mardi 26 mars 2013

Interzone report of February-March 2013


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Hi all,
Many things this month once again : I am sending this report before the end of March due to the number of the news coming, otherwise it will be endless.


Interzone Editions : The Time of the Naguals : Interzone, tome 7 :

The 7th tome of Interzone anthology « The Time of the Naguals », now is on line at .
It contains the specific writings of Interzone members related to the network, biographic texts, group exchanges on the main subjects of interest and the start of the research on economy.
To prevent hacking and hijacking, I have protected the pdf.
Click on the covers to get to the books.

Another tome to come.

Christophe Bellan: « LE PARIA – De la lumière à l’enfer »

« LE PARIA De la lumière à l’enfer » (The outcast From light to hell) describes the incredible and terrible story I lived and relates my ten years fight against a machine to crush human beings. It also permits me to share this story of life in which some might recognize themselves. Obviously it also is a way to move to another life, a more peaceful one. To start a new brighter chapter.
To become totally autonomous and coherent in my step, I have created my own enterprise « Christophe Bellan livres ». It allows me to self publishing, and above all, to support similar projects in future." Christophe Bellan
Subscription bulletin (Download)
In the media:
Le Courrier de l'Ouest : Multiples soutiens au gendarme
Report TV SAHEG broadcasted on January 30th 2013 on FR3 val de Loire - Touraine
( c ) France Télévisions
Interviews: Ghislaine Lenclud (collectif SAHEG), Christophe Bellan and Jacques Bessy.

Jukebox Magazine: Vinyles Vintagede Jérôme Pintoux

An article in Jukebox Magazine on Vinyle Vintage:

Philip Beitchman: "The Spanish Fly" (4)

The pages 18 to 22 have been added to Philip Beitchman's novel, "The Spanish Fly":
you can read them on line at

Galerie Ecritures: vernissage

During the preview, on saturday March 16th from 10 :30 am to 12:30 am,Philippe Biget will evoke the memory of the great poet Alain Borne(1915-1962), born in the department of Allier, at the occasion of the 50thanniversary of his death. Talk and lecture of poems by a comedian in the framework of the Spring of Poets.
From March 9 to April 17 : exhibitions of
- the poetic posters by Jean Deneubourg
- the photo/typo montages realized by the photographer Philippe Rolle
- pieces of work of artistswith whom fondencre has collaborated (( Claire Cuenot, René Balavoine, Jean Corrèze, Alain Lacouchie, Jean-Pierre Châtelain,etc.
Exhibition opened to the public from March 9 to April 17
  • du mardi au vendredi de 15h à 18h
  • le samedi de 10h à 12H et de 15h à 18h

Benoit Delaune: Rodanski dans la revue Mélusine

Mélusine XXXIII
"Les jours repassaient un film projeté sur la trame de mon esprit jusqu’au bout du rouleau" par exemple...
La lecture de Rodanski et celle des 3 articles autour de lui peut donc, sans doute, intéresser certains burroughsiens...
Benoît Delaune

Even for the Hipsters, Hustlers & Highjivers : more doc on William Burroughs and beats

Pamela Beach-Plymell: Peace, Freedom...and Walking 

Pamela and Charley Plymell, Photo by Laki Vazakas

Talking with Pamela Beach-Plymell, a publisher and designer underground magazines and books

"The avant-garde and the underground are ahead of the curve."

Pamela Beach-Plymell: Peace, Freedom...and Walking
Pamela Beach-Plymell has published, printed, and designed many underground magazines and books with her husband, poet, novelist, and press publisher Charles Plymell, a namesake in avant-garde publishing.
More at

A.D. Winans: The Golden Gate Poet

6 poems by AD Winans are on the Empty Mirror Web Site.

Those poems are on line at

About A.D. Winans
A. D. Winans is a native San Francisco poet, writer and photographer. He was friends with Jack Micheline, Bob Kaufman, Charles Bukowski and other poets and writers of the 50's and 60's. The author of over 50 books and chapbooks of prose and poetry, his work has appeared internationally and been translated into nine languages. He is the winner of a 2006 PEN National Josephine Miles award for literary excellence. In 2009 PEN Oakland presented him with a Lifetime Achievement Award. One of his poems was set to music and performed at Tully Hall, NYC. His book, Drowning Like Li Po in a River of Red Wine: Selected Poems:1970-2010 is available from
BOS Press. He is available for readings.
Visit A.D. on the web:
A.D. Winans Website


A.D. Winans and Alejandro Murguia
Poet Laureate Inaugural Address. SF Main Library
January 27th 2013

Three poems by Jack Micheline

Roxie Powell @ Interview by Michael Limnios

Poet Roxie Powell talks about Wichita Vortex, Frisco's memories, Jazz, poetry, his travels, and Lil Huk
Roxie Powell: A Primitive Poet
"Poetry is free-form chaos brought into a modicum of control and direction. Poetry is the explorer...I’m only the vehicle. I could be replaced by a toilet plunger.

