil Young: CSNY: Déjà Vu..... UK Release
A film by Neil Young
The war in Iraq is the backdrop as the CSNY "Freedom of Speech Tour" crisscrosses North America. The film examines the band's connection to its audience in both political and musical terms, and examines the relationship between Vietnam-era anti-war sentiment and today's post-9/11 environment. A Vietnam veteran sums it all up: "It's deja vu all over again."
"One of the finest music documentaries in recent memory… a resounding success"
Time Out ****
"An exceptional rockumentary...riveting!"
Empire ****
Featuring: David Crosby, Graham Nash, Stephen Stills, Neil Young, Steven Colbert
Short Synopsis:
The war in Iraq is the backdrop as the CSNY "Freedom of Speech Tour" crisscrosses North America. The film examines the band's connection to its audience in both political and musical terms, and examines the relationship between Vietnam-era anti-war sentiment and today's post-9/11 environment. A Vietnam veteran sums it all up: "It's deja vu all over again."
Long Synopsis:
Since their debut in the late 'sixties, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young have functioned as the "town criers" of their generation. With songs like "Ohio" and "Find the Cost of Freedom", CSNY were in the forefront of Vietnam-era protest and anti-war sentiment. Though fondly remembered for their harmonies and love songs, the band has never lost their political edge.
"CSNY: Deja Vu" finds the band heading out on their "Freedom of Speech 2006" of North America, featuring music from Neil Young's controversial "Living With War" CD. With "Embedded" reporter Mike Cerre aboard, the film documents audience reactions to the music and the band's ongoing connection with its fans, all against the backdrop of the Iraq/Afghanistan War. The film also examines events surrounding the Tour in the crucial election season of 2006.
Songs from the tour are woven together with archival material, news footage, and audience reaction and observations, as the film examines the issues surrounding the integration of politics and art.
About the Director:
Bernard Shakey is the autocratic Svengali behind a series of films featuring Neil Young. His films include (Journey Though The Past, Rust Never Sleeps, Human Highway, greendale). His company name, Shakey Pictures, provides an apt description of the relationship between the director and Mr. Young.
~peace~ Neil Young. http://www.myspace.com/neilyoung
New pages on line :
In Interzone sites :
Interzone forum http://interzone.forumotion.com/
SEMINAIRE DE SEMANTIQUE GENERALE 1937 : Transcription des Notes des Conférences de Sémantique Générale Données à Olivet College" http://www.inter-zone.org/seminairesg.htm
Interzone Editions : présentation : http://www.inter-zone.org/presentation.htm In English : http://www.inter-zone.org/presentationeng.htm
In other Zoners' sites:
Boa Vista Odyssée : http://boavistaboavista.free.fr/
Even for the Hipsters, Hustlers and Highjivers http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vZ2luZ2Vya2lsbGlhbmVhZGVzLmJsb2dzcG90LmNvbS8=
Hesterglock http://www.myspace.com/hesterglock
Frank Rynne interview on Irish National Radio RTE Radio 1 http://www.rte.ie/arts/2008/0707/drivetimewithdave.html
3 hour Joujouka Jajouka special from Portland Oregon Kboo FM 4 July 2008 http://uglyradio.wordpress.com/2008/07/05/outside-world-joujouka-special/
The infernal machine http://www.undervand.org/
Naked Lunch symposium : http://nakedlunch.org/ Flyer : http://nakedlunch.org/nakedlunch50_symposium_flyer.pdf
Optical Sound : précision sur les vagues : http://www.optical-sound.com/
The Lazarus corporation: alternative visual art, music & writing http://lazaruscorporation.co.uk
Open planning my new artwork and freeconomics http://new-media.lazaruscorporation.co.uk/2008/06/28/open-planning-my-new-artwork-and-freeconomics/
Freeconomics and McFly http://new-media.lazaruscorporation.co.uk/2008/06/24/freeconomics-and-mcfly/
A basic strategy for music in 5 steps http://new-media.lazaruscorporation.co.uk/2008/06/10/a-basic-strategy-for-music-in-5-steps/
