Membership card of Master Musicians of Joujouka/Jajouka/Jahjouka association of Frank Rynne.
Since 1994 Frank Rynne has been a member of the association of the Master Musicians of Joujouka/Serifya Association of the Master Musicians of Jahjouka/Jajouka/Joujouka. This membership carries with it the responsibilities and requirements to treat with and treat all fellow members equally. His representation of the Master Musicians of Joujouka in the West is an elected position and his views and actions are guided by the majority view of the Master Musicians of Joujouka/Jajouka/Jahjouka. It is not a relationship based on the contractual norms of the Western music business but rather, he is a fraternal member of the Master Musician's association.
This membership has set Rynne apart from other westerners who have produced the Master Musicians of Joujouka as he is accepted as an equal in the village but his designated and elected role has been to promote the Master Musician's music and to deal with people outside Morocco on their behalf.
Click on newspaper image below for actual article by Frank Rynne on his introduction to Master Musicians of Joujouka. Click links for text.
The Irish Times
22 Jul 2008
WHEN I FIRST visited Morocco in 1994, I took a one-way charter flight to Malaga and a ferry across the Straits of Gibraltar. On one side of the Straits were the burnt hills of Southern Spain, on the other the high colossus of the Rif Mountains. Soon I...read more...
Mojo Article on Matser Musicians of Joujouka Brian Jones 40th Anniversary Festival
No Stone Unturned Frank Rynne and Bachir Attar interviewed re the controversy surrounding the reissue of the Brian Jones presnets the Pipes of Pan Cd in 1995 from the Independent newspaper in the UK Friday, 21 July 1995
Past Masters from National Dubai March 6 2009. Though the Master Musicians disagree with many assertions in the article it is of interest as it is written by an unbiased journalist and musician Jace Clayton.
The Faded Myth of the Goat God German report on the damage to Joujouka and its future caused by Bachir Attar's controversial activities. 2005
An Interview with Bachir Attar July 9th, 2008 Walrus magazine Claims by Bachir Attar with refutations by Frank Rynne speaking on behalf of the Master Musicians of Joujouka
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