lundi 5 avril 2010

Interzone report: February March 2010

"Virginia Woolf ~ The Great Frost",
reference to a passage from V Woolf's novel "Orlando".
Hi all,

Every time I start the report I have the impression there is not much to say, but once I have gathered the whole, it ineluctably ends to be a huge one. Well, here it is.

 Farewell !

Lyman Andrews

            Lyman Andrews - Yugoslavia poetry festival 60's                                   Lyman Denver 1979 
Photos transmitted by Paul O'Donovan
Lyman Henry Andrews (born April 2, 1938 Denver) was an American poet, and close friend of Allen Ginsberg and Robert Lowell amongst other writers with whom he maintained a lifelong contact. He also knew William Burroughs, in Tangiers and London. Lyman Andrews died Friday 13th February 2009 at his apartment in Nottingham. (Wikipedia

You can read his poem "Icarus", illustrated by Paul O'Donovan in Paul's gallery in the Western Lands at in Interzone Galleries at

Jose Ferez Kuri: Salute!

Photo Credit Jose Feez Kuri celebrating William Burrough's birthday, Lawrence, Kansas, 1994 by Jonathan Blumb
Jose Ferez Kuri passed away on 25 March in Paris.  He will be remembered for his work promoting the paintings of Brion Gysin, William S. Burroughs and Kenji Yoshido.

Among his great achievements  was his book Brion Gysin: Tuning in to the Multimedia Age (Thames & Hudson, 2003). His work curating  Kenji Yoshido and  William Burroughs and posthumously promoting  Brion Gysin resulted in innumerable gallery and museum shows across the world.

On Saturday friends gathered at the Sacré Coeur where Adrian Dunbar led a ceremony on the steps overlooking Paris.

He was cremated 31 March at Pere Lachaise. Jon Blumb sent a photo from Lawrence, Kansas of Jose at William Burrough's birthday party in 1994 which was placed before his coffin. Yuri Zupancic from the Burroughs Foundation read tributes that had arrived  from his many friends on five continents.  Jose’s brother Antonio thanked everyone who loved his brother and celebrated his life. Among the readings was one of Jose's favorite passages from The Process by Brion Gysin.

"The sands of Present Time are running out from under our feet. And why not ? The Great Conundrum: "What are we here for?" Is all that ever held us here in the first place. Fear. The answer to the riddle of the Ages has actually been out on the street since the First Step in Space. Who runs may read but few run fast enough. What are we here for ? Does the great metaphysical nut revolve around that ? Well, I'll crack it for you, right now. What are we here for ? We are here to go." Brion Gysin The Process

Interzone news: 

Update of the URL of Interzone reports:

Since October 2009, the reports of Interzone activities hosted in geocities sites had disappeared, as geocities deleted all the free sites then.
I have put them on line again in and have updated their URL in the pages "Information on Interzone" at and .
2 reports have been lost in 12 years (April and May 2000), but the rest is on line: 137 reports, the most of them are in French and English versions . Though a number of the links included in the pages are now obsolete, the contents of the Zone's activities is still accessible.

General semantics:

  1. Préface et avertissement au lecteur
  2. and Premier chapitre

Interzone Editions: English chapters of "The Time of the Naguals -Around Burroughs and Gysin" in pdf:

I have gathered in a pdf file the English chapters of "The Time of the Naguals - Around Burroughs and Gysin", which has been published in French and is available in printed version: see "Le Temps des Naguals - Autour de Burroughs et Gysin" , Interzone Editions book also is available in pdf. 
Those pdf of French and English versions are free for all the Zoners who wrote in the compilation "The Time of the Naguals" : if you want to get them, let me know and I shall send you the files with "YouSendIt".

"The Time of the Naguals" and non-Aristotelian economy: 

Concerning this book, "The Time of the Naguals", I need your feed-backs here: this book is a compilation realized with other Interzone members since the start of the Zone. I wrote the first version in the eighties, and submitted it to Burroughs to have his authorization concerning the translation of interviews of him by Bill rich and Victor Bockris, of extracts of "the Place of the Dead Roads", and "Last Words of Hassan Sabbah." A number of chapters have been added since : interviews of Ramuntcho Matta, and the whole doc on the reseach on apomorphine cure, realized in the eighties as well.
This book is the first tome of the compilation called "The Time of the Naguals", which contains a number of tomes in English, written by Zoners (To come soon: I know, I am late here and shall try to finish it before the end of April). It is too big to be printed, so all the tomes will be gathered on a CD in pdf or format for ipod.

