samedi 22 juin 2013

Jérôme Pintoux: Dictionnaire Bob Dylan

D'où vient la force de Dylan ? De son lyrisme ? De son cynisme ? Un lyrisme âpre, qui ne mâche pas ses mots. Un Juvénal américain. Après avoir été une sorte de Baudelaire du Dakota, un Rimbaud new-yorkais, Dylan est devenu un nouveau William Blake. Il a eu sa période "Jésus freak", chantant les Evangiles. Puis les vieux démons sont revenus, la méfiance, la peur de se faire manipuler. On ne met pas facilement le Bob Dylan en cage. C’est un oiseau sauvage. Il y a eu plusieurs Bob Dylan, comme il y a eu plusieurs Marc Bolan, de mystérieux Morrison, quantité d’Elvis, de multiples Bowie.
La critique rock se limite, bien souvent, à la critique biographique : tournées interminables, saccages d’hôtel, substances, alcools, épouses, maîtresses, divorces, sevrages, caisses, demeures, guitares. Cela peut avoir son intérêt. On a voulu autre chose : explorer les textes.

 Ce livre se présente sous la forme d’un alphabet. Ce n’est pas une biographie éclatée de Bob Dylan. Inutile de se référer à des entrées telles que "Premiers pas", "Grands concerts", "Grands succès" : vous ne les trouveriez pas. Jérôme Pintoux a voulu travailler sur l’œuvre du chanteur : une cinquantaine d’albums en cinquante ans de carrière. Il s’agit d’un commentaire littéraire des chansons de Dylan et non pas d’une énième bio. Ces vies, d’autres les ont déjà écrites.

Sortie le 15 juillet aux éditions du Camion Blanc.

mercredi 12 juin 2013

Montreal: Le Bathyscaphe : Soirée du 12 mai 2013

Charley and Pam Plymell - Photo and videos: Julie Bourbonnais

Spectacle bénéfice pour le journal Le Bathyscaphe. Premier artiste de la soirée : Byron Coley avec Bill Nace et Marie Frankland.

Deuxième artiste de la soirée : Charles Plymell avec Pam Plymell à la traduction et Mauro Pezzente à la basse.

Deuxième artiste de la soirée : Charles Plymell avec Mauro Pezzente

Troisième artiste de la soirée : Myriam Gendron et Laurence Gendron.

Quatrième artiste de la soirée : Gabe Levine avec Keiko Devaux.

Stage d'aquarelle à LIZIERES - juillet 2013

 Alessandra Bruno organisera à LIZIERES un stage de dessin et d’aquarelle ouvert à tous, plus d’informations dans le document suivant :


Quelques nouvelles de l'éclat


Quelques nouvelles de l’éclat avant l'été (qui viendra avant l'automne) pour :

— annoncer la rencontre du 14 juin à 20h à la librairie l'Atelier, 2 rue du Jourdain, Paris 20e, avec Patricia Farazzi autour de son livre D'un noir illimité. Ça s'appelle : Que faisiez-vous dans les années soixante-dix, dans le quartier des Buttes-Chaumont ... à part écouter Albert Ayler ?, et on y parlera de littérature, de musique, de choses et d'autres éparpillées dans ce catalogue auquel Patricia Farazzi participe depuis 1985... Venez nombreux, emmenez vos amis, et vous découvrirez aussi une belle librairie perchée sur les hauteurs de Paris, si vous ne la connaissez pas déjà.

— dire qu'il sera question (entre autres) d'Hermann Broch à la Maison Victor Hugo, place des Vosges, Paris 4e le 11 juin à 18h30 lors d'un débat organisé par la Maison du Livre et des Ecrivains (et animé par Nils Ahl) avec Dominique Sigaud et Michel Valensi.

