MERCREDI 3 MARS 2010 A 18H00
La notion de Territoire m’intéresse de longue date et j’en ai fait un principe actif de ma démarche. Il se trouve qu’il s’applique parfaitement à un pays comme le Liban. Ce concept laisse voir et entendre une même portion de terre, partagée par des hommes et par des femmes, placés sous le sceau du facteur commun qui les lie. Ces hommes et ces femmes, qui forment des groupes structurés, appartiennent souvent à des origines et des cultures différentes. Ils se partagent néanmoins souvent un même territoire : physique, géographique, politique, mental, avec la coloration particulière que chacun y apporte. Le partage du même Territoire appelle chacun d’eux à faire taire, en soi, ce qui le sépare des autres, pour privilégier ce qui de préférence rapproche et rassemble. La notion de Territoire expérimental que je développe depuis plus de trente a déjà a exploré des formes participatives les plus variées, allant du dessin à la peinture, de la peinture aux installations de communication, des installations à l’utilisation de la vidéo, puis aujourd’hui, bien naturellement, à l’Internet et Seconde Life. Le Territoire, tel que je l’ai conçu, c’est pour moi un outil expérimental critique, qui a pour objectif d’une façon ludique d’établir les conditions d’un dialogue constructif entre ceux qui, bien qu’ayant quelques fois des profils différents, sont condamnés nécessairement à dialoguer. A dialoguer, pour ne pas rester emmurés dans une situation stérile. Cet outil propose d’une façon ludique une réflexion sur le comment vivre ensemble selon la formule du célèbre séminaire tenu au Collège de France par Roland Barthes dans le courant de l’année 1976. Le Centre expérimental et laboratoire social du Territoire à pour objet de produire dans un contexte de jeu et de contacts, utilisant toutes les ressources de l’imaginaire, des prises de conscience salutaires.
Fred Forest
Artiste du multimédia et des réseaux, il fut un des pionniers de l'Art vidéo (1967) puis du Net.art (1996) on lui doit aussi la paternité des "expériences de presse " (Interventions sur les mass-médias: Presse écrite, radio, TV, 1972).
Docteur d'État à la Sorbonne, professeur en Sciences de l'information et de la communication, il crée en France dès 1968 les premiers environnements interactifs utilisant l'informatique et la vidéo, mais aussi il a su intégrer dans sa démarche artistique tous les supports de communication : presse écrite, téléphone, fax, radio, télévision, films vidéo, câble, journaux lumineux et électroniques, robotique, réseaux télématiques et bien sûr toutes les possibilités du web. Fred Forest est co-fondateur de deux mouvements artistiques importants : L'art sociologique (1974) et l'Esthétique de la communication (1983).
L'ensemble de son œuvre, toujours en cours de développement, a rejoint le patrimoine national au titre du dépôt légal en juillet 2005, sous forme de convention signée avec l'INA (Institut National de l'Audiovisuel) Il est le seul artiste français vivant d'art contemporain, à ce jour, à bénéficier d'un tel statut. La pratique artistique de détournement que Fred Forest mène depuis toujours constitue une réflexion critique sur l’art, la communication, leurs codes, leurs fondements idéologiques, symboliques et esthétiques.
• Forest, Fred : Art Sociologique-vidéo, 10/18, UGE, Paris 1977
• Forest , Fred : Pour un art actuel. L’art à l’heure d’Internet, éd. l’Harmattan, Paris , 1998
• Forest , Fred : Fonctionnements et dysfonctionnements de l’art contemporain : un procès pour l’exemple, éd. l’Harmattan, 2000
• Forest, Fred : Repenser l'art et son enseignement à l'Harmattan
• Forest , Fred : De l'art vidéo au Net Art, éd. l'Harmattan, 2004 (ouvrage qui retrace les principales œuvres et actions de Fred Forest de 1967 à 2003)
• Forest , Fred : l'Œuvre-système invisible, éd. l'Harmattan, 2006
• Forest , Fred : Art et Internet, éd. Du Cercle d'Art, 2008
