dimanche 2 janvier 2011

Interzone report of January 2011

Accueil July-August 2010 Contact

Soldat Louis: Escale sur la planète

Hi all,
I have not sent (nor written) any report since last summer : I had to concentrate on urgent things and have been missing time. Also I needed a break to take some distance, as I had a feeling of routine since some times. I have been including in the latest reports a lot of info which were not specific to the Zone, and afterwards had the feeling it diluted it. As a result, I want to get back to the original Zone's spirit and concentrate on the job to do there.
So here is this new report, with many good musics integrated, to give us a lot of energy for the year to come.

Though I have kept on posting the info you sent in Interzone news : see the posts of September :

http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010_09_01_archive.html, October : http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010_10_01_archive.html , November : http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010_11_01_archive.html and December : http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010_12_01_archive.html , where you can find a lot of doc on the Beats, beyond Interzone news properly speaking.

Best wishes for 2011:

From Galerie Ecritures: meilleurs voeux 2011:
Jean-Thierry Lazare : Intermède musical pour (bien) finir l'année et commencer la suivante: http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2011/01/intermede-musical-pour-bien-finir.html

I am joining them to wish all the best to Interzone members and a creative year for our projects and personal life.

Usurpations of identity:

In October, I have detected a number of anonymous pirate sites and blogs usurping my identity, reproducing the old sites hosted on geocities, which have disappeared since 2009, and my site on general semantics. The links in the pages are modified and lead to other pirate sites instead of the original pages, and they contain adverts which install trojans on the computers of the visitors. I shall not put the URL here to avoid to highlight them.

So I have been investigating on what is going on here and here is what I have found :

1. Those pirate sites are used by people who steal the contents of sites already existing to earn money with the adverts and copyright, specially on the blog system "over-blog.com", which hosts anonymous blogs with adverts and pays copyrights to their authors.

2. This phenomenon seems bound to the new web generation called web 2.0, which includes new interactive tools. This new technology has led to an internet marketing called marketing 2.0. Some days ago I received the newsletter of "Alternatives Economiques" which contains an interesting article about it : Marketing 2.0 : grande interactivité et petites arnaques by Marc Mousli (Marketing 2.0 : large interactivity and small swindles) about some of the tricks used to twist the rules. Among them the fake comments on blogs, agencies who employ people to spam forums with URL spreading, etc.

3. It comes out that the attacks against my sites specially aim the rubric on non-Aristotelian economy we started in Interzone in 1999 : the original pages on geocities containing the articles have disappeared, but they now are on line, in French and English, in the site of general semantics at http://semantiquegenerale.free.fr/ecorestruct.htm in the rubric "A non-Aristotelian economy" at http://semantiquegenerale.free.fr/econona.htm .

So I inferred from it that this research could be more important than a simple challenge at the scale of Interzone, and that it was worth keeping on racking our brain on it.

Interzone economy:

I called it a "non-Aristotelian economy" because I stated that formal economy rests on Aristotelian basis (see :

http://generalsemantics4all.wordpress.com/une-economie-non-aristotelicienne/) and used general semantics to formulate a new one, : see I New data on money: what are we talking about exactly? http://semantiquegenerale.free.fr/gsmoney.htm and II Application of those data in the context of the Zone http://semantiquegenerale.free.fr/gsmoney2.htm (See the Zone report of January 2000 when those pages were put on line for the first time).

For those who missed the beginning of the story, we tried to see if we could produce our respective arts by ourselves, out of the commercial circuit. And the result was positive (this was at the end of the nineties, the present internet technology did not exist: there was no social network then, no My Space, no CD burner on the computers, etc.) : see the reports of Interzone at

http://sites.google.com/site/aubertisa/ of 1999 and after. Then came the question to sell : we thought about making an official structure (associative / commercial), and after discussing, we concluded that their structure was not similar to the Zone and would lead to complications and problems, so we decided to remain as a society of fact, which did not require any formality. We started to think about making an economy adapted to our spirit, and this led to this research. We tried different formulas, some of which worked, some not. We came to the conclusion that, as a group, money was not involved, because everybody had his own equipment and managed with it. Though I kept on digging the subject and put since have put the result on line. I applied it in 2008 for Interzone Editions http://interzoneeditions.livres.officelive.com/ and on line courses of general semantics http://semantiquegenerale.free.fr/coursenligne.htm, which I could not have put up without this work, and the result is satisfying.
Hence I suggest to keep on with the Zoners involved in it in the past: if you are interested in this research, you can get in touch through the blog below.
"Pour une économie non-aristotélicienne" (For a non-Aristotelian economy)
I have created a blog specially for this rubric at http://generalsemantics4all.wordpress.com/ to gather the existing doc and the doc to come :
New posts :