— rappeler que, malgré les apparences, l'été est de plus en plus chaud ... pour les pauvres ours polaires et les éditeurs pauvres en-deçà des pôles, et qu'une ribambelle de bons livres vous attend en librairie pour méditer à l'ombre et aux heures tranquilles de la sieste (on peut toujours rêver!) : faites vos choix en littérature, philosophie, petits livres qui se glissent dans la poche, ou sur les différentes pages du site des Éditions. Nous avons plus que jamais besoin de votre soutien. Voyez aussi la page des Nouveautés...

Bon été, lisez des livres, achetez des livres (vous les lirez plus tard), offrez des livres...

merci de votre fidélité

Michel Valensi

Galerie Ecritures: Exposition Pierre MARCHAND

La Galerie ECRITURES a le plaisir de vous annoncer le prolongement de l'exposition "Des Arbres et des Hommes" de Pierre MARCHAND jusqu'au 30 juin. Il sera présent la journée du samedi 15 juin afin d'échanger avec d'éventuels visiteurs.

Il ramènera quelques sculptures qu'il est en train de terminer.

A partir du premier juillet, la galerie exposera les artistes de la galerie : Bruno DANJOUX - Roland COGNET - GUERRERO - Jean ESTAQUE - Claire Moreau - Pierre LAFOUCRIERE - Jacques CINQUIN - Rémy PASTOR - Philippe FISSORE - José DUBOIS - Georges TROUBAT - Pierre MARCHAND ...

Anthony Rousseau: About:Kate (ARTE)

Bonsoir à toutes et à tous,

Deux extraits de mes vidéos seront diffusés dans la très expérimentale série "About:Kate" sur Arte lors des épisodes 7 & 12.

Dates de diffusion :
Épisode n° 7 - le 09 Juin sur Arte à 00H50 (extrait de la vidéo "L'envers c'est les autres")
Épisode n° 12 - le 14 Juillet sur Arte à 00h15 (extrait de la vidéo "Sublime Minimal Sign")

Bonne soirée.

Bien à vous


Good evening,

Two excerpts of my videos will be streamed in the very experimental series "About Kate" on Arte in episodes 7 & 12.

Release Dates:
Episode n° 7 - 9th June at 0:50 on Arte (excerpt from the video "L'envers c'est les autres")
Episode n° 12 - 14th July at 0:15 Arte (excerpt from the video "Sublime Minimal Sign")



Galerie du Jour: Claude Pélieu was Here !



Claude Pélieu was Here !


collages et ouvrages de

Claude Pélieu et Mary Beach

8 juin 20 juillet 2013

ouverture le vendredi 7 juin à partir de 18h

dimanche 26 mai 2013

Michalis Limnios BLUES @ GREECE: A.D. Winans: The Golden Gate Poet

Photo by Alexsey Dayen
Poet writer A.D. Winans talks about the Beats, poetry, Blues, Jazz, photography and San Francisco’s life
“The universe is all around us, but when they look up at the sky, all they see is the sun, the moon, and stars.”
A.D. Winans: The Golden Gate Poet azz-1

