Le poète (?) Timothée LARAZE m'nvoie à l'instant ses voeux 2012, et me prie (pistolet sur la tempe, tous pareils !) de les diffuser les plus largement possible sous peine de c.....lamser
Meilleurs voeux, cette année 2012, ça va c...
C....artonner (pour qui ça aux présidentielles ? ha ha ha),
C...arburer (au bon vieux gros rouge, Total va te faire....),
C....apitaliser (HHHHoooouuuuuu, encore !),
C....ouillonner (comme d'hab),
C.....harançonner (à force d'être roulés dans la farine),
C....opuler (comme des bêtes !),
C....oaguler (je t'avais dit de pas taper si fort avec tes gros textes Yves),
C....hristianniser (sous pape de sécurité),
C....o-voiturer ( rage chez Total),
C....imenter (chez les francs maçons),
C.....harcuter (et deux pieds de porc contre un pied de biche),
C....adévériser (exquis),
C....ertifier (puisque le con forme),
C....ouler (à pic, douce, Président camembert, un bronze....)
C....ondoléancer (à l'Union des Malades Personnalisés)
C....laudiquer (à la mémoire de Clo Clo, le petit baigneur),
C....hichonner (en écoutant Herbie en coque),
C....opiner (et donc coquiner),
C....loniser (BHL ? Sollers ? Beigbeder ? Suspense, what a teasing),
C....auchemarder ( Eva Joly en string, Hollande en drag queen, Sarko
en fric brother du joint venture, DSK en Lagarde....),
C....locher (36 000 communes, y'a le choix de l'embarras),
C....larifier (le discours socialiste, c'est possible ?),
C....rooner (reconversion prévue de Rita Morano),
C....havirer (en mer d'heures va),
C....apoter (l'éthylotest du sperme),
C....hanter (on the rose again, le tube secret à sortir du père François)
C....ultiver (pour lutter contre la poussée unique),
C....lairsemer (il faut que des têtes tombent, et vite),
C....houraver (le chou rave c'est bon pour la santé),
C...râner (au musée de l'Homme)
C....onférer (que t'as le droit de la boucler LARAZE),
Vous pensiez à quoi d'autre salopiot(e)s ?
Bises and Love Everybody
Jean AZAREL pour Timothée LARAZE (le seul, l'unique méfiez vous des contrefaçons, copy wrong 2012)
Interzone was a network of William Burroughs' readers founded (1997-2013). Its sites are still accessible at , but most of them are sites of archives. The site presently active are: - Interzone Éditions - La sémantique générale pour les nuls - La sémantique générale pour tous - Pour une économie non-aristotélicienne
mercredi 4 janvier 2012
dimanche 1 janvier 2012
Yann VOGEL: Bonne Année 2012 (
Avec la santé, le bonheur et la joie tout au long …
Qu'elle soit remplie à craquer d'échanges et de partages plaisants et enrichissants …
vendredi 30 décembre 2011
Anthony ROUSSEAU : 2012
Chers tous,
Mes meilleurs voeux de bonheur pour cette année 2012 !
Bien à vous.
Didier Devillez: meilleurs voeux!
53, rue Emmanuel Van Driessche — 1050 Bruxelles (Belgique) — +32(0)475 931 935
jeudi 29 décembre 2011
Ramuntcho Matta: 2012 is coming
2012 is coming
Ramuntcho Matta: expositions à la galerie Anne Barrault :
The Cat Inside
at ta
ma tta
Leçon de français
Optical Sound: gift of the gods
"J’ai rencontré le label Optical Sound au détour d’un paquet reçu par quelqu’un d’autre, il y a un peu moins de dix ans, aux Inrocks. Dans le pli, un disque sur la dreamachine de Brion Gysin, qui m’a tout de suite interpellé. Depuis, je suis le label de près et toujours fasciné par la manière si élégante qu’il a d’agencer visuels et musiques, d’inventer des pochettes qui donnent envie de se mettre à la musique. Pour y voir plus clair et faire découvrir le label aux lecteurs de ce blog, qui pourraient bien y trouver leur compte, j’ai demandé à Pierre Beloüin de répondre à 3 questions (ci-dessous) et faire une mixtape à partir de morceaux sortis sur Optical Sound. A lire, écouter, télécharger par ici. Joyeux Noël ! "
Joseph Ghosn (23/12/2011)
A.B.M (Art Book Magazine)
Librairie d’eboain et alentour
Application gratuite pour iPad
Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la création de
la première librairie d’ebooks d’art contemporain et alentour,
indépendante et singulière, pour tablette tactile iPad.