- 1. Que signifie " non-aristotélicien " ?:
- 3. Application de la démarche des mathématiciens en économie :

Une économie non-aristotélicienne: http://generalsemantics4all.wordpress.com/une-economie-non-aristotelicienne/:

- L’économie de marché, une économie aristotélicienne: http://generalsemantics4all.wordpress.com/une-economie-non-aristotelicienne/

- Déstructuration: Enquêtes sur les mécanismes de l’économie de marché: http://generalsemantics4all.wordpress.com/une-economie-non-aristotelicienne/destructuration/

- Restructuration: Une économie non-aristotélicienne: http://generalsemantics4all.wordpress.com/une-economie-non-aristotelicienne/restructuration/


Paul O'Donovan: The Happylands and elsewhere :

I have put on line 10 songs of his CD at

http://www.myspace.com/interzonecd1 They are not for sale, just for the pleasure of being listened to. http://www.myspace.com/interzonecd1/music/songs/01-paul-o-donovan-see-see-rider-mp3-76596716 http://www.myspace.com/interzoneCD1/music/songs/02-paul-o-donovan-your-rider-s-gonna-miss-me-mp3-76596961 http://www.myspace.com/interzoneCD1/music/songs/03-paul-o-donovan-don-t-think-twice-it-s-all-right-mp3-76597065 http://www.myspace.com/music/interzone-23342127/songs/07-paul-o-donovan-black-muddy-river-mp3-76597283 http://www.myspace.com/music/interzone-23342127/songs/09-paul-o-donovan-evening-star-bewitchment-mp3-76597543 http://www.myspace.com/music/interzone-23342127/songs/10-paul-o-donovan-a-young-girl-mp3-76597626 http://www.myspace.com/music/interzone-23342127/songs/11-paul-o-donovan-my-love-walked-in-through-the-clouds-mp3-76597808 http://www.myspace.com/music/interzone-23342127/songs/12-paul-o-donovan-blues-for-johnny-mp3-76597940 http://www.myspace.com/music/interzone-23342127/songs/13-paul-o-donovan-a-dress-of-laces-mp3-76598076 http://www.myspace.com/music/interzone-23342127/songs/14-paul-o-donovan-the-urge-for-going-mp3-76598322

John Dowie: Dogman:

"My hero Dogman is animated (by Kevin Baldwin) and serenaded (by Neil Innes) at:

And that the entire tale, read either by me or by Phill Jupitus, can be downloaded at:


Think what an attractive gift a self-made CD would be for the seven-year-old in your life. And so cheap!

Thinking selflessly of you at this Christmas time

With best wishes" John Dowie

Paul Green: The Poets of Radial City:

Bits and pieces include more audio at Culture Court:

http://www.culturecourt.com/Audio/CCaudio.htm : All Brother Paul mp3 files in the CC Audio Archive "" and at Radio Qbsaul: podcasting audio theatre, poetry, music and sound by Paul A Green and guests : http://web.mac.com/qbsaul1/iWeb/Radio%20QBSaul/Radio%20QBSaul/Radio%20QBSaul.html and short video at http://www.youtube.com/user/QBSaul

Novacriminal live concerts:

Since the latest report, Novacriminal gave concerts at Silverlake Lounge, Los Angeles on Oct. 13th http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010/10/novacriminal-live-at-silverlake-lounge.html and at Max's Steiner in Long Beach Saturday on December 4th http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010/12/novacriminal-live-in-long-beach.html

You can listen to their music in their site on MySpace :


Vasha Dai - Apie Liuciferi:
"New Lithuanian project from Sala, Zpoan Vtens, Poccolus members. Deep atmospheric music with concept story in it. Sung in their native language tracks vary from mellow, melancholic, minimal to eerie, weird, experimental. The story is about Lucifer-The Bringer of Light. Beautiful pdf booklet contains full texts with summary in English.
To read the files, use winace archiver, download it from here: http://www.winace.com/ .
If you want to hear music before downloading, you can go to:
www.myspace.com/vashadai and listen all the songs there."