L'antre de la chouette, La Gautherie, 8 juin 2013

Interzone report of April-May 2013

Baud walking his pet dinosaur early in the morning”
Hi all,

Interzone Editions: The Time of the Naguals: end of the anthology

As said in the previous report, the texts of “The Time of the Naguals” are now (April 2013) gathered in eight tomes, published by Interzone Editions, and available, on line in pdf. See at
Le Temps des Naguals - Autour de Burroughs et Gysin also available in printed version -135 pages
·Tome 1 : Around Burroughs and Gysin: 106 pages (a number of texts are not published in the French tome, and reciprocally).
·Tome 2 : Research:163 pages
·Tome 3 : Cut-ups: 92 pages
·Tome 4 : Poems: 150 pages (English, Spanish, French)
·Tome 5: Short stories: 117 pages
·Tome 6: Theatre : 64 pages
·Tome 7: Interzone:127 pages
Though the pdf are accessible for free, the books are not in the public domain: as Interzone Editions is registered at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, les lois françaises prévalent (Code de la Propriété intellectuelle).
Hence the copyrights of the anthology “The Time of the Naguals” belong to Interzone Editions, and to the authors of the texts published in the tomes.
16 years after:
Gathering this anthology under a readable shape required time (1967-2013). I plan to publish another tome, a map of Interzone adventure, drawn under my angle as a coordinator, but it remains to be written.
This anthology has been realized at the scale of Interzone, from the start an international group adventure of Burroughs readers experimenting together work directions and research they wanted to share, without any other consideration as having fun through artistic and literary creation in a free and spontaneous framework.
This anthology just is the literary aspect of this common experiment, as the impulse has been multi directional, and the results, astonishing. See the menus Interzone Creation, Interzone academy 2011 research , A non-Aristotelian economy ) andthe reports which contain the details of those 16 years.
Applying the non-Aristotelian functions of writing:

In literature, this anthology is an application of the non-Aristotelian functions of writing described and applied by Buroughs and Gysin on the grounds of general semantics:
1.Symbolic function of language(Korzybski): a word is a symbol, a sign which represents something, hence writing has to represent as precisely as possible the facts and events it describes, for the level of the words to be as similar as possible to the level of facts, and for the map to be as similar as possible to the territory it describes.
2.Function of time-binding (Korzybski) : which consists in binding the author and the reader through space-time : when I read a text, I am bound to the author at the time and in the place he wrote it.
3.Magic function, described and experimented by Brion Gysin and William Burroughs, which consists in creating reality: "Writing is about making it happen" (Brion Gysin) : "Mektoub, it is written" : a writer writes a scenario of reality which his readers can make happen, actualize, in their own life, and create their reality.
4. Through the link it created between the author and the reader, writing establishes a collaboration between them, which produces, according to the mathematic principle of non-additivity (1 + 1 = 2 only in arithmetic. 1 liter of oil + 1 liter of alcohol < 2 liters), a phenomenon called by BURROUGHS and GYSIN the 'third mind »: as regards human cooperation, 1+1=3.
" Gysin: when you associate two minds...
Burroughs: There is always a third mind...
Gysin: A third higher mind...
Burroughs: Like an invisible collaborator. "
The evolution of Interzone:

Interzone early members were Burroughs' readers who had a good knowledge of his books: the network had a common map, common references, which made possible relations based upon a common agreement., Johnson family type:
« The Johnson Family" was a turn-of the century expression to designate good bums and thieves. It was elaborated into a code of conduct. A Johnson honors his obligations. His word is good and he is a good man to do business with. A Johnson minds his own business. He is not a snoopy, self-rightous, trouble-making person. A Johnson will give help when help is needed. He will not stand by while someone is drowning or trapped under a burning car.
The only thing that could unite the planet is a united space program... the earth becomes a space station and war is simply out, irrelevant, flatly insane in a context of research centers, spaceports, and the exhilaration of working with people you like and respect toward an agreed-upon objective, an objective from which all workers will gain. Happiness is a by-product of function. The planetary space station will give all participants an opportunity to function." William Burroughs, « The Place of Dead Roads ».
Though Interzone in 2013 is not that anymore. Since 16 years,the group exchanges have been progressively replaced with a sum of individual activities without relations the ones with the others. Hence the reports have become a portal of personal realizations of people who, for a number of them, are not aware of Burroughsian domains of research, and therefore, cannot get involved in them. Hence, the results are deceiving compared to the ones of the start.
Except for the news forwarded by Charles Plymell and his friends in US, survivers of the Beat generation, whom I got in touch with about three years ago, and whose structure of relation is similar to the ones of Interzone at its best. They work together, and apply a reciprocity which is now lacking in the present Interzone.
As a result, I presently feel like keeping on again with the original spirit, with people interested in it and able to apply it. Feed-backs and propositions welcome.
Also I need to update the Interzone lists: I am going to send a mail to the people who receive the reports, asking to send a mail back for me to know whom this reports get to exactly, so I can delete the obsolete contacts.
Interzone as a cyberwar field:

At last, the coordination of Interzone has been parasited since about 10 years by trolls from different origins, mostly anonymous, some from the French space, some from outside, some from apparent French sources run by foreign ones, etc. : usurpation of the identity of my emails, hacking of Interzone sites, injuries to my reputation, copycats of my pages in compromizing fake sites, sectarian ones or politically oriented, some with a ultra-leftist appearance, but in fact administrated by e-reputation agencies employed by lobbies, etc.., a subpoena sent to me by a plagiarist, which he ended to cancel after I brought the evidence of the counterfeit, etc. There I have discovered a whole outlandish crowd trying to hijack Interzone sites and realizations in political, sectarian, managerial, etc., unavowable aims.
Under this aspect, Interzone has become a cyber war field, which was unexpected. Though it has revealed itself an interesting experience as a ground of strategic training. Thanks to the nasty vicious stupid evil bastards who got involved in this war, for their recognition of my work, and for giving me the opportunity to use them as unwitting guinea pigs.
Future project ?
The main target of the parasites has been the research on general semantics, and specially, on the non-Aristotelian economy, which has come out of it. I do not know any other attempt to apply GS to this domain. Using it in my own spheres of activities, I could build up Interzone Editions, and on line courses of general semantics, without money investment nor any intermediary, which would have been impossible on the basis of market economy : now my aim in publishing and teaching is not to make a lot of money, sell thousands books nor create a big training center, but to make those books and data available to the people interested in them, without loosing money. And the results fit with my expectations.
As a result, I propose to apply it at a larger scale, with Interzone members interested in it. More ideas ? Feed backs welcome.

Alain Jégou has gone away

Pierre Ranou sent a mail saying Alain Jegou had died in the morning on May 6th. Alain was a sailor and a poet. See his page in Wikipedia at and his blog L'Univers poétique d'Alain Jégou
I had met them with their friend Jean Azarel at a literary exhibition at Rochefort sur Loire in July 2010. See Meeting with Alain Jegou and Jean Azarel at the Marché de la poésie in Rochefort sur Loire: July 4th 2010

Alain Jégou, Jean Azarel & Pierre Ranou, Rochefort sur Loire.
One interview of Charles Plymell by Alain Jegou:

Milton Dawes: “Some General Semantics Principles

This text by Milton Dawes is available in "La sémantique générale pour tous" at
J.F. Ossang is preparing an exhibition on Claude Pelieu and Mary Beach will take place in Paris on June 7th with the participation of Pam Plymell.,
Claude Pelieu was Here ! (1934-2002)
The exhibition will take place at the agnes b. galerie du jour, 44, rue Quincampoix, Paris 4ème

Charley and Pam Plymell interviews by Michalis Limnios

Photo: Doug Holder

Montreal is French and English, Montreal is at the crossroads of Europe and America: LE BATHSCAPHE rides on that spirit.Now, as always, LE BATHYSCAPHE is published without grants or publicity : you are the only propeller! Come and party with us on sunday may 12th 2013 at Sala Rossa in Montreal, you won't regret it!
SUNDAY MAY 12TH, doors at 18h, starts at 19h30 : Legendary american poet CHARLES PLYMELL will read, backed by MAURO PEZZENTE (GYBE) on bass. Critic and poet BYRON COLEY will read, backed by BILL NACE (Body/Head, Vampire Belt) on guitar. GABE LEVINE (Sackville, Black Ox Orchestar and his own great solo album) will pay a rare visit to Montreal. GREG WEBBER and his group KILL CHICAGO will burn. MYRIAM GENDRON will sing from her Dorothy Parker project, backed by LAURENCE GENDRON on cello. URBAIN DESBOIS will present DELATOURETTE his new insane Ex type band. LE CLOU DE LA GANG are wild ( new project from cabaret crazy members of L'Orchestre des Hommes Orchestres who just turned the province upside down with their Tom Waits and Kurt Weil shows) At the end of the evening, the craziest dj's around : ROYAL AIR TOGO will take possession of your bodies and souls. All this for a mere 15 dollars that will keep LE BATHYSCAPHE out of trouble and in deep waters for a few years. L'équipage du Bathyscaphe  

In the Dead Hours of Dawn, Poems by A.D. Winans

More poems by A.D. Winans:

Two recent poems of A.D. Winans, "At 77" and "Poem For Ruth Weiss," will appear in this months issue of "Exit 13."