Interzone was a network of William Burroughs' readers founded (1997-2013). Its sites are still accessible at http://www.inter-zone.org/ , but most of them are sites of archives. The site presently active are: - Interzone Éditions http://www.interzoneeditions.net/ - La sémantique générale pour les nuls https://www.semantiquegenerale.net - La sémantique générale pour tous semantiquegenerale.free.fr - Pour une économie non-aristotélicienne https://generalsemantics4all.wordpress.com/
mercredi 24 février 2010
vendredi 19 février 2010
novacriminal - LIVE Downtown LA Warehouse party
novacriminal - LIVE Downtown LA Warehouse party
Saturday February 20th
8 - Sunrise
1346 Elwood St. Los Angeles, Ca 90021
we go on at 11PM
Saturday February 20th
8 - Sunrise
1346 Elwood St. Los Angeles, Ca 90021
we go on at 11PM
Optical sound: February Anxiety
Michèle Bokanowski : "L'ETOILE ABSINTHE-CHANT D'OMBRE" (OS-055) Cd-Digipack
OS.055 Pierre Beloüin et Hervé Zenouda pour Optical Sound Graphisme Selina Köning L’ETOILE ABSINTHE Durée : 20’00
Musique concrète réalisée en 1999-2000 dans le studio du compositeur Création publique le 10 mars 2001 à Paris, Maison de Radio-France, dans le cycle des concerts de l’INA-GRM
Première édition: Metamkine MKCD031 collection Cinéma pour l’oreille 2002 Mastering : Lionel RislerThanks to Jérôme Noetinger et Christian Zanési
CHANT D’OMBRE Durée : 24’30’’
Musique concrète réalisée en 2004 dans le studio du compositeur. Dédiée à Eliane Radigue
Création publique le 18 août 2006 à Crest lors du 14ème Festival Futura Mastering : Lionel Risler
Thanks to Roger Cochini et Denis Dufour
Disponible - Available (OS-055)
Distribution Metamkine
ÉDITION LIMITÉE DE 500 exemplaires - 15 euros + postage
Olivia Louvel : "DOLL DIVIDER" (Optical Sound & Ototoï Music) Digital Release
Composed and produced by Olivia Louvel
Mixed by Paul Kendall
Available at Ototoï Music
+ 2 tracks "Doll Maker" + "O Don't Worry"
now uploaded on my space
I am very happy to annouce that I will be supporting Recoil in Hamburg March 20 nad Paris April 23.
I will be performing my new material from "Doll Divider" and some tracks from my previous release
"Lulu In Suspension" (Optical Sound)
more to come
Shot by Alan Wilder in West Sussex / Make up Guerlain by Agnès Combes
©Alan Wilder
GALERIE VAN DER STEGEN : "CUT" Collages Contemporains - 5 Mars / 10 Avril
Exposition du Vendredi 5 Mars au Samedi 10 Avril 2010
Vernissage Jeudi 04 Mars à 18H30
Avec :
Pierre Beloüin, Barbara Breitenfellner, Jean-Baptiste Couronne, Richard Fauguet, ANN Guillaume,
P. Nicolas Ledoux, Justin Mortimer , Marine Pagès.
Les œuvres rassemblées dans l’exposition CUT utilisent chacune à leur manière la technique du collage.
Elles révèlent la persistance de cette pratique et pose la question de sa singularité dans le champ de l’art contemporain.
Que le collage utilise une association de différentes images existantes ou des matériaux divers,
sa continuité s’observe dans un procédé de déconstruction puis de reconstruction.
Toutefois, si l’offre des médiums s’est considérablement enrichie, c’est davantage au niveau du contenu que s’affiche la contemporanéité de cette pratique.
Car même si elle réactive des formes modernes (cubisme, dada et le surréalisme en particulier),
les artistes éclairent des préoccupations actuelles et utilisent le recul du temps pour construire de nouvelles histoires.
En rassemblant les collages de 8 artistes, CUT met à l'honneur cette technique qui prit son envol il y a près d'un siècle et continue d’étonner aujourd'hui.
Marine Pagès
Tristan van der Stegen
41 rue du Fbg St-Martin, passage Gustave Goublie
75010 Paris - France
+ 33 (0)6 75 21 84 70
du mercredi au samedi de 14h à 19h et sur rdv
Thanks for reading - Pierre Beloüin ~ Optical Sound
105 rue des Volubilis 83190 Ollioules
18 Rue de Stosswihr 67100 Strasbourg
25 rue des Cascades 75020 Paris
Season of Mist is the official French distro of Optical Sound in France / Distribution France Season of Mist
Vente format numérique OTOTOÏ
The Optical Sound CD's are always available in regular store, on-line it's better for us / les éditions Optical Sound sont disponibles chez tous les disquaires, et sur la boutique en ligne Buy on-line with Paypal, quick and secure sending.