This audio is part of the collection: Community Audio - Artist/Composer: Vasha Dai - Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 

John Peter B:

"The new album ORIGAMI now is available. To listen to it and download it (7 titles & a bonus), follow this link

http://www.jamendo.com/fr/album/79135 . It's free.

"Origami, part 3", tribute to Eric Joisel and first video from this album can be viewed on Youtube et Dailymotion. Enjoy" John Peter B. http://www.johnpeterb.com - http://www.jamendo.com/fr/artist/John_Peter_B. - http://www.reverbnation.com/johnpeterb - http://www.facebook.com/pages/John-Peter-B/119026223841

Galleries :

Paul O'Donovan:

"Inherited Memory" : on line in Interzone Galleries at http://sites.google.com/site/interzonegalleries/odonovan62-html

Galerie Ecritures: Guerrero's exhibition:

Several big exhibitions are foreseen in 2011, especially from January to April, the galerie ECRITURES proposes the first GUERRERO's exhibition, with a preview on January 21st. http://www.koifaire.com/auvergne/galerie,ecritures-15609.html

Nicolas Cussac: exhibition at CAPELLETA de CERET:

Nicolas made an exibition in September: http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010/08/nicolas-cussac-exposition-du-1er-au-19.html . You can view his paintings in Interzone Gallery : Nicolas CUSSAC : Peintures 2006-2007 : http://sites.google.com/site/interzonegalleries/cussac1.htm - Cartes postales 2006-2007 http://sites.google.com/site/interzonegalleries/cussac2.htm - Peintures 2008 : http://sites.google.com/site/interzonegalleries/cussac3.htm - Cartes postales 2008: http://sites.google.com/site/interzonegalleries/cussac4.htm


Interzone anthology:

I want to send the different tomes of the anthology "The Time of the Naguals" in pdf to Zoners who wrote in them. Only 3 tomes are on line.at http://www.inter-zone.org/thetimeofthenaguals/TNFR.pdf , http://www.inter-zone.org/thetimeofthenaguals/TNAroundB&G.pdf, http://www.inter-zone.org/thetimeofthenaguals/TN2research.pdf

For the others, they are complete, but not illustrated, containing just the texts. I do not know how long it will take to end the presentation and make them ready for publishing, so if you sent me texts for it and want the books as they are at the moment, just let me know and I'll send them to you.

Gadfly on line: King of the Underground The magic world of William Burroughs by Victor Bockris:

http://www.gadflyonline.com/archive/August99/archive-burroughs.html This article is not new (From Gadfly August 1999) but it's a very good one.

Thanks to Victor Bockris for writing it and to Vasha for sending it !

Inédits de Jean Azarel et bien d'autres dans le n°1000 du Tréponème Bleu Pâle:

"The occasion of a little tour in the sixties/seventies in the issue n°1000 of "Tréponème Bleu Pâle", with some unpublished poetic texts by Jean Azarel and many others :

http://leoncobra.canalblog.com/ "Jean

Philip Beitchman: "The Theatre of Naturalism":

"The Theatre of Naturalism" by Philip Beitchman, Peter Lang Publishing, 29 Broadway, 18th floor, NY, NY 10006.

"Anyone interested in modern European naturalism and its legacy will want to read The Theatre of Naturalism. It raises a number of important questions and challenges us to reconsider the contributions of this often undervalued movement."

Daniel Gerould, Lucille Lortel Deistinguished Professor of Theatre and Comparative Literature, Graduate Center, City University of New York.