Beitchman--May 16 NYPL Lecture: "Theatre of Naturalism: Disappearing Act"

The Wertheim Study presents on Thursday, May 16, 2013 1:15 pm in the South Court Auditorium
Philip Beitchman The Theatre of Naturalism : Disappearing Act
Philip Beitchman, a writer in residence in the Library’s Wertheim Study, received his PhD in comparative literature from The City University of New York and teaches world literature at Medgar Evers College, CUNY. He is the author of I Am a Process with No Subject (1988); Alchemy of the Word: Cabala of the Renaissance (1998); and The View from Nowhere : Essays in Literature, Mysticism and Philosophy (2001). His many translations from the French include works by Jean Baudrillard (Simulations, Fatal Strategies) and Paul Virilio (Aesthetics of Disappearance).

La Nouvelle Ré : Le " Swinging London " de Jérôme Pintoux

* En deux mots: les âmes sont masculines ou féminines, elles habitent des corps masculins ou féminins indépendamment de leur propre sexe et sont destinées l'une à l'autre depuis le premier jour de la Création. Ainsi une âme féminine dans un corps d'homme peut être destinée à une âme masculine dans un autre corps d'homme et seulement alors le mariage sera "fécond"... Idem bien sûr avec une âme masculine dans un corps de femme destinée à une âme féminine dans un corps de femme et une âme masculine dans un corps d'homme à une âme féminine dans un corps de femme etc. etc. et le Zohar (I 98a) proclame: "Le Saint béni-soit-il marie les couples [d'âmes et non de corps]"

Gerald Nicosia @

Photo by Noemie Sornet
Interview with writer Gerald Nicosia, whose work has been closely associated with the Beat Movement Gerald Nicosia: Standin' at the Beat Crossroad "The blues is very close to Beat writing because it does come from the depths of human feelings and experience and all of the things poor people have gone through"
Gerald Nicosia's interview @
"Iggy Pop still writhes his way through end-of-days scenarios like a sinewy witch doctor, and returning guitarist James Williamson gives this smoldering pool of garage sludge some extra-heavy six-string stank"--ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY
"Iggy Pop is a human blowtorch, and the Stooges have to run at a high temperature just to keep pace." --
CD:$13- LP:$14
MP3 Download:$8.99iTunes:Buy HereAmazon US: Buy HereAmazon UK: Buy HereAmazon DE: Buy HereAmazon FR:Buy Here
06.01 - Houston, TX - Free Press Summer Festival
06.08 - Long Beach, CA - Ink-N-Iron Festival
06.20 - London, United Kingdom - Royal Festival Hall (Meltdown Festival)
06.22 - Frydek-Mistek, Czech Republic - Areal TJ Slezan
06.24 - Zagreb, Croatia - INmusic Festival
06.26 - Goteborg, Sweden - Stora Scenen pa Liseberg
06.28 - Borlange, Sweden - Peace and Love Festival
06.30 - Marmande, France - Garorock Festival
07.04 - Rome, Italy - Rock In Roma
07.06 - Albi, France - La Base de Loisirs de Pratgraussals
07.09 - Argeles-Sur-Mer, France - Parc de Valmy
07.11 - Milan, Italy - City Sound
08.03 - Lokeren, Belgium - Lokerse Festival
08.06 - Berlin, Germany - Zitadelle
08.09 - Vienna, Austria - Arena Open Air

Ami Barak: Triangle France // Help!

