Last September, just before he took the stage at Farm Aid, Neil Young was hanging out on his tour bus with Willie Nelson's sons Micah and Lukas. Out of nowhere, he asked if they wanted to come out and join him on "Rockin' In The Free World" at the end of his set. "We were like, 'Fuck yeah, dude,'" says Micah. "It felt great, like we'd been jamming together forever."
In the fall of 2007, Lukas met his future Promise of the Real bandmate Anthony Logerfo when they both caught Young's show at Nokia Live in Los Angeles. "After the show, we went back to his place and went surfing in the night with a bunch of his buddies," says Lukas. "I got stung by a stingray, and that night I had to sleep on his couch with my foot in a bucket of hot water to neutralize the [venom] protein. He brought me this huge pile of weed and I knew we'd be best friends after that."
They called their new band, which features Logerfo on drums, Tato Melgar on percussion and Corey McCormick on bass, Promise of the Real after Young's line, "Some get stoned, some get strange, but sooner or later it all gets real" from 1974's "Walk On." "We listened to Neil Young every day when we started the band," says Lukas. "And 'Walk On' has always been one of my favorite songs."
"Monsanto is the poster child for the problems we're having with the corporate government," Young recently said.
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In Neil Young's site :
Still no latte's for me folks. I am not going to support a company that actively tries to defeat the will of the people by fighting their right to know what is in the food they eat.
Contrary to the misleading information coming from Starbucks, the coffee company is in alliance with other Food Giants, including Monsanto, in suing the state of Vermont to overturn the GMO labeling laws voted for by the people.
An alliance is a pact, coalition or friendship between two or more parties, made in order to advance common goals and to
secure common interests. Starbucks and Monsanto are members of the Grocery Manufacturers Alliance.
The Grocery Manufacturers Alliance sued the state of Vermont to overturn the people's will to
mandate GMO labeling in Vermont.
In communications with Starbucks the company was unresponsive to the direct question
on whether Starbuck's coffee product contained GMOs.
Neil Young
May, 2015
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RTBF: Neil Young annonce un album et une tournée contre Monsanto
Radio Canada: Charge à fond de train de Neil Young contre le géant Monsanto
Libération: Neil Young sort un album contre Monsanto Libération: Neil Young sort un album contre Monsanto
Le chanteur canadien Neil Young a une dent contre l'entreprise agroalimentaire Monsanto, et veut le faire savoir en musique: il sortira le 16 juin un album intitutlé The Monsanto Years, annonce la RTBF. Lukas et Micah Nelson (fils du chanteur de country Willie Nelson) seront aussi de la partie, puisqu'ils partiront avec Neil Young en tournée américaine en juillet.
Le songwriter, qui conserve à 69 ans une productivité remarquable (deux albums l'année dernière), sort de temps à autre des disques spécifiquement consacrés à des thématiques qui lui tiennent à cœur : en 2006, Living With War se voulait une dénonciation des guerres de l'administration Bush.
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