AD Winans' "Drowning like Li Po in a River of Red Wine":

Poetry (2010), 396 pages. This career spanning book compiles the best poems of A.D. Winans over 50 books from 1970-2010. More at http://outlawpoetry.com/2010/12/01/a-d-winans-drowning-like-li-po-in-a-river-of-red-wine/

Review by Charles Plymlell at


Richard Krech: At the End of Time:

Richard Krech's new book "At the End of Time" is now available at http://www.sunnyoutside.com/releases/054/o.html

Video :

Paul Green :
Radial City - Radiance,at: http://www.youtube.com/user/QBSaul

Anthony Rousseau:

- In Interzone news :

From Galerie Ecritures: meilleurs voeux 2011:


Yannick Chosse: Meilleurs voeux 2011:


galerie didier devillez:


John Peter B:


Jean-Thierry Lazare: Intermède musical pour (bien) finir l'année et commencer la suivante:


Archives of September:

http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010_09_01_archive.html, October : http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010_10_01_archive.html , November : http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010_11_01_archive.html and December : http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010_12_01_archive.html Pour une économie non-aristotélicienne http://generalsemantics4all.wordpress.com/ :

Une économie de rechange ?: http://generalsemantics4all.wordpress.com/2010/12/07/une-economie-de-rechange/

1. Que signifie " non-aristotélicien " ?:


2. La démarche des mathématiciens :


3. Application de la démarche des mathématiciens en économie :

http://generalsemantics4all.wordpress.com/2010/12/21/application-de-la-demarche-des-mathematiciens-en-economie/ - Quelques infos pour mieux comprendre l’économie : http://generalsemantics4all.wordpress.com/2010/12/26/quelques-infos-pour-mieux-comprendre-leconomie/

- Une économie non-aristotélicienne:


* L’économie de marché, une économie aristotélicienne:

* Déstructuration: Enquêtes sur les mécanismes de l’économie de marché:

* Economie A / économie non-A: http://generalsemantics4all.wordpress.com/une-economie-non-aristotelicienne/economie-a-economie-non-a/

Paul O'Donovan: The Happylands and elsewhere :http://www.myspace.com/interzonecd1/music/songs/01-paul-o-donovan-see-see-rider-mp3-76596716 http://www.myspace.com/interzoneCD1/music/songs/02-paul-o-donovan-your-rider-s-gonna-miss-me-mp3-76596961 http://www.myspace.com/interzoneCD1/music/songs/03-paul-o-donovan-don-t-think-twice-it-s-all-right-mp3-76597065 http://www.myspace.com/music/interzone-23342127/songs/07-paul-o-donovan-black-muddy-river-mp3-76597283 http://www.myspace.com/music/interzone-23342127/songs/09-paul-o-donovan-evening-star-bewitchment-mp3-76597543 http://www.myspace.com/music/interzone-23342127/songs/10-paul-o-donovan-a-young-girl-mp3-76597626 http://www.myspace.com/music/interzone-23342127/songs/11-paul-o-donovan-my-love-walked-in-through-the-clouds-mp3-76597808 http://www.myspace.com/music/interzone-23342127/songs/12-paul-o-donovan-blues-for-johnny-mp3-76597940 http://www.myspace.com/music/interzone-23342127/songs/13-paul-o-donovan-a-dress-of-laces-mp3-76598076 http://www.myspace.com/music/interzone-23342127/songs/14-paul-o-donovan-the-urge-for-going-mp3-76598322

Novacriminal live concerts: http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010/10/novacriminal-live-at-silverlake-lounge.html and http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010/12/novacriminal-live-in-long-beach.html

Paul O'Donovan: "Inherited Memory" : on line in Interzone Galleries at http://sites.google.com/site/interzonegalleries/odonovan62-html

Nicolas Cussac's exibition at Capelleta de Seret: http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010/08/nicolas-cussac-exposition-du-1er-au-19.html

Richard Krech: At the end of time: http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010/12/richard-krech-at-end-of-time.html

"The Theatre of Naturalism" by Philip Beitchman : http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010/12/philip-beitchman-theatre-of-naturalism.html

Review by Charles Plymlell on "Drowning like Li Po in a River of Red Wine" by A.D. Winans: http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/2010/12/charles-plymell-on-ad-winans-li-po-book.html

In other Zoners' sites:

John Dowie: Dogman:

http://youtu.be/LeHWiEVQDzU, http://www.johndowie.co.uk/

The Poets of Radial City: Bits and pieces include more audio at Culture Court:

http://www.culturecourt.com/Audio/CCaudio.htm ; Radio Qbsaul: http://web.mac.com/qbsaul1/iWeb/Radio%20QBSaul/Radio%20QBSaul/Radio%20QBSaul.html, Video, Radial City - Radiance: http://www.youtube.com/user/QBSaul