Michèle Bokanowski : "L'ETOILE ABSINTHE-CHANT D'OMBRE" (OS-055) Cd-Digipack
OS.055 Pierre Beloüin et Hervé Zenouda pour Optical Sound Graphisme Selina Köning L’ETOILE ABSINTHE Durée : 20’00
Musique concrète réalisée en 1999-2000 dans le studio du compositeur Création publique le 10 mars 2001 à Paris, Maison de Radio-France, dans le cycle des concerts de l’INA-GRM
Première édition: Metamkine MKCD031 collection Cinéma pour l’oreille 2002 Mastering : Lionel RislerThanks to Jérôme Noetinger et Christian Zanési
CHANT D’OMBRE Durée : 24’30’’
Musique concrète réalisée en 2004 dans le studio du compositeur. Dédiée à Eliane Radigue
Création publique le 18 août 2006 à Crest lors du 14ème Festival Futura Mastering : Lionel Risler
Thanks to Roger Cochini et Denis Dufour
Disponible - Available (OS-055)
Distribution Metamkine
ÉDITION LIMITÉE DE 500 exemplaires - 15 euros + postage
Olivia Louvel : "DOLL DIVIDER" (Optical Sound & Ototoï Music) Digital Release
Composed and produced by Olivia Louvel
Mixed by Paul Kendall
Available at Ototoï Music
+ 2 tracks "Doll Maker" + "O Don't Worry"
now uploaded on my space
I am very happy to annouce that I will be supporting Recoil in Hamburg March 20 nad Paris April 23.
I will be performing my new material from "Doll Divider" and some tracks from my previous release
"Lulu In Suspension" (Optical Sound)
more to come
Shot by Alan Wilder in West Sussex / Make up Guerlain by Agnès Combes
©Alan Wilder
GALERIE VAN DER STEGEN : "CUT" Collages Contemporains - 5 Mars / 10 Avril
Exposition du Vendredi 5 Mars au Samedi 10 Avril 2010
Vernissage Jeudi 04 Mars à 18H30
Avec :
Pierre Beloüin, Barbara Breitenfellner, Jean-Baptiste Couronne, Richard Fauguet, ANN Guillaume,
P. Nicolas Ledoux, Justin Mortimer , Marine Pagès.
Les œuvres rassemblées dans l’exposition CUT utilisent chacune à leur manière la technique du collage.
Elles révèlent la persistance de cette pratique et pose la question de sa singularité dans le champ de l’art contemporain.
Que le collage utilise une association de différentes images existantes ou des matériaux divers,
sa continuité s’observe dans un procédé de déconstruction puis de reconstruction.
Toutefois, si l’offre des médiums s’est considérablement enrichie, c’est davantage au niveau du contenu que s’affiche la contemporanéité de cette pratique.
Car même si elle réactive des formes modernes (cubisme, dada et le surréalisme en particulier),
les artistes éclairent des préoccupations actuelles et utilisent le recul du temps pour construire de nouvelles histoires.
En rassemblant les collages de 8 artistes, CUT met à l'honneur cette technique qui prit son envol il y a près d'un siècle et continue d’étonner aujourd'hui.
Marine Pagès
Tristan van der Stegen
41 rue du Fbg St-Martin, passage Gustave Goublie
75010 Paris - France
+ 33 (0)6 75 21 84 70
du mercredi au samedi de 14h à 19h et sur rdv
Thanks for reading - Pierre Beloüin ~ Optical Sound
105 rue des Volubilis 83190 Ollioules
18 Rue de Stosswihr 67100 Strasbourg
25 rue des Cascades 75020 Paris
Season of Mist is the official French distro of Optical Sound in France / Distribution France Season of Mist
Vente format numérique OTOTOÏ
The Optical Sound CD's are always available in regular store, on-line it's better for us / les éditions Optical Sound sont disponibles chez tous les disquaires, et sur la boutique en ligne Buy on-line with Paypal, quick and secure sending.
jeudi 11 février 2010
mardi 9 février 2010
shocker_tv: dubstep disintegrated (videos from 2/3/10 show @ Cheyenne Saloon)
thanks everyone who was there that night to support digital hardcore scene in las vegas. some video footages for those of you who could not make it or the ones live on the other side of the world.
clockwork noise dubstep
clockwork noise dubstep
samedi 6 février 2010
10111.org collective studio : Exposition dreamachine à la Villa Arson
Le centre national d'art contemporain de nice (villa arson),
expose une dreamachine fabriqué par nos soins dans
le cadre de leur exposition "double bind".
à bientôt!
expose une dreamachine fabriqué par nos soins dans
le cadre de leur exposition "double bind".
à bientôt!
lundi 1 février 2010
Bernard Bacos: Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur les Branchés !
Sans doute la meilleure interview à laquelle il m'a été donné de répondre depuis que j'ai créé mon site, sur le sujet de la "Branchitude", par la pertinence des questions posées !