As a result, it is a common work, so we must consider the financial aspect : 
- shall we sell it ?
- if yes, how much ?
- what shall we do with the money ? It cannot be shared among the participants because there are too many, so the benefits would be very small for each book sold. So I leave to your appreciation what to do in this area.
I suggest here that we keep on using the non-Aristotelian step put up in Interzone: for more information, see the accounts and progression of this research since February 2000 in the pages dedicated to non-A economy in "La sémantique générale pour tous" at Restructuration: Une économie non-aristotélicienne 
This research is an experiment of Korzybski's data on the use of money as a symbol of exchange (see "Science and Sanity": "On symbolism" , French translation: Du symbolisme (ch. VI) It rests on a scientific step based upon hypothesis and experiment of those hypothesis to see if they fit to the facts. As my first experiment since 2008 with Interzone Edition seems satisfying to me (it works, I can handle it myself, it is adapted to my means and possibilities), I propose to apply it at the scale of the Zone, as its structure fits to the Zone's one, so we can see the results then and decide if it reveals itself efficient. Such an experiment does not require money, just using what has been done already, and the means to our disposal.


Master Musicians of Joujouka featured Antibothis book antology and CD compilation out now

"Master Musicians of Joujouka Festival 4-6 June, Joujouka/Jajouka, Morocco is still booking on the Master Musicians of Joujouka official site " Frank.

joujouka via johnny cash

frank rynne interviewed by paul hawkins

shocker_tv: dubstep disintegrated (videos from 2/3/10 show @ Cheyenne Saloon)

thanks everyone who was there that night to support digital hardcore scene in las vegas. some video footages for those of you who could not make it or the ones live on the other side of the world.
clockwork noise dubstep  

novacriminal - The Spies - The Radio Sweetheart LIVE @ The Terrace in Pasadena

3/2/2010 9:30 PM at The Terrace
433 E. Colorado Ave., Pasadena, California 
Cost: $5
novacriminal - 9PM
The Spies - 10PM
The Radio Sweetheart - 11PM
and on St Patrick's Day : 
3/17/2010 8 PM at The Terrace
433 E. Colorado Ave., Pasadena, California 
Cost: $10
5$ Jameson, 4$ GREEN BREW
"Get a hotel room and ruin your livers with us!"
Shoppy - 9PM
novacriminal - 10PM  


New exhibition of William Burroughs' tape recorder experiments in London

"Dead Fingers Talk is an ambitious forthcoming exhibition presenting two unreleased tape experiments by William Burroughs from the mid 1960s alongside responses by 23 artists, musicians, writers, composers and curators.
"The exhibition includes work by Joe Ambrose, Steve Aylett, Alex Baker & Kit Poulson, Lawrence English, The Human Separation, Riccardo Iacono, Anthony Joseph, Cathy Lane, Eduardo Navas, Negativland, o.blaat, Aki Onda, Jörg Piringer, Plastique Fantastique, Simon Ruben White, Giorgio Sadotti, Scanner, Terre Thaemlitz, Thomson & Craighead, Laureana Toledo and Ultra-red, with performances by Ascsoms and Solina Hi-Fi."
Dead Fingers Talk: The Tape Experiments of William S. Burroughs
28th May – 18th July 2010 
See also Joe Ambroses's page about it at collective studio : Exhibition of a dreamachine at the Villa Arson

"The centre national d'art contemporain de nice (villa arson) exposes a dreamachine made by us during their exhibition "double bind" From february 5th to May 30th. à bientôt!" gianluca  
Gianluca  has been making dreamachines in Geneve since some years: see them in his site in the page "Dreamachine Manufacture"

Anthony ROUSSEAU : TRAME au TriPostal

"Hello to all,
 I wanted to inform you that the installation "TRAME"  was broadcasted at the Tripostal during the
Fête de l'animation at Lille from March 18 th to 21th 2010
I presented "TRAME" on March 18th at Euratechnologies (Lille) at 5:40 pm, on March 19th at the Maison Européenne des Sciences de l'Homme (Lille) at 5:15 pm and was at the TriPostal on saturday March 20 6 pm to meet you. Yours." Anthony Rousseau
The complete program is available at this address: 

Laurent Beysson: Création multimedia

Laurent makes exhibitions with multimedia tools he creates . You can experiment them on the web at . Go to the pages, click on the videos and move your mouse on the screen :



Optical sound: February Anxiety  and april flowers


Jean-Marc Vincent has been organising an exhibition of the paintings by Bruno Danjoux in his gallery "Ecritures" in Montluçon. More details at

Paul O'Donovan:

"Virginia Woolf ~ The Great Frost", reference to a passage from V Woolf's novel "Orlando" and Lyman Andrews - Yugoslavia poetry festival 60's & Lyman Denver 1979 .
The pages of Paul's   illustrations in the Western Lands have been updated. You can view tham from the first page at to the last one at hosted in this site.
Much more have been put on line since and the whole is available in 60 pages in the site Interzone Galleries : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3435 36 37 38  39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60


Bernard Bacos: all that you always wanted to know about the Trendy!  