Vasha Dai - Apie Liuciferi:

http://www.archive.org/details/VashaDai-ApieLiuciferi and www.myspace.com/vashadai

John Peter B: ORIGAMI :

http://www.jamendo.com/fr/album/79135 http://www.johnpeterb.com - http://www.jamendo.com/fr/artist/John_Peter_B. - http://www.reverbnation.com/johnpeterb - http://www.facebook.com/pages/John-Peter-B/119026223841

Novacriminal :


Galerie Ecritures :


Inédits de Jean Azarel et bien d'autres dans le n°1000 du Tréponème Bleu Pâle:


Christian Vander à l'oeuvre, début d'été 2010:


AD Winans' "Drowning like Li Po in a River of Red Wine":


Richard Krech: At the end of time at Sunny Outside:

This report is on line in English at
https://sites.google.com/site/aubertisa/reportjan11-htm and in French at https://sites.google.com/site/aubertisa/reportjan11fr-htm

Between two reports you can view the Zone's info in Interzone news at


All my best wishes for 2011 to you and yours, and for Interzone's thirteenth year !



The Western Lands + Interzone Creations + La sémantique générale pour tous + Interzone Galleries + Interzone News + THE INTERZONE COFFEE HOUSE + Interzone forum + Interzone Editions + Interzone reports + Interzone CD1 + Pour une économie non-aristotélicienne - Bienvenue à Interzone

samedi 1 janvier 2011

Anthony Rousseau: 2011

Jean-Thierry LAZARE: Intermède musical pour (bien) finir l'année et commencer la suivante

....Christian Vander à l'oeuvre, début d'été 2010
(la caméra bouge au début mais se stabilise vite)
Que Courage, Amour et Beauté soient avec vous en 2011
Merci à tous et toutes d'exister
A bientôt
Jean (Thierry)

Paul Green: The Poets of Radial City

Bits and pieces include more audio at Culture Court:
http://www.culturecourt.com/Audio/CCaudio.htm : All Brother Paul mp3 files in the CC Audio Archive »»

and at Radio Qbsaul: podcasting audio theatre, poetry, music and sound by Paul A Green
and guests :

and short video, Radial City - Radiance,at: http://www.youtube.com/user/QBSaul

John Peter B. vous souhaite une merveilleuse année 2011 !

John Peter B.
Annecy, HTESA, FR | Pop / Rock / Singer/Songwriter
Members: Philipp



J'aimerais vous souhaiter une merveilleuse année 2011, qui verra tous vos souhaits se réaliser...

Les albums de John Peter B. seront désomais disponibles sur music.johnpeterb.com

Retrouvez le nouvel album, IMAGIRO...

-- >CLICK (dans la limite de 200 téléchargements offerts pour Origami ...)


"Origami, part 3", hommage à Eric Joisel et première vidéo extraite de cet album est visible à peu près partout, en particulier sur Youtube et Dailymotion

John Peter B.


vendredi 31 décembre 2010

Vasha Dai - Apie Liuciferi


New Lithuanian project from Sala, Zpoan Vtens, Poccolus members. Deep atmospheric music with concept story in it. Sung in their native language tracks vary from mellow, melancholic, minimal to eerie, weird, experimental. The story is about Lucifer-The Bringer of Light. Beautiful pdf booklet contains full texts with summary in English. If you want to hear music before downloading, you can go to:
www.myspace.com/vashadai and listen all the songs there.

This audio is part of the collection: Community Audio

Artist/Composer: Vasha Dai
Keywords: "vasha dai" "ambient" "electronica" "experimental" "neo-folk" "elph rock"

Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0

Yannick Chosse: Meilleurs voeux 2011

Miniature de l'élément

Poussière de Pixel vous souhaite ses meilleurs voeux pour l'année à venir...