Une centaine de livres et de revues, gratuits et payants, sont déjà disponibles.
Vous y découvrirez des exclusivités, des rééditions d’ouvrages épuisés
ou des adaptations, des versions enrichies ou des créations numériques.
La librairie, régulièrement enrichie, comprend catalogues, magazines,
essais, livres d’artiste, bandes dessinées et romans…
Pascal Béjean, Olivier Körner, Nicolas Ledoux, Jean-Luc Lemaire et David Longuein.
Pour plus d’informations :
Art Book Magazine
Thanks for reading - Pierre Beloüin ~ Optical Sound
105 rue des Volubilis 83190 Ollioules
16 Rue Eugène Lacroix 67200 Strasbourg
25 rue des Cascades 75020 Paris
We're also on iTunes via Diogenes.
The Optical Sound CD's are always available in regular store, on-line it's better for us / les éditions Optical Sound sont disponibles
chez tous les disquaires, et de préférence sur la boutique en ligne Buy on-line with Paypal, quick and secure sending, règlement par C.B sécurisé.
mercredi 28 décembre 2011
Bruce Kodish: "Korzybski: A Biography"
Korzybski: A Biography
by Bruce I. Kodish
"That's a crazy book!" Albert Einstein said in the early 1950s, when asked his impression of Alfred Korzybski's 1933 work Science and Sanity. More than a decade later, Richard Feynman found Korzybski's notion of "time-binding" crucial for answering the question "What is science?".
Feynman didn't know that it was Alfred Korzybski who had coined the term "time-binding" in his first, 1921, book Manhood of Humanity to label what he considered the defining characteristic of humans: the potential of each generation to start where the former leaves off and thus to accumulate useful knowledge at an ever-accelerating rate. In the exact sciences and technology, time-binding seems to work reasonably well. In the rest of human life, not so much. Korzybski, a patriotic Polish nobleman and an engineer who had lived under Tsarist tyranny and had seen the horrors of World War I on the Eastern Front before coming to the United States, realized the results of the disparity between rapid but narrow scientific-technological advancement and broader but snail-paced ethical-social development: a seemingly endless cycle of crises, revolutions and wars. Seeking a way out, he studied a broad range of disciplines from physics to psychiatry-fields that others felt had little to do with each other-and discovered factors of sanity in physico-mathematical methods. Comparing the ways of thinking that scientists and mathematicians exemplify when working at their best and the ways of thinking that they and other people unsanely or insanely tend to use the rest of the time, Korzybski linked science and sanity in a new world outlook with an accompanying methodology (labeled "general semantics")-simple enough to teach children.
Traces of Korzybski's pioneering work can be found today in a variety of fields such as cognitive science, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, communication, media ecology, medicine, organizational development, philosophical counseling and philosophy, etc. In spite of this, Korzybski's radically interdisciplinary work remains relatively unassimilated into standard academic fields and hard to accurately fit into familiar popular categories. Thus, Korzybski, who originated the saying "The map is not the territory," remains a relatively neglected and misunderstood figure, shrouded in controversy: some people have considered him a genius while others have called him a crank. Drawing on an array of sources including Korzybski's personal correspondence, notes, scrapbooks, and both published and unpublished writings, as well as personal discussions and interviews with some of Korzybski's closest co-workers, Bruce I. Kodish situates Korzybski's contributions in the context of his times and provides surprising insights into his work as a whole. Kodish's clear prose provides a compellingly readable narrative of Korzybski's very busy, sometimes too busy, exciting and exhausting life while making accessible some of the most complex areas of Korzybski's thought. For years to come, this outstanding biography will remain the standard work on Alfred Korzybski's extraordinarily adventurous and significant life and work.
Softcover. 694 pages. ISBN 0970066406. 2.4 lbs.