Profitez-en pour visiter son blog, rempli de rubriques intéressantes, en particulier cinématographiques :
Profitez-en pour visiter son blog, rempli de rubriques intéressantes, en particulier cinématographiques :
lundi 25 janvier 2010
INTERZONE REPORT December 2009-January 2010 (1)
Seasonal Greetings by Paul O'Donovan
First I transmit you the best wishes for 2010 from Paul O'Donovan ("Seasonal Greetings"), Vasha Dadaja, Anthony Rousseau, Didier Devillez and Ramuntcho Matta.http://www.inter-zone.org/0Sommaire.html . You can find there the French version plus the chapters in English: Préface : Les Derniers Mots de Hassan Sabbah : W. Burroughs , Introduction , Monsieur Agnelet, Gervais , Modeste, Monsieur B, Louis , Evaluation, Lettre au Comité Consultatif National d'Ethique, Lettres de William Burroughs Communications et de Brion Gysin , Déclaration des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen de 1789 , Objectifs 1: "Le point sur le groupe B23" (1984-1987) : groupe petite école - Début Janvier 1984 , Objectifs #1 : Quelques éclaircissements sur la sémantique générale , Objectifs #2 : cours de sémantique générale: Janvier 85 , Objectifs #5 : Interview de Simone & Interview de Michel Foucault : Histoire de la Folie et explication du texte , Objectifs # 6 : Structuration du temps - Bilan d'activités , Roger Gentis: Symposium de psychiatrie Février 1998 , Hommage au Docteur Bernard L. ,
Vasha Dadaja | Anthony Rousseau | Didier Devillez |
Ramuntcho Matta: video of Brion Gysin "Kick that Habbit, Man" Download http://rcpt.yousendit.com/806285516/acdda00bd378611086356a4690154688
Yony Leyser: William S. Burroughs: A Man WIthin -- WORLD PREMIERE
WIlliam S. Burroughs A Man Within
To Premiere January 22nd, opening night at
Slamdance Film Festival
Park City, UT
"Park City, Utah - January 22, 2010- William S. Burroughs: A Man Within is finally here! I would like to invite you to come. It will premiere opening night of the festival. There will also be a follow up screening at Slamdance on January 27th. Visit the Film festival site at www.slamdance.com It is premiering a day after Gus Van Sant / Rob Epsteins' HOWL down the street at Sundance
- If you can make it out, let me know and I will make sure you get in. Otherwise it should screen in your area soon
To Premiere January 22nd, opening night at
Slamdance Film Festival
Park City, UT
"Park City, Utah - January 22, 2010- William S. Burroughs: A Man Within is finally here! I would like to invite you to come. It will premiere opening night of the festival. There will also be a follow up screening at Slamdance on January 27th. Visit the Film festival site at www.slamdance.com It is premiering a day after Gus Van Sant / Rob Epsteins' HOWL down the street at Sundance
- If you can make it out, let me know and I will make sure you get in. Otherwise it should screen in your area soon
Not to be tacky, and I hate doing this, but...
We need your help!
We are so close to making this happen, (we will hopefully sell the film soon) but until then, we don't have enough money to make it through the festival. Can you help us out? Check out our Kickstarter profile. There are some great benefits for giving and great info: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/williamburroughs/
Please please just check it out-- If for nothing else, check out who is in the film.
Donations are safe and through Amazon payments.
If you can't help out financially, I completely understand (we would love you to pass the link on, tweet or blog about it). We have a goal of $3,000... If we don't make that then we don't get any of the pledged money. Check it out.. get a free DVD.. or Assistant Producer credit.
If you make a pledge (or have a question)
Email me at yonilizer@gmail.com
I am not going to send out another email about this because I don't want to bug you, so please take this opportunity.
This film has been a success thanks to the hard work of my film team and all of William Burroughs' great friends who have donated their time, photographs, footage, music, art work, connections, and general support.
We are so close. We just need a final push.
I also want to thank the Burroughs Estate and Ginsberg Trust for their support.
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the opportunity to help preserve the legacy of this culturally important figure and all the interesting and wonderful people he continues to influence.
Yours," Yony
Yony Leyser
William S. Burroughs: A Man Within
Happy Holidays!
We need your help!
We are so close to making this happen, (we will hopefully sell the film soon) but until then, we don't have enough money to make it through the festival. Can you help us out? Check out our Kickstarter profile. There are some great benefits for giving and great info: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/williamburroughs/
Please please just check it out-- If for nothing else, check out who is in the film.
Donations are safe and through Amazon payments.
If you can't help out financially, I completely understand (we would love you to pass the link on, tweet or blog about it). We have a goal of $3,000... If we don't make that then we don't get any of the pledged money. Check it out.. get a free DVD.. or Assistant Producer credit.
If you make a pledge (or have a question)
Email me at yonilizer@gmail.com
I am not going to send out another email about this because I don't want to bug you, so please take this opportunity.