Poussière de Pixel - Yannick Chosse
36 rue Alsace Lorraine
17430 Tonnay-Charente
Tel. 09 53 09 14 36 - 06 83 36 58 02

Galerie Ecritures: meilleurs voeux 2011

Les Artistes et les membres

de la Galerie ECRITURES vous présentent leurs meilleurs vœux pour cette nouvelle année 2011, vœux de bonheur et de santé. Plusieurs grandes expositions sont prévues en 2011, notamment de janvier à avril La Galerie ECRITURES propose la première exposition de GUERRERO avec un vernissage le 21 janvier.

Bonne année et au plaisir de vous revoir.


mercredi 29 décembre 2010

Philip Beitchman: "The Theatre of Naturalism"

"The Theatre of Naturalism" by Philip Beitchman

Peter Lang Publishing
29 Broadway, 18th floor
NY, NY 10006

"Anyone interested in modern European naturalism and its legacy will want to read The Theatre of Naturalism. It raises a number of important questions and challenges us to reconsider the contributions of this often undervalued movement."

Daniel Gerould, Lucille Lortel Deistinguished Professor of Theatre and Comparative Literature, Graduate Center, City University of New York.

jeudi 23 décembre 2010

"Pour une économie non-aristotélicienne" - Blog de "La sémantique générale pour tous"

Beside the site "La sémantique générale pour tous" I have created this blog dedicated to a non-Aristotelian economy, formulated in Interzone since january 2000 :

Meilleurs voeux de la part de la galerie didier devillez (bruxelles)


53, rue Emmanuel Van Driessche • 1050 Bruxelles (Belgique) • +32(0)475 931 935

The Hollywood Interview: Dennis Hopper by Alex Simon

Dennis Hopper: 1936-2010:DENNIS HOPPER IS RIDING EASY
By Alex Simon

A TRIBUTE TO "WE JAM ECONO" - an original moment in time, man!

A tribute by Charles Plymell on the Minutemen in Paul Hawkins' site :

Richard Krech: At the End of Time

Richard Krech's new book "At the End of Time"is now available

At the End of Time:
The Incomplete Works of Richard Krech, V
olume II
poetry by Richard Krech

Richard Krech was born in 1946 and grew up in Berkeley, California. He became involved in civil rights activities in 1963 and started writing soon thereafter. Krech published a poetry magazine and organized a series of poetry readings at a bookstore on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley from 1966 to 1969. He authored several books, including The Incompleat Works of Richard Krech: Poems 1966–1974, and had numerous periodical appearances before he stopped writing poetry in the mid-’70s.

In 1976 Krech went to law school and has been practicing criminal defense in Oakland, California since 1980. His practice has included everything from murder to shoplifting as well as pro bono representation of anti-war demonstrators and others similarly situated. He now has a primarily appellate practice.

Krech began writing poetry again early this century. Since then he has had several books and numerous periodical appearances and a bibliography of his work was published in the summer of 2010. Krech has traveled frequently to Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Europe. He has three children, three grandchildren, and lives with his wife Mary Holbrook in Albany, California.

See the review at


Charles Plymell on AD Winans' "Drowning like Li Po in a River of Red Wine"

From the shadows of a home town always rising from ashes with eternal fog lying in them like a heavy spirit comes... The Frisco Kid! An appreciation by Charles Plymell

Drowning like Li Po in a River of Red Wine by A D Winans is a book to be proud of. It’s a pick-it-up-random poem book that gets right to it, with selected poems organized chronologically from past publications, 1970-2010. One might think that 364 pages of verse (and colophon page) would be a lot to take in, but it is not. Everything is all right, like the years went by, exactly right, bringing it all back home. San Francisco was home to us all. She opened her doors to everyone, alone, weary, and timeless... from Jack Black to Jack Micheline. Everyone got a taste of that home, but Winans is the only one I’ve met who was born there. He must share her coiffed comeliness and spiritual highs, splashing her nacreous pearls from deep black water splayed into the fog of love, the mist from her eddies pressing back the lusty egalitarian thrust until it obeys. It always seemed a small town because it’s vertical, on different planes, each neighborhood seething with scenes. During my limited tenure, it seemed I lived on every street, if not neighborhood, or knew someone who was in this or that scene. And floating through those different planes were layers to its natural beauty that gave off the essence of love but could also sink down darkly and cruel as hell. Through Winans’s eyes one can live those streets again, like a Bob Kaufman looking out the window of a Muni bus in silent study of all action passing on her streets to the last window-framed panorama.