take my images - they are not my art http://new-media.lazaruscorporation.co.uk/2008/05/20/take-my-images-theyre-not-my-art/
Social Networks - Pure and Applied http://new-media.lazaruscorporation.co.uk/2008/04/19/social-networks-pure-and-applied/
Five things not to do on your artists website http://new-media.lazaruscorporation.co.uk/2008/04/06/five-things-not-to-do-on-your-artists-website/
a summary of freeconomic models http://new-media.lazaruscorporation.co.uk/2008/03/31/a-summary-of-freeconomics/
The future for Publishers http://new-media.lazaruscorporation.co.uk/2008/03/24/the-future-for-publishers/
Underpricing your work is good http://new-media.lazaruscorporation.co.uk/2008/03/15/underpricing-your-work-is-good/
Five MySpace Mistakes for Visual Artists http://new-media.lazaruscorporation.co.uk/2008/03/12/five-myspace-mistakes-for-visual-artists/
resources: selling art online http://new-media.lazaruscorporation.co.uk/2008/03/08/resources-selling-art-online/
How to get 1000 true fans and succeed as an artist in a long tail economy http://new-media.lazaruscorporation.co.uk/2008/03/06/how-to-get-1000-true-fans-and-succeed-as-an-artist-in-a-long-tail-economy/
Strategies: creating a website for your art, music or writing (part 1) http://new-media.lazaruscorporation.co.uk/2008/03/04/strategies-creating-a-website-for-your-art-music-or-writing-part-1/
The news are published in Interzone news http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/ when they arrive.
This report is on line at http://aubert.isa.googlepages.com/reportjuly08.htm The French version will be on line in some days at http://aubert.isa.googlepages.com/reportjuly08fr.htm
lundi 28 juillet 2008
Naked Lunch@50: Symposium
Paris 1st to 3rd July 2009
If You're Interested in Participating:
To reserve a place at the Symposium, please submit basic information (name, mail and email contact details) to Oliver Harris.
A complete site for the Naked Lunch@50 commemoration will launch during summer 2008.
A Paris du 1er au 3 juillet 2009
Nous acceptons toutes sortes de propositions ; des courtes interventions (15 minutes), des discours plus longs (30 minutes), des présentations multimédias, des débats entre invités et des questions-réponses avec le public. Nous sommes à la recherche de contributions originales et innovatrices, en anglais et en français, de la part d'universitaires ou de spécialistes de Burroughs sous les intitulés: Le Festin Nu révélé / Un festin postcolonial / Paris Nu / Le Festin Nu aujourd'hui.
Pour réserver une place au colloque, veuillez envoyer vos coordonnées (nom, adresse postale et email) à Oliver Harris.
Votre nom sera ensuite affiché sur la porte de l'institut de l'université de Londres à Paris, où se déroulera le colloque du 1er au 3 juillet 2009. Vous aurez accès à toutes les sessions du colloque, principalement en anglais mais avec certaines en français. Vous pourrez également assister à tous les événements hommages qui célébreront les 50 ans du Festin Nu pendant ces trois jours à l'institut (projections de films, expositions, et lectures). Le coût d'un billet d'entrée (qui vous garantit un accès à chaque événement, mais pas à une session spécifique) est de 10 euros (cash). Etant donné que les places sont limitées, faîtes-nous savoir si vous devez annuler vos projets.
Davantage d'informations sur le colloque, sur toutes les autres événements hommages célébrés à Paris, du 1er au 4 juillet 2009, et sur le lancement du livre Naked Lunch@50: Anniversary Essays, seront postées lors de la mise en ligne complète du site nakedlunch.org durant l'été.
N'hésitez pas à le télécharger (et à le distribuer) ici : download and distribute the flyer for the Symposium. (PDF, 324 kb)
Un site complet en commémoration des 50 ans du Festin Nu sera lancé durant l'été 2008.
William Burroughs' interview by Frédéric Mitterrand
"Du côté de chez Fred" (1990) at
Paul Hawkins' new blog : Even for the Hipsters, Hustlers and Highjivers
Even for the Hipsters, Hustlers and Highjivers
Great stuff !