Galerie Ecritures: Meilleurs Voeux pour 2012
Les Artistes et les responsables de la galerie ECRITURES vous présentent leurs meilleurs voeux pour cette année 2012
La Galerie ECRITURES a accroché jusqu'au 15 mars une sélection d'oeuvres des artites de la galerie.
Galerie ECRITURES 1 rue Pierre Petit 03 100 MONTLUCON
Interzone report : November-December 2011
Hi all,
I hope this last report of 2011 finds you well. A lot of new things again, specially in publishing.
The Time of the Naguals: Cut-ups: 3rd tome
The 3rd tome of Interzone anthology, The Time of the Naguals, is now on line in pdf at
The contents is at
The first tomes of this anthology are available, on line in pdf.
The contents is at
The first tomes of this anthology are available, on line in pdf.
In French:
In English:
- Tome 1: Around Burroughs and Gysin: 106 pages (a number of texts are not published in the French tome, and reciprocally).
- Tome 2: Research: 163 pages
- Tome 3: Cut-ups: 92 pages
- Tome 4: Poems: 150 pages (English, Spanish, French)
In the site Interzone Editions:
This anthology, started in 1997, is a common work of Interzone members.
To save your time, rather than downloading the pdf, which takes several minutes, better put the mouse on the link, right click and "Record the target", so to record it on your computer, which takes one second.. Then opening the pdf file when you click on it takes another second.
Jérôme Pintoux : Interviews d'Outre-Tombe
Since the coming out of the book, a number of articles and interviews have been published in the media:
Entretien avec Jérôme Pintoux pour ses Interviews d’outre-tombe, en 2011.
Jérôme Pintoux: Interviews post mortem des grands écrivains
Jérôme Pintoux revisits the French literature and his big names through a series of fictitious interviews. Interview(maintenance) with a very alive author.
Jérôme Pintoux on France culture: About post-mortem literary interview
With Jérôme Pintoux, for his Interviews d'outre-tombe (JBZ & Vie, 2011), a book in which he intends to
to make read again the big authors by finding " the inflection of beloved voices that have fallen silent " in the form of post-mortem conversations...
Jérôme Pintoux's blog:
Philip Willey: Naked Tea
It's 5 x 7 inches. 54 pages. 30 pages of fascinating text and 13 amazing illustrations. The cost is $12. Add $5 for postage and handling.
Lyle Schultz is looking after local orders. Contact him at
News from the Eclat:
Some ideas of books for presents:
The page news contains the new title of 2011.Catalog by author
or by collections
Giorgio Colli, Yona Friedman, Hilary Putnam, Alfred Korzybski, Philip K. Dick, Chaim Wirzsubski, Jacques Bouveresse...
Best wishes to all.
Les Editions de l’éclat
Complete newsletter : &
Archéologie du copier-coller : PARIS 8, PROCÈS ET PLAGIATS
and in Mediapart:
A decision of justice waited on the university plagiarism (November 28th, 2011 By Lucie Delaporte)
The 17th chamber of the TGI of Paris will not pronounce on the substance of the case Jean-Noël Darde, a researcher specialist of the question of the university plagiarism, assigned in emergency proceeding for defamation by a teacher of Paris VIII. Ironicly enough, the assignment was declared groundless because underestimating the usage of quotation marks and italics. The summum in an affair which threw a raw light both on plagiarism itself and on the reaction at least moderate of the academics.
Quand des universitaires protègent un plagiaire (october 10 2011 Par Louise Fessard)
Le plagiat de thèse reste un tabou à l'université (october 04 2010 Par Louise Fessard)
and in Mediapart:
A decision of justice waited on the university plagiarism (November 28th, 2011 By Lucie Delaporte)
The 17th chamber of the TGI of Paris will not pronounce on the substance of the case Jean-Noël Darde, a researcher specialist of the question of the university plagiarism, assigned in emergency proceeding for defamation by a teacher of Paris VIII. Ironicly enough, the assignment was declared groundless because underestimating the usage of quotation marks and italics. The summum in an affair which threw a raw light both on plagiarism itself and on the reaction at least moderate of the academics.
Quand des universitaires protègent un plagiaire (october 10 2011 Par Louise Fessard)
Le plagiat de thèse reste un tabou à l'université (october 04 2010 Par Louise Fessard)
General semantics
Alfred KORZYBSKI: the mathematicians' approach: Extracts from “GENERAL SEMANTICS SEMINAR 1937"
In the blog "Pour une économie non-aristotélicienne" :
- Non-Euclidian and non-Newtonian disciplines,
- Non-Euclidian geometry,
- Two-valued orientations.