The book too, is exactly right, as a book should be made. The poems aren’t tucked in as a filler to the pretentious pages of slick magazines; they are presented in the best selection of typeface, the poems placed correctly on the page. Li Po would have approved. It has the right feel, the right dimension, and the right geography to go back to and turn the pages like wrapping dreams.

Winans and I are about the same age, and we both discovered the Beats in the late 1950s. We both had unconventional childhoods. My best times were in the fifties. We heard the McCarthy hearings in real time. We developed a similar political philosophy somewhere between Li Po and Upton Sinclair. Like most poets in the Bay Area grown into the sixties there was politics in our poetry. He served time in the service. Mine in the ROTC ... a Clinton/Bush deferment. I arrived in his old middle class neighborhood, the Haight, as the decade of the sixties began, before the kids took over the streets from little Russian ladies. He knew poets I did and the bars they read in, and the magazines they published in. San Francisco was constantly changing, sometimes overnight.

I didn’t know Winans in San Francisco but met him later at an Independent publishing event, “Small Press.” We took part in some of their organizations. We learned how the game was played and over the years watched it change into the “Politburo of Poetry” as all things government do with friends rewarding friends. Over the years, we’ve corresponded and shared our views on poetry, political scams and awards. We spot the phonies and neither of us much cares for labels. We’ve seen “revolutionary” poets & middle class kids get permission to protest. We’ve seen famous poets howl against Moloch and the government only to receive several thousands of government money and keep the Beatnik flack, not black, flying at the landmark tourist bookstore in North Beach. We’ve seen hypocrisy in all flavors in all the poets the city spawned. I’ve often wondered how he sees the invasion on his home turf.

My biggest regret is that I wasn’t with him when the great jazz clubs flourished in the days of Billie Holliday that he remembers in his poems, or the great blues legends like Johnny Lee Hooker. Yes, the times were always changing there. By the time Pam and I went to Mike’s Pool Hall with Ferlinghetti (Pam was underage), the GoGo girls were dancing in every joint. I got to see Sonny Rollins at an embarrassing two-drink minimum gig in North Beach when he was either too sick or too broken to wail. Yes, the city was built on Rock n’ Roll, Fillmore and the Avalon et. al. But the poets knew that it was really re-built, again and again. It all comes back in the works of Winans. It comes back as subtle and real as Bo Diddley’s words at the Avalon, a thriving line-in the street psychedelic hall bringing us the new sounds and lights. His words haunt me when he came to play to a handful, this “unknown” who said “and here I am now playing for you. Mercy Mercy Mercy.” I think I know what he meant. You will get the full history with Winans’s poems. They tell it real. San Francisco was always home to the outcasts from any origin. They became family. The moon on the water beckoning for all comers. The sun over the hills and bridges all bringing commerce, ships going to war. Friends and families living and dying. A changing city like the long nights and sunny days. My sister died in that Chinese Lantern of the Western Moon.

Jack Micheline came by to rally me to read and bring the “word” to the people. I had a good job on the docks and was starting a family. Besides, I said to him, how would you compete with the fame of sensational book trial no matter the poet and poet storeowner were (out of town) and let the Japanese-American clerk who sold the book stand trial, just in case it backfired. The days of Life and Time are over. They just want the tourist version. Micheline left dejected, but hopefully to Gino and Carlos bar to have a drink with Winans and revitalize the words again. Or the Anxious Asp to hear poets insult the poets from Cleveland in their hippy drag. It was like that. It could be a tough town. We didn’t walk to the docks with Longshoreman hooks in our belts for nothing. The town was built on many layers of compassion and destruction, giver and taker, almost religiously. I wonder sometimes how a poet would live all his life there. Probably by writing lines to William Wantling, an example of the many poets who walked the streets of his town: “Looking into the cracked lips of sorrow/I walk the harsh streets of tomorrow.” (Pg. 297) Pick it up and open it anywhere. But to really find out how the poet down South who wrote about the poet up North and what happens with the poets from the East who come to the West and drank at the bars in Winans’s home town, you’ll just have to open the book in a river of red wine on pg 183.

Review at http://outlawpoetry.com/2010/12/01/a-d-winans-drowning-like-li-po-in-a-river-of-red-wine/