"Doubtless the best interview which it was given to me to answer since I created my site, about the "Trendyness", by the relevance of the composed questions!
Take the opportunity to visit his blog, full of interesting rubrics, specially on cinema:

New sites on Facebook

 New pages on line

 In Interzone sites:

"La sémantique générale pour tous" at
- «Séminaire de Sémantique Générale 1937 »Transcription des Notes des Conférences de Sémantique Générale Données à Olivet College:
Préface et avertissement au lecteur and Premier chapitre
- Sémantique générale et sciences humaines  Thermodynamique et information
Restructuration: Une économie non-aristotélicienne
- I New data on money: what are we talking about exactly?
- II Application of those data in the context of the Zone
- Du symbolisme (ch. VI)

Paul O'Donovan :"Virginia Woolf ~ The Great Frost", reference to a passage from V Woolf's novel "Orlando", and Lyman Andrews - Yugoslavia poetry festival 60's & Lyman Denver 1979 ., "Icarus" : and

In the other Zoners'sites:

Master Musicians of Joujouka featured Antibothis book antology and CD compilation out now:
frank rynne interviewed by paul hawkins

shocker_tv: dubstep disintegrated (videos from 2/3/10 show @ Cheyenne Saloon)

Laurent Beysson: . . 
Multitouch screen en Lycra,Vector Fluid  ,Ambiante 

Galerie Ecritures: exposition Bruno Danjoux :

Galerie Didier  Devillez :

Bernard Baco

Between two reports, the news are updated in the blog Interzone news:

Wishing you happy Easter and a quiet and sunny spring.
Izzy: email: i.aubert[at]

vendredi 2 avril 2010

Lyman Andrews (1938-2010)

                                 Lyman Andrews - Yugoslavia poetry festival 60's                                Lyman Denver 1979 

Photos transmitted by Paul O'Donovan

Updates in "La sémantique générale pour tous"

Master Musicians of Joujouka featured Antibothis book antology and CD compilation out now

"Master Musicians of Joujouka Festival 4-6 June, Joujouka/Jajouka, Morocco is still booking on the Master Musicians of Joujouka official site " Frank.

mardi 30 mars 2010

Optical Sound: april flowers

QWARTZ - 2 / 3 Avril Palais Brongniard / Paris

Optical Sound sera présent aux Qwartz Music Awards
le 2 avril avec CERCUEIL  nominés dans la catégorie meilleur album de l'année de la terre et du monde !

Photo ©Stéphane Burlot (8 Avril Optical Sound Release Party Point FMR, Paris)

Optical Sound sera aussi présent pendant 18H00 non stop sur deux jours, au salon des labels indépendants (ou presque) même lieu, sur le Stand N°23 !
Entrée libre !
N'hésitez pas à amener des remontants.

Editions Optical Sound à prix salon !

Vendredi 2 Avril de 14h-24h
Samedi 3 Avril de 12h-20h
Au Palais Brongniart, 1 Place de la Bourse, 75002 Paris, Métro Bourse Ligne 3


FESTIVAL INTERSTICE #5 - 27/28/29/30 Avril / Caen

rencontre des inclassables

De Bricolages expérimentaux en créations multimédias, ]Interstice[ se veut un espace de découverte
d'artistes internationaux qui développent leurs recherches aux frontières de plusieurs disciplines :
des plasticiens qui intègrent le son comme matière à part entière, des compositeurs ou improvisateurs
qui donnent leur musique à voir et se jouent des conventions entre bruit et musique…
Pour cette rencontre des inclassables, plusieurs structures inscrites dans des champs différents
s’associent pour faire une programmation hétéroclite permettant la rencontre de publics divers
en mélangeant les genres : musique, arts visuels, poésie, performances...


Co-production // Station Mir / ESAM Caen / Collectif Jazz Basse-Normandie / Conservatoire de Caen / Cargö / Transat Vidéo
Partenaires // DRAC Basse-Normandie / Région Basse-Normandie / ODACC du Calvados / Ville de Caen / Ville d'Hérouville St-Clair / Galerie Hypertopie / Éditions cactus / Optical Sound / Kafé Crème / Association Pygmalion / IGOL

FESTIVAL NEMO - Le 9 Avril / Le Centquatre Paris



PASCAL BROCCOLICHI : "STAACK" (Galerie Frédéric Giroux)

Exposition du 20 mars au 15 mai 2010

Après son exposition collective « Sound by artists » en 2009, la galerie Frédéric Giroux entame en 2010
une série d’expositions personnelles d’artistes sonores :
Pascal Broccolichi du 20 mars au 15 mai,
Pierre Belouïn du 22 mai au 19 juin
Optical Sound du 3 au 30 juillet
Jérôme Poret du 4 septembre au 30 octobre
et Pierre-Laurent Cassière du 6 novembre au 23 décembre.