The French translation, "SEMINAIRE DE SEMANTIQUE GENERALE 1937 - Transcription des Notes des Conférences de Sémantique Générale Données à Olivet College", Interzone Editions, is the first book (and the only one) by Korzybski published in uncut version in France.
- Non-Euclidian geometry,
- Two-valued orientations.
The French translation, "SEMINAIRE DE SEMANTIQUE GENERALE 1937 - Transcription des Notes des Conférences de Sémantique Générale Données à Olivet College", Interzone Editions, is the first book (and the only one) by Korzybski published in uncut version in France.
Interzone Academy 2011: Medical research
Updates of the page "Medical research" :
"The Patient" by Agent Zero
This page contains documents published since the end of the nineties in the site Interzone Academy, previously hosted by Geocities, and suppressed in October 2009 as all the sites hosted for free by this provider.
You can also visit the page Interzone Economy ,updated, and presently hosted in the site
Roger Holden : Alternative, Affordable Treatment for Feline Leukemia
The "Burroughs' White Cat" Challenges the Board (April 2001)
Apomorphine and detoxification files:
Opiates intoxication : Some suggestions from the doc
Dr Dolophine: Report From Tasmania August 1998 - A reaction to the article
0110: Methadone in question
Apomorphine: présentation : Isabelle Aubert-Baudron
Dr Dent's protocole of apomorphine cure , Ian Sommerville
A Burroughs' letter on apomorphine, which he sent with the protocole
An article on apomorphine from the magazine "Doctor" , also joined to Burroughs' letter,
A letter I sent to Dr Martensen-Larsen, who applies the cure in Denmark and is quoted in the article from "Doctor",
Dr Martensen-Larsen's answer.
Dr Dent's protocole of apomorphine cure , Ian Sommerville
A Burroughs' letter on apomorphine, which he sent with the protocole
An article on apomorphine from the magazine "Doctor" , also joined to Burroughs' letter,
A letter I sent to Dr Martensen-Larsen, who applies the cure in Denmark and is quoted in the article from "Doctor",
Dr Martensen-Larsen's answer.
A double-blind cross-over study: apomorphine/placebo in chronic alcoholics by C. Carlsson, P. R. Johansson, B. Gullbergt Nordhemspolikliniken, Gothenburg, Sweden
A Comparison of the Effects of Propranolol and Diazepam in Alcoholics by Carl Carlsson M.D. and Bengt-Goran Fasth Ph.D.
The Psychological Effects of Propranolol in the Abstinence Phase of Chronic Alcoholics by CARL CARLSSON and TAGE JOHANSSON
Propranolol in the treatment of alcoholism: a review by C. CALSSON
Propranolol treatment in chronic alcoholic outpatients by C. CARLSSON
Henri Laborit: Sur la minaprine Agr 1240 (Cantor): Pour le meilleur des mondes - L'inhibition de l'action
Henri Laborit: Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture 1963: THE NEED FOR GENERALIZATION IN BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH : ROLE OF THE MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF ENSEMBLES Henri Laborit, . MD Centre d'Etudes Experimentales et Cliniques de Physio-Biologie, de Pharmacologie et d'Eutonologie de la Marine Nationale, Paris, France (Institute of General Semantics)
Roger Gentis: "N'Être" :
" La Tangente "
" L'orgasme, Dieu et le fric "
" Des loups et des hommes "
" Des loups, des corbeaux et des hommes "
"The Crossroads of Dead Ends"
Des implications en sciences humaines du travail de recherche de Michel Onfray sur Freud PDF
A Comparison of the Effects of Propranolol and Diazepam in Alcoholics by Carl Carlsson M.D. and Bengt-Goran Fasth Ph.D.