This film has been a success thanks to the hard work of my film team and all of William Burroughs' great friends who have donated their time, photographs, footage, music, art work, connections, and general support.
We are so close. We just need a final push.
I also want to thank the Burroughs Estate and Ginsberg Trust for their support.
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the opportunity to help preserve the legacy of this culturally important figure and all the interesting and wonderful people he continues to influence.
Yours," Yony
Yony Leyser
William S. Burroughs: A Man Within
Happy Holidays!
Interzone Editions:
Article in "Le Courrier de l'Ouest":A local newspaper "Le Courrier de l'Ouest"d on December 30th an article on Interzone Editions. A big thanks to Patrick JACQ for this great presentation !
Le Carrefour des Impasses / The Crossroads of Dead Ends:
The book was on line previously in Interzone Library in Geocities, but as all the free sites of Geocities have been supressed in October, it was not on line anymore. I have uploaded it in Inter-zone.org at
- French version:
- Chapters in English: Introduction http://www.inter-zone.org/11introeng.html, Mr Lambkin (rewriting: Jill Fryer) http://www.inter-zone.org/12agneleteng.html , Mr B http://www.inter-zone.org/13mrbeng.html, Louis http://www.inter-zone.org/14Louiseng.html, Declaration of the Human Rights of Citizen - 1789 http://www.inter-zone.org/15DDHCeng.html
The book was on line previously in Interzone Library in Geocities, but as all the free sites of Geocities have been supressed in October, it was not on line anymore. I have uploaded it in Inter-zone.org at
- French version:
- Chapters in English: Introduction http://www.inter-zone.org/11introeng.html, Mr Lambkin (rewriting: Jill Fryer) http://www.inter-zone.org/12agneleteng.html , Mr B http://www.inter-zone.org/13mrbeng.html, Louis http://www.inter-zone.org/14Louiseng.html, Declaration of the Human Rights of Citizen - 1789 http://www.inter-zone.org/15DDHCeng.html
the lazarus corporation news & updates
alternative visual art, music & writing
the lazarus corporation
Just a few updates for January 2010:
The Book of the Erinyes
the lazarus corporation
Just a few updates for January 2010:
The Book of the Erinyes
Progress on the Book of the Erinyes continues, and the limited edition series of handbound artists books are expected to be ready in May/June this year.
There will also be a print-on-demand paperback version available to buy online, and a free ebook version to download.
New woodcuts and linoprints are being added to the artwork section of the Book of the Erinyes website on a regular basis.
We encourage you to leave comments on any of the artwork.
There will also be a limited edition series of letterpress-printed broadsides available to buy before the actual book is finished - keep your eye on the Book of the Erinyes site for updates.
Art Updates via Facebook
First of all, a reminder that you can keep up to date with new things at the Lazarus Corporation on Facebook - if you become a fan then you'll see our news in your news feed.
We only post news items twice a week at the most, to avoid swamping your Facebook news feed.
Alice Kemp has recently laucnhed her own site at germseed.net which is a home for her doll photos, photography, ghost photography & small poetry.
Interview with Paul Watson
You can find a short interview with me on Paul Grimsley's In To Views blog, about my artwork and the Book of the Erinyes.
The Interstitial Arts Foundation
An organisation called the Interstitial Arts Foundation picked up on a blog post I wrote on the Book of the Erinyes journal about promoting interstitial art.
The lecture will take place at the Galerie Didier Devillez
53, rue Emmanuel Van Driessche • 1050 Bruxelles (Belgique) • +32(0)475 931 935
53, rue Emmanuel Van Driessche • 1050 Bruxelles (Belgique) • +32(0)475 931 935
INTERZONE REPORT December 2009-January 2010 (2)
Ramuntcho Matta
A video of Brion Gysin and his group singing "Kick that habbit, Man" . Ramuntcho playing guitar. Download http://rcpt.yousendit.com/806285516/acdda00bd378611086356a4690154688Daniel Gualda:
Live concert : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzw4lb1kLcEOther videos by Daniel on Youtube at http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=pgualda#grid/uploads
novacriminal inaugural show Jan 23rd 2010
"As most of you know, Justin and I are now playing with Tom McGinty in a new project by the name of novacriminal. We are excited to announce that we will be playing our first show on January 23rd, 2010." William Brandon.