Dear friends and colleagues,
Some non-for-profits are precious and we must help them when they are in jeopardy. Triangle France has been supporting young French and International artists in Marseille for nearly 20 years. This non-for-profit is unique in France and they contributed to defend the work of artists who
I have a special relationship with, like Simon Starling for exemple.
About a month ago their office was robbed and all their computers stolen.
I am counting on you to help them and participate in their dynamic and optimistic fundraiser. You can help them while purchasing beautiful screen prints by Wilfrid Almendra, Oliver Braid, and Bruno Peinado.

Click this link :
It is very simple: just a few clicks, less than five minutes, and you will help them get back on their feet.
Even the smallest donations can make a difference so do not hesitate to share this message around you.
thank you for them!
Best regards
Ami Barak 3 passage Rauch f-75011 Paris
m/ +33 684304419 - t/ +33 954750466 - e/

DIS_CONTINUUM est un travail en cours, sur la relecture et le recyclage d’images liées à des oeuvres picturales. Ce projet est né d’une volonté, suite à la (re)découverte d’un dictionnaire de la peinture que j’avais acquis quand j’étais étudiant, d’interpréter au fil du temps l‘his- toire de cet art.Forméaux outils de créations numériques, j’ai décidé que cette interprétation se ferait par le biais des lo- giciels (PAO) qui utilisent toute une palette d’outils liés à la peinture et au dessin (gomme, ciseaux, traits, lignes, couleurs etc), et des réseaux Internet qui offrent un accès aux reproductions d’oeuvres d’art.Les oeuvres ont été choisies suivant deux critères, l’ordre alphabétique du dictionnaire, qui comporte plus de sept cents pages, et un choix plus subjectif d’une vingtaine de peintres (de Manet à Picasso en passant par Hockney) qui m’ont marquépersonnellement et artistiquement.
Anthony Rousseau
Judith Malina by Todd and Tate Swindell

Photo: Todd and Tate Swindell - Unrequited Records(May 9th 2013)
Judith Malina is a founder of the Living Theatre.

Des Arbres et des Hommes
Exposition du 20 avril au 15 juin 2013 Peintures et sculptures
Vernissage le samedi 20 avril de 10 h 30 à 12 h 30 More at
Exhibition in the garden-workshop of Mino DC:

Film:« Mino est génial »

Film 6mn realised by Sylvain Bossard


Collage de Michel Pellaton exposé du 18 mai au 16 juin à sometimeStudio, 26 rue Saint-Claude, 75003 Paris

Ami Barak - Honey, I rearranged the collection - Philippe Cohen Collection

Ami Barak
3 passage Rauch
FR-75011 Paris
m/ +33 684304419
t/ +33 954750466

vernissage exposition andré willequet, galerie didier devillez & le focus du mois de mai

Retrouvez l'exposition Masque & varia sur

invitation vernissage exposition georges meurant, galerie didier devillez

Retrouvez l'exposition Georges Meurant sur
53, rue Emmanuel Van Driessche • 1050 Bruxelles (Belgique) •+32(0)475 931 935
New pages on line
In Interzone sites
-Tome 1 : Around Burroughs and Gysin:106 pages (plusieurs textes ne sont pas publiés dans le tome français, et réciproquement).
-Tome 4: Poems:150 pages (anglais, espagnol, français)
In the other sites
Interview of Charles Plymell by Alain Jegou:
Exhibition Claude Pelieu, Mary Beach
Michalis Limnios BLUES @ GREECE
Editions de l’Eclat: Nouveautés:

Lizières: Pique-nique “Suisse”
Galerie Didier Devillez : exposition Georges Meurant

Between two reports, the news are on line in Interzone News and Bienvenue à Interzone.
All best !
Isabelle Aubert-Baudron
“Alex posing under the ceanothus”

Photo Isabelle Aubert-Baudron