The Psychological Effects of Propranolol in the Abstinence Phase of Chronic Alcoholics by CARL CARLSSON and TAGE JOHANSSON
Propranolol in the treatment of alcoholism: a review by C. CALSSON
Propranolol treatment in chronic alcoholic outpatients by C. CARLSSON
Henri Laborit: Sur la minaprine Agr 1240 (Cantor): Pour le meilleur des mondes - L'inhibition de l'action
Henri Laborit: Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture 1963: THE NEED FOR GENERALIZATION IN BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH : ROLE OF THE MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF ENSEMBLES Henri Laborit, . MD Centre d'Etudes Experimentales et Cliniques de Physio-Biologie, de Pharmacologie et d'Eutonologie de la Marine Nationale, Paris, France (Institute of General Semantics)
Roger Gentis: "N'Être" :
" La Tangente "
" L'orgasme, Dieu et le fric "
" Des loups et des hommes "
" Des loups, des corbeaux et des hommes "
"The Crossroads of Dead Ends"
Des implications en sciences humaines du travail de recherche de Michel Onfray sur Freud PDF
Psychiatry: Objectifs 4 and 5 on line :
Journey through the past of French psychiatry:
The 4rth and 5th issues of the magazine "Objectifs" (summer and autumn 1985) are on line at and
The 4rth and 5th issues of the magazine "Objectifs" (summer and autumn 1985) are on line at and
The previous issues are accessible at "Le Carrefour des Impasse / The crossroads of Dean Ends"
Anthony Rousseau: Live 13 (work in progress)
I am pleased to inform you that my site dedicated to photographs is on line :
It is an exhaustive window on my photographic work.
Besides the portfolio, you can find articles on the various techniques photo developed thanks to the digital technology (panoramic view, HDR, time lapse).
This site will be regularly updated.
This site will be regularly updated.
Yannick Chosse
Thanks for noting my new address:
Poussière de Pixel - Yannick Chosse
4 route de Pouzaur
4 route de Pouzaur
17250 Ste Gemme
Tel. 06 83 36 58 02
Optical Sound: dark age of love:
New pages on line:
In Interzone sites
Interzone news:
Bienvenue à Interzone:
The Time of the Naguals: Cut-ups: &
Nouvelles de l'Eclat: &
Alfred KORZYBSKI: la démarche des mathématiciens : Extraits du "Séminaire de sémantique générale 1937"
Pour une économie non-aristotélicienne" :
- Disciplines non-euclidiennes et non-newtoniennes,
- Géométrie non-euclidienne,
- Orientation aristotélicienne à deux valeurs.
- Disciplines non-euclidiennes et non-newtoniennes,
- Géométrie non-euclidienne,
- Orientation aristotélicienne à deux valeurs.
Interzone Academy 2011: Medical research
Roger Holden : Alternative, Affordable Treatment for Feline Leukemia The "Burroughs' White Cat" Challenges the Board (April 2001) intoxication : Some suggestions from the doc
Dr Dolophine: Report From Tasmania August 1998 A reaction to the article
0110: Methadone in question
pomorphine: présentation :
Dr Dolophine: Report From Tasmania August 1998 A reaction to the article
0110: Methadone in question
pomorphine: présentation :
Dr Dent's protocole of apomorphine cure , Ian Sommerville
A Burroughs' letter on apomorphine, which he sent with the protocole
An article on apomorphine from the magazine "Doctor" , also joined to Burroughs' letter,
A letter I sent to Dr Martensen-Larsen, who applies the cure in Denmark and is quoted in the article from "Doctor",
Dr Martensen-Larsen's answer.
A double-blind cross-over study: apomorphine/placebo in chronic alcoholics
A Burroughs' letter on apomorphine, which he sent with the protocole
An article on apomorphine from the magazine "Doctor" , also joined to Burroughs' letter,
A letter I sent to Dr Martensen-Larsen, who applies the cure in Denmark and is quoted in the article from "Doctor",
Dr Martensen-Larsen's answer.