Galerie Frédéric Giroux

galerie frédéric giroux
8 rue Charlot - 75003 Paris
tel.: 01 42 71 01 02  -  fax: 01 42 71 05 11 /

Thanks for reading - Pierre Beloüin ~ Optical Sound
105 rue des Volubilis 83190 Ollioules
18 Rue de Stosswihr 67100 Strasbourg
25 rue des Cascades 75020 Paris

Season of Mist is the official French distro of Optical Sound in France / Distribution France Season of Mist

Vente format numérique OTOTOÏ

The Optical Sound CD's are always available in regular store, on-line it's better for us / les éditions Optical Sound sont disponibles
chez tous les disquaires, et sur la boutique en ligne Buy on-line with Paypal, quick and secure sending.

mercredi 24 mars 2010

Update of the URL of Interzone reports

Since October 2009, the reports hosted in geocities sites had disapeared as geocities deleted all the free sites.

I have put them on line again in and have updated their URL in the pages and

2 reports have been lost in 12 years (April and May 2000), but the rest is on line. Though a number of the links inside are obsolete, the contents of the Zone's activities is still accessible.



joujouka via johnny cash

frank rynne interviewed by paul hawkins

mardi 16 mars 2010

New exhibition of William Burroughs' tape recorder experiments in London

"Dead Fingers Talk is an ambitious forthcoming exhibition presenting two unreleased tape experiments by William Burroughs from the mid 1960s alongside responses by 23 artists, musicians, writers, composers and curators.

"The exhibition includes work by Joe Ambrose, Steve Aylett, Alex Baker & Kit Poulson, Lawrence English, The Human Separation, Riccardo Iacono, Anthony Joseph, Cathy Lane, Eduardo Navas, Negativland, o.blaat, Aki Onda, Jörg Piringer, Plastique Fantastique, Simon Ruben White, Giorgio Sadotti, Scanner, Terre Thaemlitz, Thomson & Craighead, Laureana Toledo and Ultra-red, with performances by Ascsoms and Solina Hi-Fi."

Dead Fingers Talk: The Tape Experiments of William S. Burroughs

28th May – 18th July 2010

See also Joe Ambroses's page about it at

samedi 13 mars 2010

NOVACRIMINAL live in Pasadena on St. Patrick's Day

3/17/2010 8 PM at The Terrace
433 E. Colorado Ave., Pasadena, California 
Cost: $10

5$ Jameson, 4$ GREEN BREW

Get a hotel room and ruin your livers with us!


Shoppy - 9PM

novacriminal - 10PM

lundi 8 mars 2010

Anthony ROUSSEAU : TRAME au TriPostal

Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

je tenais à vous informer que l'installation "TRAME" sera diffusée au Tripostal lors de la Fête de l'animation à Lille du 18 au 21 mars 2010.
Je présenterai "TRAME" le 18 mars à Euratechnologies (Lille) à 17H40, le 19 mars à la Maison Européenne des Sciences de l'Homme (Lille) à 17H15 et serai présent le samedi 20 mars à 16H00 au TriPostal pour vous rencontrer.

Bien à Vous.

Anthony Rousseau

Le programme complet est disponible à cette adresse :

samedi 6 mars 2010

Galerie Ecritures: Expo Bruno DANJOUX

Vernissage de l’exposition

le vendredi 19 Mars 2010 à 18 h 30

« Le développement de mon propre travail est extrêmement lié à mon métier de danseur et plus particulièrement à sa pédagogie… Je travaille souvent à l’extérieur, hors de l’atelier ce qui fait que les travaux sont généralement de petit format, sur du papier que je récupère et que je prépare à la colle de peau. Bien que peu pratique vu la lenteur du séchage, je travaille essentiellement à l’huile. J’aime avant tout son odeur et puis son gras qui sans doute, pour moi est proche du liquide synovial. J’aime préparer mes couleurs comme on prépare un corps avant qu’il n’entre en scène… Quand je peins, je rentre en peinture, c'est-à-dire dans les ordres du silence et du retrait et à la fois dans l’unité de mes contraires, dans la tentative d’accord entre le temps de l’œuvre et sa nécessaire fulgurance, entre le spectacle de l’art et sa religiosité… Je danse et j’ai souvent des tableaux en référence. Ils viennent s’afficher comme ça, dans le musée derrière les yeux. Tantôt une couleur, une thébaïde, un triptyque, tantôt une coulure, un trait, un éclat … Sans être convoquées, ces présences sont pour moi mes volumes porteurs.»

Notes d’ateliers, août 2006