Mr. T's Bowl
5621 1/2 Figueroa
Highland Park 90042
Is Good Music Presents
9:15 Torches in Trees - myspace.com/torchesintrees
10:00 Tommy Santee Klaws - myspace.com/tommysanteeklaws
10:45 The Terrapin - myspace.com/theterrapin
11:30 Fantastica Bastidas - myspace.com/lamicaelabastidas
12:15 novacriminal - myspace.com/novacriminalmusic
5621 1/2 Figueroa
Highland Park 90042
Is Good Music Presents
9:15 Torches in Trees - myspace.com/torchesintrees
10:00 Tommy Santee Klaws - myspace.com/tommysanteeklaws
10:45 The Terrapin - myspace.com/theterrapin
11:30 Fantastica Bastidas - myspace.com/lamicaelabastidas
12:15 novacriminal - myspace.com/novacriminalmusic
shocker_tv opening weekly goth/industrial night
"if you happen to be in Las Vegas on Feb. 3rd, please come see the grand opening of goth/industrial night @ the Cheyenne Saloon
- shocker_tv
Will you be there?
shocker_tv and his secret society will kick-start the grand opening of goth/industrial night @ west side metal/punk mecca, THE CHEYENNE SALOON. Dress, mask, jungle, act evil and you are it. Be sure to say at the door the you are there for shocker_tv. $5, 21+ THE CHEYENNE SALOON
Please help us by reposting the following event link: http://tinyurl.com/yezdlbc " Shocker_tv
- shocker_tv
Will you be there?
shocker_tv and his secret society will kick-start the grand opening of goth/industrial night @ west side metal/punk mecca, THE CHEYENNE SALOON. Dress, mask, jungle, act evil and you are it. Be sure to say at the door the you are there for shocker_tv. $5, 21+ THE CHEYENNE SALOON
Please help us by reposting the following event link: http://tinyurl.com/yezdlbc " Shocker_tv
Master Musicians of Joujouka Festival 4-5 Jne 2010 with optional extra night 6th June 2010
Place Joujouka, (Jajouka), Morocco.
Booking Master Musicians of Joujouka website http://joujouka.net/
Boujeloud dances at the Brian Jones 40th Anniversary Festival,
Joujouka, Morocco July 2008. Photo Jill Furmanovsky/Rock Archive
"The Master Musicians announce their summer festival will be held 4-6June 2010 in their village in Morocco. Guests will stay with the musicians and their families and experience three days and nights of ritual Sufi music in its natural setting. On Saturday 5 June the musicians will perform the Boujeloud ritual in the village square through the night. In July 2008 the Master Musicians of Joujouka hosted the Brian Jones 40th Anniversary Festival in their village in the southern Rif Mountains of Northern Morocco. The festival was a celebration of fortieth anniversary of Brian Jones’ recording the iconic LP Brian Jones presents the Pipes of Pan at Joujouka (Rolling Stones Records 1971). The festival brought the families of old Masters now passed on and a group of visitors from abroad including old friends of the errant Rolling Stone.
In 2009 the Master Musicians festival moved to June as the temperature at the end of July can be above 40C. The festival was a great success and was reported on in The Wire magazine October, 2009.
Guests will experience life in Joujouka staying with the musicians and their families in their isolated village. The Master Musicians of Joujouka will play in intimate sessions around their madrassa/school. The highlight of the festival will be the village’s celebration of the Boujeloud ritual in the village square.
Places at the festival are strictly limited as due to accommodation limitations with the families in Joujouka/Jajouka. Guests will be collected from Ksar El Kebir the nearest town to Joujouka on Friday 5th June and will be brought to the village. Full board will be provided. Food will be prepared in traditional Joujouka fashion from locally sourced produced. Joujouka is a framing community well as Sufi trance music the village is famous for its beautiful olives and olive oil.
The festival is booking now. The price for the main two days of the festival 4-5 June is €250 euro.
Accommodation for 4, 5, and 6 June is €300 (Euro)
Guests will be collected at Moulay El Mehdi train station in Ksar El Kebir on June 4th and transported to Joujouka or by arrangement . For Moroccan trains see www.oncf.ma
Full board lunch and evening meal on Friday 4 June
Full board lunch and evening meal on Friday 4 June
Breakfast, Lunch and traditional Moroccan mountain feast on Saturday 5
Breakfast (all guests) plus lunch, and evening meal on Sunday 6th (for those with three day bookings)
Booking now on Master Musicians of Joujouka Web Site or below
For payment by credit transfer please email me for details joujouka@gmail.com
Places are limited to 75.
Joujouka 2-day EUR 250, 4-5 June 2010
Joujouka 3-day EUR 300 4-6 June 2010"
Frank Rynne
Neil Young: Dreamin' Man '92 Out Today!
Exhibitions, radio
Ramuntcho Matta: France Culture, Ateliers de Création Radiophonique:
"SOUVENIR DU FUTUR / VOLUME UN / 2009-2060 (55')
A radio essay byf Ramuntcho Matta
Realization Lionel Quantin
In 2060 Ramuntcho Matta is hundred years old and sends us a message to the past
He shares with us his impressions and sends us musics from that time, and then what ?