A double-blind cross-over study: apomorphine/placebo in chronic alcoholics
A Comparison of the Effects of Propranolol and Diazepam in Alcoholics
Propranolol treatment in chronic alcoholic outpatients by C. CARLSSON
Henri Laborit: Sur la minaprine Agr 1240 (Cantor): Pour le meilleur des mondes - L'inhibition de l'action
Henri Laborit: Sur la minaprine Agr 1240 (Cantor): Pour le meilleur des mondes - L'inhibition de l'action
Roger Gentis: "N'Être" :
" La Tangente "
" L'orgasme, Dieu et le fric "
" Des loups et des hommes "
" Des loups, des corbeaux et des hommes "
"The Crossroads of Dead Ends"
" La Tangente "
" L'orgasme, Dieu et le fric "
" Des loups et des hommes "
" Des loups, des corbeaux et des hommes "
"The Crossroads of Dead Ends"
Des implications en sciences humaines du travail de recherche de Michel Onfray sur Freud PDF
Objectifs 4 :
Objectifs 5:
In other sites
Le blog de Jérôme Pintoux :
Entretien avec Jérôme Pintoux pour ses Interviews d’outre-tombe, en 2011:
Jérôme Pintoux: Interviews post mortem des grands écrivains
Jérôme Pintoux sur France culture: d'outre-tombe
Philip Willey: Naked Tea:
Nouvelles de l'Eclat: Nouveautés: Catalogue
Jean-Noël Darde: Archéologie du "copier-coller": PARIS 8, PROCÈS ET PLAGIATS
Archéologie du copier-coller : PARIS 8, PROCÈS ET PLAGIATS
Yannick Chosse:
Optical Sound: dark age of love: &
The Lazarus Corporation: Interstitial Art & Unpopular Culture
This report is on line at
and in French version at
Between two reports, the news are updated in the blog Interzone news: .
Best wishes for the feasts of the end of the year, and an excellent year 2012 !!!!!!!!!!!
Isabelle Aubert-Baudron
samedi 24 décembre 2011
Philip Willey: Naked Tea
It's 5 x 7 inches. 54 pages. 30 pages of fascinating text and 13 amazing illustrations. The cost is $12. Add $5 for postage and handling.
Lyle Schultz is looking after local orders. Contact him at
It's 5 x 7 inches. 54 pages. 30 pages of fascinating text and 13 amazing illustrations. The cost is $12. Add $5 for postage and handling.
Lyle Schultz is looking after local orders. Contact him at
Psychiatry: Objectifs 5 on line
This fifth issue of Objectifs (autumn 1985) is on line at
The previous ones are at
vendredi 23 décembre 2011
Quelques nouvelles de l'éclat
La photographie (de Patricia Farazzi
C’était notre programme ‘interne’ pour 2011, mais il semble qu’il devra se poursuivre encore en 2012 à plus grande échelle...
Avant de clore cette année tourmentée, quelques idées de livres pour vos cadeaux divers, sur la page
La page nouveautés
puis vous pourrez vous perdre dans les dédales du catalogue par auteur
croisant Giorgio Colli, Yona Friedman, Hilary Putnam, Alfred Korzybski, Philip K. Dick, Chaim Wirzsubski (demandez qu’on vous offre son Pic de la Mirandole et la cabale!!), ou Jacques Bouveresse, dont nous espérons réimprimer le livre sur Robert Musil, l’Homme probable, depuis quelque temps épuisé...
Merci de votre fidélité, de votre soutien...
Merci de faire connaître ce catalogue...
Meilleurs voeux pour toutes choses à toutes et à tous
Les Editions de l’éclat
lundi 19 décembre 2011
Jérôme Pintoux sur France culture: De l'entretien littéraire post-mortem
Entretien sur France culture par Antoine Perraud :
18.12.2011 - Tire ta langue
18.12.2011 - Tire ta langue
De l'entretien littéraire post-mortem 28 minutes
Avec Jérôme Pintoux, pour ses Interviews d'outre-tombe (JBZ & Vie, 2011), ouvrage dans lequel il entend faire relire les grands auteurs en retrouvant "l'inflexion des voix chères qui se sont tues" sous forme d'entretiens post-mortem...
Pour accéder à l'enregistrement : cliquer sur la petite flèche
Podcast : itpc://
Pour accéder à l'enregistrement : cliquer sur la petite flèche
Podcast : itpc://
Psychiatriy: Objectifs 4 on line
Journey through the past in French psychiatry:
The 4rth issue of the magazine "Objectifs" (summer 1985) is on line at
The previous issues are accessible at "Le Carrefour des Impasse / The crossroads of Dean Ends"
The 4rth issue of the magazine "Objectifs" (summer 1985) is on line at
The previous issues are accessible at "Le Carrefour des Impasse / The crossroads of Dean Ends"
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