The page of "The Time of the Naguals" , Interzone anthology, has been updated (November 2011) as a number links were obsolete or missing. The four first tomes of this anthology are ready and on line in pdf:
The links which have been udated are:
Articles: (not published yet) :
Poems: (more in The Time of the Naguals: Poems)
In French / En français:
Le Temps des Naguals: Autour de Burroughs et Gysin :
In English/En anglais:
- The Time of the Naguals: Around Burroughs and Gysin: 106 pages
- The Time of the Naguals: Poems: 150 pages (English, Spanish, French)
Également disponible en version imprimée (Interzone Editions)
A number of texts are not published in the French tome, and reciprocally.
Un certain nombre de textes ne sont pas publiés dans la version française et réciproquement.
- The Time of the Naguals: Research : 163 pages - The Time of the Naguals: Poems: 150 pages (English, Spanish, French)
Due to the size of the pdf files, the download takes several minutes. Please be patient.
En raison de la taille des pdf, le téléchargement prend plusieurs minutes. Merci de votre patience.
The contents of those ebooks are on line at
To be published / A paraître :
- Interzone
- Articles
- Cut-ups
- Short stories / Nouvelles
- Theatre / Théatre.
Due to the size of this anthology, it is not printable. Once it is complete, it will be gathered on a CD and will remain on line in free access.
En raison de la taille de cette anthologie, elle n'est pas imprimable. Une fois qu'elle sera terminée, les différents tomes seront rassemblés sur CD et resteront en ligne en accès libre.
Isabelle Aubert-Baudron
Short stories: (Not published yet)
- Dr Dolophine : The Pub
- Nin : Hakenkreuz Hallucination (English and Japanese)
- Kenji Siratori: DustNirverna - Coda - AcidHUMAN - Hardcore - NDRO
- Emperor Wu: The Painter Man - Invasion - Last Stop 45
- Simon Dale : The Flu
- Fraser Magor : The Annals of Port Coquitlam - Rizella's Letter - The Things That Happenned Last Night
- Foe : The Assassins - 4 Swans
- Daniel Gualda : Planos para una maquina de conferencia triple Ricardito Epiligo Fantasías fálico narcisitas (Wilhem Reich's memory)
- Juanjo Patanegra : THE QUANTUM SHE-CAT (I)/ LA PSICONÁUTICA GATA CUÁNTICA (I) - semen words – UNX
- Dalton Vrij :Tying Off VRIJ Paredon my polemic -Keep on dancing... "Thank You Prince of Space" - Evening Gatha - “Thought Criminal - Thai me off
- Ceri Hughes : My decent into Interzone
- Ricardo Mbarak : Interview by Alexandre Gurita, December 2000
- Miguel Alonso : Paisajes sonoros y sonido ambiental
- Donald Mayers: A Mythology for the Third Millennium...
- Agent 1914: "Something to take your mind off whatever it's stuck on...."
- Philip Beitchman : The Structure of Nothingness : William Burroughs' Naked Lunch
- Elisabeth Lebovici : Play Beat avec Brion Gysin
- Vyvyan Kinross : SON COSAS DE LA VIDA - The Legacy of William Seward Burroughs & "BLOOD IS A HELL OF A LOT THICKER THAN WATER...."
- Interzone meets outside of cyberspace. : Gary's account of his visit in March 98
- Agent Izzy : Account on Gary's and Tanya's visit
- Vincent : "Droits de l'Homme"
- Jon Nelson : Nevada
- Nicholas Knutsen : Synchronicity
- J'lahn : The 111 Experience
Cut-ups: (not published yet)
- Juanjo Patanegra : "semen words" UNX & THE QUANTUM SHE-CAT (I)
- Littlemute : Cut-up from Jim Goad text
- Homage to HIS : Agent Grazulis - Agent Zero - Agent Foe - Agent Ricochet - Agent Foe4Foe
- Agent Grazulis : Caffeine, Prose
- Mike Mertens : Alibi
- GeeOrbee : The Night Has Never Come
- Agents Rick, Andrew and Foe4Foe : Dewdrop : cut-up, voice, music, recording on Real Player
Poems: (more in The Time of the Naguals: Poems)
- Kim Kerze : 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5
- LJ Pickford The Burroughs Millions 103rd Street Boys - An Unvisited Garden In Mexico - P.H. Zuniga - The Ballad of Phil White
- Max: Max poesias : Amor perdido, El imperio, Ganas, Ali, Agent, Pequeña canción, Otra pequeña canción, Pequeño epílogo – There is always time for love
- Laurent T: Poèmes (I) A toute allure, Windowssystem2003, Soirée après vingt ans de démarrage, Tatouage, Word en abîme, La vérité de nuit, Palestine, Le petit, La haine du tabouret, Les vaches, L'heure n'est plus, Construire, Poèmes (2) Garantir, Exclusif, Charlemagne, Je mange mon amour consentante, Nuit ensoleillée (1) , Vue rapide de la nuit, Nuit ensoleillée (2)
- Poems in the Interzone Coffee House
- Phranco Fenderson : Antonin 1 - The Stupor Droop (Or How to Teeter and not Tatter) - In a Transparent Dream - 10 very Ambiant Things to Do) - Dead Ass - Fine Time - Ode to a Stonewall Sucker - Jane Doe O - Drinking Wine And Falling into The River
- Rick Gentry : Rick's poems
- Jeremy S Gluck: Police the system and Tomorrow teach The Perfected Beauty of Emptiness
- Garrison Burke : (poems and cut-ups) Encore ! Encore ! Another January and Blurred Soda
- Sean Young : Three Graces
- the ran : Poems : No Spiral - Poems 4 Interzone
- Paul Sinclair : A Code for a Source Collapse
- Kat : Sapphire Days
- Juniel Al Mage : L'Elfe Mellifère (in French)
- Nicholas Knutsen : Poems
- Dianepop: Poem on Burroughs' dream