He shares with us his impressions and sends us musics from that time, and then what ?
This is the first chapter, of a life rich in meetings
It begins with the end
Good appetite
It begins with the end
Good appetite
Here no sounds of archives
It will be for the next time
I took the means of the edge
A director, a sound recordist, a mixer and a place
One Ramuntcho, his voice, objects more or less sound and his memory
It will be for the next time
I took the means of the edge
A director, a sound recordist, a mixer and a place
One Ramuntcho, his voice, objects more or less sound and his memory
We made the journey in a neglected castle
The castle of the memory
There the acoustics is natural
The castle of the memory
There the acoustics is natural
The world of tomorrow will have no archives, no past
Tomorrow it is today
As usual
As usual
Ramuntcho Matta was born in 1960 in Neuilly on the Seine. He lives and works in Paris. Composer, plastician consultant in emotional arborescence, he teaches doubt at the graduate school of Creation. "
I have a recording of the program, for those who want to listen to it.
Paul O'Donovan
Christmas card greetings : http://sites.google.com/site/interzonegalleries/odonovan60-htm-1"I am pleased to announce that I will be presenting imagery in the "After Hours" exhibition at Compound Gallery, their first show devoted entirely to photography.
The opening will occur this upcoming First Thursday, January 7th 2010 at 7:00 PM. Compound Gallery is located at 107 NW 5th ave in downtown Portland, next to Backspace.
If you find yourself downtown on Thursday evening, you should come by and check it out.
Hope to see you there.
For further information, please visit Compound Gallery's website:
Thank you very much. Hope to see you there... "
Mike Crocker
Retrouvez Gisèle Freund sur
http://www.galeriedidierdevillez.beGALERIE DIDIER DEVILLEZ
53, rue Emmanuel Van Driessche • 1050 Bruxelles (Belgique) • +32(0)475 931 935
devillez@skynet.be • http://www.galeriedidierdevillez.be
Yannig: my blog update
New sites on facebook
- Shuhei F Shockertv http://www.facebook.com/r.php?re=5167e33fd103a07c48d3428111e82362&mid=1bc9652G27bf9fbfG3d00e11G46- Vasha Dadaya http://www.facebook.com/r.php?re=5167e33fd103a07c48d3428111e82362&mid=1bc9652G27bf9fbfG3d00e11G46
- Joshua Berlow http://www.facebook.com/r.php?re=5167e33fd103a07c48d3428111e82362&mid=1bc9652G27bf9fbfG3d00e11G46
- Anthony Rousseau CombinedMedia http://www.facebook.com/r.php?re=5167e33fd103a07c48d3428111e82362&mid=1bc9652G27bf9fbfG3d00e11G46
New pages on line
In the Interzone sites
Le Carrefour des Impasses / The Crossroads of Dead Ends : http://www.inter-zone.org/0Sommaire.htmlChapters in English: Introduction http://www.inter-zone.org/11introeng.html, Mr Lambkin (rewriting: Jill Fryer) http://www.inter-zone.org/12agneleteng.html , Mr B http://www.inter-zone.org/13mrbeng.html, Louis http://www.inter-zone.org/14Louiseng.html, Declaration of the Human Rights of Citizen - 1789 http://www.inter-zone.org/15DDHCeng.html
Paul O'Donovan : Christmas card greetings : http://sites.google.com/site/interzonegalleries/odonovan60-htm-1
In the other Zoners'sites
William S. Burroughs: A Man Within http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/williamburroughs/Ramutncho Matta : video of Brion Gysin "Kick that Habbit, Man"
Daniel Gualda: live concert : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzw4lb1kLcE
Is Good Music Presents
9:15 Torches in Trees - myspace.com/torchesintrees
10:00 Tommy Santee Klaws - myspace.com/tommysanteeklaws
10:45 The Terrapin - myspace.com/theterrapin
11:30 Fantastica Bastidas - myspace.com/lamicaelabastidas
12:15 novacriminal - myspace.com/novacriminalmusic
The Cheyenne Saloon: www.myspace.com/thecheyennesaloonlv
Galerie Didier Devillez http://www.galeriedidierdevillez.be
the lazarus corporation http://www.lazaruscorporation.co.uk
Mike Crocker Compound Gallery's website: http://www.compoundgallery.com/
Ramuntcho Matta: Ateliers de Création Radiophonique http://sites.radiofrance.fr/chaines/france-culture2/emissions/acr/avenir.php
Yannig's blog : http://web.me.com/adanig/deizlevrig/ archives : Quid novi ? Tous les articles !!! http://web.me.com/adanig/deizlevrig/Accueil/Archive.html
Shuhei F Shockertv http://www.facebook.com/r.php?re=5167e33fd103a07c48d3428111e82362&mid=1bc9652G27bf9fbfG3d00e11G46
Vasha Dadaya http://www.facebook.com/r.php?re=5167e33fd103a07c48d3428111e82362&mid=1bc9652G27bf9fbfG3d00e11G46
Joshua Berlow http://www.facebook.com/r.php?re=5167e33fd103a07c48d3428111e82362&mid=1bc9652G27bf9fbfG3d00e11G46
Anthony Rousseau CombinedMedia http://www.facebook.com/r.php?re=5167e33fd103a07c48d3428111e82362&mid=1bc9652G27bf9fbfG3d00e11G46
This report is on line at http://aubert.isa.googlepages.com/reportjan10.htm and the French version, at http://aubert.isa.googlepages.com/reportjan10fr.htm
Between two reports, the news are updated in the blog Interzone news: http://interzone-news.blogspot.com/
All my best wishes to the whole Zone for 2010. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Izzy: email: i.aubert[at]interpc.fr
samedi 23 janvier 2010
Novacriminal: Reminder: Tomorrow night at Mr. T's Bowl...