Quelques nouvelles de l’éclat

Nous avons finalement imprimé un catalogue papier 2013.
Si vous voulez le recevoir, demandez-le en répondant à ce mail ou via le site des éditions.
AprèsLa politique au crépusculede Mario Tronti et La place des chaussettesde Christian Marazzi, paraissent ce mois-ci: Nous opéraïstes, du premier et La brutalité financièredu second, tous deux traduits de l'italien et tous deux co-édités avec les éditions suisses Réalités sociales/Editions d'en bas.
Ils nous rappellent la vivacité de la pensée politique italienne, qu'ont masqué des années de barbarie médiatique, que devrait balayer timidement le scrutin de la semaine prochaine (sauf mauvaise surprise).
Langue et pensée vertigineuses de Tronti, analyse et perspectives implacables de Marazzi, deux livres qui rappellent que le "faire de la politique" n'est pas mort, même si, comme l'écrit Tronti, "la défaite de la classe ouvrière du XXe siècle a été une tragédie pour la civilisation tout entière".
En librairie depuis jeudi et plus d'informations sur la page desnouveautés.
Et puis toujours un rappel de celles de janvier avec - De la littérature: Patricia Farazzi: D'un noir illimité(écoutez l'émission 'Jeudi noir' consacrée au livre)- De la philosophie: Guy Suarès, L'éblouissement Jankélévitch(que Robert Maggiori a signalé dans Libé)- De l'architecture: Sergio Bettini: Wright et Veniseou la petite histoire du palais que Frank Lloyd Wright n'a jamais construit à Venise.... De tout pour faire une bibliothèque!
Merci de votre fidélité... Faites suivre ce mail à vos amis et, si vous avez le courage, rejoignez nous sur facebookoù vous découvrirez un monde impitoyable!!!
Michel Valensi
Editions de l'éclat
Galleries :

Cédric Rameau Monpouillan Vernissage"Fragments de Mémoire"

vous invite au VERNISSAGE "FRAGMENTS DE MEMOIRE » Le vendredi 22 mars à partir de 19 h
En présence des artistes: FABRICE PANNIER
32 bis rue Briconnet
37000 TOURS

Ami Barak - Invitation, Opening of the exhibition Point de Mire / Focal Point - ESBAMA, Montpellier

Ami Barak
3 passage Rauch
FR-75011 Paris
m/ +33 684304419
t/ +33 954750466

vernissage exposition masque & varia à la galerie didier devillez

Retrouvez l'exposition Masque & varia sur
53, rue Emmanuel Van Driessche — 1050 Bruxelles (Belgique) —+32(0)475 931 935

Interstitial Art & Unpopular Culture - Feb 2013

The Lazarus Corporation : "The first 2 months of 2013 have been rather creative, all things considered. We've got a whole new series of "Badb Catha" photographsby Paul Watson, and nine new collagesby Zenon Gradkowski.And - a first for us - we also have a new limited edition audio CD-Rfrom Germseed." Paul Watson
Music :

Jean Azarel: Daniel Darc is away

The French singer Daniel Darc died on February 28th. Jean Azarel has written an article on his last album, « Crève cœur » : on line at

Mike Watt and il sogno del marinaio: Euro tour 2013

their debut album "la busta gialla"just getting released at the end of january, il sogno del marinaio will set off on a europe tour in support of it from february fifteen to march nine of 2013.

in italian
il sogno del marinaio means "the sailor's dream" and is a trio made up of andrea belfi on drums, stefano pilia on guitar and mike watt on bass.

this is their second tour together but will cover new ground cuz
the first onewas in italy only. looking forward to kicking up much dust, even w/spring not yet under way, the fire will be brought and the working of the gigs will be w/all their hearts!"
Dates of the concerts :
fri, feb 15: freakout - bologna, italy
sat, feb 16: csoa tnt - jesi, italy
sun, feb 17: teatro della tosse - genoa, italy
mon, feb 18: the black sheep - montpellier, france
tue, feb 19: live cafe - la valette, france
wed, feb 20: kalvingrad - geneva, switzerland
thu, feb 21: cobra - solingen, germany
fri, feb 22: king georg - cologne, germany
sat, feb 23: orkz bar - groningen, netherlands
sun, feb 24: occii - amsterdam, netherlands
mon, feb 25: prince albert - brighton, england tue, feb 26: the lexington - london, england thu, feb 28: the marr's bar - worcester, england
fri, mar 1: the cluny - newcastle, england
sat, mar 2: mono - glasgow, scotland
sun, mar 3: bunatee bar - belfast, northern ireland
mon, mar 4: whelan's (upstairs) - dublin, ireland
tue, mar 5: eric's - liverpool, england
wed, mar 6: the trades club - hebden bridge, england
thu, mar 7: the harley - sheffield, england
fri, mar 8: the cookie jar - leicester, england
sat, mar 9: the cavern - exeter, england

Daniel Gualda: "El Curador"

Daniel Gualda in Argentina has participated to the film "El curador" : see the video on line at

Anthony Rousseau : Captures Beyond the screen

Hi all !
I am presenting a video archive which gathers some tests and experiment of the interactive installation project
"Beyond the screen" represents for me an advanced prototype, a work hypothesis on the question of the interactive device.
I want to ask several questions on the notions of control (pre-definite scenario) and of manipulations(in genetic, media, politics...)
Thanks to a rather simple protocole : a box, the watcher comes to interact in real time with objects and 3 D sequences projected on a screen.
So he can animate and manipulate different beings (animals, humans) and visit different universes from the bestiary to hybrid beings !
You are welcome to join me for more information.
New pages on line :

In Interzone sites :

-Tome 4: Poems:150 pages (anglais, espagnol, français)

Philip Beitchman's novel, "The Spanish Fly":

In the other sites :

Institute of General Semantics: video channel on You Tube:
Article in “Jukebox Magazine” on “Vinyle Vintage”:érôme Pintoux's blog:

Talking with Pamela Beach-Plymell, a publisher and designer underground magazines and books:

Editions de l’Eclat: Nouveautés:
Cédric Rameau Monpouillan:

The Lazarus Corporation:
Between two reports, the news are on line in Interzone News andBienvenue à Interzone .
All best !
Isabelle Aubert-Baudron