...novacriminal's inaugural show. Looking forward to playin' some new tunes for your punk asses *smiley face*
5621 1/2 Figueroa St. Los Angeles, Ca 90042
915PM - Torches in Trees
1000PM - Tommy Santee Klaws
1045PM - The World record
1130 - The Terrapin
1215 - novacriminal
5621 1/2 Figueroa St. Los Angeles, Ca 90042
915PM - Torches in Trees
1000PM - Tommy Santee Klaws
1045PM - The World record
1130 - The Terrapin
1215 - novacriminal
Book Now for Master Musicians of Joujouka Festival 4-5 June with optional extra night 6th June 2010
Master Musicians of Joujouka Festival 4-5 Jne 2010 with optional extra night 6th June 2010
Place Joujouka, (Jajouka), Morocco.
Booking Master Musicians of Joujouka website or below.
Boujeloud dances at the Brian Jones 40th Anniversary Festival,
Joujouka, Morocco July 2008. Photo Jill Furmanovsky/Rock Archive
The Master Musicians announce their summer festival will be held 4-6June 2010 in their village in Morocco. Guests will stay with the musicians and their families and experience three days and nights of ritual Sufi music in its natural setting. On Saturday 5 June the musicians will perform the Boujeloud ritual in the village square through the night. In July 2008 the Master Musicians of Joujouka hosted the Brian Jones 40th Anniversary Festival in their village in the southern Rif Mountains of Northern Morocco. The festival was a celebration of fortieth anniversary of Brian Jones’ recording the iconic LP Brian Jones presents the Pipes of Pan at Joujouka (Rolling Stones Records 1971). The festival brought the families of old Masters now passed on and a group of visitors from abroad including old friends of the errant Rolling Stone.
In 2009 the Master Musicians festival moved to June as the temperature at the end of July can be above 40C. The festival was a great success and was reported on in The Wire magazine October, 2009.
Guests will experience life in Joujouka staying with the musicians and their families in their isolated village. The Master Musicians of Joujouka will play in intimate sessions around their madrassa/school. The highlight of the festival will be the village’s celebration of the Boujeloud ritual in the village square.
Places at the festival are strictly limited as due to accommodation limitations with the families in Joujouka/Jajouka. Guests will be collected from Ksar El Kebir the nearest town to Joujouka on Friday 5th June and will be brought to the village. Full board will be provided. Food will be prepared in traditional Joujouka fashion from locally sourced produced. Joujouka is a framing community well as Sufi trance music the village is famous for its beautiful olives and olive oil.
The festival is booking now. The price for the main two days of the festival 4-5 June is €250 euro.
Accommodation for 4, 5, and 6 June is €300 (Euro)
Guests will be collected at Moulay El Mehdi train station in Ksar El Kebir on June 4th and transported to Joujouka or by arrangement . For Moroccan trains see http://www.oncf.ma/
Full board lunch and evening meal on Friday 4 June
Breakfast, Lunch and traditional Moroccan mountain feast on Saturday 5
Breakfast (all guests) plus lunch, and evening meal on Sunday 6th (for those with three day bookings)
Booking now on Master Musicians of Joujouka Web Site or below
For payment by credit transfer please email me for details joujouka@gmail.com
Places are limited to 75.
Joujouka 2-day EUR 250, 4-5 June 2010
Click link below to pay with paypal account or credit cards. Secure payments by Paypal.
Joujouka 3-day EUR 300 4-6 June 2010
Click link below to pay with paypal account or credit cards. Secure payments by Paypal.
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